d20 Alea Publishing Group Future Mutations.pdf

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Table of Contents
Introduction 2
Mutations 3
Mutation Points 3
Hiding Physical Deformities 4
Mutation Descriptions 4
D20 Future Basic Room Maps 12
Joshua Raynack
Graphic Designers:
Ryan Rawls
Joshua Raynack
Cover Art and Design:
Joshua Raynack
Joshua Raynack
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'd20 System' and the 'd20 System' logo
are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast,
Inc. and are used according to the terms
of the d20 System License version 6.0.
A copy of this License can be found at
Table 1-1: Mutations 3
Table 1-2: Drawbacks 3
Welcome to Mutations , an APG SRD product.
This product uses the text in the SRD to produce
an affordable, stand-alone product that is easy to
use without the hassle of bulky, expensive books.
Why is this better than the SRD that is free to
This product is attractive and has numerous fea-
tures that the SRD does not have. The first and
foremost feature is the hyperlinked Table of Con-
tents (go on . . . click one of the page numbers).
Secondly, each of the sections, including all of the
mutations are bookmarked for easy and quick use
during a game session.
Lastly, this also includes a free future
map tile to get you started. This map tile is a pre-
view of what you can do with APG Paper Tiles
Vol. III: Future Basic Room Set .
So, we hope you enjoy this product and go mutate!
Open Game Content
All text on pages 3 through 11 are considered
Open Game Content save for the logo “Where is
everyone . . . Is anyone there?”
d20 Modern, Dungeons & Dragons, and Wizards
of the Coast are trademarks of Wizards of the
Coast, Inc. in the United States and other countries
and are used with permission.
904577943.005.png 904577943.006.png 904577943.007.png
19–20 Unnatural Voice Cosmetic 0
21–22 Acidic Saliva Minor 1
23–24 Adrenaline Jolt Minor 3
25–26 Claws Minor 1
27–28 Darkvision Minor 3
29–30 Energy Diffusion Minor 2
31–32 Fangs Minor 1
33–34 Force Barrier Minor 3
35–36 Gills Minor 2
37–38 Great Horns Minor 1
39–40 Hypersensitivity Minor 3
41–42 Leaper Minor 1
43–44 Scaly Armor Minor 3
45–46 Scent Minor 2
47–48 Second Wind Minor 2
49–50 Smokescreen Minor 1
51–52 Tail Minor 1
53–54 Thick Fur Coat Minor 1
55–56 Ultra Immune
System Minor 2
57–58 Wall Crawler Minor 2
59–60 Webbed Digits Minor 1
61–62 Echolocator Major 5
63–64 Elasticity Major 5
65–66 Energy
Absorption Major 4
67–68 Enlarged Form Major 6
69–70 Exoskeleton Major 5
71–72 Extra Arms Major 6
73–74 Gazing Eye Major 4
75–76 Pheromone
Attraction Major 6
77–78 Prehensile Tail Major 4
79–80 Prickly Pear Major 4
81–82 Radioactive Major 5
83–84 Skeletal
Reinforcement Major 5
85–86 Stinger Major 4
87–88 Telekinetic Mind Major 5
89–90 Telepathy Major 5
91–92 Tentacle Major 6
93–94 Venomous Bite Major 4
95–96 Vexing Voice Major 4
97–98 Wings Major 6
99–100 X-Ray Vision Major 6
While a mutation can assume many forms, it typi-
cally signifies an abnormal trait or ability not com-
mon to the species. Mutations can be pronounced or
unnoticeable. They may grant extraordinary abili-
ties or effect subtle to grotesque changes in a crea-
ture’s physiology.
Mutations may appear only at birth or manifest as
consequences of radiation exposure or some horri-
ble physical trauma.
Ordinarily, a GM should allow players to select ap-
propriate mutations and drawbacks for their charac-
ters using the Mutation Point (MP) system pre-
sented below. However, for GM-controlled crea-
tures and supporting characters, the GM can deter-
mine mutations randomly. Whenever a creature or
supporting character gains a mutation, the GM may
roll percentile dice and consult Table: Mutations
below, then select an appropriate number of draw-
backs with a total MP value equal to or greater than
the MP cost of the randomly determined mutation.
