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The Broken Mountains
by Patrick Lawinger
The Broken Mountains is a web expansion for The Hall of the Rainbow Mage providing additional information about the
wilderness north of Hampton Hill and detailing two additional small dungeons the PCs might decide to explore based on maps they
discover in Londar Brightrain’s tower. While these dungeons and encounters are designed for a party of 4 or more 8th or 9th-level
characters the dificulty level can easily be increased by the DM.
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Necromancer Games
“Third Edition Rules, First Edition Feel”
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The Hall of the Rainbow Mage
The Broken Mountains
Patrick Lawinger
Additional Material and Monsters
Erica Balsley and Kevin Walker
Brian LeBlanc
Rich Oliver
Nathan White, Andy and Amy White,
Jenny “Notdatone” Jones, Jacob
Robson, Alexandra Davis, David Cane,
Mark Cane, Brad Wiscomb, and Beth
and Michael Park.
Bill Webb
Clark Peterson
Bill Webb
Special Thanks
Thanks to Natalie, a new baby gives
a new outlook on life. Thanks also go
to Melanie, Anthony, and Alexander for
putting up with my gaming addiction.
Managing Editor
Andrew Bates
Art Director
Rich Thomas
Layout and Typesetting
Charles A. Wright
This product requires the use of the Dungeons and Dragons®
Player’s Handbook, published by Wizards of the Coast®.
©2002 Bill Webb and Clark Peterson, Necromancer Games, Inc. All rights reserved. All rights
reserved. Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden.
Necromancer Games, Necromancer Games, Inc. and the Necromancer Games logo, The Hall of
the Rainbow Mage is a trademark of Necromancer Games, Inc. All rights reserved. All characters,
names, places, items, art and text herein are copyrighted by Necromancer Games, Inc. “D20
System” and the D20 System logo are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are
used under the terms of the D20 Trademark License contained in the Legal Appendix. The
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trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, and are used in accordance with the Open Game and D20
Trademark Licenses contained in the Legal Appendix. Creature Collection and Relics and Rituals
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The Hall of the Rainbow Mage: The Broken Mountains
His information hinted both of these locations
could hold the key to great power. He recruited
an orcish war party to investigate the library,
promising they could keep all magical weapons
and gold they discovered if they allowed him
to view all of the books they retrieved. He also
made preliminary explorations of the tower on
his own. These two locations provided him with
the books, notes, and information that lead to
the discovery of Horgrim’s Pyramid and the
White Eye, as well as additional valuable texts.
Londar ignored the fact that a very old red
dragon named Atrilux considers the entire ter-
ritory his. The dragon never noticed Londar’s
swift travels back and forth or the orcs Londar
convinced to assist him.
The Broken Mountains is a web expansion
for The Hall of the Rainbow Mage providing
additional information about the wilderness
north of Hampton Hill and detailing two addi-
tional small dungeons the PCs might decide to
explore based on maps they discover in Londar
Brightrain’s tower. While these dungeons and
encounters are designed for a party of 4 or more
8th or 9th-level characters the dificulty level
can easily be increased by the DM.
If the PCs do not return to Hampton Hill after
exploring Londar’s mansion, or if they do not
ind the caverns and laboratories hidden beneath
it, these dungeons provide the PCs an excellent
opportunity to discover additional information
about what happened to Londar, or a way to
interpret the Decaying Book (see the Items
Appendix in The Hall of the Rainbow Mage )
describing Horgrim’s Pyramid, Korik’s Ruby, as
well as material describing the White Eye and
the location of the temple to Horgrim (described
in The Hall of the Rainbow Mage ). This easily
enables the PCs to continue their adventures
without further trips to Hampton Hill, or inter-
actions with Xanthaque.
Character Hooks
The PCs might decide to explore the area of
the Broken Mountains based upon rumors they
hear in Hampton Hill, or based upon notes and
maps discovered in Londar’s mansion (use Area
12, 32, or 33 of Londar’s Mansion to provide
these notes or maps).
Alternately, maps could be discovered at one
of several locations in the Temple to Horgrim.
If the PCs have completely explored the temple,
the DM might have to increase the dificulty
of the dungeons provided here, guidelines for
doing so can be found at the end of the module.
