7. Ćwiczenia uzupełniające.doc

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Ćwiczenia uzupełniające


Ćwiczenie 1.

Używając podanych w nawiasie spójników i dodając odpowiednie znaki inter­punkcyjne, utwórz zdania złożone. W niektórych przypadkach konieczna jest zmiana kolejności podanych zdań.


You may not be getting enough body-building protein. Following a strict vegetarian diet may be harmful, (as)

Folio wing a strict vegetarian diet may be harmful as you may not be getting enough body-building protein./As you may not be getting enough body-building protein, following a strict vegetarian diet may be harmful.

1.               A lot of effort goes into fighting terrorism. It still poses a great threat to the whole world, (although)

2.               They have limited financial resources. Many parents are ready to invest a lot of money in educating children, (despite)

3.               They are afraid of revenge. Victims often refrain from informing the police about being attacked by hooligans, (because)

4.               Considerable advances are being made in machine translation. The complex­ities of grammar and ambiguities of meaning cannot be dealt with by computers, (but)

5.               Many educated people stick to eating junk food. Healthy eating is promoted by the mass media, (in spite of the fact that)

6.               If you really want to be a good professional, you will become one. You may not be a born teacher, (however)

7.1 like the first part of the trilogy most. Matrix Revolutions may be Hollywood special effects at its best, (nevertheless)

8.               Nursing homes have made the lives of the elderly easier. They are also a source of frustration and loneliness, (while)

9.               Now tourism is becoming available to a great number of people. It once used to be the privilege of the wealthy, (even though)

10. It is always advisable to do some practice tests in preparation for a language exam. You familiarize yourself with the format of the test exercises, (so that)

Ćwiczenie 2.

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania jednym z podanych spójników:

even though, otherwise, considering, in view of the fact, as, however, whereas, the moment, in addition to, although, because


Punctuation is a potential minefield,              very often it is less

about simple rights and wrongs and more about personal preferences. Punctuation is a potential minefield, because very often it is less about simple rights and wrongs and more about personal preferences.

1. Many children love watching science fiction films,              ,              ____

adults often hate them.

2.              being patient, kind and fair, a teacher

should be responsible and caring.

3.              the mansion is surrounded with tall fir

trees, the large windows let in a lot of sunshine.

4. Eating fast food may be a convenient option for very busy people,

              , in the long run it may lead

to serious health problems.

5.              ______              modern cities become

more and more polluted, many people are moving out to live in the country.

6.              .              Patricia is a hard-working

and well organized person, she tends to be uncooperative and self-centred.

7.              how many difficulties

must be dealt with when you settle in a foreign country, emigration seems to be an option only for those who are psychologically very strong.

8.              the children saw the

shadow move, they screamed and ran away.

9.              The driver is always supposed to follow the road signs,             

he may get into trouble.

10.              that Polish doctors working in

hospitals are severely underpaid, many have given up state jobs and now run their own private surgeries.

Ćwiczenie 3.

Przepisz poniższe zdania, zmieniając spójnik zapisany pogrubioną czcionką na inny, podany w nawiasie, dokonując przy tym wszelkich koniecznych zmian, tak aby nowo utworzone zdanie było w pełni poprawne.


Teenagers can be aggressive towards peers, ridicule them and make them feel inferior, (not only... but also)

Teenagers can not only be aggressive towards peers, but also ridicule them and make them feel inferior.

1.                School uniforms seem to be a relic of the past, but in some prestigious private schools pupils are still required to wear them, (even though)

2.                In Asia and in Europe, a number of new products claim to facilitate weight loss without the hassle of actual effort, (as well as)

3.                To run distant learning courses, instructors must know their subject and understand technology implementation and be ready to provide student services, (apart from)

4.                The twentieth century can be considered an era of technology revolution, and the twenty-first century is supposed to be a period of information technology revolution, (while)

5.                The video has not replaced the cinema because the big screen, special sound effects and peculiar atmosphere are still appreciated by many, (the reason)

Ćwiczenie 4.

Posługując się elipsą, używając imiesłowów i/lub odpowiednich spójników połącz podane zdania proste i utwórz zdania złożone tak, jak w podanych przy­kładach.


Victor is not very tall. He has got blue eyes. He has got very short hair. He wears glasses. He looks like a true intellectual.

Victor, who has blue eyes and very short hair, wears glasses, which makes him look like a true intellectual.

Joanna is a very sociable person. She loves both going to and organising parties. Being a very sociable person, Joanna loves both going to and organising parties.

1.                 Leo is a tall young man. He has got curly brown hair. His eyes are large and almond-shaped. All this makes him look very macho.

2.                 Olivia is a charming girl. She is in her late teens. She is short but she is slim. She has got wavy red hair. She has got bright green eyes. She has got a small straight nose.

3.                 Amelia is a girl otaverage height. She has got very fair straight hair. She has got large blue eyes. She has got dimples in her face. She looks like an angel, especially when she smiles.

4.                 Ronald has got a rough, weather-beaten face. There are wrinkles on his face. He has got a big greyish beard and a bushy moustache.

5.                 My late grandmother was a devoted nurse. She was always cheerful. She was ready to help everyone in need.

Ćwiczenie 5.

Dobierz w pary słowa/wyrażenia o podobnym znaczeniu, a następnie wpisz je w odpowiednie rubryki tabeli:

With lots of love;


I haven't heard from you for ages;

Things have changed for the worse, I'm afraid;



I was wondering if you could provide me with the relevant information;

We can gladly put you up fora night or two;

If by any chance he turns up;

Regrettably, matters have deteriorated considerably;


The film can be recommended to all horror film lovers;

Can you send me the information that I need;


We will be very glad to offer you accommodation;

Should he make an appearance;


Yours faithfully;

I have not received any reply from you;

get on one 's nerves;


I can say that all those keen on horrors will like the film.

Ćwiczenie 6.

Określ, czy wyrażenia i zwroty zapisane pogrubioną czcionką należą do formal­nego, czy nieformalnego stylu, a następnie zastąp wyrażenia formalne nieformal­nymi lub na odwrót, jak w przykładzie.


Thanks a lot (informal) forttie information on sightseeing tours in yourcity.

formal: I am very grateful for the information on sightseeing tours in your city.

/I would like to thank you very much for the information on sightseeing tours in your


1.              Hi! How are you? (              ) I am writing to ask you for some advice

concerning the subjects I should choose for the school leaving examination.

2.              Please find enclosed an advertisement (              ),

which you may find interesting.

3.                 You'll all love this book. (              ) It is fantast...

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