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Corners of the Realm: The Tvari
Amelia Ciffone
Cover Artist
Travis Harris
Interior Artist
Alex Niquette
Layout Design
Mark Romero
Jacob McGrew, Mary Puppo
Fahrenheit Gaming, Corners of the Realm, and The Tvari © 2009 Fahrenheit Gaming. All Rights
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The Tvari
Average Height: 3’2” - 4’5”
Average Weight: 65 - 75 lb.
Blinding Spores Tvari Racial Power
“You release an array of miniscule spores, causing
your foes to reel back and cover their eyes. ”
Encounter u Spores
Minor Action Close burst 1
Target: All creatures within burst
Attack: Dexterity + 2 vs. Fortitude
Increase to +4 bonus at 11th level and +6
bonus at 21st level
Hit: The target is blinded until the end of
your next turn.
Ability Scores: +2 Constitution, +2
Size: Small
Speed: 6 Squares
Vision: Normal
Languages: Common, choice of one other
Skill Bonuses: +2 Arcana,+2 Dungeoneering
Strong Will: You gain a +1 racial bonus to
your will defense.
Mushroom Origins: When you pick your
race make the choice of Sefka, Culperca, or
Houba. This choice will relect a variety of
your characters powers as outlined below.
Poison Spores Tvari Racial Power
“You release an array of poisoned molecules for your
foes to breathe in”
Encounter u Spores
Minor Action Close burst 1
Target: All creatures within burst
Attack: Dexterity + 2 vs. Fortitude
Increase to +4 bonus at 11th level and +6
bonus at 21st level
Hit: The target deals 1d6 + constitution
modiier poison damage. Increase damage to
2d6 at 11th level and to 3d6 at 21st level.
Sefka: You gain blinding spores as a racial
You gain a +1 racial bonus to saving
Culperca: You gain poison spores as a racial
You gain a +5 racial bonus to saving
throws against poison effects.
Hallucination Spores Tvari Racial Power
“You release an array of colored spores into the air
causing your foes to move as if they were made of
Encounter u Spores
Minor Action Close burst 1
Target: All creatures within burst
Attack: Dexterity + 2 vs. Fortitude
Increase to +4 bonus at 11th level and +6
bonus at 21st level
Hit: The target is weakened until the end of
your next turn.
Houba: You gain hallucination spores as a
racial power.
You gain a +5 racial bonus to saving
throws against charm effects.
The Tvari are a race of humanoid
mushroom folk that live in the dark, muddy
corners of the world’s swamps. They are
a curious folk and have a love of learning,
magic and adventure. They are capable of
releasing different types of airborne spores
to defend themselves on dangerous dungeon
delves. Each Tvari wants to go out into the
world and accumulate more treasure, fame and
knowledge than his brood mates, so that he
can impress his elder when he gets back. The
Tvari that impresses his elder the most gets to
learn the secret spell that allows the Tvari to
Roleplaying Tips
The most important thing to remember
when you’re creating your Tvari character is
that they tend to be competitive. It is ingrained
into them from an early age because they are
always competing with their brothers and
sisters to become more powerful members of
Tvari society.
Tvari don’t admire those who are not
arcane casters, but it is possible to ind Tvari
who have other callings. Try to think about
how this affected your character and whether
your character left home willingly or just never
returned from his adventures. If your character
is an arcane caster, on the other hand, it is
important to decide in what point of their life
they currently are. Is your Tvari still questing
to prove themselves or have they already failed
to receive the favor of their elder? If you are
starting at a high enough level your character
might even know the Tvari birthing ritual!
Since Tvari do not have any real gender
roles you should also decide which sex your
character prefers to identify with. They will
probably attempt to mimic their preferred
gender in dress and behavior. If your Tvari has
recently joined non-Tvari society it is possible
that they are still learning how to blend in to
the role they have chosen or even that they
have not yet chosen a role.
There are many options, just remember to
have fun with whatever you decide to create.
