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8/1 Utwórz pytania: A. - ogólne, B. - do podkreœlonych czêœci zdañ. A.

1. The woman expected to be allowed to go first.

2. The flag-raising ceremony has already been held.

3. The frequency of the power cuts bothers me a lot.

4. She could have had the opportunity to steal the gun that day.

5. Those political prisoners will be freed after the election. 

6. The results would change his opinion.

7. The postman tapped on the window.

8. She's got auburn hair. 

9. We have been working on that book for six months so far.

10. There were two young women in the compartment.

11. She got the idea from a women's magazine.

12. She's stirring her tea with a pencil.

13. My neighbour's car was dented in the accident.  

14. A marble statue stood in the middle of the square.   

15. Paris is beautiful in spring.

16. I kept the kitten with white paws.

17. This stereo is 200 pounds.  

18. She never eats junk food.

19. The man she ran away with was her former fiance.

20. They hadn't stayed in Casablanca for long.

21. They met in Rome three years ago.  

22. He couldn't have eaten before the meeting because he was in a hurry.   

23. He reacted calmly to the news.   

24. The smallest dog barks the loudest.

25. They are fighting about who is going to take the firm over.

26. They suspect the night watchman of the robbery.

27. I've seen "Mission: Impossible" at least five times.

28. He is a very warm and outgoing person.

29. She was looking at the children playing hide and seek.

30. Flora Marvell goes to the hairdresser's once a week.


8/2  Przettumacz.

1. O czym oni czêsto rozmawiaj¹? 

2. Dla kogo jest to wegetariañskie danie? 

3. Jak wygl¹da wasze nowe mieszkanie?

4. Czyje pieni¹dze zostaty skradzione?

5. Czym karmisz swojego chomika?

6. Czy ci dziennikarze zawsze zadaj¹ takie trudne pytania?

7. Co byto w pudetku?     

8. Który z filmów najbardziej ci siê podobat?

9. Jaka byta pogoda w sobotê? 

10. Sk¹d to wzi¹teœ? 

11. Kto zwykle robi zakupy? 

12. Jak ona siê wczoraj czuta?

13. Jakie imiê dali swojemu synowi? 

14. Czym siê interesuje twój brat? 

15. Kogo Julia nie zaprosita na przyjêcie? 

16. Który ptaszcz byt najcieplejszy?

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