{1}{1}25.000 {247}{420}MONDO CANE|- A DOG'S WORLD - {2568}{2710}"...to neglect your respectable engagements|and to be here with us, {2719}{2849}remembering and celebrating|one of the many children that this generous land {2851}{2990}gave to the world of |culture and art. {2996}{3106}Rodolfo Guglielmi, a son of this land... |"We are at Castellaneta, {3108}{3214}in the province of Taranto, |where Mister Semeraro, {3216}{3280}vice minister of the cultural affairs, |is commemorating {3288}{3400}the honorable citizen Rodolfo Guglielmi|son of the late Giovanni and Gabriella Barbi {3402}{3587}born here on May 6, 1895,|who died in America on August 15, 1926. {3589}{3778}"...But his persistence,|his energetic nature, {3780}{3870}prevailed and captured the attention |of those who worked in the movie industry {3873}{3955}then starting to come to life. {4000}{4145}...his path was not spread with roses, {4147}{4218}but there were thorns,|and many of them. {4233}{4345}The Latin actors were given|the most hateful roles: {4347}{4555}The hoodlum, the bad guy,|the man to be eliminated." {4557}{4630}At Castellaneta, the community|consists of a few families, {4633}{4715}all related. A lot of the Guglielmi |blood flows among this crowd {4719}{4855}that counts dozens of close and far relatives|of the great late actor. {4858}{4968}Among them we can easily find|some legitimate resemblance {4970}{5062}with the fateful Rodolfo who smothered |with love the women of half the world. {5064}{5294}"And I'm now glad to stress the opinion|expressed on Valentino during his trip to Italy..." {5296}{5398}For 30 years, the young men |of Castellaneta have been waiting {5400}{5483}for the movie industry to discover among them|the heir of the great Deceased. {5485}{5557}Finally, tonight|the lights go on. {5559}{5692}The cameras start humming.|Many anxious eyes look into the lenses. {5694}{5808}Yes, in this little rural town of the Apulia,|where the land is not generous, {5810}{5973}the opportunities offered by the movie industry seem more|appealing than those offered by the agricultural reform. {5975}{6096}Castellaneta's night smells |more like pomade than like ripe crops. {6098}{6249}And the young one's dream,|enraptured by the sweet rhythm of tango.|"...of the other communities." {9420}{9600}But, alas, in Rossano Brazzi, Rodolfo Valentino|has found his heir a long time ago. {9603}{9708}It's for him today to perpetuate in America|the Valentinian myth of the Italian lover. {9710}{9820}That sort of Mr. Love-muscle|that for thirty years {9822}{9878}thirty thousand American women|expect to be an Italian. {9880}{10028}Poor Brazzi! Look what happened to him|when he went to a big department store {10030}{10120}to take shirt measurements |for advertising purposes. {11470}{11558}But if American women are for real,|these women are not joking. {11560}{11670}Do you know what they want from|their suntanned Rossano Brazzi? {11672}{11765}Well, all we can tell you is|they don't want his autograph. {11880}{11948}East of New Guinea,|lies the Trobriand archipelago. {11950}{12050}And this is Kiriwina,|the biggest island, {12054}{12144}surrounded by dreamlike beaches and probably|the most beautiful coral ocean in the world. {12146}{12230}Here, the sun shines eternally,|the land is generous, and nobody works. {12236}{12309}Consequently, the general mood|leans toward having a good time. {12311}{12395}These women, attractive and |carefree about love, have for centuries {12400}{12568}practiced one sport that, here too,|is very popular: Hunting the male. {12570}{12655}This sport made them so famous |in the world that today {12660}{12772}there isn't one respectable anthropologist|who doesn't refer to this archipelago {12774}{12858}as one of the few places in the world|where women still practice polygamy. {13320}{13438}As you can see, even in Kiriwina,|the rules of the game remain unchanged. {13440}{13604}The male, once captured, is democratically assigned|to the healthy and thritfy love appetite of the community. {13606}{13737}With maybe the only difference that here, |it's not a custom to tear up his shirt. {13940}{14041}And the male? Not a problem. |Here, like elsewhere {14050}{14151}the male is smart and knows how to stay|away from danger. {14600}{14750}Unfortunately, the male of the Trobriand, |when in fear, keeps making the mistake {14752}{14867}of climbing on something where, sooner or later, {14880}{14965}he will be caught and forced to nest,|one way or the other. {15340}{15468}As you may have noticed, hunting the male is a sport|that has many analogies all over the world. {15470}{15620}Maybe these women practice the hunt more|like a sport, so to speak, in the open air and bare-chested. {15625}{15698}But this is the only difference. {15825}{15995}After all, in the Riviera,|a region famous for games, {16000}{16130}male hunting is practiced in|the open air and bare-chested, if not literally so. {18155}{18228}This woman's child|has been killed. {18230}{18360}Now she must nurse a small pig |whose mother died. This is how the law of the Cimbus goes, {18363}{18415}in the heart of New Guinea. {18417}{18529}There's still a place on this earth|where there is no difference {18531}{18652}between the life of child|and that of a pig. {19000}{19078}Under an immense sky,|on high mountains {19080}{19209}that seemed to raise the land to the sources of light,|men live surrounded by darkness. {19211}{19325}The land, still waiting to know|the secrets of plow and seeds, {19330}{19422}is not generous.