Fate ⁄ Zero - Volume 01 - Act 2.pdf

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Act 2
Waver had expected the day to end at the peak of triumph with a successful summoning.
After the previous night spent in a fierce battle with the cackling chickens, he had studied in his
bed this night, satisfied with the pleasant weariness of accomplishment.
And —
"... How, did this happen?"
With a dry wind blowing strongly over the public park of the Shinto area, Waver sat on the
bench, curling in the lonely coldness. He still couldn't understand, ‘’just how on Earth did my
plan go wrong’’?
The summoning was a success. That was a satisfactory response.
Along with the successful summoning, the status of the invited Servant was still imprinted in
Waver's consciousness. He was of the Rider class. Although that isn't one of the three major
knights, his basic abilities still were at a more than average level. Without a doubt, he was a
powerful Servant.
The moment he saw the silhouette of the big frame slowly rising from the summoning circle,
behind the white smoke, Waver was so exalted he almost came in his pants.
... Thinking about it, the situation had turned for the worse at around that point.
From Waver's knowledge, a "familiar" is the puppet of its summoner.
An existence that can barely survive in the present world by relying on the prana supplied by
the magus.
A wooden doll that can be used as the practitioner pleases. That's what a familiar is, essentially.
So he had guessed a Servant would be basically the same, more or less.
But that thing that came out of the summoning circle—
Right from the start, Waver's soul was overtaken by the sharpness of the eyes, glowing like a
The instant the eye contact was made, he had instinctively sensed that the Servant was a mighty
one, and was overwhelmed like a small animal.
The overwhelming presence of the giant blocked his view. Leaving out the quibbles, he sure is
a HUGE guy.
The overwhelming presence of the giant blockedhis view. From the body odor he picked up,
the fragrant of the muscular stature, Waver understood. Never mind the quibble about him
being a ghost or a familiar, he sure is a HUGE guy.
Waver knew that the Heroic Spirits invited by the Grail are not only free spirits; they gain a
material "body" to exist in the present world. But, the cluster of massive muscles that was the
actual entity, not a virtual image or a shadow, the feeling of impending threat, was beyond
Waver's imagination.
No matter what, Waver hated the great man.
It's not just that Waver was, still, a bit shorter than an average person. Certainly, his body
tended to be frail, because he had done nothing but study in his childhood, and had had little
time to forge his body, but he didn’t think it was a weakness. Rather, Waver had pride in
polishing up his intellect.
But, the truth of such an obvious thing wouldn't get through the big man's muscles. No matter
what, the time lag before such a game with a rock for a soul would lift his fist and swing it
down is way too short. There is no time to expand into a discussion however brief, and there is
also no future in using magecraft.
That is— once he is approached by the fist of that pack of muscles.
"... So, I'm asking you. You must be my Master, right?"
That was the big man's second question. A booming voice that could shake up the Earth.
He had been overpowered beyond his senses from the first question asked with a voice you
couldn't fail to hear.
"Ah— Yes! I-I-I-I'm, I mean, I am! I am your Master, I'm called Wa, Waver Velvet! I mean,
that's my name! I'm your Master!!"
Though it really was useless in more than one way, Waver stuck to bluffing with all his might
to stand up to the muscles in front of him. ... Even so, he felt dominated already by the
physique of the unaware giant.
"Hm, then the contract is complete. So, boy, can you lead me to some archives immediately?"
Waver was blown out of his mind for the second time.
"Some books, I'm saying! Books."
The giant Servant repeated himself gloomily, leaning toward Waver, stretching a strong arm
that looked like the root of a pine tree.
I'm going to be killed— Waver immediately thought, feeling like he was floating. The giant
had seized his neck and carelessly lifted him. Waver hadn't noticed until then that he had fallen
flat on the ground. He realized that was the reason his interlocutor had, mid-way, started
looking even more like a giant.
"If you are one of those magi, you should be able to provide some archive? Now, show me
around. We need to prepare for war."
"W, war... ?"
Now that the giant mentioned it, Waver simply had totally forgotten about the Holy Grail War.
Having lived as a blatant freeloader in a private house, Waver had no kind of archive, and
reluctantly led Rider to the library.
The central library of the city of Fuyuki was in the public park in the Shinto area and was still
under construction. Frankly, it felt awkward to walk through the city in the middle of the night
—with the recent strange murder case, the police frequently announced a state of emergency—
Waver felt that what the big muscles in front of him could do was a bigger crisis than being
questioned by the patrolling police.
Fortunately, as soon as they came out of the grove, the giant turned invisible.
That must be an ability the Servants have, to go into spirit form. Waver felt relieved as he
wouldn't look suspicious walking along a big man with armored cloth, but he still felt the
pressure of being followed by that overbearing presence.
Luckily, they didn't meet anyone when crossing the big bridge of Fuyuki into the Shinto area;
reaching the public park, Waver pointed at the modern architecture in the back.
"There should be as many books as you want over there."
Then, the oppression that was weighing on Waver softly went away. Apparently, Rider was
entering the building in spirit form.
―And so, it had been 30 minutes since he had been left behind. Released from the threat he
didn’t comprehend, he was finally able to calmly sort his thoughts.
"... How, did this happen?"
Waver buried his head in his hands, remembering his shameful behavior from earlier. However
powerful, the Servant is his contractor. As the Master, Waver is the one who has to seize
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