All special qualities granted by mutations are con-
sidered extraordinary abilities. Using an extraordi-
nary ability is a free action unless noted otherwise.
Mutation Points (MP) provide a simple method of
selecting mutations while preserving game balance.
All creatures (including heroes) begin play with 0
MP. A creature gains MP by selecting one or more
drawbacks—physical deformities and disabilities
that make the creature less effective in play. A crea-
ture can then “spend” the MP on one or more bene-
ficial mutations. The total MP spent on beneficial
mutations cannot exceed the total MP the creature
gains from drawbacks. A creature may still have
unspent MP after choosing beneficial mutations,
however. These unspent MP can be spent on new
mutations at a later time.
Table 1-1: Mutations
d% Mutation Type MP
01–02 Extra Digits Cosmetic 0
03–04 Fins Cosmetic 0
05–06 Forked Tongue Cosmetic 0
07–08 Horns Cosmetic 0
09–10 Scaly Skin Cosmetic 0
11–12 Thin Fur Coat Cosmetic 0
13–14 Unnatural Eyes Cosmetic 0
15–16 Unnatural Hair Cosmetic 0
17–18 Unnatural Skin Cosmetic 0
Table 1-2: Drawbacks
d% Drawback MP
01–05 Ability Decay 1 4
06–10 Blood Hunger 1
11–15 Brittle Bones 4
16–20 Combat Fear 4
21–25 Cybernetic Dependency 6
26–30 Festering Sores 2
31–35 Frailty 3
36–40 Heat/Cold Susceptibility 1
41–45 Lethargy 2
46–50 Light Sensitivity 1
51–55 Lost Arm 3
56–60 Mindslave 2
61–65 Neutrad Dependency 5
66–70 Pheromone Repulsion 1
71–75 Poisonous Blood 6
76–80 Rapid Aging 2
81–85 Reduced Speed 1 3
86–90 Thin Skin 5
91–95 Ultraviolet Allergy 3
96–100 Weak Immune System 1
backs are special disabilities or vulnerabilities that
negatively affect a creature. Each drawback has an
MP value, and a creature can spend these MP on
minor and major mutations to offset the negative
effects of the drawback.
Your body or mind suffers from some marked de-
formity or deterioration.
MP Value: 4.
Drawback: One of your ability scores (your
choice) permanently decreases by 2. You cannot
apply this drawback to an ability score of 3 or less.
Special: You may take this drawback multiple
times. Its effects stack.
Your saliva can burn other creatures like acid.
MP Cost: 1.
Benefit: Your bite attack deals an extra 1d4 points
of acid damage with each successful hit.
Special: You must have a natural bite attack to
take this mutation. You cannot gain this mutation
if you have the Venomous Bite mutation.
1 You may take this drawback multiple
times. Its effects stack.
Hiding Physical Deformities
Many mutations come with physical deformities.
Some mutations are easy to hide, while others are
harder to conceal.
Any mutation that alters a creature’s physical ap-
pearance imposes a penalty on the creature’s Dis-
guise checks. For creatures trying to conceal multi-
ple physical deformities or alterations, the penal-
ties stack. A cosmetic mutation imposes a –1 pen-
alty on Disguise checks, while a minor or major
mutation imposes a –2 penalty on Disguise checks.
Drawbacks do not apply penalties to Disguise
You can flood your bloodstream with extreme
amounts of adrenaline to temporarily boost your
Strength or Dexterity.
MP Cost: 3.
Benefit: Once per day, as a free action, you can
temporarily increase either your Strength or your
Dexterity by 1d4+1 points. The increase lasts for a
number of rounds equal to 3 + your Constitution
Cosmetic Mutations: The simplest and least me-
chanically complicated mutation is a cosmetic mu-
tation. A cosmetic mutation has no game effect
other than to change a creature’s appearance in
some fashion. Cosmetic mutations cost 0 MP.
Minor Mutations: A minor mutation not only
changes a creature’s appearance in some fashion
but also grants it a beneficial (if minor) special
ability or useful feature, such as darkvision or gills.
A minor mutation costs 1–3 MP and can usually be
offset by a single drawback.
Major Mutations: A major mutation fundamen-
tally changes the genetics and physiology of a par-
ticular creature. Moreover, it grants the creature a
beneficial special ability or feature it couldn’t oth-
erwise possess, such as telekinesis or the ability to
fly. A major mutation costs 4 or more MP and
must be offset by one or more drawbacks.