Horrik forest, the light forest dotted with
rocky ravines and clearings, gives way to a sec-
tion of wilderness further north of Hampton Hill
known as the ‘Broken Mountains.’ It is an area
of low, rocky hills, and thin, steep ravines cut by
swift-moving rivers. Rumors and speculations
suggest the area was once a series of mountains
containing several cities and fortiications that
was somehow destroyed by a natural, or unnat-
ural catastrophe. Tales of forgotten dungeons,
lost cities, hidden towers, and forgotten libraries
make for interesting yarns in dark taverns but
few adventurers trek into the Broken Mountains
in search of these lost places. Orcs, ogres, and
hill giants live a hard-pressed existence there
under the watchful eye of a very old red dragon
that considers the entire territory his personal
Londar’s research discovered several very old
maps. By lying over the Broken Mountains and
using his scrying room (Area 12 in Londar’s
Mansion) he was able to create new maps iden-
tifying the location of a wizard’s tower (Falin’s
Tower) and a library (Library of the Dark Wind).
Module Organization
This module is designed to provide a broad,
open area for adventure. A general description
of the Broken Mountains including encounter
tables and a few lairs and locations follows the
Introduction. Falin’s Tower is detailed in the
next chapter, followed by a description of the
Library of the Dark Wind. Suggestions for
continuing adventures and for adjusting the
dificulty of the encounters lead into two Appen-
dices detailing Monsters, and Magic Items and
DM Notes
This adventure includes overland travel and
exploration potentially requiring a variety of
climbing implements, and other adventuring
tools. The DM should monitor the use of ropes,
torches, lanterns and other gear as they see it.
The area is broken by many rough, steep ravines,
PCs traveling with horses or other pack ani-
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The Hall of the Rainbow Mage: The Broken Mountains
mals must make special preparations for cross-
ing these hazards.
The Broken Mountains can be used as a loca-
tion for a variety of other ‘lost’ towers, castles,
cities or other elements found in a variety of
other adventure modules as well as the lairs of
dangerous, deadly creatures. In general, encoun-
ters can be adjusted to a lower level by reduc-
ing the number of creatures encountered, or by
changing the creatures encountered. The Tome
of Horrors (published by Necromancer Games)
provides a wide range of creatures that can be
used to populate the area.
Running the Adventure
This module is designed as an open-ended
presentation of locations and dungeons. While
none of these encounters is speciically required
to solve elements of The Hall of the Rainbow
Mage , they can provide exciting alternatives to
some of the solutions provided in the original
module. The PCs should be allowed to simply
explore the area, but should always be reminded
that they might not be able to overcome every
creature they come across.
The Broken Mountains
Rumored to have been a series of tall, majes-
tic mountains, various tales tell of earthquakes,
wars, or magical cataclysms that shattered the
mountains crumbling them down to the low
rocky hills that now occupy the area. Different
tales have different sources, but it was really a
combination of war, nature, and even the wrath
of several gods that eventually broke the moun-
tains, hiding several small cities and various
castles, dungeons, and wizard’s towers. Discov-
eries by adventurers in the past feed tales of
great riches lost in the mountains. Wiser indi-
viduals often suggest that, if this were true, the
orcs and ogres living in the Broken Mountains
would have discovered them by now.
Jumbled clusters of jagged rock thrust their
way through the thin, scrub-like forest clinging
to the low, rough hills and brutal, steep ravines.
Trees growing here are twisted and stunted by
the many violent storms and high winds that
rip across the hills and valleys. Only those trees
growing in the deepest valleys, or clinging to
the rocky soil in the deep ravines grow beyond
a height of 30-35 ft. The rough weather and thin,
sandy soil leave little in the way of any arable
land, one reason for the absence of any cities
or towns dependant upon farming. Rough travel
conditions and a lack of supplies make any
effort to mine the minerals found here uneco-
Broken hillsides conceal numerous caves pro-
viding homes to a wide variety of creatures,
from small gophers to dragons. Herds of small,
goat-like deer adapted to the rough, rocky envi-
ronment and steep ravines provide a source of
food for a large variety of predators. The deer
thrive on scrub brush that is almost inedible to
other creatures and breed so quickly that preda-
tors barely keep their population in check.
Swift, powerful rivers cut steep ravines through
the rocky terrain and punch through cataracts
with a deafening roar. Some ravines reach
depths as great as 200 ft. and several of the
rivers appear to disappear into the ground, pos-
sibly feeding into underground rivers or seas.
