Dictionary of Contact Allergens - J. Lepoittevin, C. Leoz (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf
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J.-P. Lepoittevin
C. J. Le Coz
Dictionary of Contact Allergens
J.-P. Lepoittevin
C. J. Le Coz
of Contact Allergens
With a Contribution by Peter J. Frosch
With 4 Figures in Color and 12 Tables
Lepoittevin, Jean-Pierre, Professor
(e-mail: jplepoit@chimie.u-strasbg.fr)
Laboratoire de Dermato-Chimie
Clinique Dermatologique, CHU
67091 Strasbourg Cedex, France
Le Coz, Christophe J.
(e-mail: christophe.lecoz@wanadoo.fr)
Unité Dermato-Allergologie
Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg
1, Place de l’Hôpital
67091 Strasbourg
This book is based on Frosch, Menné, Lepoittevin “Contact Dermatitis,
4th Edition,
ISBN 978-3-540-24471-4
Library of Congress Control Number: 2007932601
ISBN 978-3-540-74164-0 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York
This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part
of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse
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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007
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about dosage and application contained in this book. In every individual case the
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Editor: Marion Philipp, Heidelberg, Germany
Desk Editor:Ellen Blasig, Heidelberg, Germany
Cover: Frido-Steinen-Broo, EStudio, Calamar, Spain
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Chemistry plays a major role in our understanding of allergic con-
tact dermatitis (ACD), but playing with molecules is not always an
easy task for nonspecialists. This book has been written to famil-
iarize the reader with the structures of some of the chemicals
involved in ACD. We have attempted to provide useful information
for those who would like to find out more from the literature or on
the internet: the principal name; the most important synonym(s);
the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) registry number, which is the
identity number of a molecule; and a few relevant literature refer-
ences. Considering the chemical structure of one molecule and
comparing it with that of another is the only way to discuss pos-
sible cross-reactions when several patch tests are positive in the
same patient.
Most of the molecules listed in this book are not in the
European Standard series, nor are they in the more specialized bat-
teries, but experience shows that patients can be exposed to them
in their environment. Therefore, we have added to this dictionary
of contact allergens some guidelines on patch testing with the
patients’ own products.
We l c o me to the world of chemistry!
Strasbourg, August 2007
Jean-Pierre Lepoittevin
Christophe J. Le Coz
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