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Editor in Chief: Ewa Dudzic ewa.dudzic@hakin9.org
Executive Editor: Magda Błaszczyk magda.b@hakin9.org
Editorial Advisory Board: Matt Jonkman, Clement Dupuis, Jay
Ranade, Terron Williams, Steve Lape
Assistants: Monika Drygulska monika.drygulska@hakin9.org, Sylwia
Stocka sylwia.stocka@hakin9.org
DTP Management: Robert Zadrożny robert.zadrozny@hakin9.org
Tags: Ireneusz Pogroszewski ireneusz.pogroszewski@hakin9.org
Art Director: Agnieszka Marchocka agnieszka.marchocka@hakin9.org
CD: Rafał Kwaśny rafal.kwasny@gmail.com
May, Labor and hakin9
W elcome, here we have our 16th issue of hakin9 magazine. It is May
Proofreaders: Jonathan Edwards, Steve Lape, Michael Munt,
Robert Kalinofski, Kevin Mcdonald, John Hunter
Top Betatesters: Joshua Morin, Michele Orru, Clint Garrison, Shon
Robinson, Brandon Dixon, Justin Seitz, Donald Iverson, Matthew Sabin,
Stephen Argent, Aidan Carty, Rodrigo Rubira Branco, Jason Carpenter,
Ashish Kumar Martin Jenco, Sanjay Bhalerao, Ashutosh Agarwal,
Robert Kalinofski, Aashish Kumar
(unless you were late and forgot to buy your issue just after it was
released). Although in the United Sates Labor day is on the first
Monday of September, most European countries celebrate it on May 1st. I
come from a country where this day used to be extremely important and
symbolic. It was at a time when the state was governed by the Communist
Party. People wanted or had to (depending if they believed or not in the
government's ideas) attend the colorful parades, shows and other patriotic
and labor-oriented events with songs, flowers and flags. If someone did not
take part in the parade and their boss knew about it, they could either loose
their job or be punished in a different way. After communism ended up in
Europe, most of the countries stopped celebrating Labor Day in this special
or aggressive way and they either renamed it to "State Holiday" or let the
workers' movement and trade unions celebrate it in their own way.
It was just a few words on Labor Day because that is what May brings to
my mind. Labor associates to work. And work is what hakin9 can help you
with. Every two months we look for the best and the most useful articles for
IT Security specialists. If you wish to share your knowledge and experience,
write an article too!
In this issue of hakin9 magazine you are going to learn (or better
remember) how to use Live CDs in a pen test lab. You will also get to know
what the best practices for secure shell are and how to crack LDAP Salted
SHA Hashes. Then, we have a paper for those of you who would like to take
a better look at JavaScript obfuscation. The Defense section contains two
articles this time. You will read the second article from a three-part series
on Postgres as well as part 1 of a nice article on vulnerabilities due to type
conversion. The May-June edition of hakin9 comes with a CD containing a
great number of commercial applications that you might find useful. Browse
the CD, see if you like any of the programs we negotiated for you and enjoy
two other things we prepared: an instructional video on using Metasploit
with its database to scan multiple machines, discover their vulnerabilities
and gain access plus a chapter of a book on Computer Security by William
Stallings and Lawrie Brown. I hope you will like what we have delivered
in this issue. Let me know if you have any comments or questions. I look
forward to your e-mails.
Senior Consultant/Publisher: Paweł Marciniak pawel@hakin9.org
Production Director: Marta Kurpiewska marta.kurpiewska@hakin9.org
Marketing Director: Ewa Dudzic ewa.dudzic@hakin9.org
Circulation and Distribution Executive: Wojciech Kowalik
Subscription: customer_service@hakin9.org
Publisher: Software Media LLC
(on Software Publishing House licence www.software.com.pl/en )
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Tel: 001917 338 3631
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Print: 101 Studio, Firma Tęgi
Printed in Poland
Distributed in the USA by: Source Interlink Fulfillment Division,
27500 Riverview Centre Boulevard, Suite 400, Bonita Springs, FL
Tel: 239-949-4450.
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McEvoy St Alexandria NSW Australia 2015, Ph: +61 2 9698 4922,
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the high quality of
the magazine, the editors make no warranty, express or implied,
concerning the results of content usage.
All trade marks presented in the magazine were used only for
informative purposes.
All rights to trade marks presented in the magazine are reserved by
the companies which own them.
To create graphs and diagrams
we used program by
Cover-mount CD’s were tested with AntiVirenKit
by G DATA Software Sp. z o.o
The editors use automatic DTP system
Mathematical formulas created by Design Science MathType™
Selling current or past issues of this magazine for prices that are
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hakin9 is also available in: Spain, Argentina, Portugal,
France, Morocco, Belgium, Luxembourg, Canada, Germany,
Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Czech, Slovakia, Singapore,
The Netherlands, Australia, The United States
hakin9 magazine is published in 7 language versions:
Magda Błaszczyk
The techniques described in our articles may only be
used in private, local networks. The editors hold no
responsibility for misuse of the presented techniques
or consequent data loss.
4 HAKIN9 3/2008
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06 In Brief
Zinho & www.hackerscenter.com
Selection of news from the IT security
16 Pentest Labs Using Live CDs
After reading this article, you will come to know how to use and design LiveCDs
for use in a Penetration Test Lab.
08 CD Contents
hakin9 team
What's new on the latest hakin9.live CD
– commercial applications, e-book and a
video tutorial on Metasploit database.
22 Best Practices for Secure Shell
The article presents the usage of an application called Secure Shell. It
explains why SSH is the best secure tool for remote access. The paper also
shows the best practices in using SSH and tips on how to avoid common
12 Tools
Einat Adar
AppliCure dotDefender Monitor and
Sanjay Bhalerao
Elcomsoft Distributed Password Recovery
Brandon Dixon
Jasob 3.1
26 Cracking LDAP Salted SHA Hashes
The article will teach you how LDAP Salted SHA Hashes are structured, how
to employ modern day tools to crack LDAP SSHA hashes. The author shows
why LDAP SSHA hashes should be treated like clear-text data.
68 Emerging Threats
Matthew Jonkman
Writing IPS Rules – Part Five
36 Javascript Obfuscation Techniques
A very useful paper on how to conceal javascript code and how to detect and
deobfuscate code hidden by these techniques.
70 Consumers Test
Kevin Beaver & hakin9 team.
Anti-Virus Software
44 Breaking in Add-on Malwares
This article covers the working functionality of malware Add-ons. It
presents the practical techniques that will help to understand malwares
76 Interview
hakin9 team
Interview with Marcus J. Ranum
78 Self Exposure
Monika Drygulska
Richard Bejtlich, Harlan Carvey
52 Vulnerabilities Due
to Type Conversion of Integers
In this article the author presents the nature of type conversion. He explains
how C's type conversions work, how vulnerabilities can be caused by unsafe
type conversions and how to review C code for such vulnerabilities. Last but not
least, you will get to know how to prevent them.
80 Book Review
Marius Rugan
The Oracle Hacker's Handbook: Hacking
and Defending Oracle
Marcin Jerzak
Defeating the Hacker. A Non-Technical
Guide to IT Security
60 Authentication and Encryption Techniques
Part II of a three-part series on Postgres. This article is to present ideas
that can be used to mitigate threats presented in first part, using various
authentication and encryption technologies that are available on Linux and
other UNIX-like operating systems.
82 Coming Up
Monika Drygulska
Topics that will be brought up in the
upcoming issue of hakin9.
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