Advanced Cold Reading.pdf

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The cold reading of a person, which is often referred to as psychic
character analysis, enables the reader to apparently know the innermost
secrets of complete strangers. Apparently you know things about a
person you could not possibly know, and you have never met them
Before I go into a character reading let me say this. I do not think it is the
best way of making money from a client, by telling them things about
themselves that often amazes them. I think cold reading is the gateway.
That is to say a character reading leads into some other type of reading, at
which the reader specialises, and this is where the money is made.
To put it crudely, the reading sets them up, for whatever is to follow. If
you give a reader a very short cold reading they almost always say ”Oh
are you psychic? To which you reply, yes I read the tarot or (whatever it
is you specialise in) they almost always say, can you give me a reading.
To which you reply, yes is there anything in particular you wish to know
Now as simple as that sounds. That is how it works, and it works
practically every time. You must remember one very important thing, a
great deal of people firmly believes in the psychic.
It is impossible to convince people that it is not true, they do believe, and
you are wasting your time trying to convince them it is not genuine. All
you have to say to people is that you are psychic, and they always
immediately believe you.
When you do a cold reading you can do it anytime, and anyplace, all you
need is people. If you have never done a cold reading, you will probably
think, where, when, and how do I start? Here is how it is all
Firstly there are really only three areas, in which people have an interest.
These are sex, money and health, and really that’s it. Of course there are
dozens of offshoots of these three things, but basically the three things
people want to know about are connected to sex, money or health.
Again it all depends on the age group, as to which of these three subjects
they are interested in. As far as health goes, unless a person has
something seriously wrong with them, they are not really interested in
health until they get over fifty years old,
To give you some indication of this. I have read dozens of young peoples
hands, when young I mean up to thirty-five or so. Always when they ask
about their lifeline, and I say well it is fairly long, if you do not go mad
on smoking, drinking, or drugs, you should reach seventy at least. To
which they almost always reply, oh I am quite happy if I reach sixty, you
see when you are young sixty seems forever away. I would love to talk to
them again when they have reached fifty or over. Just to see how different
their views would be on sixty being old then.
Now for most people we only have two subjects, and they are of course
sex and money. Now in this age of fast living, very few people know
how to relax, and that is a good starting point of any reading, whereby
you say you appear to be a bit uptight and you cannot relax very easily
can you. Now if they do have a problem of any kind, this is almost bound
to be true.
You can make this a very strong point in your reading, and remember
almost everyone has some problems, they would like to discuss and
hopefully get rid of, and so this is a good basis for starting a reading.
What I am going to do now is give you a standard reading, which will,
almost without alteration, fit at least eighty five percent of the people you
meet, also. It does not sound ambiguous. I think when you have read it,
that it can apply to you, and your lifestyle, so here it is.
Before I talked to you, I must confess that you appeared to be the friendly
type of person, and in fact you trust people too much sometimes. In fact
someone has let you down recently, because of what you said or what you
told him or her. But you as always will jump up, and get on with your
life, and put it down to experience.
Like I said you are the friendly type of person, but you have been hurt
more than once by people you trusted. Now you are more careful about
the friends you pick. In fact you have a small circle of good friends, and
you value their friendship, as I am sure they value yours.
The trouble is you cannot relax very easily, in fact you are under more
stress than normal at the moment, and I feel this is due to taking other
peoples problems on board.
You should step back from life a little, now and then, and see yourself
from a distance. This will give you a better perspective of yourself, and
help you to stop making mistakes. As you are aware, the better you know
yourself, the better you can deal with life’s problems.
However you do sometimes make rash decisions, and you made one
recently, were you spent some money foolishly. Still, we all make that
mistake from time to time. You do seem to worry over little things in
life. Also on things that never happen. You need to believe in your own
ability a little more, because you have more potential than what you
One of your weaknesses is putting things off that you should get done.
This is a weakness you should try to correct, after all remember
procrastination is the thief of time. It is due to this that you find yourself
rushing around, and never having enough time for yourself. This makes
you anxious, and uptight, and then you cannot relax.
