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"Thou crownest the year with rliy gootlness." Psn. 6 :I 1
I-IE opening of a most significant Ncw Year found several h~rlirlretl
fricntls assemblerl at the EetheE Chapel in Pittsburgh, bVecInestla>-
night, January lst, rcrrielving in tcstin~ony the Eeadings of Divine
Providence during the past pear. The joy and rejoicing in the
Lorti knew no bountls. Many 01 the friends found it a special
occasion to makc plenty of good resolves. respecting what we shal! be willing to
be. to do, to suffer, in felIorvship with oltr Lord.
HASICS he to God that His grace has preserved us.
"kept us from falling," through another year-that
so many of us are still of one heart and of one mind
in respect to His \\rord, and its servicc !
"Prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of Hosts,
if I will not open you the windows of heaven and porir
you out a blessing, that there shall not be room
enough to contain it." Malachi 3 :lo.
Thc kryno~e of thc meeting was based upon the Prayer Meeting test: "Br
thou strong and 'try corrr~georts." (Josh, 15.) One brother testified that he was
glad that Ite could stand up for Jesus and, hold high the banner a1 Truth. Others
~estified that they, as iollowets of the Lord, stood firmly for the truth: not fear-
ing what man might do unto them, but trusted in the Lortl, and in the porver of
FIis might, with the promise that by so doing, they will be with Him in Glory.
SOCIETY, assembled at Pittsburgh, January 2-5, 1919, we have
been moved to publish this Verbatim r2epnrt. We wish to thank
the brethren for their assistance in this connection.
In send in^ out this SOUliENJR COXVENTION RE
PORT, we do so with the prayer that the Lord's People wilt re-
ceive as great spiritual benifit from its perusal as we have in its
Another brother voiced tlrc sentiments of all in the folIolving words: "Flow
appropriate is this keynote in connection with our Text for the !-ear: 'X?E
thnt is formed ngninri thee shall prorper.' (Isa. %:IT.) 1 am perfeczlr- willing
to give and sacrifice everything to gain this assurance. The only injuv these
wcapons cqn do is to the old creature, which ive have already consecrated to
death. Thcrcfore, God uses the 'wrath of man to praise Him,'-by turning what
seems to harm us into everlasting joy and blessing."
requested a11 to join in silent
praycr asking the Lord to direct their every word, thought and action during
the succeeding four days, to the end that "the Love of God might rule in every
heart": that at1 things be avoided which tvould aid the enemy.
Yours in the Master's scrvice,
1 I
1265 Broadway (Suite 61 I),
New Ynrk City, N. Y.
.If wns good to be there! And as rue wended our way to our respectixre rooms
we were confident that the opening of the Convention on the morrow would
manifest more of tlze spirit of the Psalnrist's words:
"Eehold, hotv good, and how pleasant
it is for brethren to dwell
together in unity."
Considering the helpful and inspiring niessages presented by
the dear Pilgrim Brethren at the CONVENTION and AKNC'AI.
At the conclusian af the service, Rrntlier Wi~e
It EXLEY P;\RI;. Pitr$l~urgli's Gn.nnO,-
1+4l1b Lir(l.iv C-,.~ll~.r. pr~vcdto bt XII
ir!ral plac; lor co~l~c~ltiot~
It was clmrlv maliifcrt that the scntirncitt tllrougt~our
all scsriulls cc~l&rcrlaruu~ldtlic yczrly text; "Su uJ,<rpurr
tfri~i is for:~rid ~~goirrxt
tjr,.,. ~l~all
;\ll~\tial f'lcc-
:ion-~hc first Sat~iwlny III rlie nc\rq
j.cAr. I'lic lucaiiori rrn53 rlclighriul OIIC.
.\leri~orinl Ilall, <lcrticaicrl to thc
memory oi thr: Ilcrocr ni alrotlrcr
cmiic, w36 apllroprintcly thc mccttrly
p:n-c oi :lip ~oln!icrs oi itie "Crc~ oi L11rist" W~IU, tow
ll-k!+l r!!V to tVIlt"
tllc pcrinrl ni ~tr
prC,sp.r,'' (1 sa, >,I : 17,)
O~lcIlmll~er sairl: "Since it is ini!mnsilrlc that tlivv Call
do atrythir~y aginst :kc trutli, it is like\riat inrl1Tbar1115
inr m1yt!11112rcr hzirt !itat u1,- WIIO
is ~:iiclcrtlic s!~a(io\v
oi ilic ;\llr.~~hi?. 'St>tl11?: ~Iial:I)? zlry n~ta~is
l181rk you?'
tl~cSetv Crez:tirc, for Your lire is hid ivi!hi L!tri>t
I -.. ,?la
--- .
