1 Britain - Oxford.pdf

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Oxford Un iversity Press
Great Clarendo n Street, Oxford ox2 6DP
Illustrati ons b y:
Bret Breckon pages 10, I ~
Matthe w Lawrence page I 10
Alan Nanson all chapte r openers
Oxford Univcrsuv Press cartographic d epart ment pages 9, ~ I . H ,
86 .87 , II~. 209
Oxford Univcrsn y Press techni cal graphi cs dep artme nt pages ~ 2.
B.46.89.91. 104. 108 . 109. 121. 1~2. l B. I J? , 14~, IH,
14 6 , 1l;2, 1l;3. 1l;8. 160 . 171. 180. 181 . 19S" , 199, 20 2
Murray Zanoni pages 174, 176
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art: trad e mark s of Ox ford Univer sn y Press.
ISS"" 0 19 432429 x
..... Oxford Un tverstty Press 1995"
St udi o p h o tograp hy b}·:
Haddon Davies pages 1 18, 134, [S"S", 21 1
First p ublis hed 199 5"
Tent h impression 200~
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Photo Library pages I l; (R Hallman), J? (Land's End : P waus) .
1~8 (A Gordon), 209 (rock shop: A Lc Gar srncur}: Color spcn page
194: The Conservative Party (fo r use o f their logo) page 73;
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The Environ men tal Picture Library page 197 (A Testa) :
Eye Ubiqu itous page ~7 (farmland: T Page); Garden News page 192
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2 14; Sue Hallet page 202; House o f Commons Press Office page
97 (Black Rod) ; Hulto n Deutch Library page 27: Images/ Land scape
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usc o f their logo ) page 73; The Liberal Democrats (for lise of their
logo) page 73: Life File pages 61 (Pcleder Locey: A Ward), 80
(I Richards) , 156 (J Hoar e) : Lloyds Bank (for usc of thei r logo)
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S"9: Magnum Pho to Library pages lIS" (C Steele-Perkins), 119 (Pree
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10~ (00\ swinllOmrttr: P Brooker) , 188 , 206 (N Jo rgense n ); The
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T he publish er an d aut h o r would like to thank th e following
fo r their per mi ssion to use extra cts from co p yr igh t mat eri a l:
BBC Enterprise s Ltd fo r extracts from Yes. Prim e Min ister by Jonathan
Lynn and Anton}' Jay.
Cam b ridge Un iversity Press for extracts from 'The Invisible Scot'
in Engli sh Toda y 18 April 1989.
Penguin Books Ltd. for extracts from HoII' to be lmmitcble by George
Mikes (Penguin Books 1966, first publi shed by Andre Deutsch)
co p yrigh t 0 George Mikes, 19 600
Radi o Times/BB C Magazines for extract from ' Peter Snow 's Armchair
Guid e,' Radio Times. April 1992.
Reed Consume r Books for extracts from The Quttn and I by Sue
Townsend (Meth uen. London) , 0 1992 by Sue Townse nd .
Time s News papers Ltd for extracts from 'Mad about plaid ' by
A A Gill, Tht Sunday Times, London , 2~ January 1994 , Time s
Newspape rs Ltd 1994: ' Who gives a caber toss?' b y Harr y
Ritchie, The Sunday Times. London, 2~ Janua ry 19 94 . Times
Newsp apers Ltd 1994: ' Defiant English hold out against
Welsh arsoni sts' by Stu art Wavell, Tht Sunday Tim es, Londo n,
1S" No vember 19 9 2. tJ Times Ne...,·spape rs Ltd 199 2: and
' Britain bans EC Medals ' from News Digest , The Sunday Times,
18 April 199~. Times Newspapers Ltd 199~o
A P Wall Ltd on behalf of The National Trust for extracts from 'The
Wh ite Man's Burden ' and 'Recessional' by Rudyard Kipling .
Cover pho to graph:
Co llections Phot o Library/Gary Smith
We would also like to thank Gertrude Erbach at the referenc e
lib rary. News International for her help in o btainin g illustrative
material and Derek Heater , founder Chairman of the Politi cs
Associat io n. for his advice on the chapt er s co ncerni n g history and
politi cs.
