d20 Necromancer Games The Mother of All Encounter Tables.pdf

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The Mother of
All Encounter Tables
Bill Webb and Greg Ragland
Layout and Typesetting
Charles A. Wright
Greg Ragland
Bill Webb
Interior Art
Heather Hudson
Front & Back Cover Design
Ed Bourelle
Clark Peterson
The numerous players in Bill’s, Greg’s,
and Clark’s games!
Special Thanks
Our fans who visit our website for input
and assistance.
Bill Webb
D20 Content Editor
Scott Greene
Art Director
Davis Chenault
This product requires the use of the Dungeons and Dragons®
Player’s Handbook, published by Wizards of the Coast®.
©2003 Clark Peterson, Necromancer Games, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written
permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden. Necromancer Games, Necromancer Games, Inc. and the
Necromancer Games logo, The Tomb of Abysthor, Bard’s Gate, Demons and Devils, The Crucible of Freya,
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All rights reserved. All characters, names, places, items, art and text herein are copyrighted by Necromancer
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isn’t great). I don’t know about you, but I always nd
myself using a normal group of “staple” monsters in my
encounters. Undead. Ogres. Trolls. Using these tables,
we believe, will help you break out of your encounter
design rut if you are in one and perhaps try monsters
as encounters that you would not ordinarily use even if
you weren’t in a rut.
3. Idea Resources. Unlike session prep where you
know the type of encounter you need, idea generation is
just taking a random result or two and using that idea
to create a story or a lair or an adventure. Use these tables
to help you create fresh ideas that you wouldn’t ordinarily
come up with yourself. You will nd this a really great
inspiration as well as a refreshing change. Your players will,
too. So use these tables to give you ideas for encounters.
And then, once you have generated the encounter, come
up with a reason for the existence of the encounter. Turn
it into an adventure, or maybe even a mini-campaign.
Get creative. Twist things around. Let’s say the encounter
you randomly generate are some treants. Make them evil
treants. Better yet, infernal treants. Then generate some
servant creatures for them. Come up with a reason why
they are working together. It is surprising how quick
these random ideas get your creative juices owing in
new directions. Now all of a sudden you have a cool
adventure idea. All that from a few rolls to generate
ideas. Amazing.
Welcome to the Mother of All Encounter Tables!
I think you will agree this book lives up to its title.
It contains nothing but tables, tables and more tables
full of encounters and special events. This book is a
DM’s best friend.
Find yourself preparing for a game session and noticing
you tend to create the same type of encounter again and
again. Need some ideas to help you break out of the normal
orcs and ogres type of encounter? Perhaps your players
wandered off somewhere you hadn’t planned for them
to go and you need an encounter right away. Or maybe
they are roaming the shadowed alleys of their favorite
fantasy city and you want to know who or what they run
into. Are your players exploring the dark caverns beneath
the earth or a deadly dungeon of your own devising?
Then this book is for you.
This is not just a random book of tables, but a well
thought out DM utility that makes wilderness travel,
city streets and dungeon corridors all more interesting. It
contains encounters for each terrain type from mountains
to seas, in each climate from arctic to tropical, and has
separate tables for day and night encounters. Also factored
in are relative rarities of individual encounters. Space
has even been left for you to insert new monsters from
your own favorite books.
In addition to encounters with monsters and men, there
are tables for unusual weather events, strange occurrences,
accidents, and encounters with NPCs. Trade routes and
caravans are detailed as well as trolls and dragons. After all,
you never know when ants will infest your players’ food, or
when the cleric will get struck by lightning!
When To Use This Book
We love tables. And if you picked up this book then
chances are you do, too. Though there are probably
hundreds of reasons why you might use this book, we have
found three primary times that we wind up pulling this
book off the shelf or out of our backpacks.
1. Random Encounters. The most obvious use for
a series of random encounter tables is, of course, for
random encounters. Your players wander into an area
that you hadn’t expected them to go and you need an
encounter. No problem. Follow the rules below and you
will have a few encounters suitable for the appropriate
situation in no time.
2. Session Preparation. You know that your players
are heading through the Jungle of Death and you want to
prepare some encounters ahead of time. Roll a few results.
Get creative. Choose the best ones. This is perhaps our
favorite way to use this book (not that using it on the y
Generating Encounters
Generating encounters with this book could not be
1. Turn to Section 1: the Master Tables at the front of
this book. That is where it all starts. There, you determine
if you want an Overland, Urban, Trade Route, Overseas,
Underwater or Subterranean encounter.
