d20 4e Black Death Publishing Power Pack - Heroic Wizard.pdf

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Power Pack: Heroic Wizard
Power Pack : Heroic Wizard
by Kyle Nyce
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Everyone loves options, especially in Dungeons and Dragons where character building is half
the fun of the game and this is what the Power Packs are about: Options.
This power pack for Wizards introduces a slew of At-Wills, Encounter,Utility, and Daily
powers. All of these powers are designed to work with existing builds and also help shape out the
game where the Wizard may be lacking in a particular play style.
These powers will allow you to play the Wizard how you want to play them!
When designing At-Will powers, what was kept in mind was the fact that player's rely on At-Wills
as a backup and also as a first-strike method in any combat to test the waters. In our opinion of
4th edition, At-Wills are the most important power to a character as they define what the class
does best in any situation.
For the Wizard, we delved into some interesting options such as having the ability to constantly
inflict status effects on enemies, sustain small zones of effects and damage, as well as trap spells.
Also the idea of being able to quickly enchant weapons and armor was appealing , so we added
that in as well.
Special Notes
You may seem some Keywords in abilities that you may not recognize. These are meant to
enhance the flavor, realism, and ability of the powers they are in.
Meditation: Powers with the Meditation keyword can be regained at anytime by spending a
standard action to make a Concentration roll ( DC:20). If you succeed, the power is usable again
until the end of your next turn.
Control: Any spell with this keyword involves an element that hinders enemies.
Trap: Any spell with this keyword relies on the enemy triggering its effect. Enemies can see
where trap zones are unless the spell says differently.
Sustainable: Any spell with this keyword has its duration controlled by the wizard.
Shaped Arcaneon Wizard Attack 1
Forming a charge of arcane energy, you infuse it with a quick bit of your focus, and unleash it at
an enemy that does not need to pester you right now.
At-Will Arcane, Implement,Control
Standard Action Range 10
Target: One enemy within range
Attack: Intelligence vs Fortitude
Hit: Deal your Intelligence modifier in force damage. The enemy's speed is reduced by 1.(save
ends and does stack)
Control Wizard: The enemy's speed is reduced by an additional 1(save ends both reductions)
Illusionist Wizard: The enemy is dazed until the end of it's next turn.
Summoner Wizard: You summon a force shard next to your opponent that is intangible with 1
hp. At the end of the turn, the shard explodes in burst 1, dealing d4 force damage.
War Wizard: This spell has an alternative effect of Close Burst 2.
Paragon: This spell deals d6 force damage.
Epic: Increase damage to d8+Intelligence modifier force damage. The Enemy is slow(Save
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Insignia of Elementals Wizard Attack 1
You mark a small zone with volatile elemental energy, any enemy who crosses it will find out
just how volatile that energy is.
At-Will Arcane, Implement, Trap, Fire, Cold, Lightning
Standard Action 1 Square within Range 10
Target: One enemy that steps within the effect of the zone
Attack: Intelligence vs Reflex
Trap: This spell creates a 1 square zone of volatile energy. Any enemy that steps within it
will trigger the attack. Choose the element as you cast this trap. You may have a number of
trap spells active equal to your intelligence modifier. Trap spells last until triggered or until
the end of the encounter.
Hit: Deal 1d10 fire, cold, or lightning damage to the enemy.
Control Wizard: Slide the enemy 1 square.
Illusionist Wizard: All within Close Burst 1 of the hit creature get -1 to all defenses.
Summoner Wizard: When triggered, it summons d4-1 tiny elementals under your control with
1 hp, 4 speed, 12 in all defenses, and have a +4 to hit natural slam attack that deals d4 damage of
whatever element you declared the trap. These last until the end of your next turn.
War Wizard: This spell now hits all within a close burst 1 effect when triggered.
Paragon: This spell deals 2d10 fire, cold, or lightning.
Epic: Increase damage to 3d10 fire, cold , or lightning. This spell now traps two adjacent tiles.
Stream of Energies Wizard Attack 1
You anchor a pulsing strand of energy to yourself and a close enemy. The strand blooms energy
into the attached enemy.
At-Will Arcane, Implement, Sustainable, Lightning
Standard Action Range 5
Target: One enemy within range
Attack: Intelligence vs Fortitude
Hit: Deal d6+Intelligence modifier in lightning damage.
Sustain ( Standard): The attack may be repeated as long as the enemy is in range. For each
time this power is sustained against the same enemy, increase the damage by d6. If the targeted
enemy moves out of range, the bonus damage is lost.
Control Wizard: You may spend a move action to slide the enemy 2 squares.
Illusionist Wizard: The enemy is shaken until the end of your next turn.
Summoner Wizard: The strand is not attached to you and instead is a being of force that is
grabbing the enemy. As long as you sustain the power, the being deals damage and grabs with a
4+Intelligence modifier attack each turn. If the creature breaks the grapple or you do not sustain
this power, the creature disappears.
War Wizard: This spell can effect a number of enemies equal to half your intelligence modifier
within range.
Paragon: Every time you sustain this spell, the damage is increased by d8 instead of a d6.
Epic: You can sustain this spell with a move action.
