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Agni Yoga
Copyright, 1997
Agni Yoga Society, Inc.
This book or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced in English
or in translation to any other language
without written permission from the publisher
Sixth Edition
The only English translation
of the original work authorized by the
World Headquarters of the Agni Yoga Society
319 West 107 th Street, New York, N.Y. 10025
Printed in the United States of America
Signs of Agni Yoga
The Blessed Mahatma who gave the books, The Call, Illumination, and Community , has
given much counsel and the Signs of Agni Yoga. These practical indications were gathered by us
for the use of those who seek knowledge.
Sanskrit and Senzar lend a special flavor to the exposition and do not always find their
equivalent in other languages. Nevertheless the meaning of the expressions is preserved exactly.
And those who take part in contemporary life will read attentively this wise Teaching which
emanates from the experience of centuries.
Yoga—that supreme bridge to cosmic attainment—has existed through all ages. Each
Teaching comprises its own Yoga, applicable to that step of evolution. The Yogas do not
contradict each other. As the branches of one tree they spread their shade and refresh the traveler
exhausted from heat.
His strength regained, the traveler continues on his way. He took naught that was not his,
nor did he divert his striving. He embraced the manifested benevolence of space. He liberated
the preordained forces. He mastered his single belonging.
Do not reject the forces of Yoga, but like light carry them into the twilight of labor
For the future, we arise out of sleep. For the future, we renew our garments. For the
future, we sustain ourselves. For the future, we strive in our thought. For the future, we gather
First we shall apply the counsels of life. Then we shall pronounce the name of the Yoga
of the time approaching. We shall hear the advancing footsteps of the element of fire, but we
shall already be prepared to master the undulations of the flame.
Therefore, we hail the yoga of the past—the Raja Yoga. And we affirm that of the
future—the Agni Yoga.
1. They will ask, "Can the time of Maitreya create a New Era?"
Answer, "If the Crusades brought a new age, then truly the Era of Maitreya is a
thousandfold more significant." In such consciousness should one proceed.
2. People do not realize the meaning of God or Bodhisattva. As though blind, they ask,
"What is light?" But people even lack words to describe its properties, though daily they
perceive light.
So wary are people of the unusual that they are confused about the boundaries of light
and darkness. It is simpler for them to conceive of God inhabiting a palace upon the largest star.
Otherwise their God would remain dwellingless. Their manifest lack of co-measurement impels
them to demean what exists.
3. Often you wonder why I do not reply to a question. You must know that the arrows of
thought often graze the subject of the answer. Imagine a traveler who is crossing an abyss upon a
rope. Would it be wise to begin calling him? The call may disturb his balance. Therefore, one
should pronounce names less often, reserving them for urgent need. The ability to use individual
names is necessary, but uttering them should be like the blow of a hammer in space.
4. Regarding simpler words for simple people, one should remember that simple people
need smaller doses of medicine. There is the identical law—as above, so below. Therefore
simple people are the best disseminators.
5. The expansion of the blood vessels is characteristic of the growth of consciousness,
and this process must be protected by physical means from the effect of the sun's pressure upon
the solar plexus.
Let us not forget how the priestesses of antiquity were shielded from the sun. They wore
breastplates of lithium, covered with wax, the melting of which indicated the danger line of
In addition to immersing the hands in water, immersing of the feet is permitted. But cold
baths may be as harmful as the sun's rays.
6. One can visit different planets in one's mental body. Thus is indicated that future step
when consciousness will not be confined to the one planet. As we now cross from one part of the
world to another, the same principle will be applied in interplanetary crossings.
The Teacher bids you rejoice at each attainment of the spirit. The way to and from other
planets is no more difficult than is the passage between the physical and astral bodies, no more
complicated than understanding the process of thought and striving to the stars. Only in striving
for the interplanetary can we be assured of the evolution of humanity.
7. The manifestation of new rays prompts beautiful additions to Our plans. The
densification of the astral body is inconsequential in itself when compared with the conscious
work of the mental body. For one's tasks on this planet the mental body need not be released
from its shielded condition. But this highest body is needed for interplanetary activity.
The affirmation of new rays will permit one to retain consciousness in diverse spheres.
Formerly only certain strata of the atmosphere permitted the retention of consciousness. But
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