The sections in this book are guides and you
can always discuss with your DM if you want
to tweak something here or there to it your
character and the world at large.
The Tvari were created accidentally by
a human wizard who went into the swamp to
perfect a spell. While practicing, something
went awry and he ended up granting sentience
to group of wild mushrooms. While the wizard
was initially shocked, he grew to appreciate his
new creations and stayed with them until his
death, teaching them everything he knew of
magic. He also gave them their name which ,
based off a mushroom dish he had enjoyed as
a child. Upon completing their magic tutelage
the wizard sought to further enrich his progeny.
He told them about the world outside and how
they should go out and learn the ways of the
world in order to increase the knowledge of
their people.
The wizard had a favorite pupil who
was known as Predek. Before the wizard
died, he taught Predek the spell that he had
used to accidentally create the Tvari. He
instructed him to guard the secret carefully,
for there are many mushrooms in the swamp
and not all should be brought to life. The
Tvari cannot reproduce conventionally, so this
spell is the only way for them to make more
of themselves. After the death of the mage,
Predek went out into the woods and awakened
the irst new brood of Tvari. After teaching
them everything he knew, he sent them off
into the world to see what they could discover.
When they came back, he decided to pass
on the secret to one other Tvari, and thus the
tradition was born.
Physical Description
The Tvari are basically humanoid
in shape and covered in rubbery, grayish to
brownish skin. In place of hair, they have the
vestigial remains of a mushroom cap that cuts
away from the face and falls down over the
back of their necks. While their skin is dull,
their caps can have a wide variety of patterns
depending on what type of mushroom they
were created from. Red caps and spots are
common. The Tvari have no visible ears, and
the sides of their heads are connected to their
caps by “gills” or “lamellae” much like the
tissue on the underside of a mushroom cap.
Their eyes are round, black, and glossy. Their
noses are wide and lat. At around mid-calf,
the Tvari have a lap of skin that extends down
over their feet like a boot. This is their “cup,”
which was found at the bottom of their stalk
when they were still a mushroom. Because
of this, they do not need to wear shoes and
do not have toes. Where their bellybuttons
should be, the Tvari have a rufle of skin that
is the remains of the annulus they had as a
mushroom. Since the Tvari don’t reproduce
naturally, they lack separate genders, causing
them to be androgynous. Which gender
pronoun (he/she) ought to be used to refer to a
Tvari is up to the individual Tvari. They will
usually choose a preferred gender pronoun
rather than being referred to as “it.” As far as
size and shape, the Tvari come in a number of
different types with different abilities. There
are as many types of Tvari as there are types of
The Tvari were introduced to clothing
by their creator, so in their youth their clothes
mimic wizard’s robes that cut off around the
knees and are made from various plant ibers
found in the swamps. Once they go traveling
they adopt whatever clothes are common to the
area where they have ventured. Their jewelry
is made from squares of wood carved with
runes or arcane symbols and held together by a
type of string made from plant ibers similar to
hemp. This is the only type of jewelry that the
Tvari make themselves and each Tvari has at
least one necklace they have made themselves,
regardless of whatever other riches they may
come across in their travels. They may also
wear artifacts or treasure items they found
while traveling around their neck—even if
those items were not originally intended to be
worn as a necklace. Larger items are put on a
cord and worn at the waist. Traditional Tvari
clothing is also androgynous, though when
adventuring they may elect to wear clothing
customary to their preferred gender.
When in combat, the Tvari can utilize
a natural weapon in addition to their spells.
The Tvari can release spores from under their
mushroom caps. These spores cloud up the
targeted square and effect enemies in different
ways, depending on the type of Tvari releasing
them. We’ll list the three most common types
of Tvari here with their corresponding spore
One type of Tvari is called the Sefka.
Their mushroom caps are typically have a
blueish tint. When spores are released by the
Sefka, they temporarily blind nearby foes.
Another type of Tvari is the Culperca.
Their mushroom caps are typically bright red
in color and can release a cloud of poisonous
spores that damage opponents when inhaled.
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