|It's the Kingdom of Hunger. {19421}{19481}Many of these men |have eaten human flesh, {19483}{19553}which used to be|their ancestors' usual food. {19555}{19656}The tribe has come down to the village|where a general celebration is about to start. {19658}{19753}Which, according to a tradition imposed by poverty,|only happens once every 5 years. {19765}{19950}A violent celebration during which, for 3 days and 3 nights,|they will gulp down meat until they burst out. {19952}{20089}Soon, hundreds of pigs, the only wealth |they gathered through many years of starvation, {20091}{20235}will be killed and devoured in a few hours.|Then, back to the long fasting. {20260}{20385}It'll take five more terrible years|before the survivors will come back to celebrate {20387}{20538}three days of feasting, wearing|bird of paradise feathers. {24000}{24098}The cooking of the pigs is probably| more brutal than their execution. {24100}{24225}Here, cooking a pig means, more or less,|burn it here and there. {24227}{24300}The dead animals still have|their guts full of bowels. {24305}{24393}But the natives don't believe|in such formalities. {24395}{24495}Hunger can't wait for the big moment|when the tribal chiefs announce {24497}{24660}that finally, after 5 years of waiting,|the meal is ready. {25320}{25438}Someone thought about the children,|and gave up eating the bladders. {25440}{25550}Maybe playing soccer is also an instinct|as ancient as hunger. {25695}{25763}Here too, the chiefs are allowed to eat|as much as they want. {25765}{25843}As long as they do it |without looking hungry, {25845}{25960}as they are an example|of good eating manners. {26210}{26318}Along with the tribal chiefs,|the dogs enjoy a special treatment too. {26320}{26424}It's maybe some sort of gentle feeling,|something unexpected among so much cruelty, {26426}{26498}so, we'd be happy|for having discovered it. {26500}{26586}Or maybe, these are just|the dogs of the chiefs. {26588}{26663}Then we wouldn't have|discovered anything new. {27000}{27084}But the country|where compassion for dogs {27086}{27146}goes beyond the limits of|human imagination is America. {27150}{27248}We are in the canine cemetery of Pasadena,|in the outskirts of Los Angeles. {27250}{27348}The same that inspired|Evelyn Waugh's famous book. {27350}{27478}It's one of those windy and sunless days|when the sky of California {27480}{27600}turns to the color of despair. {27700}{27828}Here, the memory of|the deceased, all of them, {27830}{27918}is so happy, and this|place is yet so pathetic, {27920}{28030}that we could shed a tear or two |over the small graves of these venerable creatures. {28600}{28697}Over their dead ancestors,|these dogs behave in a way {28699}{28798}that only to human standards|is irreverent. {28800}{28908}Conversely,|only to canine eyes {28910}{29040}could the intense human behavior|appear inexplicable. {30670}{30798}At Taipei, in the Formosa island,|dogs receive a different kind of attention. {30800}{30943}They are selected, raised with extreme care,|made fat, and they get cooked {30945}{31078}following old and complex recipes, for the joy of|a large public of gourmets. {31080}{31220}Such restaurants, where the customers can directly choose|from the cage, the most appetizing pet, {31222}{31298}are extraordinarily|popular all over China. {31300}{31448}In these areas, people are very fond of |Dachshunds, Poodles, Boxers, Great Dane cubs, {31450}{31551}but, usually they have|a preference for the Chow-chow, {31553}{31680}those very cute dogs also appreciated|for their intelligence and their faithfulness. {32170}{32292}In Rome, when Easter is approaching,|hundreds and hundreds of chicks {32294}{32398} are immersed in a colored bath |and locked up to dry {32400}{32494}in a 50 degree oven. {33320}{33407}They are selected, tested|and multicolored guaranteed, {33409}{33563}and they are ready to be locked up in the Easter eggs.|It is unfortunately estimated that out of every 100 chicks {33565}{33648}that undergo this treatment,|about 70 end up being victims of {33650}{33720}some unpleasant accident. {33880}{33968}In Strasbourg, known as|the capital of foie gras, {33970}{34058}over half a million geese undergo |every year this kind of treatment. {34060}{34194}Their liver, in order to swell and get fatter|and reach the right weight, {34196}...