Termiczna utylizacja odpadów-abstrakt.pdf

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Thermal Wastes Utilisation
Currently, the issue of building the waste incineration plant became the
topic of numerous discussions and disputes between supporters and opponents of
such investment. Big sums of money from investor, political ambitions of activ-
ists and pretext for demonstrations of ecological movements are hidden behind
those discussions. The side opposite to currently ruling political parties often
exhorts to referendum: this means betting on populism, bandying with demagogic
watchwords and referring to the voice of the crowd, which is not competent (as
a group of people) to pass content-related opinion in such complicated technically
and economically issue. It happens on the opposite that local authorities are in-
competent and push building incineration plant, which on given terrain is an in-
vestment that can not be accepted because of many reasons.
The author many times was invited on such meetings – both with coun-
cillors of communes and towns and also with the crowd called together for
mass meetings in local cinemas, community centres etc.
That is why I dedicate this paper to the members of parliament, em-
ployees of Environment Protection Ministry, environment protection inspection
and all local authorities, local government members and also to different kinds
of ecological movements and certain well-connected smooth operators, who
want to make private fortune on such kind of investments, only watching out
for a quick profit.
On the basis of analysis, first concerning incidence of combustion gases
main contaminants especially taking into consideration occurrence of poly-
chlorinated dibenzodioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans and then general
descriptive analysis of methods of those contaminants removal from combus-
tion gases, the Author gives general conclusions, which people deciding to
build or not to build waste incineration plant in the given area should take into
1. Modern waste incineration plant, which uses for example in turn all known
basic processes of combustion gases treatment and full utilisation of differ-
ent wastes and full treatment of wastewater including suspension wastewa-
ter arising during combustion gases treatment, is a huge investment and
over 80% of all costs of the investment are costs of combustion gases
treatment installation and then utilisation of secondary wastes and waste-
water treatment.
Tadeusz Piecuch
2. Taking into consideration running discussion of uncritical supporters of
introducing wastes incineration plants, who in many statements and also in
articles diminish negative impact on the environment of the running wastes
incineration plant on one side and taking into consideration one-sided,
negative stance of many social organisations, political parties (so called
greens) as well as strong lobbies in local governments concerning initiation
of wastes incineration plant – a person, who decides to initiate wastes in-
cineration plant or not should know, that truth lies in between of the both
extreme opinions. This means that it is not as good as supporters of wastes
incineration plants say and it is not so bad as opponents of wastes incinera-
tion plants claim.
3. Every investment of wastes incineration plant should be considered indi-
vidually for each given case, taking into consideration following issues lay-
ing in the basis of the given decision:
do we have enough money to build a modern wastes incineration plant
which has a technological system, such as described above?
is there (if wastes incineration plant will be built in a town) a proper terrain
(location) for such big investment, which is a kind of energetical factory?
This means necessity of securing at least 300 m of protection zone with
natural shield (trees etc.) from houses in the neighbourhood?
are all technical and organisational details concerning management of sec-
ondary wastes and collection of possible products from secondary wastes
(and such production of e.g. prefabricated units from wastes has to be subsi-
dised or otherwise it will not be competitive on the market) “polished up”?
is the amount of wastes big enough to make them especially troublesome to
be stored inside borders of the town or near it and saying outright there is no
place to store wastes, thermal wastes utilisation (wastes incineration) as
a quick and efficient is the only rescue for the town functioning?
when wastes incineration plant is built not in a big town but in a small one,
small commune or in the rural area – is this area specially protected for ex-
ample as a landscape park or sanatorium area (it is necessary to distinguish
recreational and holiday area from sanatorium area)
when wastes incineration plant is built in a small town or in the rural area –
does it threaten ecological agriculture as well as water reservoirs and water
intakes? It is necessary to state here that there are in Poland poor rural areas,
post state-owned farms areas, areas with poor soils and areas with big un-
employment and misery of people living there. In these areas making deci-
sion about building waste incineration plant may be considered, because it
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Ś rodkowo-Pomorskie Towarzystwo Naukowe Ochrony Ś rodowiska
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Termiczna utylizacja odpadów
will become a chance to improve economic conditions and a chance for lo-
cal unemployed to find a job. A certain degree of the environment devasta-
tion, which possibility results from this paper – in such case may be omitted
because life and functioning of local inhabitants are hopeless. Wastes incin-
eration plant is not worse emitter of contaminants than coke plants, steel-
works and some chemical factories. There are also references to motor ex-
haust fumes,
it is a disturbing matter, that producers of wastes incineration plants in pur-
suit of significant financial profits, have employed deferred experts, who
give not objective opinions, collecting significant fees from those producers.
A decision-maker who gives permission for building a wastes incineration
plant should at first check, after reading this article, if project of the wastes
incineration plant includes all described in this paper stages of combustion
gases treatment and whether parameters (e.g. time and temperature of gases
combustion in the combustion chamber) of the processes used in particular
stages are real (whether they are only an attempt of advertisement befor put-
ting into practice at all costs).
4. When decision to build a wastes incineration plant is made it is necessary to un-
ambiguously define the form of protecting activities which will ensure that in
wastes destined for the thermal liquidation there will be no wastes which in their
chemical structure include chlorine (e.g. some plastic wastes – PVC, some paints
and varnishes etc.). Such protection is not easy to be put in the practice and it re-
quires, among other things:
ambiguous generic segregation of wastes before they are incinerated (sorting),
persistent and systematic control of wastes chemical composition (inter alia to
check chlorine and in some cases fluorine content). The apparatus to do this is ex-
tremely expensive and requires highly qualified staff in the laboratory and such
laboratory has to be an integral part (one of departments) of built wastes incinera-
tion plant,
possibility of identification of some kinds of organic wastes producers should
be considered, e.g. by introduction of pattern code scanners in the waste incin-
eration plant to control veracity of producers’ statements of the product
chemical composition. There are many examples that show the producers of
e.g. plastic packaging or paints or varnishes, deny using polychlorinated or-
ganic compounds (e.g. PVC) during their production, and this is not truth –
and giving such untrue information results from pursuit of profits and some-
times results from making production of such products much easier (e.g. they
are much easier produced when polyvinyl chloride is used),
Ś rodkowo-Pomorskie Towarzystwo Naukowe Ochrony Ś rodowiska
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Tadeusz Piecuch
similar activities must be undertaken to avoid the content of mercury and its
compounds in wastes which will be incinerated (among others avoiding re-
ceiving of medical wastes),
extremely important matter for employed wastes incineration plant personnel, is
their ecological awareness, which has to influence the work reliability of the per-
sonnel. Under Polish conditions this awareness is not sufficient enough, despite
clear improvement in that regard.
5. Pyrolysis of wastes is a method of thermal wastes utilisation which is for
sure qualitatively better than classical incineration. Pyrolysis currently
squeezes out wastes incineration.
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Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin