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Aneks I

Wypowiedź pisemna - przydatne zwroty, wyrażenia i spójniki


Wyrażanie opinii:

In my opinion, /In my view, I To my mind, I (Personally) I believe that/I feel (very) strongly that/ It seems to me that /I think that people should be encouraged to use public transport in the city.

Wyliczanie zalet i wad:

One advantage of/Another advantage of/ One other advantage of/ The main advantage of/ The greatest advantage of/ The first advantage of having your own business is that you do not have to take orders.


One disadvantage of/Another disadvantage of /One other disadvantage of/ The main disadvantage of/ The greatest disadvantage of/ The first disadvantage of having your own business is that you have to work long hours.

Wyliczanie kolejnych punktów/argumentów:

First(ly), I First of all, /In the first place, / To start with, I To begin with, /Secondly, I Thirdly, / Finally, everyone knows that smoking is extremely bad for one's health.

Wskazywanie kolejności wydarzeń lub czynności:

PIERWSZE: First, / To start with, / To begin with, / First of all, get everyone out of the building. KOLEJNE: Secondly, /After this/that, / Then, /Next, call the fire brigade. KOŃCZĄCE: Finally, /Lastly, /Last but not least, keep a safe distance from the fire.

Dodawanie kolejnych argumentów na rzecz określonej tezy:

What is more, /Furthermore, /Moreover, /Apart from this/that, /In addition (to this),

/ Besides (this), dogs are very useful in police work.                                           

Dogs are also very useful in police work.

Dogs are very useful in police work too.

Not only do dogs help the blind, but they are very useful in police work as well.

Wskazywanie przyczyny:

The BBC decided not to show the programme because Idue to the fact that/ since / as it would upset too many people.

The programme would upset too many people; for this reason / therefore the BBC decided not to show it.

Wskazywanie skutków:

She won a scholarship. Therefore, /Consequently, /As a consequence, /As a result, /For this reason, she was able to continue her studies.

Wskazywanie celu:

He decided to learn Russian so that he could read Tolstoy. He decided to learn Russian so as to I'm order to read Tolstoy.

Podawanie przykładów:

For instance, /For example, by running, swimming or jogging three times a week you feel

younger and live longer.

By taking regular exercise such as/like running, swimming or jogging you feel younger

and live longer.

If you want to feel younger and live longer, you should take regular exercise, particularly

/in particular / especially running, swimming or jogging.

Prezentowanie antytezy:

Seatbelts are known to save lives, yet / however / nevertheless, /but /nonetheless, many people refuse to wear them.

Although / Even though / In spite of the fact that / Despite the fact that seatbelts are known to save lives, many people refuse to wear them.

Określanie czasu:

Turn the dial when / whenever/before/as soon as/the buzzer sounds.

I haven't been back home since I982.

We met as I was crossing the street.

I saw him while I was crossing the street.

We never see each other now that they've moved to another neighbourhood.

Zaimki względne:

That's the woman who lives next door to me. He's the man whose car was stolen yesterday. That's the cat which scratched me. London is the city where I was born.


Finally, /Lastly, /All in all, / Taking everything into account, / One the whole, I All things considered, / In conclusion, / To sum up, no one is likely to find a cure for the common cold in the near future.

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