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Near Future
Architectures of the
Architectures of the
Near Future
4 Architectural Design Forthcoming Titles
November/December 2009 Profile No 202
Patterns of Architecture
Guest-edited by Mark Garcia
Pattern-making is ubiquitous in both the natural and manmade world. The human propensity for pattern
recognition and fabrication is innate. Encompassing the historical, vernacular and parametric, this title
explores the creation, materialisation and theorisation of some of the world's most significant and spec-
tacularly patterned spaces. It investigates how interiors, buildings, cities and landscapes are patterned
through design, production and manufacturing, use, time, accident and perception. It also brings into
focus how contemporary advanced spatial practices and CAD/CAM are now pushing patterns to encom-
pass a greater range of structural, programmatic, aesthetic and material effects and properties.
Extending patterns far beyond the surface notion of style and decoration, Patterns of Architecture
assesses how and why the deployment of patterns is shaping the future of architecture.
•Analysed through a multidiscipinary and international series of essays and designs from architects,
engineers, academics, researchers and expert professionals in the field.
•Key contributors include: Brian McGrath, Hanif Kara, Michael Hensel and Achim Menges, Patrik
Schumacher and Alejandro Zaera-Polo.
January/February 2010 Profile No 203
Turkey – At the Threshold
Guest-edited by Hülya Ertas, Defne Sunguro˘lu Hensel and Michael Hensel
This is a pertinent moment to take stock and to look at Turkey’s past, present and future. In 2010
Istanbul will become European Capital of Culture and all eyes will be on Turkey, bringing the nation’s cul-
tural renaissance and evolution to the fore internationally. Since the early 2000s, Turkey has undergone a
remarkable economic recovery, accompanied by urban development and a cultural flowering. Positioned
between an expanding European Union and an unstable Middle East, the country provides a fascinating
interface between the Occident and the Orient. Taking into account the current political concerns with a
potential clash of Eastern and Western cultures, Turkey is poised at a vital global crossroads.
•Tackles issues of globaisation and the potential threat that a rapid roing out of an overly homogenised
built environment poses to rich local building traditions that are founded on specific climatic knowledge
and cultural diversity.
•Provides an analytical and projective approach that highights specific aspects of Turkey’s rich heritage
and contemporary design culture that can shape a specific yet pluralistic future identity and culture.
•Contributors include: Tevfik Balcio˘lu, Edhem Eldem, Tolga Islam, Zeynep Kezer, U˘ur Tanyeli, Ilhan
Tekeli and Banu Tomruk.
March/April 2010 Profile No 204
Exuberance in Architecture
Guest-edited by Marjan Colletti
This title of ADheralds a new era of exuberance in digital design. Having overcome the alienation and
otherness of the cyber, having mastered the virtual qualities and protocols of the parametric, having
achieved the intricacy and elegance of the digital, and having fully embraced the potential of 3-D com-
puter software and CAD/CAM manufacturing technologies, it is now time for architects to show off!
Conjure up the extravagance of furniture design, the abundance of CGI in Hollywood, the profuseness
of bio-techno ornamentation or the lavishness of Middle-Eastern and Asian super-urbanism. Exuberance
not only celebrates new Baroque theatricality, formal sophistication and digital virtuosity; it also
debates a plethora of joyful and intelligent ways in which experimental architecture manages to cope
with the contemporary turmoil in global politics, economics and ecology.
•Includes the work of seminal figures such as Ron Arad, Peter Cook and Wolf D Prix
•Features Hernan Diaz Alonso, Marjan Coletti, Evan Dougis, CJ Lim, Ai Rahim, Nel Sple, Kjetl
Thorsen and Tom Wiscombe.
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4 Architectural Design Backlist Titles
Volume 77 No. 1 ISBN 0470029684
Volume 77 No. 2 ISBN 0470034793
Volume 77 No. 3 ISBN 0470031891
Volume 77 No. 4 ISBN 978 0470319116
Volume 77 No. 5 ISBN 978 0470028377
Volume 77 No. 6 ISBN 978 0470034767
Volume 78 No. 1 ISBN 978 0470066379
Volume 78 No. 2 ISBN 978 0470516874
Volume 78 No. 3 ISBN 978 0470512548
Volume 78 No. 4 ISBN 978 0470519479
Volume 78 No. 5 ISBN 978-0470751220
Volume 78 No. 6 ISBN 978-0470519585
Volume 79 No. 1 ISBN 978-0470997796
Volume 79 No. 2 ISBN 978-0470998205
Volume 79 No. 3 ISBN 978-0470753637
Volume 79 No. 4 ISBN 978-0470773000
Individual backlist issues of 4 are available for purchase
at £22.99/US$45. To order and subscribe see page 136.
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Architectural Design
September/October 2009
Near Future
Guest-edited by Nic Clear
Main Section
Matthew Gandy , Professor of Geography at University College
London, and Director of the UCL Urban Laboratory, questions
the condition of city development in the 21st century. P 12
Bastian Glassner , of film directors Lynn Fox,
simultaneously seduces and repels with his meaty
and sumptuous images of fleshy fusion. P 30
Ben Nicholson revisits his 2004 classic satire
The World Who Wants It?and extends it to the
current situation with fresh images and text. P 76
4 +
Jayne Merkel profiles Snøhetta and describes how they
have built their practice since their competition-winning
Alexandria Library on the design of cultural centres. P 98+
Howard Watson visits Hawkins\Brown’s new Biochemistry
Department at Oxford University and finds a perfect
assimilation of art, architecture and science. P 108+
Architectures of the
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Architectural Design
Vol 79, No 5 (September/October 2009)
ISSN 0003-8504
Profile No 201
ISBN 978-0470 699553
Editorial Offices
John Wiley & Sons
International House
Ealing Broadway Centre
London W5 5DB
T: +44 (0)20 8326 3800
Helen Castle
Regular columnists: Valentina Croci, David
Littlefield, Jayne Merkel, Will McLean, Neil
Spiller, Michael Weinstock and Ken Yeang
Freelance Managing Editor
Caroline Ellerby
Production Editor
Elizabeth Gongde
Design and Prepress
Artmedia, London
Printed in Italy by Conti Tipocolor
Faith Pidduck/Wayne Frost
T: +44 (0)1243 770254
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or under the terms of a licence issued by the
Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham
Court Road, London W1T 4LP, UK, without the
permission in writing of the Publisher.
Front cover: Ben Marzys, London After the Rain,
2007. © Ben Marzys.
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Helen Castle
The Groom’s Gospel
Bastian Glassner
A Near Future
Nic Clear
Hong Kong Labyrinths
Soki So
Distructuring Utopias
Rubedo: Laurent-Paul Robert
and Vesna Petresin Robert
Urban Flux
Matthew Gandy
Fata Morgana and the
Swindon Gout Clinic
Michael Aling
The Carbon Casino
Richard Bevan
Cities Gone Wild
Geoff Manaugh
Urban Otaku:
Electric Lighting and the
John Culmer Bell
London After the Rain
Nic Clear
Editorial Board
Will Alsop, Denise Bratton, Mark Burry,
André Chaszar, Nigel Coates, Peter Cook,
Teddy Cruz, Max Fordham, Massimiliano
Fuksas, Edwin Heathcote, Michael
Hensel, Anthony Hunt, Charles Jencks,
Bob Maxwell, Jayne Merkel, Michael
Rotondi, Leon van Schaik, Neil Spiller,
Michael Weinstock, Ken Yeang
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