Crossing over the deep ravines, with their rush-
ing rivers and jagged rocks can be dificult, in
some cases impossible, for those without the
natural or magical ability to ly. Several of the
wider crevasses are spanned by old rope bridges
occasionally maintained by one of the tribes of
orcs living in the area.
The Balance of Power
Several tribes of orcs have small villages
tucked into safe, defensible locations, and
numerous families of ogres and hill giants live
throughout the area. Larger gatherings are gen-
erally discouraged by Atrilux, a great red dragon
with a lair nearby (see Area G below), as he
considers larger tribes of orcs a possible threat.
Atrilux generally exacts a toll on the orc vil-
lages at random times. The toll isn’t great, and
the orcs always pay, so they generally get along.
Atrilux considers anyone approaching his lair a
threat and attacks them with brutal eficiency,
but if he encounters a party of adventurers out-
side his lair he generally tries to exact some sort
of payment or toll before going into full-ledged
battle. Other than Atrilux, most creatures keep
to their own hunting areas and avoid major con-
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The Hall of the Rainbow Mage: The Broken Mountains
licts. Other than orcs, ogres, and hill giants,
other intelligent creatures exist only in small
groups or even solo and are little threat to the
more populous races or Atrilux. Atrilux himself
only springs into action when he feels the need
to crush a possible threat.
Atrilux has had only one problem with con-
trolling the entire area, hill giants. He attacks
hill giants whenever he sees them and acts
immediately on reports of possible hill giant
lairs. This makes hill giants particularly aggres-
sive when spotted, as many creatures are happy
to report them to Atrilux in an effort to gain
favor. Unknown to Atrilux, orcs of the Bloody
Fingers were recruited by Londar Brightrain to
examine the ruins of the Library of the Dark
Winds (see below). As a result, these orcs are
rapidly growing in power and knowledge. If
Atrilux learns of this, he immediately attacks
the war party at the library, and demands all
of the treasure they have discovered (see the
description of Atrilux for further details). In
general, no creature has any desire to do battle
with Atrilux, allowing him to exact tributes and
tolls from whomever he chooses.
Random Encounters:
The DM should choose a random encoun-
ter from the following table by rolling
a d20. Results labeled ‘D’ are daylight
only, and are ‘no-encounter’ when rolled
at night. Similarly, encounters labeled ‘N’
only occur at night.
1. The PCs are attacked by 1d4 hill
giants (CR7 each) hiding from
Atrilux as they approach their
hidden lair (N).
2. A roc (CR9) circles over the PCs
several times (attacks untended
pack animals, but not PCs).
3-4. Attacked by an orc hunting party;
orc Rgr2 (CR2), and 1d6 orcs
(CR1/2 each).
5. Atrilux (see below) notices the
PCs and comes by to demand trib
ute (D).
6. Attacked by 3 ogres (CR2 each) as
they near a hidden cave.
7. The PCs discover the burned, half-
eaten corpse of a hill giant . (no
8. Ambushed by an orc war party, orc
Bbn5 (CR5), 2 orc Bbn2 (CR2
each), and 3d6 orcs (CR1/2 each).
9. Stumble across an athach (CR7)
10. The party is approached by a
pegasus (CR3) and warned about a
nearby danger/lair (D).
11. Attacked by a chimera (CR7).
12. Ambushed by three lamia (CR6
13-14. Attacked by three black tigers
(CR4 each).
15-20. No Encounter
These encounters should be used once, or
as the DM sees it. One encounter per day
is generally suficient, but the DM should
make this decision based on the party level,
make-up, and precautions taken.
Random Encounters
As outsiders to the area, the PCs are subject
to attack, or observation from a number of dif-
ferent creatures in the area. Every six hours of
travel and every four hours they are camped or
traveling at night exposes them to a possible
encounter listed in the random encounter table.
PCs camping, or resting during the day are only
subject to a random encounter once every eight
Encounter Locations
The locations described below correspond to
locations identiied on the map (Map 1). Some
entries cover multiple locations. Treasure at
such locations must be determined by the DM
based on the inal encounter level. The PCs
are also likely to come across many wild ani-
mals, including goat-like deer and black-skinned
mountain lions (called black tigers by the local
orcs). Game is plentiful so even the larger pred-
ators are unlikely to attack well-armed human-
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