James O'Driscoll
Oxford University Press
Country and people
Geogra phic ally speaking . Politically speaking .
The four nauo ns . The do minance of England .
Natio nal loya lties
6 Political life
The public aui tude to politi cs . Th e style of
de moc racy . Th e con stit uu on . The style of poli ties.
The part y srs tem . The m odern situatio n
2 History
7 The monarchy
Prehi sto ry. The Roma n period (43 -4 10) .
Th e Germanic invasions (410--1066) . The medieval
period ( I 0 66-148r;) . The sixteenth cen tury .
Th e seve nteenth century . The eighteenth c('mmy .
The nineteenth ccntury . The twentiet h century
The eppeerencc : The realit y . Th e role o f the
mo narch. The value of the m onarchy. The futur e
of the monarchy
3 Geography
Cllm atc . Land and settlement . The environment
and pollut io n . Londo n. Sout hern England.
Th e Midlands . Northern Eng land. Sco tlan d .
Wales. No n hern Ireland
8 The government 82
The cabinet . The Prime Ministc r . The civil scrvtcc .
Centr al and local government , Local government
9) Parliament
The atmosphere of Parliam ent . An MP 's life .
Parliamen tary bustness . Th e pany system in
Parliament . The House of Lord s
9 0
4 Identity
Ethnic iden tity: the native British. Ethnic ident ity:
the non-native British . The family . Geographical
idcn u ry . Class. Men and women . Religious and
poli tical iden tity . Social and everyda y co ntacts .
Identity in No n he rn Ireland . Being British
10 )Ele ct io n s
The system . Formal arrangem ent s . Th e cam paign .
Polling day . Election night. Recent results and the
5 Attitudes
Stereotypes and chan ge . English ver sus Bnti sh .
Multi cu lturali sm . Co nservatism . Being different .
Th e lo ve of nature . The love of antmals . Formality
and info rmality . Publi c spirited ness and
ama teurism . Privacy and sex
II The law
The police and the pu bli c . Crim e and crim inal
procedure . The system of justice . The legal
Con ten ts S'
12 International relations
The benefits system, Social services and charities,
The natio nal health sen-icc , The medical profession
The end o f empire . The arm ed forces. Transa tlantic
rclauons . The sove reig nty of the uni on : Europe .
The sovereignty of the union: Scotla nd and Wales .
The sovereignty of the uni o n : Northern Ireland
19 Housing
13 Religion
1 21
Ho uses , no t flats , Private propert y and public
propert y, The im porta nce of ,ho m e ' , Ind ivid uality
and co n formity , Interio rs: the im po rtance of
cos iness , Owning and renting , Ho m elcssncss
Religio n and politic s. Anglican ism. Catholi cism.
Ot her co nvent ion al Chri stian churches . Other
religi on s, chur ches and religious movements
14 jEd uca t io n 130
- Historical backgro und . Organization . Style. Recent
development s. Schoo l life . Public exams .
Education beyond sixteen
20 Fo o d a nd d r in k
Attitudes to food , Eating o ut ' Alco hol, Pubs
21 Sport and competition 191
A nation al passion , The social imp o rtance of sport '
Cricket , Foo tball, Rug by, Anim als in sport , O ther
spo ns ' Gambling
15 The economy and
everyday life
Earning mon ey . w ork o rganizations . The struc ture
of trade and indus try . The di stribution o f wea lth.
Finance and investment - Spending money:
shopping . Shop openi ng ho urs
22 The arts
Th e arts in society - The characteristics of British arts
and letters , Theat re and cinema, Music , Literature .
The fine arts
16 h he m e d ia
15 1
The importance ofthe national pr ess . The two types
of natio nal ne wspaper , The characteristics of the
nat ional press: po litics , The characteris tics of the
national press: sex and scand al. ' The BBC '
Tele visio n : orga nization , Televisio n: style
23 Holidays and special
Tradi tional seaside holidays. Modem holidays .
Christmas and New Year . Other no tab le annual
~ Transport
On the road , Publi c transport in tow ns and cities ,
Pu blic transpo rt between towns and citie s, The sto ry
o f the chunnel ' Air and wat er
1 6 2
18 W e lfa re
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