Tllt kc~notc of r11c Cunverttion war in rnnill alotig
adlAanccd 1:lirs. cncorrraghg all to ahulid i r~
On the morning of January ?rl tlie Convention opcl~cd
rccorr!in:. to program. atld Lrom Illst liinr 10 rtlc last
tljv l~opc 01
IZlc EEilah 31id Eli-iia Iypcs (alsu Ilia1 nF Jrzchcl)
to a coln?:e!c iol~lll~l~cnt.
c~cr:il?c,Jarirrctrv All. wit11 a Lovc Feast, \vc who Irere
prcrcn: con%rdckcrl ihis Cor~vcrrtioei tllc nwrt bclleticial
rrcr ?iclrl. .\[q~r.nsirnatclyuiic rl>ottsarirt~tlcr~tlct?.Hroillcr
C. ;I. \\'iw rvrrcd ns cliairnlai! rhroi~&butllthe c!;:ire
Irrothcr E. C. \\'alters, of Tamaqoa. Pa.. um the
I I C ilircor. All minglcd in "song of urlspcaknbte
swcetriess to the nr~iscof t;orl." The insoirariori d~rlrcd
fro111tlrc rnuslc ;6d words cootaiiierl r:, "~i.nlns oi Da,.!
muscrl us to syn~p~thixcwith otlr LK.lovccl Brother J.
"Oftcn I luilx to hear some of wr hrmas!
Tltcn I conlcrnplalc the music uE the Heavcnty
courts, and Ions tot thar, and am Zhrilyed a it5
the prospect that in the chorus nrlt be :Ire
bcat~tiful, wonderful, an5cl:c hosts. the inrru-
ncralllc corn pa^^. or horlorcd serranrs bciorc
thc tllrone, the ,Bricle ro ,at1 her n!or?. and henu-
tr and !lie majcstlc Brldc:rwn. all rnrnqlirr:
thcir pericct voices in mlr<rc anr! son: or uii-
speakable snveetncss to tlic pratrc of (~od.
close of tilt Co~~rcntion.
eve11 a5 Ilrt>tllcr 1 lcrr urrgjicstccE
i! hcreas.
Eiicmics hare striven to il~illrc(a~td
rcc~lcrl 111 a rncnrurc to s!lpprcrs).
Anrl 5afa1i all his art9 cmploy ;
Sn-crrhcIcss, God ha. turncrl what seenicd to liprm ur
lrrrn l7verla<rrrr~ lnvl
L. , .
And lwforc the Cnnvcnlior~calitr ta a climax rvc !yt
siqht ot aCt oppo~ltioi~,
\\ c rlrrrrrnincd
of 111c ;\l>osllc Paul to cl:l~g to
thc old strip Zioti, arlrl to parrakc Ilcartily of the good
Iood l!iat ntrr lIarrcr rs prorialilig throurqlr t11c
ramc cliarind used tI~~rr!i~
tllc I ~~S~CIL-IIIC
- ..
\\'atcb I'nwer
Uilrlc 9 Tract Society-ln ordcr tllat w~ 1n:iy tut- ablc ro
KO Iurtli allrl Ixlror while ac hzvt tltc oppor:unity by
cll4il1g :kc fir~rtnir~lesblor tltc trtlrli. I\'c rcalircd inore
rlln11clcr Ilriorc tl~crcis murll rrl~rkto 1x dtrrit-. and wt
vcrc dercrlt~:~icrl
Jehorair Hrrnscle will tor jov sinr: uvcr all
(Zcplj. 3 :IT.) 'The Lord thr God 111 rhc mi<!=:
stormy and Iraublc-
sonrc tllc col~tlition ol rhc tirnrs mar bc, \vc wou!rl got
f,.nr, Ilut st~llrl
tl~ntno mattcr 110%~
oi thee is rninl~t?-.We >\.ill rest in + lmc.
He n-il! iw over thee 1~1th
I)v tlic o!r! Slue, of %I& untll the utry la<r.
In accordal~ccwith an invitation L-tended by the Bible
floiise family, rcvcral hundred Iricnds made a special
vir~t In tljc Watch Towcr oRct at .\llcghcn~+~:ecrl?.
across tltc Attet(l~?nyRirer irorn Pitt~bot~h IVc wcrc
cntertail~ctland grar~tcd111c privltcgt oi tei:oasbip in the
lar~cparlor, tzstll?. arranqcrl wlr4 f:rrne:arr nttd rrtcmrrlro~.r
nf IIrotllcr Rttssetlk sstudv at r!~e I3c!he! Honie
L'DDII lnqurry we rsere.r!!rec:ed over to Rrothct R!i;rcll's
firs! 1~obcrdusl:rry x!orc, The Old peakcr Shop. drag-
olinlly across the s:reer from the \l'=tc*n Tntver elfice.
It was htre that Charlts Tazt RllsscV. at the arrc of
clcven. formed a bbsincss patmershlp with 1t1r fithcr.
lllrnsclf wririnp :he art:cIes o arremclit under \v[~iclrthey
nrau,acttrl husrncsr. I!crc it was that at ~llc
rincini Iio~r.
glnrinus io+be thcre, arid (li:rr ~">v&t to he,
and want yoii to he. LC: na?:lilnr: 11r ulunc tIn1
will lcsstn our proswct. Lct l~ro:l~rrly
abound and be lairhiul unto dcarli."
