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FRP Essentials - Combat Essentials 1: Critical Matters
* * *
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using the
Game System
License .
If David
hadn’t used
this book . . .
For use with
the 4th Edition
of the world’s
most popular
. . . Goliath
would have
A combat
sourcebook for
all levels of
Combat Essentials 1:
Critical Matters
by Robert J Defendi
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Author: Robert J Defendi
Line Editor: Josh Peltier
Cover Art: B.C. Hailes
Interior Art: Ian Johnston, Newton Ewell
Art Direction: Christopher Mitchell
Pagemaking: Wallen Ashcroft
Copy Editing: Christine Fortune, Jennie Mollerup, Robert J Defendi
Publisher: Robert J Defendi
Patron Saint of Usury: Matthew P. Fitt
Editing, Development, & Production Staff:
Robert J Defendi, Josh Peltier, Christine Fortune, Jennie Mollerup, Christopher Mitchell, Wallen Ashcroft
Web Master: Robert J Defendi
Play Testing: Amanda Peltier, Angela Daley, Aaron Smith, Bjorn Olsen, Brenda Llewelyn, Craig Lynch,
Dan Willis, Gary Llewelyn, Howard Tayler, Jennie Mollerup, Jonathon W. Larsen, Josh Peltier, Mathew
Daley, Matthew P. Fitt, Michael Lowndes, Paul Updike, Rhett Akers, Rob Shirley, Scott Llewelyn,
Sherrie Anderson, Timothy Gish, and Zachary Palfreyman.
Special Support: Heike A. Kubasch, Bruce Neidlinger; Tim Dugger, and Steve Long.
DUNGEON MASTER’S GUIDE, and MONSTER MANUAL are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the
USA and other countries and are used with permission. Certain materials, including 4E References in this publication,
D&D core rules mechanics, and all D&D characters and their distinctive likenesses, are property of Wizards of the
Coast, Inc., and are used with permission under the Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition Game System License. All 4E
References are listed in the 4E System Reference Document, available at www.wizards.com/d20.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS 4th Edition PLAYER’S HANDBOOK, written by Rob Heinsoo, Andy Collins,
and James Wyatt; DUNGEON MASTER’S GUIDE, written by James Wyatt; and MONSTER MANUAL,
written by Mike Mearls, Stephen Schubert and James Wyatt
© 2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2008 by Final Redoubt Press. All rights reserved. No reproductions without permission.
Produced and distributed by Final Redoubt Press, 263 Fall Street, Salt Lake City, UT, 84116.
0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
First Printing, August 2008
ISBN: 978-0-9818802-0-4
Stock #4001
Table of Contents
Credits ....................................2
Welcome ...................................4
A Note on Pronouns.........................4
What is Critical Matters ? ..................4
Our Philosophy ............................4
Using This Product .........................4
Dedication ................................4
Special Thanks.............................4
The Core Mechanic ..........................4
Temporary Hit Points........................6
Bleeding .................................6
Combat Conditions .........................6
Death Effects ..............................6
Other Consequences ........................6
Permanent Effects ..........................7
Rituals ...................................7
Regrow Limb .................................7
Restore Limb .................................8
Optional Rules ..............................8
Size .....................................9
Open-Ended Critical Effects ..................9
Light and Off-Hand Weapons .................9
High Crit Weapons..........................9
Resistances and Vulnerabilities ................9
Optional Recovery Rules.....................9
Healing Through Powers ........................9
Natural Healing ..............................10
Treatment ...................................10
Bludgeoning ..............................11
No Traumatic Damage .....................11
+1[W] Traumatic Damage ..................11
+2[W] Traumatic Damage ..................12
Piercing ..................................14
Normal Multiplier .........................14
+1[W] Traumatic Damage ..................14
+2[W] Traumatic Damage ..................15
Slashing ..................................17
No Traumatic Damage .....................17
+1[W] Traumatic Damage ..................17
+2[W] Traumatic Damage ..................18
Brawling .................................20
No Traumatic Damage .....................20
+1[W] Traumatic Damage ..................20
+2[W] Traumatic Damage ..................21
Grabbing .................................23
No Traumatic Damage .....................23
+1[W] Traumatic Damage ..................23
+2[W] Traumatic Damage ..................24
Martial Arts ..............................26
No Traumatic Damage .....................26
+1[W] Traumatic Damage ..................26
+2[W] Traumatic Damage ..................27
No Traumatic Damage .....................29
+1[W] Traumatic Damage ..................29
+2[W] Traumatic Damage ..................30
No Traumatic Damage .....................32
+1[W] Traumatic Damage ..................32
+2[W] Traumatic Damage ..................33
Fire ......................................35
No Traumatic Damage .....................35
+1[W] Traumatic Damage ..................35
+2[W] Traumatic Damage ..................36
Force .....................................38
No Traumatic Damage .....................38
+1[W] Traumatic Damage ..................38
+2[W] Traumatic Damage ..................39
Lightning .................................41
No Traumatic Damage .....................41
+1[W] Traumatic Damage ..................41
+2[W] Traumatic Damage ..................42
+1[W] Traumatic Damage ..................44
+2[W] Traumatic Damage ..................45
Poison ....................................47
No Traumatic Damage .....................47
+1[W] Traumatic Damage ..................47
+2[W] Traumatic Damage ..................49
Psychic ...................................51
No Traumatic Damage .....................51
+1[W] Traumatic Damage ..................51
+2[W] Traumatic Damage ..................53
No Traumatic Damage .....................54
+1[W] Traumatic Damage ..................54
+2[W] Traumatic Damage ..................55
Thunder ..................................57
No Traumatic Damage .....................57
+1[W] Traumatic Damage ..................57
+2[W] Traumatic Damage ..................58
A young boy squares off against a giant. He strides
forward as a warrior, but he wears no armor, and in
his hand he carries nothing but a sling. The giant
steps forward, the champion of his people, and
behind him, his army cheers.
