O. Hashnu Hara - Concentration and the Acquirement of Personal Magnetism.pdf

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By O. Hashnu Hara
IN giving this series of lessons to the public at a nominal fee, I believe I am really doing something that will be
of great benefit to all who need a helmsman to guide the rudder of the good boat “Thought” to the harbor of
Thought, unorganized, is so much waste matter; Thought, ORGANIZED, is the greatest power in the world,
greater even than the almighty Dollar, for it commands filthy lucre and bids grim poverty farewell – forever? It
commands love, which filthy lucre can’t, and it commands all that makes life worth living.
That it is necessary to undergo special mental training to produce this state of mental organization is very
apparent, and that people desire daily more light, more knowledge, and for means to overcome their state of
ignorance is, as sure as “eggs are eggs,” the reason why Personal Magnetism and the consideration of the
Thought Forces have become such a cult.
Personal Magnetism means health, happiness, power and success.
Those who want these things and all they stand for, follow the rules I give you in these pages; read, mark, learn
and inwardly digest each lesson, and if you do not live to bless the wonderful force known as Personal or Animal
Magnetism; if you do not realize within yourself a new found happiness, because you realize that you are not the
weak, downtrodden creature you have so long considered yourself, but a glorified, radiant, happy being; then, I
say, my name is not...
O. Hashnu Hara
THAT a course of lessons fully illustrating the action of thought, explaining its composition, and the correct
method of using it, would prove a boon to many students of the Occult and mental sciences, who find this a very
great drawback to serious advancement, appear almost a certainty.
The methods usually advocated seem to me very impractical; in the first place, how can a man who has never
learned to control thought in everyday matters, such as banishing business worries when he comes home, or goes
to bed, or in learning to control small habits, suddenly sit down and “concentrate on Spirit,” when probably his
very idea of spirit is such as to awaken all his dormant fancies, and to call forth not one image, but hundreds?
Then he fondly believes he is concentrating, until the utter absence of results proves that he has done no such
thing, and he begins all over again.
It is only what may be expected, and even a general attempt to simplify the matter would be welcome; but I have
had so many letters and so many appeals from men and women who cannot master this one subject – quite the
most important in the whole school of Metaphysical and Occult teaching – the door, in fact, which will open to
them the whole vista held out in books, an entrancing vision of knowledge, of health, of happiness, and the
unseen, which too often will remain in books, simply because the initial step is too difficult – that I have made a
great effort to meet the demand in a popular and practical form.
First of all I will beg of my pupils to begin at the bottom. Do not try to concentrate your thought on spirit before
you are quite sure:
First. As to what THOUGHT is composed of.
Second. That you are able to concentrate your mind on some unimportant mundane matter, to the exclusion of all
Third. Do not try to concentrate your mind for half an hour at a time, until you can concentrate for two
consecutive minutes.
Fourth. What spirit is.
I advise the student to practice keeping his mind on one subject for a minute at a time, and then gradually
increase the time from day to day.
If you intended to train for, say, a foot race, you would not start with a twenty-mile walk after having been out of
training for a long time. Nor if a little child is being taught how to read is he given a difficult scientific book to
begin with. Yet men and women are put to a task far more difficult than these, without any preparation or
gradual initiation into the processes employed.
Take some subject you are very much interested in for the commencement, then for one minute hold this before
your mind’s eye, try to see if it in your imagination, and if you fail, wait another hour or so then try again.
By these means you gradually increase the elasticity of your brain, which, by continual exercises, can be
expanded and made to perform tasks which were originally impossible. The next thing is to consider the part our
brain plays in the matter of thought generation.
Look upon the brain simply as a very delicate machine, a dynamo that generates thought as an ordinary dynamo
generates electricity. The construction of this machine needs some consideration for it is known that certain parts
of the brain are put to certain uses, and that a brain left dormant grows gradually incapable of anything much
above involuntary action, and that if certain parts even of the brain are neglected they in turn become atrophied
and are useless.