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Temperature Spike Wizard Attack 1
You flux the entire temperature of the battlefield, hurting allies and enemies alike as some of
them begin to ignite as you build heat.
At-Will Arcane, Implement, Sustainable, Fire
Standard Action Close Burst 20
Target: All within Zone except yourself
Attack: Intelligence vs Fortitude
Hit: Deal your intelligence modifier in fire damage. All have ongoing d6 fire damage (save
Sustain ( Standard): Everytime this power is sustained, increase the ongoing fire damage by
Control Wizard: All that suffer damage from the ongoing fire damage are blinded (save ends).
Illusionist Wizard: All within Close Burst are invisible. You are not invisible.
Summoner Wizard: Every turn this power is sustained, you can summon 1 tiny fire elemental
with 1 hp, 4 speed, 12 in all defenses, and have a +4 to hit natural slam attack that deals d4 fire
damage. These last until the end of your next turn.
War Wizard: Enemies must make two saving throws to save succesfully against your ongoing
fire damage. Both saves are made at the end of an enemy's turn.
Paragon: Increase ongoing fire damage to d8.
Epic: This spell no longer effects allies.
Imbue with Frost Wizard Attack 1
With a sudden exertion and frosty breath, your allies' armor and weapons start crackling with
ice and wisps of cold air.
At-Will Arcane, Implement, Cold
Standard Action Close Burst 5
Target: All allies within Close Burst
Until the end of your next turn, your allies gain +1 AC and their attacks deal extra cold damage
equal to your intelligence modifier.
Control Wizard: Any enemy hit by one of your allies attacks is slowed for their next turn.
Illusionist Wizard: Any ally who succesfully hits one of your allies grants them combat
advantage until the end your next turn.
Summoner Wizard: You summon 1 tiny cold elemental with 1 hp, 4 speed, 12 in all defenses,
and have a +4 to hit natural slam attack that deals d4 cold damage. This lasts until the end of
your next turn.
War Wizard: Until the end of your next turn, Enemies within the Close Burst take an
additional d4 cold damage when hit by any attack.
Paragon: Your allies gain Cold Resistance 5 and deal +d6 cold damage until the end of your
next turn.
Epic: Allies gain +2 to all their defenses and their attacks reduce enemy speed by 2 ( save ends
and does not stack) until the end of your next turn.
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When designing Encounter powers, it was important to remember that these powers were both
renewable but only useable once per combat encounter.
For the Wizard we felt that the roles of controller and were important to emphasize. Also for
encounters, we wanted to present some new mechanics that allowed powers to be felt long after
they were spent since some combat encounters can get lengthy.
Also, we wanted to play with the fact that although heroic encounters were often replaced with
paragon encounters, we thought that presenting the upgradeable options for these powers in
paragon and epic were an interesting idea since some players like to build trademark spells with
their wizards.
Arcane Familiar Wizard Attack 1
You call a sphere being of flaring blue and violet energy from another dimension to enhance
your powers with it's essence. It will fight to defend you , for a time.
Encounter Arcane, Summoning, Meditation
Standard Action Close Burst 3
Target: One Square within Burst is occupied by an Arcane Familiar.
You summon an Arcane Familiar that has an equal number of hitpoints,intiative,defenses, speed,
and attack bonuses that you do. When the Arcane Familiar takes damage you take equal
damage.It lasts until you are bloodied or until the end of the encounter. It has one attack:
Magic Missile- Range 5, hits with your attack bonus for a power that involves your
implement that deals 2d4 force damage.
Control Wizard: Your spells get a +2 to hit while within 2 squares of the familiar.
Illusionist Wizard: You get +2 to all defenses while within 2 squares of the familiar.
Summoner Wizard: The Familiar deals 3d4 force damage , has double your hp, and gets +2 to
all rolls.
War Wizard: Your attacks have a +1 Close Burst effect while within 2 squares of the familiar.
Paragon: You summon two arcane familiars.
Epic: Your arcane familiars' attacks have range 10, deal 2d6 force damage and last until you
have 0 hitpoints.
Lock Down Wizard Attack 3
You conjur bands of raw aether and form them into a malaise that will hinder and harm your
Encounter Arcane, Implement, Control, Sustainable
Standard Action Range 10 Burst 2
Target: All within Burst
Attack: Intelligence vs Will
Hit: Deal 1d6+Intelligence modifier force damage. Your enemy gets -2 to all saves ( save ends)
Sustain (Standard): This spell may be sustained as a standard action.
Control Wizard: The enemy has a penalty to all attack rolls equal to your intelligence
modifier(save ends, does not stack)
Illusionist Wizard: The enemy has a penalty to all defenses equal to your intelligence modifier.(
save ends, does not stack)
Summoner Wizard: This spell is a living creature that inhabits a Burst 2. It has 60 hitpoints,has
0 defenses, is intangible, and attacks every round, hitting and damaging as the spell does. Lasts
until the end of your next turn or until you do not sustain it.
War Wizard: The enemies gain damage vulnerability equal to your intelligence modifier ( save
ends, does not stack).
Paragon: Each time you sustain this effect, the area increases by 1.
Epic: Each time you sustain this effect, the area increases by 2.
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