The boy places a stone in his sling. He squints
across the ield, and as the giant starts forward,
he whirls the stone above his head, a prayer in his
heart. After a moment, he lets the sling ly. The
stone strikes true, and the giant falls. The boy walks
forward and lifts the giant’s sword. . . .
It’s a familiar story, iconic in western culture, and
yet, in 4 th edition, it couldn’t happen. The boy might
get a Critical, but there’s no way that Critical could
take out the giant.
Without this product, Goliath wins.
u s i N g t h i s P r o d u c t
This product provides everything that a gaming group
needs to inject their games with fantastic Critical
Effects . It contains clean and simple core rules to
allow you to quickly bring the product into your game.
In addition, there are optional rules to deal with such
things as creatures of different Sizes, Open-Ended
Critical Effects , and mundane Heal Checks.
d e d i c A t i o N
I would like to dedicate this book to S. Coleman
Charlton, Kurt H. Fischer, Peter C. Fenlon Jr., Terry
K. Amthor, Bruce R. Neidlinger, Bruce C. Shelly,
Leonard “Swamp” Cook. These people brought us
Arms Law , so many years ago, and changed the way
we think of combat forever.
s P e c i A l t h A N k s
We would like to thank our play testers: Amanda
Peltier, Angela Daley, Aaron Smith, Bjorn Olsen,
Brenda Llewelyn, Craig Lynch, Dan Willis, Gary
Llewelyn, Howard Tayler, Jennie Mollerup,
Jonathon W. Larsen, Josh Peltier, Mathew Daley,
Matthew P. Fitt, Michael Lowndes, Paul Updike,
Rhett Akers, Rob Shirley, Scott Llewelyn, Sherrie
Anderson, Timothy Gish, and Zachary Palfreyman.
Without them, this product wouldn’t be possible.
A N o t e o N P r o N o u N s
Whenever referring to a person of indeterminate
gender in this book, the masculine pronoun is used.
This should be taken to mean he/she, his/her, etc.
W h A t i s C r i t i C a l M a t t e r s ?
C r i t i C a l M a t t e r s is a Critical Effects product for
4 th Edition. In these pages, you will ind more than
seventeen-hundred unique Critical Effects . Some of
them are funny. Some of them are brutal. They are
all more interesting than simple Damage. With these
Critical Effects , characters can be Stunned, receive
Permanent injuries, or even be killed outright.
This product adds excitement to any game. It
makes combat more dangerous and evocative. With
it, the underdog can win. With more than one hun-
dred results for each Damage Type, this book will
give you years of gaming enjoyment.
The Core Mechanic
Using Critical Matters is very simple. There are
charts in this book for each Damage Type. There are
tables for Bludgeoning , Slashing , and Piercing ,
for instance. There are also tables for more unusual
types of ighting, such as Brawling or Grabbing.
There is even a table for Martial Arts , for use with
as-of-yet-unpublished Martial Arts characters. In
addition we have tables for all the major magical
Damage Types, such as Force, Fire, and Necrotic.
Whenever a character or a monster rolls a Crit, re-
solve that Crit as normal (See the D&D 4e P l a y e r s
H a n D b o o k ). After you are done, you can apply a
Critical Effect . Simply pull out this book and roll
percentile (if it’s a PC attacking, have the player roll
it themselves). Apply the result to the appropriate
o u r P h i l o s o P h y
At Final Redoubt Press, we wish to bring high-quality
products into the hands of the gamers who need them.
We strive to enrich and enliven your game and to help
GMs breath new life into their sessions.
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