2. Roll on the appropriate Master Table using d100,
meaning you roll two ten-sided dice reading the rst die as
the tens digit and the second die as the ones digit. 00 is 100.
For example “9, 6” would be 96. “0, 8” would be 8. Using
two different color ten-sided dice helps you remember
which is the tens digit and which is ones digit.
3. Cross-reference your roll on the Master Table to
determine the type of encounter you have. This refers you to
the next table. Several of the Master Tables have sub-types.
For instance, Trade Route Encounters and Subterranean
Encounters require you to specify if the encounter occurs
on a Major Road, Secondary Road or a Trail (remember,
if there is no road, it is a Overland Encounter); or for the
Subterranean table if the encounter occurs in a Primary
Passage, Secondary Passage, Tertiary Passage or if it is
in an Aquatic setting.
Your roll on this table then leads you to the next table
where you roll your actual encounter. For example, let’s
say you need a Subterranean Encounter and you determine
your PCs are traveling along a Secondary Passage. You roll
d100 on the “Subterranean Encounter” Master Table and
look under the “Secondary Passage” column. If you roll a
59, that means you have no encounter. If you roll a 13, that
means you have a Creature Encounter and must roll on The
Creature Encounter Table, Table 2-7.
4. Determine your climate type, be it arctic, sub-arctic,
temperate, sub-tropical or tropical.
5. Find the appropriate sub-table, if any. Some tables
have sub-tables. For example, the Subterranean Monster
Table is divided into Table 2-7A and 2-7B, the rst is for
close to the surface and the second is for truly deep below
ground (like the Underdark).
6. Roll on the indicated table using d1000. That’s
right, d1000. All you have to do is get one more d10
(preferably of a different color than the other two d10s you
used above). Go to the table indicated from the result on
the Master Table you rolled on above. Roll all three d10s.
One is the hundreds digit, the other is the tens digit and the
last one is the ones digit. 000 is 1000. Easy as pie. Now
cross-reference that result in the relevant column of the
table you were guided to from the Master Table.
For example, the “13” you rolled above on the
Subterranean Encounter table led you to the Creature
Encounter Table (Table 2-7).
7. Determine intent. This is mostly up to you. You
don’t have to have every encounter be a combat encounter.
Perhaps the creatures want information. Or perhaps they
need help. Maybe they want to spy on the party. Or maybe
they want to trade with the party. Consult the Player’s
Handbook and the DMG for more about NPC attitudes or
see the sidebox to randomly generate attitudes.
8. Lather, rinse, repeat until your players have had
enough or until you have generated the needed number
of encounters.
The DMG and the Player’s Handbook detail
several types of attitudes the monsters and NPCs
you encounter may have towards the party: hostile,
unfriendly, indifferent, friendly and helpful. You
should always choose the one that best ts the
encounter and the particular situation. Most people
encountered are indifferent. Most monsters are
unfriendly but not necessarily hostile. Characters
may make Diplomacy or Charisma checks (or Wild
Empathy checks on animals) to inuence attitudes.
Refer to the Diplomacy skill in the Player’s
Handbook for more information.
Sometimes, though, it is fun to generate
attitudes randomly. This can create interesting
story ideas. Remember, though, that your common
sense should control.
d20 Attitude
1-4 Hostile
5-9 Unfriendly
10-15 Indifferent
16-18 Friendly
19-20 Helpful
Modiers (cumulative)
Same general alignment or ethos, if obvious +4
Opposite alignment or ethos, if obvious
Predatory or naturally warlike creature
What This Book Does Not
There are a few things this book does not do.
1. It does not dictate how often you should have
an encounter. You should refer to the guidelines from
the DMG, as detailed in chapter 3, under “Wandering
Monsters,” “Random Wilderness Encounters,” and “Urban
Encounters” to see what they suggest. Then just do it
however you want.
2. It does not divide tables by Encounter Level
(“EL”). We leave that to your discretion. It would have
been way too confusing to have a sub-table for all 20+
possible ELs for each of the tables in this book. So
we decided the best thing was to put them all together.
That means the Subterranean Monsters table has EL 1/8
encounters and EL 20 encounters. As the DM you know
your group and know what encounters will be best for
them. We do list the CR of each monster, however, so that
you can compute the nal EL of the encounter depending
on the number of monsters encountered. See the sidebar for
more on how to compute Encounter Levels and also refer
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to the DMG, chapter 3, “Challenge Ratings and Encounter
Levels,” for details on what Encounter Level of encounter
is appropriate for the level of your group.
level characters wandering around in a dungeon. You need
an encounter. You roll on the Master Table and get a
creature encounter from Table 2-7. You use Table 2-7A
because they are not that far under ground. You roll
“102,” which is a result of 2-12 giant bombardier beetles.
