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Rozdział III Wypowiedź pisemna

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Przykład 1. str.124

Pocztówka rozpoczyna się od zwrotu grzecznościowego. Każ­dy poruszony temat omówiony jest w odrębnym akapicie. Koń­czy się ona zwrotem grzecznościowym i podpisem.

Przykład 2. str.124


Greetings from Madrid! It's hot and I'm having the time of my life!

The town is great. I have already visited the Prado Mu­seum and I liked it a lot. I must say I'm not too happy with the food. I hate sea food and dislike paella. But never mind.

What are vou up to? Hope your holidays are just as great.



Dear Aunt Helen,

I would like to send very warm greetings from Madrid. The weather is stunningly beautiful and I am truly enjoying my stay in this magnificent town.

I have already visited the Prado Museum. I was most impressed. The only thing I am not too happy about is the food. I do not particularly like sea food and I am rather not fond of paella. But everything else is absolutely perfect.

I hope vou are in good health.

Wishing vou all the best.


Przykład 3II. str.125 Pier Mike.

I'm in Zakopane with my das. The place we are is nice. Whether is good, ideal to sking.

Yesterday we had adiner in'Redykotka'and danced.

Tomorow we went on Kasprowy.

Love, XYZ




Powinno być





The place we are

The place we are staying at


The weather

ideal to skiing

ideal for skiing





went on

are going to get on

Oto poprawiona wersja tej pocztówki:


I'm in Zakopane with my class. The place we are staying at is very nice. The weather is good, ideal for skiing.

Yesterday we had dinner in 'Redykolka 'and danced.

Tomorrow we're going to get on Kasprowy.

Love, XYZ

Przykład 4II. str.126

Dear Mr and Mrs Jackson,

I am writing to tell you that I have reached my home safely.

Thank you once again for the unforoetable time I spent in your house. The conditions were very good. I found my room very comfortable and the food I was served was realy deli­cious.

My parents are also very grateful to you.

If you ever want to visit Poland, we would be very pleased to ha ve you to stay.








Powinno być


The food 1 was served




The food that you cooked


Oto poprawiona wersja tej pocztówki:

Dear Mr and Mrs Jackson,

lam writing to tell you that I have reached my home safely.

Thank you once again for the unforgettable time I spent in your house. The conditions were very good. I found my room very comfortable and the food that you cooked was really delicious.

My parents are also very grateful to you.

If you ever want to visit Poland, we would be very pleased to have you to stay.




Zadanie 1. str.127

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

Dear Ian,

Greetings from Rome! I'm living in a small hotel not far from the Colloseum. It's next to a beautiful park, where I can get a rest in the shade of cypress trees after a long day of sightseeing in the sweltering heat.

I've already seen the monumental ruins of the Roman Forum but I haven't visited any museums yet.

I'll give you a ring on Saturday, July 22nd, at about 10 p.m. I'm anxious to hear how things are and, obviously, I'm worried aboutAzorek.

Love and kisses,


Zadanie 2. str.127 Przykładowa wypowiedź:


Finally we moved into our new flat! It's on the 2nd floor of a big block of flats in a quiet neighbourhood, not far from the city centre.

The flat is just lovely. It's got three rooms, a rather spacious living room with a fireplace, an airy kitchen, a bathroom and an amazingly big balcony.

My room is all in pink, my favourite colour. On my window sill there is a clay pot with lavender. The smell of lavender is very relaxing. The room isn't fully furnished yet. I'm still looking fora computer desk.

I hope you will visit me soon. How about a two-week holiday in Wroclaw in the summer?



Zadanie 3. str.127

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

Dear Auntie Helen,

Yesterday I took the last of my 'matura' - school leavers' exams. The exams were not too difficult maybe except for Polish. We were given a philosophical text to read and I'm not sure whether I got all the answers in the comprehension test correct.

My plane to Canada leaves on Wednesday, 30 June, at 5 p.m. and is due to land ...

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