00:00:06:MONDO CANE 2 00:00:52:As we all know, the English|deeply love England, family, 00:00:56:weekends, the Queen, the tea,|but most of all animals. 00:00:59:Among the 41 million|British subjects, 00:01:02:dogs are the most loved,|pampered, 00:01:05:and legally protected|living beings. 00:01:08:The first Mondo Cane|was prohibited in England, 00:01:11:only because of those scenes|that showed 00:01:13:dogs as victims|of human cruelty. 00:01:16:We reverently comply|with the judgment 00:01:19:of the English censor and,|to prove our repentance, 00:01:24:we offer him this almost|bloodless new version. 00:01:28:This sequence is actually|one of the few exceptions. 00:01:32:We shot it at|a hospital in London, 00:01:35:where every day tens of dogs|undergo the removal 00:01:38:of their vocal chords|so that the surgeons 00:01:41:can vivisect them without being|disturbed by their yelps. 00:01:44:We have introduced|this scene at the start 00:01:46:so that the English censor|may use, at his leisure, 00:01:49:the surgical lancet. 00:01:51:By just one strike of|the lancet, he will be able 00:01:54:to amputate our film|without causing any dog 00:01:58:to yelp or curse|the name of the filmmakers. 00:02:22:Yes, we must admit that in Italy|a dog's life is a lot 00:02:28:more frivolous and much|less rewarding. 00:02:29:Whilst in England|they have to cooperate 00:02:32:with the world of science,|in Italy they have to settle 00:02:35:for cooperating with|the world of fashion. 00:02:37:Emilio Federico Schubert,|the famous Roman stylist, 00:02:39:said that this year,|a striped dress requires 00:02:42:a striped dog,|but it would be unforgivable 00:02:45:to wear a polka dot dress|without a polka dot dog. 00:04:01:Of course no hairdresser|can give a dog 00:04:03:the same rewards given to him|by a surgeon, but that's life. 00:04:06:If some dogs are denied the|privilege of losing their skin, 00:04:10:some others have to settle|for losing just their coat. 00:04:23:Losing your hair,|here at Sant'Antimo, 00:04:25:in the Aversa province,|is very lucrative. 00:04:28:Now that wigs are back,|they go for as much as 00:04:31:9 thousand liras a kilo. 00:04:32:A fortune that had been ignored|for many centuries 00:04:36:by the women of|our underdeveloped south. 00:04:56:The increasing request|of braids and straight hair 00:04:58:that gets stuck in the comb, 00:05:01:makes Aversa one the most|combed Provinces of Italy, 00:05:04:maybe of the world. 00:05:06:This is first quality hair|and the American market, 00:05:09:in particular, pays millions|for the exceptional softness 00:05:12:of its texture|which is caused, it seems, 00:05:14:by having grown|on malnourished scalps 00:05:17:with a high shortage|of vitamins. 00:05:19:Nowhere else as in Sant'Antimo,|where women pay off 00:05:22:much better than sheep,|the economy has boomed 00:05:25:with such a loud blast. 00:05:52:Washed, skimmed, carded,|boiled, pressed, bleached, 00:05:55:and newly colored, 00:05:57:Sant'Antimo's hair ends up here, 00:06:00:in one of the many|American beauty institutes, 00:06:03:at the lady's maintenance|and spare parts department. 00:06:06:In America, where women work, 00:06:08:wearing a wig is not|a luxury or an oddity. 00:06:11:It's a social necessity. 00:06:13:The American woman cannot waste|her time with her hairdresser. 00:06:16:She may, at most,|send her head to him, 00:06:18:but she'll leave|the rest of herself at work. 00:06:57:It's 5 o'clock, an average|day in an average office. 00:07:01:In this very moment, all over|America, 24 million employees 00:07:05:wear a wig simultaneously,|eager to find, 00:07:09:as fast as possible,|the unmistakable 00:07:11:signs of their womanhood. 00:07:14:Of the 8 million dollars|of hair imported by the U.S. 00:07:17:From Italy every year, 00:07:19:only a small percentage|is bound to replant the old 00:07:23:scalps of the Rothschild|and Vanderbilt widows. 00:07:27:The largest locks|of locks end up here, 00:07:30:on the hundred heads|of the American Medusa. 00:08:03:And here is an example of|professional use of wigs. 00:08:06:In hundreds of nightclubs, 00:08:10:the locks of hair|from Sant'Antimo's women 00:08:13:are the main fiction of these|fake professionals of vice. 00:08:58:Since beautiful Coxinelle 00:08:59:complied with|her fatherhood instinct 00:09:01:and married a good old boy,|genuine produces are short. 00:09:06:One can only rely|on unemployed businessmen, 00:09:09:or even some retired colonel, 00:09:12:provided they have|some dark precedent, 00:09:16:like having played in college 00:09:18:the role of|Desdemona or Sleeping Beauty. 00:09:51:To almost all of them,|this is a shameful secret, 00:09:53:known only to their wives,|not to their children. 00:10:16:Still, sometimes|to dress like a woman 00:10:19:may be a manly business. 