Perthshire Angus Dundee.pdf

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What to See & Do
2012 –13
Angus & Dundee |
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Welcome to...
Angus & Dundee
With such a variety of attractions and enthralling scenery, every day spent in
Perthshire, Angus & Dundee offers something special. Fill your days with trips to
historic whisky distilleries, leisurely walks in ancient woodlands and adventurous
outdoor activities. Dine in award-winning restaurants, explore romantic castles
and immerse yourself in the region’s colourful history and culture at fascinating
museums, art galleries and exciting events.
Disclaimer VisitScotland has published this guide in good faith to reflect information submitted to it by the proprietor/managers of the premises listed who have paid for their entries to be included. Although VisitScotland has taken reasonable steps to confirm the information contained in the guide at
the time of going to press, it cannot guarantee that the information published is and remains accurate. Accordingly, VisitScotland recommends that all information is checked with the proprietor/manager of the business to ensure that the facilities, cost and all other aspects of the premises are satisfactory.
VisitScotland accepts no responsibility for any error or misrepresentation contained in the guide and excludes all liability for loss or damage caused by any reliance placed on the information contained in the guide. VisitScotland also cannot accept any liability for loss caused by the bankruptcy, or
liquidation, or insolvency, or cessation of trade of any company, firm or individual contained in this guide. Quality Assurance awards are correct as of December 2011.
For information and to book accommodation go to
02 Travel tips
04 Perthshire, Angus & Dundee at a glance
06 So much to discover
08 Great outdoors
10 Parks & gardens
12 History & heritage
14 What to see & do
16 VisitScotland Information Centres
17 Quality Assurance
18 Great days out – Places to visit
30 Leisure activities
31 Great days out – Leisure activities
36 Shopping
37 Great days out – Shopping, arts & crafts
38 Food & drink
39 Great days out – Food & drink
40 Tours
41 Great days out – Tours
42 What’s on
53 Perthshire, Angus & Dundee area map
Cover The award-winning RRS Discovery at Discovery Point, Dundee.
01 Wildlife watching, above the Montrose Basin, Angus.
02 The Birks of Aberfeldy – inspiration for one of Robert Burns’ poems.
03 Looking over Loch Leven from the Heritage Trail.
04 Arbroath Abbey, best known for the 1320 Declaration of Arbroath.
Photography: Paul Tomkins/VisitScotland/Scottish Viewpoint, Douglas Robertson Photography
(front cover), Chris Robson, Rune Johansen, Britain on View/Glyn Satterley, Perth & Kinross Council,
Highland Safaris and Graham Smith.
Design: Weber Shandwick Design |, Stand |
and THK Design |
This brochure is printed on recycled content paper. VisitScotland is committed to ensuring that our
environment, upon which our tourism is so dependent, is safe guarded for future generations to enjoy.
To find out more about Perthshire, Angus & Dundee go to or 01
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Travel tips
01 Enjoy breathtaking scenery, such as at Lunan Bay, whilst travelling the East Coast main line.
02 Looking along the Tay Road Bridge from Dundee.
03 Catching a bus in Crieff.
04 Crossing Dalginross Bridge in Comrie with the White Church (Comrie Community Centre) in view.
02 For information and to book accommodation go to
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