The Flashbulb Discography.txt

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Here are all I have found about The Flashbulb and Benn Jordan.
Enjoy :>

Album/Artist                                                 | Files |   Size | Length | Type | Quality
The FlashBulb                                                |       |        |        |      |        
    2000 - Mウ                                                |    24 |  100Mb |  73:23 |  MP3 | 192 ~  
    2001 - Fly! (EP)                                         |     4 | 9.94Mb |   8:41 |  MP3 | 160 C  
    2003 - Girls Suck But You Don't                          |    12 | 37.5Mb |  32:48 |  MP3 | 160 C  
    2003 - Resent and the April Sunshine Shed                |    20 | 82.7Mb |  60:15 |  MP3 | 192 C  
    2003 - These Open Fields 2nd Edition                     |    21 | 55.0Mb |  47:30 |  MP3 | 161 ~  
    2004 - Lawn Funeral EP (EP)                              |     2 | 9.03Mb |   6:34 |  MP3 | 192 C  
    2004 - Red Extensions of Me                              |    18 |  106Mb |  63:00 |  MP3 | 235 V  
    2005 - Binedump EP (Vinyl)                               |     7 | 41.4Mb |  23:42 |  MP3 | 244 V  
    2005 - Kirlian Selections                                |    28 | 99.2Mb |  71:51 |  MP3 | 192 V  
    2005 - R騏nion                                           |    17 | 70.1Mb |  49:30 |  MP3 | -aps   
    2006 - Flexing Habitual                                  |    10 | 72.4Mb |  31:36 |  MP3 | 320 C  
    AcidWolf - Legacy 1995-2005                              |    16 | 65.4Mb |  49:12 |  MP3 | -aps   
    Flexe - 2004 - Programmable Love Songs Vol1              |    16 | 63.4Mb |  46:09 |  MP3 | 192 C  
                                                             |       |        |        |      | 
Total                                                        |   195 |  817Mb |9:22:37 |  MP3 | Var


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