Jarosław Olesiak - Knowledge and opinion in Aristotle.pdf

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Diametros nr 27 (marzec 2011): 170184
– Jarosław Olesiak –
In this essay I would like to examine Aristotle’s distinction between knowl
edge 1 ( episteme ) and opinion ( doxa ). The primary passage I will make use of is Pos
terior Analytics I.33. I will also refer to other texts and to the remarks of some of his
translators and commentators. My thesis is that for Aristotle the distinction be
tween knowledge and opinion is a complex one in which a number of factors must
be taken into account. In order to have scientific knowledge, the following criteria
(some objective, others subjective) must be satisfied: the object must be (objec
tively) true; it must be (objectively) necessary; the object must (subjectively) be
thought to be necessary; the true cause has to be known (subjectively); and the
necessity of the causal connection in the account or demonstration of the known
proposition must also be perceived (again, subjectively). If any of these are not
satisfied, there can at most be true opinion. Of these criteria the most important,
and hence the one to which most attention will be devoted, is objective necessity.
Near the beginning of Posterior Analytics I.33 Aristotle names the three
things which can be true: rational intuition ( nous ), science ( episteme ), and opinion
( doxa ) ( APo 89a1). Furthermore, he mentions two kinds of objects of intellectual
cognition, things which are capable of being otherwise and those which are not. In
what follows I hope to explain how Aristotle understands the relationship be
tween all of these terms: knowledge, opinion, and their objects, the necessary and
the nonnecessary.
Before setting out to consider knowledge and opinion, I would like to clar
ify what Aristotle means by rational intuition. In various places he defines it as the
state of mind or faculty which grasps the first principles of knowledge and dem
onstration ( EN 1141a7, 1143a35; APo 85a1, 100b8). In Posterior Analytics I.33 he calls
it the originative source of scientific knowledge. He places it alongside scientific
1 Aristotle’s Greek term “ episteme ” may be translated into English variously as “scientific knowl
edge,” “science,” or simply as “knowledge.” The term knowledge may also be used to refer to cog
nition in general. Whenever there might exist the risk of a confusion between knowledge in the
sense of episteme and knowledge in the generic sense I will use the term scientific knowledge.
Jarosław Olesiak ◦ Knowledge and Opinion in Aristotle
knowledge in being about things that are not capable of being otherwise. How
ever, he also seems to distinguish it from indemonstrable knowledge, which he
describes as the grasping of the immediate premise ( APo 88b35). Earlier in the Pos
terior Analytics (I.3) he speaks of a faculty, which appears to be the rational intui
tion we are considering, and says that through it we know immediate, indemon
strable truths and recognize “definitions” or “ultimate truths.” 2 He calls it the ar
che epistemes or the first principle of knowledge. The problem before us, then, is to
determine the relationship between rational intuition and indemonstrable knowl
edge on the one hand, and between it and scientific knowledge on the other. This
problem is important because I believe that rational intuition plays a key role in
the distinction between knowledge and opinion and in the conversion of opinion
into knowledge.
Both Apostle and Ross comment on this problem. Apostle wonders why
indemonstrable knowledge is mentioned at all, since rational intuition seems to be
sufficient. He makes several suggestions: first, he says that some commentators
hold that the two are used synonymously by Aristotle. Secondly, rational intuition
might be a broader term than indemonstrable knowledge, if it is not necessarily
the apprehension of a composite proposition as knowledge is. Thirdly, they could
be different terms: rational intuition could be the direct apprehension of an object
while indemonstrable knowledge could represent a thought. 3
Ross’s explanation is based upon the distinction between indemonstrable
knowledge and demonstrable knowledge: both entail subjective certainty and the
grasping of necessary truths, but the former differs from the latter in being imme
diate and not ratiocinative. As regards nous he holds that it is synonymous with
indemonstrable knowledge, since both are referred to as “principles of knowl
edge.” 4
The solution which I would suggest is that rational intuition and indemon
strable knowledge are related as faculty and object of the faculty. Rational intui
tion would then be the faculty by which we grasp anything which is not demon
strable, whether it be a definition, an axiom, a hypothesis, or an undefinable con
cept, as Apostle suggests, or a composite but indemonstrable proposition which is
2 Posterior Analytics , 72b24. The quoted alternative translations of horous gnorizomen are Mure’s and
Tredennick’s, respectively. G.R.G. Mure, “Posterior Analytics”, The Basic Works of Aristotle , ed.
Richard McKeon, (Random House, New York 1941), p. 114 (I.3, para. 2); Hugh Tredennick, Aris
totle: Posterior Analytics , Loeb Classical Library, (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.
1960), p. 39.
3 Hippocrates Apostle, Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics (The Peripatetic Press, Grinnell, Iowa 1981),
p. 209.
4 William David Ross, Aristotle’s Prior and Posterior Analytics (Clarendon Press, Oxford 1949), p. 606.
Jarosław Olesiak ◦ Knowledge and Opinion in Aristotle
either seen intuitively or not seen at all. Rational intuition is related to knowledge
in that it grasps necessary but immediate truths, as Ross suggests. It also causes
one to “see” the connection in a demonstration, for these are immediate and not
susceptible to further demonstration.
Having seen how rational intuition is related to demonstrable and inde
monstrable knowledge, let us consider next the relationship between knowledge
and opinion. In the opening lines of Posterior Analytics I.33 Aristotle states that
knowledge and its object differ from opinion and its object. As Apostle remarks in
his commentary, two differences are being considered, one between knowledge
and opinion, the other between their respective objects. 5 They are related as that
which pertains to the subject – for knowledge and opinion are found only in the
intellect – and as that which pertains to the object. I will first consider the objective
aspects of cognition. In doing so I will start with what is most remote from the
knowing subject and proceeding to what is more dependent on him.
We saw above that rational intuition stands alongside scientific knowledge
in being about what is necessarily true. Opinion stands in contrast to both. Truth is
the first point of distinction between knowledge and opinion, for while knowledge
is by definition always true, opinion can be true and false and is capable of chang
ing in truth value.
It ought to be understood, however, that the truth of knowledge pertains to
the universal or to the nature and not to individuals, for in the case of individual
sensible objects the universal truth of knowledge may fail to be satisfied because
of some defect. This qualification is needed because otherwise it might appear that
we cannot have science of sensible things. A science of them does exist insofar as
there is some necessity in them.
While opinion, like knowledge, can be about what is true, only the object of
knowledge is necessary. Necessity is in fact the principal difference between the
objects of knowledge and those of opinion; scientific knowledge, explains Aris
totle, “is commensurately universal and proceeds by necessary connections, and
that which is necessary cannot be otherwise” ( APo 88b32). Aristotle makes similar
assertions in a number of other places ( De An. 417b23; EN 1140b31; APo 73a22).
Perhaps the best instance of this is found in the Nicomachean Ethics :
Now what scientific knowledge is, if we are to speak exactly and not follow mere
similarities, is plain from what follows. We all suppose that what we know is not
5 H. Apostle, op . cit ., p. 209.
Jarosław Olesiak ◦ Knowledge and Opinion in Aristotle
even capable of being otherwise; of things capable of being otherwise we do not
know, when they have passed outside our observation, whether they exist or not.
Therefore it is eternal; for things that are eternal are ungenerated and imperishable
(EN 1139b1924).
Opinion, on the other hand, has to do with that which is not necessary and
is capable of being otherwise. According to Aristotle there are also “things which
are true and real and yet can be otherwise” ( APo 88b33); they lack the stability
which is found in objects of knowledge and are hence liable to change, rendering
the opinion about them false. Aristotle defines opinion similarly in other places
( Metaph. 1039b33; EN 1140b27).