Aftcr c~pericncingSitter trrals rfurrilg the year par?.
our appetite5 rvcrc whctrcrl to pn;:akc of !t\c spiritual iced
$0 lmuntiiully provirlcrl tnr thtr occasion, to tncrcxw our
hopes, cvcn at tlrc Lurrt prorn~~cd
that HC woirld "prcparc
rnldrt oi our c::cmics" that nc mrsht Irc
ablc to bear prcccnt cxprricncc?
Probably ncvcr bt:orc In r'w Clrriptian cra harr SUFII
earllest and Fervcnt prartrs IKCII~Ecrttt
a\ those on bthafl
of thc Convention. nnr! our RRFI'IIKE?; *lro arc nnn
scrvrilr: God wlirlc tn pr4ron: "'billltrr: up 1111~which is
bchlritl of the atyictrons of Chrlr! far Ilia I~ody'~
agc ut trvel\c
years. Oiarler' iathc; :ound h~m
onc rrrne at 2 A. >I.
nliirh ir thr Chnlrrll." (Cut. I:?.I.l
\\'itti caccrncss
c~cl)otrcluukctl fur sdrd ru rlrc er crltr tlrac r!-oolrl tr.w
spirc rhrre. that rllc rvill ni ~trcLord might Ilc kouwn.
'I'lrc~r Ibrrvcrs wcrc ~ns~rerc<l,
~!ori~i: over a coocorZancc, ulrconsclolrs of tllc lapse of
\Krhitr a ftw dwrs 01 this plxcc. \vc rverc dircetcrl to
a durt:: ding). hall rvhtrc our dear Bro~hcr Russcll lirrt
rvcn as uor Prcrrrlcll: arrd
Brother J. I'. Ruthcrfnrd evprcsrer? tllc desire "that the
sprl: of Christ htl the !]cart of e\.cry attr~irlalit,drnvinc
all r,i vorr closer toqrtlicr. kt eccry onc Irnl'c ilt mirirl
Orat wi arc in tlic fitint conflicr of Rcr clar~orl 17 .I-I-
"lhtsc shxtl mde rr..~: wi.i:l~thr Lamll, anrl the hmll
rhdl orcrcmnc tl~crn,for tlr is Lorrl nF lords, ar~rlS~~IT
ni ki~rss' It is !lie finale of tllc conllict betncen t?w
Scrpcnt and rhc Sccd nf Promise Lct all rcatl KISG-
l)O.\l SI:\VS So. 7 .YOll'. \\'c must o\crcornc or tc
orcrcomc-rlicrc rs no ln!drllc groturd. Corjccrnrng you
ant1 all, mv scnrirnelits, arc txyresscd ill I Lor. 11"
'Sutv I hcscccli vou. hrelllren. 111 the name ui olrr Lvrrl
Jcs~rs Chr~~r.
a rlustv. ddiw halt rfl .\iic~hcn?'. Pa.. whrrc 1 hall hcartl
tha: r&i7iou, setr:ccr rverc !icirl, to see il the ha~~tliul
mcr thc;e !lad ;~ny:'iinc morc vllsibl~ to oRvr r11m th~
crccds ol rtc qrcat cl~urclics. 7-llcrc, for the lirst lilnc. E
hehd sorne~hi;~~
of the cicwr; oi [iccolid .\tl\.cl!tirtn. by
Tonas \\-endcl:. lonr slncc dccca~crl. 'lllus I co~ljcsrin-
;fc'>:edr.vrs lo .\dvctr:tst5 as rrcll AS la othcr TE!l,lc sr~ttlcn!~.
Ti:rr~:rh hi* Scrrp:ural csl)rlcitinli rras nut c~rtire!!. rltar
ik,o:::h it 1,-as \cry far iroln wlinr $57 nnw rei;>icc :I?.
it Itas su5cicnt. u:~clcr(.;%ril. :<I re-c~:ahlisli my uv~vcri~
iakh III tiiv lli~in~
thG ye all spenk ihc same thin:. am1 ?hat
tllcre he no dij IslonF ammi:: uon: Imt that 1-c tie prii~t1t
inrrwl :ogcrbcr 1:i :hc sane ;n~tld, and in ;lie .~r::c ;!:6--
3rd fin <ho?~
that 1'c rtcnrl!i nl :irt .\po$tks arid tllc Prupltcts zrt
of thr lli~~lc,
Brathcr Rurstll'a Flrai Ifxbrdnckrty 510~
oi llie
W~tcl, 'E'rn*cr Dilll: .Y: TI ;act Slrciet~
frrcwcllr at tf~e
to mild tlic Scripture, If
Gorl lw lor tlr, ello can IIC ~K:~IIIS~
10 litcrl !he atlnin!~~t~o!i
a table in ~lic
upon :\dtc~t?irm." Quo:inp his owti rvurrls. IIC
says: "Seeminqly by accident, one ctcniiig 1 rlrop~~crl
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin