
(16 KB) Pobierz
  * hitlog extremely oversized symbols fix
  * release for WoT 0.8.3
  * capture bar: fixed wrong capturers number calculation for encounter
  * macro {{c:dmg}} can be used in health bar
  * default sorting by exp in Final Statistics
  * adaptation to WoT 0.8.3.CT2

  * capmod: fixed capture bar fill at 100%
  * code optimization
  * updating per-vehicle efficiency formula:
      TEFF: E
      0..299: 1 - very bad player
      300..499: 2 - bad player
      500..699: 3 - poor
      700..899: 4 - below average
      900..1099: 5 - average
      1100..1299: 6 - above average
      1300..1549: 7 - good
      1550..1799: 8 - great
      1800..1999: 9 - master
      2000+: E - Expert (top-100 players on this vehicle)

  * adaptation to WoT 0.8.2
  * new vehicles added
  * color palette revised
  * new macros:
      {{tdb}}, {{tdb:4}} - average damage for current tank - damage/battles
      {{tdv}} - average damage efficiency for tank - damage/(battles*maxHP)
      {{tfb}} - average frags per battle for current tank
      {{tsb}} - average number of spotted enemies per battle for current tank
      {{c:tdb}}, {{c:tdv}}, {{c:tfb}}, {{c:tsb}} - dynamic colors for this macros
      {{teff}} - new per-vehicle efficiency
      {{c:system}} - use system color instead of override
      {{c:dmg}} - color depended from damage source
  * new value of macro {{e}} (new per-vehicle efficiency in range 0..9)
  * removed macro {{e:3}} (not required)
  * HTML in clock in battle
  * dynamic color and transparency for shadow
  * shadow settings in hitlog

  * added capture bar mod
  * fixed standard markers mode
  * do not calculate friendly fire in hitlog
  * improved default major color palette
  * new macros:
      {{name}} - player nickname without clan name
      {{clan}} - clan name with brackets (empty if no clan)
      {{vtype}} - vehicle type
      {{squad}} - value '1' for squadmates, empty for others (in markers)
      {{e}}, {{e:3}} - efficiency / 10 (save 1 char)
  * new config section texts/vtype for changing vehicle types text
  * fixed display a marker for the tank with the dead crew
  * new option: "rating"/"enableStatisticsLog" allow to enable saving statistics
    to "xvm-stat.log" file
  * show chance to win on final statistic form

  * bugfix

  * XVM is distributed only in Lite version, without statistics module
  * statistics module was renamed to xvm-stat and distributed in separate package
  * support of HTML in any text field, including vehicle markers
  * win chahce is disabled by default
  * SixthSense.png added to samples
  * updated {{turret}} marker for new and old vehicles
  * stock turret marker added to the default config (after vehicle name)
  * damage animation was improved
  * the default font of floating damage is the same as in the client
  * added new section to config "colors"/"damage", which allows to adjust the color of
    floating damage depending on the source of damage
  * added config section "colors"/"dmg_kind"
  * added macro {{c:dmg_kind}} for dynamic color in depend of damage kind
  * added new section to config "hitLog", which allows to display the log of own hits
  * negative x, y values in hit log settings allow to bind the text to the right
    and bottom edges for the same behavior with different screen resolutions.
    Will work only with running xvm-stat!!!

  * added possibility to change {{turret}} marker display string
  * fixed {{turret}} marker calculations for a-20, bt-7, d2, m7_med, pziv, t2_med
  * fixed {{turret}} marker significance for Patton and Pershing
  * added possibility to change sixth sense indicator.
    Alternative PNG image should be placed at res_mods/icons/SixthSense.png

  * fixed color blind mode
  * wot-xvm-proxy: added /maximized option (run client in maximized window)

  * added information for tanks PzKpfwIV Schmalturm, Panther-M10 and ??-122-44

  * xvm was refactored
  * new tank marker {{turret}}:
    Displays symbol is tank has stock turret.
	"*" symbol - stock turret. Cant mount top gun. Subject is highly vulnerable.
	"-" symbol - stock turret. Top gun is possible. Subject is somewhat vulnerable.
	Stock turret can have weaker armor, lower sight distance or slower rotation speed.
	Besides that, tank with stock turret can have weaker crew experience.
  * separate settings for all elements in all states
  * adaptation to WoT 0.8.0

  * clan icons was reworked. Now config have only one parameter:
    battle/clanIconsFolder with path to clan icons root folder. All icons
    are loading automatically from game region subfolder (RU/EU/US/...).
    To add your clan or player icon, just copy icon file to:
      clanicons/[REGION]/clan/ (for clan)
      clanicons/[REGION]/nick/ (for single player)
    Also you can create default clan and player icons:
      clanicons/[REGION]/clan/default.png (for default clan)
      clanicons/[REGION]/nick/default.png (for default player)
    Search order is:
      nick/<player>.png -> clan/<clan>.png -> clan/default.png -> nick/default.png
  * added config option:
      battle/clanIconsFolder - root of clan icons folder
  * removed config section:
  * config version increased: 1.4.0 => 1.5.0, because clan icons behavior
    was changed
  * Full archive with all clans can be downloaded separately: (RU) (EU) (US)
  * removed coords grid (parameter battle.drawGrid)
  * statistics enabled by default
  * added {{rlevel}} macro for vehicle level in roman numerals
  * dynamic color and transparency for shadow
  * added font/italic parameter (values: true/false)
  * added {{c:vtype}} macro and colors/vtype section for dynamic color by
    vehicle type
  * added color for premium tanks to {{c:vtype}} macro
  * {{c:vtype}} macro can be used in BattleLoading, PlayersPanel and
  * added "vehicleNames" config section. Used for vehicle names mapping -
    ability to replace any tank name with own value

  * fixed vehicle names in battle loading screen and statistic form

  * adaptation to WoT 0.7.5
  * code refactoring
  * fixed bugs in "Fog of War" mode (incomplete)
  * file XVM.log in the game directory contains mod debugging information
  * added options:
      battle/clockFormat - show the clock on the Debug Panel (near FPS)
      battleLoading/clockFormat - show the clock on the Battle Loading Screen
      battle/highlightVehicleIcon - setup highlighting of selected vehicle icon and squad
  * remove option:
      battleLoading/showClock - superseded by battleLoading/clockFormat
  * macros usage for vehicle text fields in Battle Loading and Statistic Form
  * config version increased: 1.3.0 => 1.4.0, because battleLoading/showClock
    was replaced with battleLoading/?lockFormat and formatLeft/formatRight
    behavior was changed
  * clock and mod info on battle loading screen moved to the bottom info panel
  * wot-xvm-proxy: added new command line parameter "/noproxy" for disabling
    using of system proxy settings
  * fixed ally icon position using standard markers
  * added experimental chance to win formula
  * editor moved:
  * BattleTimerBig.swf removed from mod archive
  * changes in chance to win formulas
  * show chance to win on final statistic form

  * battle task animation removed
  * added new macros:
      {{t-kb-0}} - kilo-battles with leading zero
      {{t-hb}} - hecto-battles - battles/100
      {{t-hb:3}} - hecto-battles aligned to 3 chars
  * added option:
      markers/*/vehicleIcon/showSpeaker - show speaker even if vehicle type
      icon is disabled
  * removed macros {{c:t-kb}}, use {{c:t-battles}} instead.
  * fixed icon appearing for a moment when vehicle is spotted

  * adaptation to WoT 0.7.4
  * new proxy server
  * added per-vehicle statistics. New macros:

  * fix 2.3 release bugs

  * added new vehicles to win chances calculation
  * fixed bug in swf modification
  * wot-xvm-proxy: added compression of proxy servers requests
  * added top 100 icons for RU clans (
  * default config reworked
  * config editor:
    (not all is ready, but can be used)
  * players panel performance optimization on kill
  * separated settings for section "damageText" for alive and dead, last
    damage will be shown with settings from section "dead"
  * dynamically determine maximum request length in depend of game folder
  * wot-xvm-proxy: swf communication protocol changed
  * wot-xvm-proxy: check for another instance
  * fixed text field default settings if not set in config
  * player/clan icons in vehicle markers
  * added option battle/useStandardMarkers, that allow to use standard
    client vehicle markers
  * editor: set default values
  * editor: added new config version settings
  * localization

  * a...
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