In his commentary on the Posterior Analytics , Aquinas agrees with Aristotle
as regards scientific knowledge. Two things, he says, pertain to science: First “it is
of the universal, for science is not concerned with singulars which fall under the
sense.” 6 Secondly, “science is obtained in virtue of necessary things” and “the nec
essary is that which cannot be otherwise.” 7 Hence science is universal, necessary,
and therefore eternal; it is concerned with the natures of things which are incor
ruptible in themselves, even though they be found in sensible particulars. Regard
ing opinion he also concurs with Aristotle that it is “the acceptance, i.e. grasping,
of a proposition that is immediate and not necessary.” 8
Apostle offers an example of each to illustrate the difference between them.
As an example of an object of knowledge he gives the equality of vertical angles.
This is a universal mathematical assertion which is necessarily true, for it follows
upon the nature of such angles. Moreover, since they are mathematical and hence
immaterial objects, they are incapable of changing. 9
Necessity, the fact that a thing must be the way it is and cannot be other
wise, is also the basis of objective certainty. The certitude proper to mathematical
propositions is one kind of certitude among several which are to be found in sci
ence. Aristotle divides theoretical science into three classes: metaphysics, which treats
of things which do not depend on matter in any way; mathematics, which treats of
those things which are found in matter but are not subject to motion or change;
and physics, which treats of those things which are both found in matter and are
subject to motion. The necessity of Apostle’s mathematical problem is of a particu
6 Thomas Aquinas, Commentary on the Posterior Analytics of Aristotle , trans. Fabian R. Larcher (Magi
Books, Inc., Albany, New York 1970), p. 157.
7 Ibidem .
8 Ibidem , p. 158.
9 H. Apostle, op . cit ., p. 209.
Jarosław Olesiak ◦ Knowledge and Opinion in Aristotle
lar kind: it is the absolute certainty of quantitative forms which never fail in indi
The certainty of metaphysics will be even greater because of a greater inde
pendence from matter, which is the source of the ability to be otherwise. For ex
ample, the principle of noncontradiction is much more fundamental than any
mathematical proposition; the latter in fact depend upon it. Finally, physics is the
least certain of the three; for although the universal truths which apply to it are
necessary, they may fail to be realized because of the presence of matter in the ob
jects of this science. Physical things can change, and physical causes and processes
can fail. In short, the necessity in physics is a contingent one, because of the multi
plicity of factors at work.
The example which Apostle gives of an object of opinion is John’s being in
school. 10 The object is clearly contingent and particular: being in school in no way
belongs to John by nature and John is but an individual member of a species. Uni
versality properly belongs to knowledge, while particularity belongs to opinion.
Jonathan Barnes considers objective necessity in the first part of his com
mentary on Posterior Analytics I.33. He reduces what he believes to be Aristotle’s
argument in the first part of the chapter (88b3089a10) to the proposition that “it is
not the case that: ( A understands that P if and only if A opines that P),” 11 that is,
that opinion and knowledge are not identical. In discussing the basis for this con
clusion, Barnes comments on necessity and objective certainty. He claims that the
conclusion which he suggests depends upon two premises. The first is that “if
A understands P then necessarilyP.” 12 In other words, if one understands or has
knowledge about something, that thing must be necessary. The second premise
which Barnes claims to be necessary to support the above conclusion has to do
with opinion. It is that “it is not the case that: (if A opines that P then necessarily
P)” 13 or that opining does not imply necessity in the thing considered. Barnes
holds that this is the premise which is supported by the text in the lines preceding
89a4. There Aristotle argues that contingencies must be the objects of opinion by
excluding them from among the objects of the other possible cognitive attitudes.
The assumption of course is that they are indeed objects of cognition. According to
Barnes, Aristotle’s argument would read as follows: 14
10 Ibidem .
11 Jonathan Barnes, Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics , 2nd ed. (Clarendon Press, Oxford 1993), p. 198.
12 Ibidem .
13 Ibidem .
14 Ibidem .
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