Drawbacks: A creature with minor or major muta-
tions also has drawbacks to offset them. Draw-
You crave the taste of blood. Moreover, you need
to drink blood to survive.
MP Cost: 1.
Drawback: You must drain a pint of blood from a
living creature once every 24 hours. Doing so is an
attack action, and you can only drain blood from a
willing, helpless, or dying (but not dead) creature.
The bitten creature takes normal damage from the
bite attack plus an extra 1d6 points of damage from
the blood loss.
If you go 24 hours without consuming blood, you
take 1d4 points of Constitution damage. Drinking a
pint of blood cures the ability damage caused by
blood deprivation in 1d6 rounds. Ability damage
caused by blood deprivation cannot be restored
through natural healing.
Special: You must have a natural bite attack to
take this drawback.
Your bones weaken such that you can no longer
withstand hard or sudden impacts.
MP Value: 4.
Drawbacks: Your massive damage threshold de-
creases by 3. In addition, you take an additional 1d6
points of damage from a fall.
Special: You cannot take this drawback if you have
the Skeletal Reinforcement mutation.
You develop the ability to absorb sound waves and
translate them into mental images that accurately
portray the surrounding environment. This ability is
similar to a bat’s ability to operate and hunt in total
darkness via echolocation.
MP Cost: 5.
Benefit: You gain the blindsight ability out to a
range of 60 feet.
Your hands mutate into sharp claws.
MP Cost: 1.
Benefit: You gain a single claw attack that deals
slashing damage dependent on your size: Small 1d4,
Medium-size 1d6, Large 1d8. If you get multiple
attacks in a round, you can strike with multiple
claws. Your claws are treated as natural weapons
and do not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Having claws does not adversely affect your manual
You can bend and twist your body in unnatural
ways and squeeze through very tight spaces.
MP Cost: 4.
Benefit: You gain a +10 mutation bonus on Escape
Artist checks. Moreover, you can squeeze through
an opening or passage one-tenth as wide and tall as
your height, in inches. A creature using this muta-
tion to move through a tight space moves at one-
quarter normal speed.
You can absorb impressive amounts of harmful en-
MP Cost: 4.
Benefit: You gain resistance 10 to two types of en-
ergy or resistance 20 to one type of energy, chosen
from the following list: acid, cold, electricity, fire,
or sonic/concussion.
Due to a chemical imbalance in your brain, you are
gripped by an inexplicable fear whenever you face a
dangerous or frightening situation.
MP Value: 4.
Drawback: After initiative is rolled but before you
take your first action in combat, make a Will saving
throw (DC 15). If you fail the Will save, you are
shaken for the rest of the encounter, taking a –2
penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill
checks. If the save succeeds, you overcome your
moment of fear and negate the ill effects.
Your body’s ability to withstand energy damage
MP Cost: 2.
Benefit: You gain resistance 5 to two types of en-
ergy or resistance 10 to one type of energy, chosen
from the following list: acid, cold, electricity, fire,
or sonic/concussion.
Radiation exposure causes your body tissues to de-
generate. You rely on a cybernetic implant to repair
damage to your body.
MP Value: 6.
Drawback: You need a body repair weave (see Cy-
bernetics) to heal naturally. For you, the body repair
weave does not confer its usual benefit (improved
natural healing). If the implant is destroyed, you
cannot heal damage naturally until it is replaced or
Special: This drawback is available only in Pro-
gress Level 7 or higher campaigns.
You grow, becoming an freakishly large specimen
of your kind.
MP Cost: 6.
Benefits: You become as large as your size cate-
gory allows (8 feet tall for Medium-size characters,
4 feet tall for Small characters). However, you func-
tion in many ways as if you were one size category
larger. Whenever you are subject to a size modifier
or special size modifier for an opposed check (such
as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and
trip attempts), you are treated as one size larger
when it is advantageous to you. You are also con-
sidered to be one size larger when determining
whether special attacks based on size (such as im-
proved grab or swallow whole) can affect you. You
You gain darkvision.
MP Cost: 3.
Benefit: You can see in total darkness out to a
range of 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only
but is otherwise like normal sight.
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