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Pomagasz w organizacji międzyszkolnej wymiany uczniów z jedną ze szkół w Londynie. Napisz LIST DO ANGIELSKIEJ SZKOŁY, w którym:



- podasz kilka najważniejszych informacji o swojej szkole i grupie uczniów biorących udział w wymianie,

- wyjaśnisz, dlaczego chcielibyście zorganizować tę wymianę i zaproponuj termin,

- zaproponujesz plan waszego pobytu w Anglii i poprosisz o ewentualne uwagi,

- zapytasz o dogodny termin przyjazdu angielskich uczniów do twojego kraju i o zajęcia, jakimi byliby zainteresowani.




Dear Mr. Williams,


         I am writing to inform you that our school is interested in taking part in students’ exchange with your school in May next year.

        We are a small private school of 160 students, situated in the centre of the city. We have already had several exchanges with different schools in Italy, France, Germany and Hungary. Now we would like our students to meet their British peers and find out more about the country, the capital city as well as the educational system and the everyday life of British people. Twenty students from our school have decided to take part in the exchange. They all are seventeen years old with a good command of English.

       We would like to arrive on the 4th and depart on the 14th of May. Would the dates suit you? We would like to do some sightseeing in London and to see at least the most important tourist attractions. Most of the students are very keen on visiting Oxford or Cambridge. Would it be possible to arrange that? We are also thinking of allowing the students to spend one day with English families.

       Finally, we would like to know when it would be the most convenient time for you to come to Poland? What would you like to see and what kind of activities would you be interested in?

      We look forward to hearing from you soon.


      Yours sincerely,


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