ANGIELSKI - 1 rok - wejściówka - 2 Medical University of Gdansk + Hospitals.doc

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Foreign Language Department Studium Praktycznej Nauki Języków Obcych

Foreign Language Department à Studium Praktycznej Nauki Języków Obcych

a Head of … à głowa/główna osoba

entrance exam à egzamin wstępny

a repeat, a retake à repeta

exam session à sesja egzaminacyjna

repeat exam session à powtórkowa sesja egzaminacyjna (“wrzesień” :p)


a lecture à wykład

a class à ćwiczenia

a seminar à seminarium

clinical practice à praktyki

an elective, elective classes, facultative classes à dodatkowe zajęcia


duty hours, consulting hours à konsultacje

a credit à ocean - zaliczenie

a student’s book, index book à indeks

a timetable à plan zajęć

a syllabus à rozkład zajęć na rok (lub dla jednego przedmiotu)

a curriculum à cały rozkład zajęć na 6 lat (lub na cały rok)

an academic year à rok akademicki

a semester, a term à semestr


a dormitory, a student’s house à akademik

a semester break à przerwa semestralna (tydzień L)

a year’s supervisor à opiekun roku

Rector’s Office à rektorat

Dean’s Office à dziekanat

Dean’s leave à dziekanka

Rules and Regulations à regulamin

University Senate à senat

Faculty Council à rada wydziału


a Chair à katedra

a Clinic à klinika

a Department à zakład

a Division à oddział

a Laboratory à pracownia


(full) professor à profesor

associate professor à professor nadzwyczajny

assistant professor à adjunkt

Ph. D. à doctor (osoba z doktoratem)

assistant à asystent

senior lecturer à starszy wykładowca

lecturer à wykładowca

M.A. / M.Sc. à magister; Master of Arts /Master of Science

B.A. / B.Sc. à licencjat; Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Science


Dispensary à store-room for drugs (ambulatorium)

Intensive Care Unità seriously ill people under a constant supervision (oddział intensywnej terapii)

Geriatric Ward à elderly patients stay there (oddział geriatryczny)

Medical records à all medical files and reports are stored there

Recovery Area à patients who have undergone surgical procedure (oddział pooperacyjny)

Lift/Elevator à thanks to this patients can be moved between floors (winda)

Labour Ward à women deliver babies there (izba porodowa)

Laboratory à specimens are analysed there (laboratorium)

Path Lab à blood, stool and urine tests are made

Canteen à staff can eat there (stołówka)

Mortuary à people that have recently died (kostnica)

Emergency à patients from accidents and disasters (pogotowie)

Blood Bank à space for stored blood (bank krwi)

Theatre à a patient has an operation (sala operacyjna)

Coronary Care Unit à people who have had a heart attack

Corridor à space for moving between rooms and departments (korytarz)

Out-Patient Department à patients are treated by specialists without staying in hospital – consultations, X-rays, laboratory tests, physiotherapy (out-patient=pacjent dochodzcy/ambulatoryjny)

Wards à rooms where in-patients live while they are in hospital. There are different wards for different patients with various health problems. (oddział, sala szpitalna)




speech therapists à People specially trained and qualified to assist patients in overcoming speech and language dis­orders.

porters à They transport patients on beds, trolleys and wheelchairs.

chiropodists/podiatrists à A physician who specializes in the medical care and treatment of the human foot. (podiatra, lekarz chorób stop)

dieticians à They give advice on the most appropriate food, experts on nutrition.

pharmacists à They prepare and dispense medicine

paediatricians à These doctors speciality is children. (pediatra)

consultants à  Senior doctors who have completed all of their specialist training and been placed on the spe­cialist register in their chosen specialty. They give expert advice and take final decisions (lekarz specjalista)

social workers à They help patients affected by injury, illness, disability or ageing to regain movement, for ex­ample by giving massage and exercise. (spoecznik; pracownik opieki społecznej)

plastic surgeons à Surgeons specialized in reconstruction or cosmetic enhancement of various body regions, most commonly the face—nose, chin, and cheeks, breasts and buttocks. They operate on patients to repair damage or improve their appearance.

physiotherapists à Their work is rehabilitation. They are trained to help people manage daily activities of living-dressing. cooking, etc, and other activities that promote recovery and regaining vocational skills. (fizjoterapeuta)

radiographers à Specialists or technicians in radiography. They operate equipment in the X-ray department (technik rentgenowski)

lab technician à They work in the departments which are responsible for specimens. (technik laboratoryjny)

charge nurses àThey take supervisory responsibility for the nurses on a shift in a particular ward or unit (Siostra przełożona)

occupational therapists à People with advanced education in dealing with social, emotional, and environmental prob­lems associated with an illness or disability. They try to help patients with their domestic problems

laundry staff à They clean and organize bed linen.

general practitioners à A physician whose practice consists of providing ongoing care covering a variety of medical problems in patients of all ages, often including referral to appropriate specialists. (internista)


referral à skierowanie

discharged à wypisany

ward round à obchód

consent à zgoda


Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin