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An Introduction to Telekinesis

An Introduction to Telekinesis


By now you probably know what telekinesis (TK) is. It's the ability to move something without actually touching it. Some people like "psychokinesis" better, I don't  . Right off the bat, I can hear you say: "Telekinesis real? HAH! You're nuts!" Maybe you're right. Maybe TK is fake... maybe what happens is a gust of wind, or maybe a vibration in the table, or maybe... All I have to say to that is BLAH BLAH BLAH  . You don't have to believe, no one is forcing you - but I recommend reading on anyways. You don't have to try the exercises, but just getting you to think "Hmmmm, maybe it is real?..." will be a good first step.

The First Step

Getting your conscious mind to believe TK is real is the first step. Once you can say, "Yeah, people can move things with their mind" - you'll be part of the way there. The funny thing about telekinesis is that when you believe it will work, it will. When you don't, it won't. Since it works like this, people who can do TK believe in TK and the positive belief becomes stronger. When a person who doesn't believe in it tries, they fail because of the belief and the negative belief is reinforced. Success means more success and failure means more failure. This is why most people can't do it. So, back to the first step - get it in your head that TK is real. Once you consciously believe in it, the beliefs will seep into your subconscious and you will totally believe it - inside and out, through and through. This is when you will start seeing consistent results.

Before we get into how to consciously believe in it, lets go over how we should handle random thoughts and feelings. The thing I fear is that you will think "This is crazy" and you will suppress this thought and force yourself to think "TK is real." This isn't good. You have to pick through each thought and pull it apart. You have to listen to what you hear. If you hear yourself thinking "This will never work" - ask yourself why? As the reasons pop up, you have to challenge each one and nullify it. Please, do not shove the thoughts deep inside of you; spontaneous thoughts come from your subconscious. If you think something - explore it, don't hide from it. I love getting in arguments with myself - it lets me see the true me.

Now you're saying "Heh, my thoughts can't be challenged! I can argue to anyone that TK is fake." Fine. Just keep an open mind... I'll go over some of the reasons why I started to believe in TK. This way, you can see why I started and look at my reasoning:

1. You say: No one can move things with their mind and modern science agrees.

This is a pretty broad one. The thing that made me think twice about it was the experiences of others. Just me here, telling you that I have personally seen it in action, should spark a little something. If you do a search on the Internet, there are a lot of message boards and sites dedicated to "psychic" stuff. Why would there be such a huge thing about it if it was all fake? Can people be really that dumb (heh, don't answer that  )? Seriously, you're trying to say that there is a scientific explanation for everything out there? No way... There is a lot that science can't explain. Also, are you saying that every person who has had a TK experience is crazy or it was some weird coincidence? I don't think so. Sure, you got your crazies out there who don't know what, and I'm positive there's a couple fictional stories out there, but every one? Eh, chances are slim. There is something going on we can't explain it. You have to admit that.

2. You say: Physics says it's impossible.

Physics. Hmmmm. Ever hear of Quantum Physics? It's the study of energy and how it gets around. Pretty interesting stuff... but not explored fully yet. Plus there's the magnetism theory for TK. Basically, electric magnets are stronger than normal magnets. Guess what our brain is? Yep, electrical impulses. Can you see the connection? Plus there have been studies (just do a search, you'll find them) - baby chicks have used micro-TK to affect the outcome of a RNG (random number generator) so the light (guided by the RNG) would be close to them, keeping them warm. Maybe common sense at first says it's impossible, but if you look close - it's not really that far fetched.

3. You say: Maybe it is possible, but then it's a freak of nature and only happens with gifted people. Heh. Yeah, maybe. All I can say is that I have taught people who have asked me and I taught myself. If it is only possible through "mutants" then I guess I'm a mutant along with anyone else who was taught by me. Hmmm, if we're so rare, that's an amazing coincidence  .

As you can see, there are a lot of angles to take. Be logical - and have an open mind. Read about experiences of others online and go into chats and ask around. Try Yahoo chat - under the Religion category there is a "Paganism" room - check it out. Sometimes we have meetings in #psipog for all you IRC users (any austnet server).

I Do Believe

Oh do you? Heh. I don't mean to knock over everything you've built up, but you probably don't truly believe unless you have seen it with your own eyes. You still might not believe after that. I remember the first time it happened to me. I was doing an exercise I invented (the key one for those of you that have read on  ) and the key (the object I was trying to move) spun around really fast then stopped suddenly. I was shocked. I 'knew' TK was real, but I really didn't know. It blew my insides apart... on the outside I thought "Sure, TK is real, I just need more practice" while on the inside I thought "Ehhh, this stuff can't be real." After the experience, I truly knew TK was real. How can you get your subconscious to believe it's real? It's not easy. The way I did it was to just bombard it with thoughts that "TK is real" and challenged any thought that said otherwise with logic and reason. I also did another thing which is the key to TK. Do you want to know what it is? It's the same with anything else you want to be really good at.... PRACTICE. Yeah, it sucks, there is no switch or trigger, just plain practice is the best way to get good at it. What do you do when you practice? In my next section I'll show you the way I practice and some other exercises I've read about.

Micro-TK Practice

A real quick intro on micro-TK. Micro-TK is easier than it's counter-part, macro-TK. The micro basically means that you're dealing on a sub-atomic level - dealing with chance/statistics. In these exercises, you will effect the outcome of something using TK. You'll get the hang of it after reading some.

Dice Exercise

The basic idea behind this is to roll dice and force a number. Be careful inventing your own exercises. If you have a target number and you try to force it, your practicing TK. If you try to predict what the number will be (changing your target number between each roll) your actually developing a different psychic skill - precognition (predicting the future).

All you need is a die, some paper, and a pencil. Roll the dice 50-100 times to make sure it's not weighted anyway and is fair. If you roll it 100 times, each number should come up 16-17 times (number of trials divided by number of possible outcomes or 100 / 6). In the example, it seems that 5 might have a slight advantage and 6 doesn't look so well. Here, I would pick either 2 or 3 as a target number because you can be sure that the results won't be affected by the imperfections in the die.After you get the feel for the dice, you want to try and force your target number. Don't get upset if your number doesn't seem to be coming up that often, there could be a lot of reasons for this. You could not be concentrating enough, you could not have enough practice, you could not be "warmed up," or you could just be having a bad day. You want to try to keep relaxed and free. Open your mind to the dice, stay focused but passive. "Know" that the dice will land on your target number, trust your instincts, be playful and have fun. If you find yourself getting mad, take a break for a while and come back to it. I know I'm saying to try to force your target number, but I don't want you to take it the wrong way. It shouldn't be a "force," it should be very calm and relaxing. Let it flow, lay back and let the numbers do what they're going to do. Take a look at the results to the right. Although the person was trying to force 3, he did the total opposite. This might happen to you. You say "I want 3" and your subconscious thinks "Well, since this isn't going to work, there won't be a lot of 3's." Your negative subconscious thoughts are reflected onto the results. This is a GOOD sign  . If you get something similar to this you should be able to convince your sub-conscious that TK does exist. How else can you explain the drastic change? Sure, the numbers will fluctuate a little, but that much? Eh, not likely.Personally, I don't like this exercise that much. It's pretty tedious and repetitive. It isn't very positive in my opinion either. You can try other things instead of a dice (a coin for example) - the basic idea is still there. I prefer (when practicing micro-TK) to do the next two exercises.

Card Exercise 1 I made this exercise one late night in bed. Everyone seems to like it, including myself  . It's fun, easy, and exciting! All that you need is a deck of cards - a pretty common thing. One reason why I like this exercise is because you can do it with people watching and they can't catch on to what you're doing. You don't have to write down anything or make any tables, it's just you and 52 cards.First start off by choosing a target card. Try to pick a card that isn't bent and will fit in pretty good. Now you shuffle and shuffle. The goal is to remove all cards EXCEPT your target card. On average, I remove around 6 cards each time. Let's run through an example so you get the idea. Lets say I choose the Ace of Spades as my target card. I shuffle the deck a couple times to mix it up good. I have an urge to take some cards out so I pull out the first 6 cards and look through them to make sure the Ace isn't in it. I throw those cards in another pile. Then I shuffle some more. I get a feeling to stop and remove some cards, so I take the top 7 and look through them to make sure the Ace isn't in there. It's not, so I keep going. I keep shuffling and removing cards until I do come across the Ace.

This exercise works good because you can convince your mind that your card won't be in the group you grab to check. Think about it, will your target card be in a group of 40+ or in a group of 6? Your subconscious says "Yeah, you're right, there's no way the Ace of Spades is in here..." If you keep doing it, you will start to see results and be able to narrow it down to 10, 5, and eventually 1 card. The most important part is to do what you feel like doing. Don't analyze (until you're done) and don't think. Just flow... go with it.

Card Exercise 2 This exercise is for those who have mastered the first card exercise. It's pretty straight-forward and simple. Actually, I made this one before I made Card Exercise 1.


First, get a target card. Make sure it's not bent and has no weird marks (so it doesn't stick out). You basically shuffle the deck and keep shuffling until you feel your target card is on top. Believe it or not, the third try after I started doing this I got my card on top. I was just shuffling and shuffling, then I thought "There it is" and I threw it on my bed. When I saw I was actually right, I just stared at it in shock.The key to this exercise is to identify your goal and just do it. Don't let anything run through your head other than "..." No thoughts. Don't think "This won't work", don't think "The odds are way against me" - just think "..."

Macro-TK Practice

Macro-Telekinesis is what were all here for. Moving big things with our mind. None of this "chance" crap, this stuff is hard-core, obvious, undisputable proof. The only thing that sucks about it is that it SEEMS to be harder to do. Why do I say seem? Personally, I believe it is no harder than micro-TK (my subconscious disagrees  ) it's just SEEMS harder because we believe it would be harder. Everything, even the things outside of TK, is tied to perception and belief. Just stating "I am telekinetic!" to your subconscious will help. Have confidence! It does work and it will work!

Enough of that, here are some exercises:

Key Exercise I'm not sure where this exercise came from. I think I read something to trigger me into thinking of it. It's pretty basic. You hang a string from the ceiling and tie a key to it (or any weight for that matter). Then you try to move it. Heh, that's it (see picture if you're confused).

The key (pun intended) to this exercise is to unlock (heh, I'm loving this  ) your power. You can try a bunch of things to see what works for you. I like my eyes open. I try to keep a clear mind with only the thought of success in my head. Some people like to think of a magnet, some like to think of energy, it's all a matter of finding what's right for you.

String Exercise I get a lot of e-mails about people wanting to learn TK, one of the first people I taught used the key exercise. Unfortunately, he could not get the key to move, no matter what he tried. Then, after a couple weeks, he tried to move the little string that was left over when he tied the string to the key. He was VERY successful (and let me know  ). That's where this exercise came from. It's the exact same as the key exercise but without the key. Just try moving the string. Be careful, it is very sensitive to wind, so breathe low, or cover your face, and don't make gusts of wind with your hands or when you move your body. Don't write off good results as "gusts" of wind. I made the string move while half-way across the room but I thought it could have been some wind I generated. So I went through the same steps to see if the key moved again (only this time without the actual mental effort). It didn't move. I tried making gusts of wind and I couldn't make one strong enough to effect the string from that distance. So, know your strings limits. See what movement will make it move and what won't. If you're really paranoid about wind, you can make a miniature version of the string exercise but in a glass. See the picture to the right. The container makes sure no wind will get in or out... and since magnets go through stuff like that, it doesn't interfere with your effort.

Paper on Pin Exercise This is a newer exercise to me. I read it off a web-site but I forgot where exactly it was (doh). I'll give you step by step instructions on how to make the thing you need:

That's the paper part, for the stand, all you do is stick a needle in cork or something and balance the paper tool on top. Personally, I just use a thumb-tack. It's real easy. See the picture to the right see how it should look when you're done. It's a low angle looking up into the middle of the paper thing.You can probably already guess what your mission is. Make the paper thing spin on the needle. Be really careful with this thing, it's extremely sensitive to wind and air currents. A whisper from 5 feet away can make it move. Just relax and let it flow like all the other exercises. I wish I could remember the web page I went to so I could give proper credit, but I have no idea. Oh well.

Candle Exercise I've only tried this exercise a couple times. It just doesn't work very well for me (probably due to early failure and stupid beliefs). I'm including it because it really sounds cool and you might find it very useful. The setup is easy, just get a candle, light it, and try to make the flame move. Try shrinking it or lengthening it. I read that you can actually distinguish the flame totally if you keep shrinking it to a point where it can't exist. Pretty cool. Nostradamus supposedly invented this. He didn't use it to practice TK but it sounds like it should work. Give it a try, heck, I'm gonna go try right now... maybe it will work...


Well, you've reached the end of the file. I hope you got something from it. If this is like your fifth time reading it and your saying "It doesn't work!" - don't give up. It will work, just keep practicing. First do the micro-TK stuff to get your confidence high, then move on to the macro stuff. Keep pounding your mind with TK - day dream about TK, when you want to grab something, try to "pull" it to you, when someone is talking to you, think "telekinesis... telekinesis... telekinesis..." - well, maybe not that far  . Just don't give up! It will work! And you will be amazed! OR . . . you could give up... sissy (j/k  ).

Telekinesis: Thoughts, Techs, and Tips


Hello one and all. I've learned a lot since the last time I've spoke to everyone about telekinesis. For the past few months I've been practicing pretty regularly with the paper-on-pin exercise from my first article, Introduction to Telekinesis. After a lot of success, I started to keep a kind of "journal" recording things I've noticed and other tid-bits of information. What's that you say? You want to read my journal? Just click on the notebook to take a gander... Some of it is useless but there are some good spots .


I'm starting to try to piece together this strange ability. The first thing that comes to mind is the effort on my part. Defining this focused state I go into is a little hard... an analogy might help me there. Let's say I give you a task - move the ball in front of you. You easily reach out with your hand and give it a shove. What effort was there? Barely any. You didn't really think about moving your arm, you didn't think "flex biceps, now forearm", you just understood the task then fulfilled it. Even as I write this I can see this half-effort thing I'm talking about. I don't think about the shape of each letter or the spelling of the words as I write them. I have a sentence in my mind and my task is to "write this down." There's no real force or intense focus - it just happens. Telekinesis is the same way. Using the same analogy though, we can see it's a little harder than that. I could perform the "push the ball" task when little, but could I write sentences? Of course not. It took focus and practice to get where I am now. I had to learn the skill, then I could do it with no effort. Just like if I was a baby I wouldn't be able to push the ball. Telekinesis, if like other skills, takes focus at first, but eventually becomes effortless after the initial phase. The problem is getting through this phase. If I tell a six year old to write a sentence, although they can't, they know how it's accomplished. They've seen others do it and know what happens, they just can't perform the task themselves. Unfortunately, we don't have that luxury with telekinesis. How can we learn if we have nothing to learn from? This article may help some, but it's merely my personal discoveries and observations. It's better than nothing, but without any experienced telekinetics spreading information, it makes the learning process very slow. We all have questions in our heads that would be obvious to a veteran, but with a skill this rare, it's kind of tough to find a reliable source of information. I'll explore some questions I have in my head and maybe we can all learn something . The key question currently in my mind is "How is this possible"? Scientifically, I mean, how is it possible for one to move an object with their mind? I've heard theories on electromagnetic fields and have come up with my own thoughts on magnetism and static electricity but I'm still clueless. I've also thought about linking aerokinesis to it - creating gusts of wind to move an object. Then we can get even more complex and ask "Is there more than one way to accomplish telekinesis?" You can write with a pen in your hands or a pen in your mouth, who says there's only one explanation for TK? Maybe the answers will come in time - I'm not sure. Do I need to know how it works to progress any further? Do I need to know specific details to perform TK? I don't think so. I know, in general, that through thought I move something. The six year old knows that through finger movements, they write. They don't need to know the interaction between the ink and paper or the specific electrical signals sent by the brain, they just need a primitive understanding. This is all we should need for TK then. How should the beginner start and more importantly (for me) what should the teacher provide? What are you looking for? The more I think about it, the clearer the answer becomes: Techniques and tips for success. The important part to understand is that you have to practice if you want this skill. There is no special tech or secret words that "unlock" the ability. Some might progress faster than others, as with any skill, but effort is needed on the side of the student. I truly don't know that for a fact though... Personally, I believe there is a certain understanding and once you grasp it, you can perform TK to any extent. Currently I feel the only way to achieve this "TK nirvana" is through constant practice and constant questioning. In the future I'm sure there will be a less tedious way, but someone's got to lead the way, why not us ? Anyways... enough of this philosophical crap, onto the techs !!!


The first exercise I will swear by is the paper-on-pin one I described in my last article. It has changed my whole outlook on telekinesis and has really helped me gauge my progress, not to mention the confidence boost. Here are simple instructions on how to make the device:

What I do is balance the paper on a thumbtack and focus on spinning it (being careful not to breath on it). Visualization sometimes works but I find not thinking about anything is the most effective. Try to shut your conscious mind up and let your unconscious take over... see what it can do. Don't ask questions, don't react to movement, just understand your goal and watch it come true. I find that putting my finger super-close to one of it's corners helps a lot. I try to extend my aura into the objects aura. It's good to start this way but don't become dependent on it - I believe it helps the mind accept this strange phenomenon but it's really just another limit not worth putting on yourself. Use it at first but practice without it too. I've also found it's easier for my mind to bob the tool up and down rather than spin it - try both and see what's best for you.


Here is the second exercise I have also had success with. Take a bowl or cup and fill it with water. Now take a toothpick or something that floats and put it in the water. Wait for the ripples and waves to calm down then try to move the object while it floats there. This works great because there is relatively no friction. As with the last exercise though, you have to be careful. Bumping the table and breathing too heavily will produce false results.


Now that you have some things to work with, we can get into the actual "How To" part. I know it sounds way too simple, but the method I use the most is just doing it. There's no thought in my mind, I just move it. It just happens. I can't describe it any other way... When I couldn't do TK it used to piss me off that others would say "Just do it" because it says absolutely NOTHING about HOW. But that's the thing... there is no "how" - you just do it . How do you move your arm? How do you smell the cake in the other room? You just DO. No, I won't cheap-out and only give you that way to do it. Sometimes I find that I can't "just do it". That's when I pull the tricks out ... The first trick is to fool your subconscious into doing TK. Let's face it, sure, your subconscious is smart in a lot of aspects, but in others it's a complete idiot. It's gullible and mechanic. We can take advantage of this! What I do is to convince my mind that I am moving the object; I say things like "See? It just moved! - There it goes again! It's bobbing up and down..." No, it's not really moving, but by focusing on believing it, I can trick my mind to actually do it. For example, say I'm trying to move the paper-on-pin. I try my usual "just do it" method and get frustrated because I'm getting nowhere fast. First, I take a little break. Let my mind cool off and try to relax and have fun... Then I say to myself "I AM GOING TO MOVE IT". I look at the paper and it stands still... I focus and it's stationary... Then I say to myself "Hey, look, the paper just moved up and down a little itty bitty. You didn't see it? Well it just moved... keep watching. See? There it goes again! You're doing it!" No, the paper isn't moving, but I convince my mind that it is... I trick my subconscious into thinking it's moving the paper. After a second or two, my subconscious says "What? I'm moving the paper? OH! Ok!" and BOOM, the paper spins around in circles. Victory! Then I usually say something like "Hahahaha, I tricked you!" . Usually I can't use visualization when doing TK... it just doesn't seem to work. One of the few visualizations that work is the following: Imagine all the energy in the room as tiny particles. "See" them swirling around like a tornado... whooshing around you... moving like wind through the air... Then direct all this energy towards the object. Get the energy-wind to blow the object in a direction. Believe it or not, it works! I've debated whether this is Aerokinesis (moving and generating winds with your mind) but I've decided that Aerokinesis should be a subclass of Telekinesis. It's moving something with your mind, right? So, I don't know if you're actually doing aerokinesis here or if you're moving the object with energy, but it gets the job done, so who cares ? Just perceiving the energy of the object can be a good technique in itself. I'm not going into the details of aura vision but seeing the objects energy interact with your aura makes it a lot easier. I will even debate you don't even need to learn aura vision. Again, trick your subconscious... or even just suggest to your subconscious to see the energy. Say something like "Look at the objects energy - manipulate it and use it to move the object". You don't have to actually see the energy (but it does help, obviously). Tell your subconscious too see the energy... instruct it to use this knowledge. You are in control, you tell your subconscious what to do.

Just using basic energy manipulation you can try to achieve telekinesis too. It's not very effective for me, but it might work wonders for you, so I'll include it here. Basically, just as you create psi balls, you emit energy out of, say, your finger-tip. Two things I've noticed here... 1. Energy being emitted INTO the object will pull the object towards my finger. I can't push with energy... the energy moves through the object like a river and the object moves UPSTREAM. I don't know why, but that's how it works with me. 2. Sometimes my energy is better used as a semi-circle around the object. Not going through it, but kind of surrounding it. Like a shield almost. Try both ways and see if you can get it to work... like I said above, this doesn't work very well for me. I've had very limited results doing this technique - but give it a shot anyways. You never know until you try .

I still have one more technique up my sleeve... Convince you're mind that the object needs to move. Think "It needs to do this." Turn the object into a being in your mind then persuade yourself to think the being wants to do something. For example, I look at the paper. I think "Hey little guy... oh man, you need to spin this way. You really need to do that." Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Give it a go and see what happens.


The tips I'll present are ideas that just came to me. My mind would be having trouble and then, all of the sudden, I would "hear" a word or phrase that would make me understand what I was doing wrong. I believe telekinesis is a state of mind... an understanding of the world. Ones that can do it naturally already have this understanding. Others, like you (I assume) and me, have to develop this "understanding". These keywords helped me get closer to it, maybe they'll help you.

The first word that ever came to me was "Graceful." I was forcing energy upon the object, trying pretty hard to get it going, when my mind said it. I thought, "Hmmm, why the hell did I just hear 'graceful'?" So I tried to emit the energy gracefully. To make a short story shorter, it worked ! Instead of bombarding the object with energy, I used the energy in a smooth, curve-like manner. Heh, "graceful" is the best word to describe it.

The second thing I heard was "Perceive and Manipulate." This goes back to my one technique above - it's pretty self-explanatory. Basically, I was just tired and not thinking that much. My techniques weren't working that good and my mind just blurted it out. Like last time, I understood what to do and it worked like a charm . The idea is to understand the object through energy perception and manipulate this understanding. It's hard to explain - you're just going to have to try it and learn yourself. The third phrase that jumped into my head was "Realize and understand that the power just exists." After I heard that and began to understand it's meaning, I became much more powerful and had a lot more control over the paper. These phrases aren't easy to explain... maybe you have to actually experience them to understand it fully. It basically says that, just as you exist, the power exists. It's so simple it's confusing . The power just exists. I wish I could go more in depth... there's really not much to say though.

I'll keep listening to my mind and try to "hear" more tips - if you want some other tips, read my journal. The link is at the top of this article. You'll probably be able to gather something useful from it (I hope).


Ahhhh! Finally done! This article might have taken you 10 minutes to read but it took me a couple weeks to write  and 8 months of research and experiments! Whoo wee. Anyways... I hope it's had some use to you. If you're a beginner, don't expect a lot of this stuff to work. I'm not saying it won't - I'm just saying don't be mad if it doesn't. I don't want e-mails of people saying "Your techs don't work" only to find out they've been practicing psi for 2 weeks. Sorry, telekinesis is an advanced skill and takes time and patience.

NI's Telekinesis Training Manual


Once again I speak to you guys about Telekinesis / Psychokinesis. In this manual I’ll try to be more specific and explain my method to do TK, as easily understandable as possible.

Some of you might know that I have a TK club in my school and I am proud to say that many of my students progressed a lot since we started to have the meetings. So basically you have very good chances, too. TK can be taught and it can be learned. The only serious difficulty I think is that you mostly don’t know anyone who could show you how TK is done. I personally know a girl who could do TK almost instantly after having seen it in action in one of our meetings. Later she had problems like everyone else, too, but that’s not the point. The point is that sometimes people can repeat it instantly if they see it. Don’t ask me why. I don’t know.

As I said, you have very good chances... Ahemm, let me put it this way: You can do it. And you will do it. The effort is the key. The result is proportional to the effort you invest. But before I start to explain my method to “perform” TK, I’d like to express some theories that in one way or another might explain how TK itself works. I might be wrong and you are welcome to prove such.

I personally have never seen any 100% evidence that confirms that there is an invisible substance created by the nerves called “psi”. And I doubt that this substance is responsible for telekinesis as well as for telepathy & co. And since we are the people who do the research, I don’t think it’s good to rely on the legends, or facts, that “The Russians” or “The CIA” might have done some kind of experiments that prove the whole “psi” thing.

But anyway, the “how” or “why” telekinesis works does not affect your practice in any way. I just think that it might help you to understand my method and therefore get a good basis to start with.

Theories & Thoughts

Let’s start with the most simple. I don’t think it’s a big secret and probably every physics teacher will confirm that we all are made of the same stuff: atoms. And all atoms are made of energy. They only differ from each other in size. So basically everything around us and we ourselves are pure energy. You can imagine the whole universe as a lake of energy and yourself as a drop of water in it. But how can you distinguish where that drop starts and where it ends? You are right. You can’t. Separation is just an illusion. The computer in front of you is a part of your own energy field as well as you are a part of its energy field. You don’t end at your skin. And this leads us to the conclusion that you are one with all the things around you (Screams of horror  ).

Separation is a useful illusion. Mankind would never progress if we thought that one being is a part of another being and we all are one. That would be a paradox for the competition between the human beings and therefore a break for the whole evolution.

In many cases it’s very useful to think about objects as separate things. In other cases, like in telekinesis, it’s necessary to keep in mind that the psiwheel in front of you lies in your own energy field and therefore it can be affected by your energy. You don’t believe it? Now touch that psiwheel with your finger. Did it move? Of course it did, because you used your energy in form of atoms of your finger to accelerate the molecules of the paper. Clever, huh? But even if you don’t use your finger, it’s possible through some mental processes to alter the state of your energy field and therefore to influence the paper on pin that lies inside of this field. It’s possible to make objects move without direct physical contact. But at the end of the day it’s still being affected by physical forces. They are just not present as the physical matter… atoms. These forces are based only on the energy. Atoms, the matter, are just a state of the energy, according to my school’s technical library. Now that only means that energy doesn’t have to be “visible” or “touchable” and it means that it’s not only inside of yourself, but also lies around yourself. Did you ever think why gravitation exists? Nobody can explain why two objects attract each other. Think about it. According to astrophysics, even an object that lies thousands of light years away from you influences you in a very small way with its gravitational field. A gravitational field is an example of an energy field that never fades. It gets weaker but it never disappears completely. And that’s another important principle: The Chaos Theory. The world is based on causes and consequences. You can find a math book about the Chaos Theory. The Chaos Theory says that no matter how small the cause may be, it will affect the whole system, the whole universe. Imagine a butterfly flying somewhere over India. The theory says that even this small movement may and does influence in a very small way the weather in United States. No matter what you do and how small and unimportant your actual actions are, they do change the whole universe. No matter how small the mental process in your head might seem, it does alter, in one way or another, the paper on pin in front of you. The stronger that mental process is the more effect you’ll see. So how can a simple mental process, twitches of the nervous system, be strong enough to move an object outside the physical body?

I can’t answer that question. But if you think for example about the following situation it might show you a possible answer. Imagine yourself meditating and suddenly something explodes in front of your window. In the same moment your meditation is over. You get up and run away to see what’s going on. It happened because the energy provided by the explosion was stronger than the energy invested in your meditation.

Now imagine yourself meditating very deeply. Someone outside calls your name, but you don’t realize it. Your body still hears it physically, but you don’t realize it and keep meditating. This time the energy invested in your meditation was stronger than the energy used to call your name.

Maybe it’s just a crappy theory, but I’m 100% sure it’s true. Energy flows where attention goes. Just think of playing pool / billiards. You shoot one of those balls and you miss. Now if you pay your whole attention and even visualize it happening you are most likely to succeed.

The more attention and concentration you put forth, the more energy is provided to move the object in front of you.

Step 1: Prepare yourself

Before you try to do TK it’s very important to have your mind clear. Think about it as a computer. Your mind is the RAM memory. Telekinesis requires 100% of this RAM. Now if your mind is full with other stuff, like the party tomorrow afternoon  , you can’t provide the whole memory, which means you can’t pay the whole attention you have. And if you have read the theories you know how important it is. Energy flows where attention goes. Just remember it for now. You don’t have enough power if there are other things in your mind.

But how exactly do you calm down, clear your mind and raise your concentration / attention / focus level at the same time? You guessed it: meditation. I suggest the meditation techniques which are more passive and don’t require much brain activity. An example is the candle method. You don’t even really need a candle, only a point somewhere that is brighter than the environment. For example, a clear coin reflecting the sun’s light. You sit down, take few deep breaths and watch it. Don’t control your eyes; allow them to lose their focus. The bright point is relaxing for your subconscious. Don’t try to think just watch. With some practice you’ll just forget about everything around you, and lose yourself. The breathing will become deeper, the mind clear and your whole state calmed. Another good method is where you concentrate on your deep, slow breathing. This one seems more difficult to me. It’s mostly done with closed eyes and the mind starts to wander easily if your eyes are closed.

No matter which meditation method you practice, it’ll help you to get the right state of mind and the basics needed for telekinesis. I suggest you meditate 20-30 minutes before you start.

By the way, when you practice telekinesis it’s very important not to drain yourself. A drained mind tends to lead to depression & frustration. And if you are frustrated, you have zero chances to move it, believe me. Besides it gives your subconscious a feeling of being a loser, which means you’ll not get much co-operation from your inner self. Therefore, it’s important that you don’t train more than 1 hour in one sitting. I suggest 30-40 minutes. If you are a wild one, you can practice 40 minutes in the morning and another 40 in the evening  .

Having established the times when you want to practice, it’s time to prepare the instrument you want to practice with. There are many possibilities like keys on strings or needles floating on the water’s surface. I recommend you take the most popular one: the psiwheel / paper on pin. But I suggest you to take aluminum foil instead of normal paper. You have to be careful making it, one wrong movement and you have a hole inside of the foil  (laughter). Take a piece of 1.5-2.0 cm (inches?). This is optimal for the psiwheel and extremely easy to move. The friction between the aluminum surface and the metal pin is less than paper’s friction.

Having finished to meditate and having prepared your psiwheel, it’s time to start  .

Step 2: Become one


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