The accompanying diagram shows the relative parts of the brain, and the work they do is as follows:
Fig. 1 is the cerebrum, and consists of two hemispheres, which are separated by a very deep fissure. The
cerebrum is composed of a thick layer of gray matter, surrounding white fibrous nerve substance. The gray
matter is drawn up in to folds, or convolutions, and the whole is covered by a delicate membrane composed of
arteries and veins, supported by tissue.
( Diagrams not shown )
This part of the brain is the seat of sensation, of will, of intelligence, and also of the emotions; if this part of the
brain is injured, the power of manifesting mental faculties is more or less lost.
Fig. 2 is the lesser brain, or cerebellum, and this guards and regulates the involuntary muscles and movements of
the mind and body. I have always placed the subconscious mind here; it seems the most reasonable locality to
apportion it to, for the subconscious mind is certainly an involuntary worker; it also depends very little upon the
will of the emotions, for all the will-power in the world will not make it manifest if it is not in the state to do so,
and the everyday working brain has quite enough to do to look after its own without taking on another function.
Fig. 3, the pons varolli, and Fig. 5, the medulla oblongata, do not immediately concern us, although, of course,
their own work is very important. Thus, if the medulla oblongata is destroyed, death at once ensues.
From the under surface of the brain twelve pairs of nerves are given off, called the cranial nerves; each pair
supply some sense to the body, generated by the brain machine, just as a dynamo turns out its streams of
electricity. One pair of nerves supply the sense of smell; the next the optic nerves; the third pair move the
eyeballs; the fourth supply the skin of the face, the muscles of the lower jaw, and the tongue; the sixth pair are
supplied to the muscles which turn the eyeballs outwards; the seventh pair supply fibers to the muscles of the
face; the eight pair supply the ear; the ninth pair are mixed nerves and they enable us to taste, and also supply the
nerves to the pharynx; the tenth pair are very important mixed nerves which send fibers to her larynx, lungs, hear,
stomach and liver; the eleventh pair are motor nerves which supply certain muscles to the neck; the twelfth pair
are spending fibers to the tongue. So here we get a clear idea of our thought machine, a good thing to start with,
since certainly no other kind of engineer would attempt to drive a machine of which he was absolutely ignorant.
This direct arrangement from the brain center explains to a great extent how the form of concentration called
mental healing can affect the body, and rebuild the tissues.
For each pair of nerves will carry the message given to them by the brain, and it naturally depends upon the
message as to the effect produced. Here we get the machine we have to work with, and having mastered the
technical parts of it, we will now proceed to see how thought acts, and how concentration affects thought.
It has long been a matter of consideration and study to me as to where the will really is located, and in this matter
of concentration it is doubly important, because without that WILL man cannot possibly concentrate. It is the
master of the Thoughts Machine, and I have found that the best way to meet the difficulty is to look upon the
WILL as the OVER SOUL, that part of man which never dies, and which is carried on from incarnation to
incarnation. I am assuming the theory of reincarnation to be something more that theory. It has been given to me
to remember past lives, although only two or three; but even if one can remember any it surely renders the theory
a fact.
This OVER SOUL, or will-power, is the force which sets the brain in motion, and which determines what effect
the thought generated will have, and also what strength; it rests within ourselves to decide the state we are to
reach in each successive incarnation (after we have been through a certain number), yet if we seek the intelligent
co-operation of the over soul we can, if we so desire, accomplish in one life what might otherwise take centuries
to perform.
THE seat of WILL, or the over soul, may, I think, be safely placed in the NERVE AURA surrounding the brain.
The exact nature of thought has not, so far as I have been able to discover, ever been fully explained. There is no
doubt that thought is of atomic origin, else I do not quite see how, in accordance with Nature’s law, it could
travel through the ether.
In regarding the action of thought in the ether, we are too much in danger of regarding the ether as something
outside ourselves, and thought as an unconsidered and unknown quantity, a mistake which must be rigorously
guarded against.
