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Chcesz NAWIĄZAĆ KORESPONDENCJĘ z kolegą/koleżanką z Wielkiej Brytanii

Chcesz NAWIĄZAĆ KORESPONDENCJĘ z kolegą/koleżanką z Wielkiej Brytanii. Znalazłeś adres osoby w twoim wieku a anglojęzycznym czasopiśmie. Napisz LIST, w którym:



- poinformujesz, skąd wziąłeś adres i dlaczego piszesz,

- podasz kilka informacji o sobie i miejscu, w którym mieszkasz,

- napiszesz o swoich sukcesach i problemach w nauce języka angielskiego,

- zadasz kilka ogólnych pytań o osobę kolegi/koleżanki i wyrazisz nadzieję, że będzie chciała/chciał z tobą korespondować.




Dear Tom,


        I have found your address in the October edition of ‘Current’ and I have decided to write to you. I have been looking for an English penfriend for some time now and I think you are a person I would like to exchange letters with.

        My name is XYZ and I am also eighteen years old. I’m a student in the third grade of secondary school in Kraków in Poland. I would like to study history in future. I am particularly interested in the history of the Second World War. I have read lots of books on the WW2 and talked to some people who fought on different front lines. My grandpa is one of them. I am also keen on travelling and doing some sports like swimming, playing basketball and skiing. I have one younger brother. His name is Peter. I live in Kraków, which is, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful cities in Poland. It has an amazing old town with a castle on the hill and lots of interesting buildings and monuments.

        I would like to have a penfriend because I think that would help me improve my English. I’m at an upper-intermediate level and I have won an English language competition in our school recently but still need some practice with vocabulary and writing.

       And what are you interested in? Do you have any brothers or sisters? What is your city like? Could you send me some photos of you, your family and the place you live in? I hope you would like to be my penfriend.

       I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.




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