00:10:21:These kinds of scenes|are rather frequent 00:10:23:at the police stations|of many American cities 00:10:26:facing the social evil|of sadists and sexual maniacs. 00:10:41:Padded, shaved, perfumed,|powdered, dressed up, 00:10:45:these palatable cops|will work as decoy agents 00:10:48:on the public benches|or under the suburban lampposts. 00:10:52:Believe it or not, by strolling|around on the sidewalks, 00:10:55:they're able to get|4 to 6 sadists a night. 00:10:57:But as soon as they fondle|within those soft laces, 00:11:00:the suspects meet their match. 00:11:29:A statistic, secondary fact: 00:11:32:Each of these|unpredictable Venuses 00:11:34:is propositioned|each night some 30 times 00:11:37:by sexually normal individuals, 00:11:38:which really makes|them very mad. 00:12:35:Mexican cops get very mad too|when they miss the target, 00:12:39:especially|when they hurt someone. 00:12:44:It happens very rarely|but it does happen. 00:13:40:The truth is,|Mexicans have a rather 00:13:43:original concept about death. 00:13:45:Look at the way|they celebrate November 2. 00:13:48:Human skulls filled|with chantilly cream, which, 00:13:51:among all the|desserts by the scoop, 00:13:53:is the one that looks|most like brains. 00:14:07:Much requested by children,|the uncle Judas dead bodies 00:14:11:are real size marzipan|dummies reproducing 00:14:13:the ugly features|of the traitor, 00:14:18:hanging from the fig tree. 00:14:20:As it happens to all|those who die violently, 00:14:22:Judas too has|undergone an autopsy, 00:14:24:so that, through|the wide gash of his belly, 00:14:26:one can enjoy the view|of his bowels: 00:14:29:Heart, lungs, liver, pancreas,|kidneys are selling like crazy. 00:14:33:But soon, the toughest parts|of the old scoundrel 00:14:37:will be devoured|also by public acclaim. 00:14:54:Mexico loves its own dead|and hates Judas 00:14:58:who dishonors the category. 00:14:59:With this very ancient rite,|they rid themselves 00:15:03:of an unpleasant neighbor|in a clearly rational way. 00:15:22:The Mexican method|to get rid of parasites 00:15:24:is equally rational. 00:15:26:These bugs are extremely|harmful to the agriculture. 00:15:29:The Mexicans like them alive,|wrapped in tortillas 00:15:32:and with a spread of hot salsa. 00:15:34:Pressing energetically|these tasty omelets 00:15:36:with one finger before|putting them in one's mouth 00:15:39:causes the bugs to give off|that typical odor that makes 00:15:41:the whole thing|even more appetizing. 00:16:31:But the importance|of the bugs in the national 00:16:34:economy is not limited|to nutrition. 00:16:37:Some jewelers|have recently launched 00:16:39:the fashion of|the evening dress bug. 00:16:42:They cover it with|small golden or platinum armor, 00:16:45:studded with precious stones. 00:16:47:Once again, a soft stroke|of the fingers causes 00:16:50:the "jewel" to give off|the same sharp odor 00:16:54:that makes it|even more charming. 00:17:11:Besides, decorating|decorative animals 00:17:14:is not a new fashion. 00:17:15:In New York, for instance, 00:17:17:there are special|jewelers for dogs, 00:17:19:where the faithful|woman's friend can find 00:17:22:a collar, a leash,|or even a pair of earrings 00:17:24:for the reasonable|amount of $20,000. 00:17:27:Make no mistake, 00:17:28:the American women|feel a totally particular 00:17:30:kind of affection|for their dogs. 00:17:32:Among the New York Times|classified ads, 00:17:35:it's not unusual to read|an ad such as this: 00:17:37:"Black poodle lost.|$5,000 reward 00:17:41:for bringing back|just his collar." 00:17:59:"A collar of flowers|in Honolulu for only $5,000." 00:18:03:Says another ad|in the same newspaper 00:18:06:and promises, for that amount,|10 wild days under the sun 00:18:11:of this magic island that will|bring back youth and vigor. 00:18:49:Near the source|of radioactive mud, 00:18:52:the speaker is translating,|for the wild tourists, 00:18:54:an old Chinese saying, that|goes: "Aloha, Athema, ha ha" 00:19:07:According to the speaker,|the translation of 00:19:10:"Aloha, Athema, ha ha", a brief|but wise Hawaiian saying, is: 00:19:16:After her first|half century of splendor, 00:19:18:the white woman|finds out that her skin 00:19:21:is a little worn out,|but she has hopes: 00:19:23:For only $65,|taxes included, 00:19:27:the volcanic, radioactive mud|of this blazing island 00:19:31:will miraculously make|the shining whiteness 00:19:33:of her skin mesmerize again 00:19:36:to her husband's|astonished eyes. 00:19:39:"Aloha, Athema ha ba." 00:20:31:This mud of a totally|different nature is used 00:20:33:by the women of|the African Masai villages. 00:20:36:It's that organic,|viscid, sticky mud that, 00:20:38:in our areas,|has a terrible reputation 00:20:41:and is uneasy to mention. 00:20:43:But here it's used|for all purposes: As fuel, 00:20:46:construction material,|dis...