The ether permeates our whole body, and because of this wonderful invisible medium, thought, magnetism, and
other know substances of a similar nature can attract to themselves matter from throughout the universe; thought,
of course, having a greater power of attraction than any other substance. There is nothing in the world, which can
prevent this attraction, no matter what may intervene between the thought and the object it seeks. The reason for
this may be summed up in one word – ether. This acts as a conducting medium for the light waves which travel
form the most distant planets and fixed stars, light which takes ten years to reach our little earth; and it acts as a
conducting medium for our thought, whether we desire to send it to the other side of the earth, or to some far
distant region in the unknown, or back, back into the long forgotten past, or forward into the yet unexplored
I have frequently held forth respecting the nature of that invisible substance called ether , but for the benefit of
new readers, at the risk of boring the old, I will repeat myself.
The ether, then, is an invisible medium filling all space; scientists accept it as a necessity to account for the
transmission of LIGHT through space where no ordinary medium, such as air , is to be found.
It is said by scientists to be of a smooth, jelly-like substance, and by Rosicrucian’s it is looked upon as living
flame: We are at present more concerned with the scientific standpoint of what is called the “aluminiferous
ether.” As my readers can readily understand, there must be some substance to fill all space, or we could get light
from sun or moon, or the far distant stars.
This light travels through the ether by means of “waves,” that is, the tiny atoms, or particles, travel through space
in a series of concentric (that is, from a common center) waves, each particle communicating motion to the next
adjoining particle, and so on. Remember, too, that each particle, or atom, becomes, in its turn, a center of
disturbance, sending out new waves. These wavelengths are exceedingly minute, and travel at an immense speed.
They follow the waveform usual to water when, say, a stone is thrown in to cause a disturbance. There is the
crest of the wave and the trough, and although the scientific method of measuring the length of these waves does
not affect us at present, measured they are.
We know that light travels through ether by means of waves continually spreading outward; that a RAY of light
is really non-existent. Light travels in minute particles, or atoms, and THOUGHT is propelled through the ether
and through space in a similar manner to light.
You will consider the brain as a dynamo, only, of course, more powerful than any other known machine, and
more delicately constructed. Man, as a race, is in constant danger of under-estimating the power of this machine,
simply because he cannot CONCEIVE of such power.
From the central point of the brain, where motion is so intense, it almost appears at a standstill, thought radiates
outward, as light radiates from our central point of energy - the sun.
We have seen, first, the machine, which generates thought, and secondly, the medium through which thought is
propelled in its journey from one point of the globe to another.
The NATURE of thought is such that it is invisible as far as ocular demonstration is concerned, but its POWER
is such that it is manifested in our daily life on every hand.
I assume thought to be of atomic origin, and, as I have already explained, the ether is a smooth, jelly-like
substance with the property of transmitting atoms and molecules (a molecule is a group of two or more atoms)
through space (which it entirely fills) at a terrific speed, the speed, of course, depending entirely upon the nature
and size of the atom. Thought atoms are so infinitesimal that they probably exceed the highest known rate of
speed, for the smaller the atom the higher and swifter the rate of vibration.
Whenever anybody thinks, even on the most trivial matter, they at once set up a stress (or disturbance) in the
ether, and all around them becomes disturbed. If the thought was feeble, the disturbance will be merely local,
and affect nobody, although, if charged with anger, worry, or discontent, it will affect the thinker very much for
Such thoughts upset the ether, recoil upon the internal organism through the brain, and set up a state of irritation
similar to the mental process, thus affecting not only the secretions of the vital organs, but surrounding the whole
with a negative aura, which destroys the waves of love and good feeling which would otherwise surround that
person. Then also, in a slight degree, these conditions will affect others in the immediate vicinity. They may
experience feelings of depression, and the sensation of a cloudy atmosphere; but the thoughts are too
unorganized to have a lasting effect, unless one is continually living with this species of thought emanation; it
will not affect anybody seriously, EXCEPT the THINKER. He, or she, will at once show the work they have
been unconsciously performing – bad digestion, sleepless nights, wrinkles, flabby cheeks, and the general
inability to enjoy anything. These are the lasting results of such disturbance of the etheric substances.
We are all anxious to obtain success in life, and to help others; but the life success must be so perfectly blended
with the spiritual success, that the two are one, else neither will be very lasting. I am aware that certain people
may take exception to this statement, but it is my firm opinion that true-life success embraces this dual aspect I
have described.
The law of vibration is always traveling from a higher to a lower rate and back again; it follows a free-path
motion, and returns upon its journey laden with the errand it set out to perform. If you will look at the first
diagram of this lesson, you will see a perfect circle, which we will call the sphere of spirit. At the mark “A” in
this circle we see pure spirit, and at ‘B” we will place matter. Thus ‘A,” pure spirit is a rate of vibration which is
intense –
( Fig. II not shown )
the swiftest possible. From this, spirit travels at a rate that grows slower and gradually slower, and, of course,
denser, until it arrives at the base “B,” where it is practically at a standstill. This may be interpreted as the
procession of spirit through the grosser shades of matter, until at “B” we find matter almost pure and simple; but
from “B” back to “A” again this etheric flow grows swifter and swifter, until at “A” it again assumes its swiftest
rate of speed, and, having shaken off the confining elements of matter, is again merged into pure spirit.
We can trace this as the process of life. All life is spirit, and this diagram represents the entire period from the
first separation of the individual from spirit, on its journey through life to the time when, having passed through
countless incarnations, it is ready to return whence it came. The reason for this journey is not apparent; it is
simply the law of Nature.
Thus from “A” to “B” is the spiritual basis upon which we are all founded, and from which, by the slow
processes of evolution, we attain the state of so much gross matter, the state in which quite nine-tenths of the
population of the world are at present. Then, from here, man’s higher sense begins to crave a higher state of
evolution, and at last realizes that he has it in his power to obtain this when he pleases. “We live in the state of
development our thoughts create for us.” The higher our mental aspirations, the swifter and purer the rate of
vibration we attain. If you live in the dirt you cannot expect to attract anything else; but if you are a child of
sunshine, so will you be garbed in light, and draw to yourself all that is your by right.
To retrace our steps a little, we will repeat that the brain center is a medium, a machine for manifesting and
creating thought, as a dynamo, only, of course, more powerful than any other know machine, and more perfect.
At the center of the brain, energy is so intense that it almost appears to be still and calm, and from this still center
radiates outward thought, the quality and quantity of which depends upon the machine, which generates the
power. The generating process takes place through the all-compelling action of the WILL or OVER SOUL, that
part of man, which never dies. This action is helped, and often to a very great degree, by correct breathing, which
has the most wonderful effect upon concentration of thought.
The following diagrams will illustrate very clearly how thought will proceed under given circumstances.
Thought will proceed under given circumstance. Thought is dynamic, or, properly speaking, kinetic; * but, of
course, the words apply to the same thing. Under the compulsion of a strong and well-advanced WILL, or over
soul, thought travels in a direct line towards that upon which it is concentrated. The more intense this form of
concentration, the swifter and more direct the journey of that thought.
Fig. 2 shows the action of thought when directed upon some particular point. From “A” to “B” we get
concentrated thought traveling from the brain center, “A,” to the point it is intended to reach, “B.” This may be
defined as organized thought, a substance of which the vibrations are almost as subtle as the transmitting
medium, etheric waves.
( Diagram not shown )
From “A” to “C,” however, we obtain the action of thought as it is understood in everyday parlance, the
vacillating, uncertain thought of the organized mind which follows a zigzag course, varying in strength, and
finally filtering away, without ever reaching its goal.
*Producing motion. Force of any kind as a motive power and its action.
TO resume the consideration of the various kinds of thought waves we will now consider Fig. III (Lesson III),
which shows the action of the brain when generating another kind of mind wave, when the thought field, which
closely resembles the magnetic field, as known to electricians, is composed of lines of forces which are less
concentrated because more scattered in area, since they radiate outwards to all points, still from the same calm
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