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with your Polar Heart Rate Monitor
Coach Roy Benson, MPE
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ISBN 952 - 5048 - 32 - 2
9th printing: May 2000
Printed in Finland
Lay out / Graphic design CIS / Finland
Isn’t it funny that no one ever “takes a lesson” to
learn how to run? Running’s easy, right? All you
seem to need is a pair of running shoes, comfortable
clothes, and the desire to do it.
ut, if you’re like most runners, you’ll eventually want
to know if your workouts are actually helping you
meet your objectives. Are you pushing yourself too
hard and risking injury? Or not hard enough?
Would some other training pattern work better for
you? At this point, running “lessons” begin to
sound like a smart idea. Welcome to the era
of smart, precision workouts. For over 32
years, I’ve worked with runners of all
ages and levels of fitness.
Whether they were
recreational joggers, heart
rehab patients, or
competitive runners, my goal has been
to help these runners
understand their individual
physical abilities and how
to use them most
effectively and scientifically to achieve their
individual health, fitness or competitive goals.
The key word here is individual.
Using a heart rate monitor enables you to reach these
individual goals by training smart. Your heart is the most
important muscle in your body. And your heart rate provides
a constant report on your body and its environment. How
hard or easy you are exercising, how fast you are using
energy, how hot or cold it is, and many other factors are
reflected in this single number. Heart rate monitoring allows
you to get the most benefit from your Precision Running
Program by tailoring your workouts to your precise condition
and goals.
Now, though the lessons in this manual may put some of
us running coaches out of business, that’s okay if you benefit
from smart, precision workouts. Thanks and happy trails.
Roy Benson, MPE
About the Author
Coach Roy Benson has been a track and distance running
coach for over 32 years. Following a traditional coaching
career that included 10 years at the University of Florida, he
currently offers private coaching to adult runners of all ages
and abilities—from elite competitors to beginning fitness
runners. He has over 100 runners in his program in Atlanta
and around the country. Coach Benson’s Nike Running
Camps attract over 1000 runners each summer in California,
North Carolina, Washington and Vermont. Coach Benson is a
contributing editor for Running Times, Running Journal,
Mastersport and Atlanta Sport and Fitness Magazine. He is
author of The Runner’s Coach, A Workout Workbook,
a complete guide for competitive runners and coaches.
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effort, we all have the same conditioning response: we
develop muscular endurance. In other words, it’s whatever
EFFORT you make, not just the time it takes you, that counts.
Monitoring your heart rate precisely measures your individual
Heart rate monitors make precision
workouts possible.
Until a few years ago, basing workouts on
the science of cardiac response to
exercise wasn’t practical because runners
were not going to stop in the middle of
every workout to count their pulses.
Now Polar’s affordable, accurate, wireless
heart rate monitors make it easy to
measure effort and use that feedback to
structure precision workouts.
Why do you run? To look fit? To feel good? To lose
weight? To keep your heart healthy? To compete?
And at what level? With what success?
his booklet has only one goal: to help you select the
appropriate running workouts to achieve your
personal fitness goals. It will help you understand
how to achieve precision workouts geared to your
individual physical abilities and goals through the
use of Target Heart Rate Zones and personal Target Heart
Why precision running with a heart rate
monitor is for everyone.
For too long, too many Americans thought that exercising
should be confined to P.E. class and serious athletes. But
the American public’s attitude about exercise has matured.
We now realize that exercise is for everyone. Maintaining or
improving the strength of the heart is the most important
reason to maintain fitness. Fortunately, it’s an easy goal to
achieve because the heart is a muscle and responds to
regular exercise. Other goals include losing weight,
maintaining a fit appearance or running competitively.
Different goals and different levels of effort are okay. And
heart rate monitoring provides a safe, efficient way to achieve
these individual goals.
Precision Workouts target individual goals and
Polar Precision Workouts are built on your unique physical
Unlike many running programs, Polar Precision Workouts
measure not how fast or slow you run, but how HARD or
EASY you run. Measuring your effort is important because
your fitness levels change in response to the amount of
exercise stress you put on your body. When you work hard
enough to elevate your heart rate to somewhere between
60% and 100% of its maximum rate, certain changes in your
fitness level are guaranteed to happen. If, for example, we
all workout at our own different speeds, but at exactly 60%
Next steps.
Before you strap on the monitor and take off down the street,
you need to set some goals and learn how to best use your
electronic coach.
The Concept of
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