There is some person in your life just now that influences you. They are
sensitive and imaginative, and their influence will be a good thing for
you. This person has only recently come into your life, but already you
are feeling that this relationship will develop. But you have some
misgivings about a relationship you are already in.
I can see a trip over water for you; very soon, it may be a trip you have
planned. You will have a very pleasant time, and you will meet new
friends, in a place you have never visited before.
Someone will phone you next week and ask for some advice from you. I
have a feeling friends often ring you and ask for your advice. You will
meet an old school friend in about three weeks. It is someone you have
not seen for years. They will have some good news for you, and also
some bad news from the past,
I don’t know whether you are aware, but you have got some psychic
ability, and I feel you should try to develop this. In fact you have had a
psychic experience just recently, and you are wondering just what to
make of it.
You have a minor illness coming up. It is nothing much to worry about,
but it will come at a very inconvenient time. You should consider
changing your diet, to avoid recurrences.
This year has not been such a profitable year for you, but, things are
changing, and the coming year will be a good one, and there is some
advancement either in your career, or your personal life.
Now if you are a normal person. Living a normal life, most of that will
apply to you. Of course some of what is said about the future you will
have no way of knowing whether or not it will happen. But as you make
it rather pleasant and do not go over the top, most people will accept this
and reason well why not, it will probably happen.
There is so much more, so if you have already impressed them with the
personal things, you can take it further. I do not expect you to do this
reading word for word, but it is a general picture of what you are aiming
for. Believe me when you give a reading like this you will be amazed
how readily people will believe you. It is so easy to impress people even
if only one thing you have said strikes home.
Also if you say some pleasant and positive things about them, they are
hardly likely to disagree. The thing is not to lay it on to thick, keep
everything in perspective. Once you have their confidence and they think
you are competent, they will tell you about the things they are bothered
about, or what worries them, it really is that easy.
For instance supposing you are doing a reading for someone who is an
obvious scrooge. If you said to them, you are dead mean, and you won’t
spend a penny you don’t have to, you are unlikely to impress the person
or get on their wavelengh. Remember all people want other people to
think well of them, they never want the truth; they always claim they do,
but they really want someone to tell them what they want to hear.
For the scrooge character you may say, you are thrifty, because you never
had the good things in life when you were young. Life was a struggle for
you, and you realise the value of money, but you do have a generous
streak, but you do not broadcast this. You prefer to stay in the back
ground when you help people, and you believe in independence, and you
try to help people to be more independent. \Something along those lines
should work, as they have already over the years, made all kinds of
excuses to justify their meaness, so you are only telling them, what they
have been telling themselves for years.
You will notice in this reading, I have hardly mentioned sex or money.
This is more personal, and if they want to know anything about this, don’t
worry, if you have done the reading as described, they will by now have
taken you in their confidence, and will have already asked about these
When you have done a reading as described, they will be asking you
questions about the things they really want to know, as by now as I said
you will have gained their trust.
A great deal of what I am telling you is really common sense. You have
to weigh up the different age groups to guess just what their preferences
or motives would be. But as I stated earlier there are only three main
areas of interest so it is pretty easy to get it right almost from the start.
Anyway before we fully analyse the reading, let me give you one or two
examples that I have done.
You only have to hit it dead right with one person, and believe me the rest
of them will flock around you wanting to know more. Here are two
examples that I used. Really they were just common sense, and I was
almost certain to get very near the truth.
I was in a shop when someone mentioned the Tarot. The girl assistant
was about nineteen or twenty, and very pretty. She said to me, “Can you
read my cards? I want to know about my boyfriend”. Now thinking
quickly, I realised with her looks she would have no trouble getting boy
friends, so if she wants to find something out about her boyfriend, she
does not trust him for some reason.
Now I thought she either suspects he is two timing her, or else he is
married and keeps promising to leave his wife. I took the chance on the
most sensational answer and I said, “He is married isn’t he.
Her mouth literally dropped open as I said this and she said, “How could
you know that”? I just shrugged my shoulders but I could have told her
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