You roll 2d6 (which gives you a range of 2-12) and
get 4, meaning there are 4 beetles. Each beetle is CR
2, so 4 of them is EL 6.
That is obviously not challenging enough for your PCs.
So you roll again. Lets say you roll a 815, a Roper (EL
10, still EL 10 with the beetles)! Perhaps you decide
that the Roper uses the beetles as a distraction to attack
large opponents, thereby making it easier to take down
unsuspecting larger prey. Perhaps he waits until opponents
are busy with the beetles, perhaps he has them “tamed”,
and has created a symbiotic relationship with them for
sharing food, its all up to you!
4. It doesn’t trump your creativity. The best ideas for
your campaign are always your own. This book is an aid.
If you roll a result using this book but you think that an
encounter that you thought up would be better, scrap the
random result and use your idea.
5. It doesn’t promote the idea of “random monsters.”
Again, this book is an aid. We aren’t intending to promote
the idea that campaigns should be nothing but a string of
random encounters. If you don’t want randomness, don’t
use this book for that. Use it as a preparation tool.
6. It doesn’t limit you to one roll. As discussed above
when you have generated an encounter that is too easy,
perhaps you roll a second time and add that second monster
as a “boss” monster over the rst monsters you generated.
Don’t limit yourself. Roll twice. Roll three times. Use
those results. Get creative. Come up with a reason for that
encounter. It will spark your creativity.
Encounter Levels
The ELs we have listed in the tables are for one
of the creature encountered (which is equal to the
creature’s Challenge Rating, see the DMG, chapter
3, “Challenge Ratings and Encounter Levels.” The
tables, however, provide for a range of numbers
of creatures encountered. Encounters with multiple
creatures obviously have a higher EL. Here is how
to gure the EL of an encounter. Once you get used
to it, it is real easy.
Rule of Thumb: for creatures above CR 1, doubling
the number of monsters increases the CR by 2. An
encounter with 1 doppelganger is EL 3. 2 are EL 5.
4 are EL 7. For creatures of CR 1, adding a second
CR 1 monster only raises the EL by 1. From then
on, doubling the monsters raises the EL by 2. For
creatures less than CR 1, whose CR is expressed as a
fraction, multiply the CR by the number of monsters.
For example, 8 CR 1/2 orcs would be EL 4. 8 CR 1/4
kobolds would be EL 2.
Mixed Pairs: an encounter that contains several
monsters of different CRs is more difcult to determine.
Generally, a monster that has a companion creature of a
CR 2 lower than the primary creature adds 1 to the EL.
Thus, a CR 7 monster with a CR 5 companion monster
would have an EL of 8.
Creatures as Groups: In determining mixed pairs
when there are large groups of monsters, it is best to
determine the EL for each group. For example, let’s
take an encounter with 8 orcs and 2 ogres. The orcs are
CR 1/2. 8 orcs are EL 4. Ogres are CR 3. 2 ogres are EL
5. Using the mixed pairs rule above, together they are
an EL 6 (adding 1 to the higher EL).
How To Customize This
In today’s d20 world there are tons of monster books
out there, aside from the ofcial books. Different DMs
have different collections. And even DMs with the same
collections have different favorite monsters.
We wanted to create a set of tables that were
customizable. It will take a little work to customize the
charts. That couldn’t be avoided, since there is just no
way to know what books each DM owns. This way,
our tables are useful to every DM with just a little
tweaking. We hope you nd that exibility to your liking.
If you don’t want exibility, see the “Simple Solution”
section, below.
3. It is not a substitute for common sense. If you
generate an encounter that is certain death or (perhaps even
worse) wildly under-challenging for your group, discard or
modify it. This book is not an oracle that must be obeyed. It
is a tool for you to aid you prepare for sessions and help you
with unique encounters in a pinch. You should never, ever
justify an encounter to your players by saying “hey, that’s
what I rolled in the book.” Again, refer to the DMG, chapter
3, “Challenge Ratings and Encounter Levels.”
If you generate something you think is too hard or too
easy, either re-roll or modify what you rolled. If you rolled
an encounter that is too easy, you might just roll again
and add this new result as the “boss creature” leading the
creatures that you generated originally.
For example, let’s say you have a party of four 10th
Everyone owns the “MM.” The MM? MM stands for
“the ofcial monster book by the guys that make the game.
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