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Lost Books 9
The Longstrider’s Journal
Lost Books 9
The Longstrider’s Journal
History of the Journal
Thuran Longstrider was a consummate traveler with a reputation for being a magical
dilettante. Over the course of his long career Thuran is known to have displayed an
affinity for both sorcery and bardic magic, as well as possessing the kind of wood lore
that is normally expected of rangers and nature priests. Few people ever knew Thuran
long enough to delve into the secrets of his training, as the half-elf devoted his life to
seeing as much of the world as he could. His travels landed him in countless adventures,
eventually earning him a measure of fame as a reluctant hero and tourist.
As Thuran’s fame grew, so too did the interest in the magic journal he carried with
him in his travels. Possessing the ability to map nearly any location, as well as containing
the notes for a wide array of magic spells Thuran developed to assist him in his studies,
Longstrider’s Journal became an object of fascination for many sages and spellcasters.
Thuran refused many opportunities to sell the book, although occasionally he would allow
an ally or close friend to copy his notes or even entire spells from its pages.
When Thuran Longstrider disappeared during a journey into the jungles of Xenthar,
the Longstrider’s journal was thought lost forever. It lay in the refuse pit of a gargantuan
spider’s lair for nearly three decades before it was recovered, falling into the hands of a
gnomish adventuring band that succeeded in liberating Thuran’s belongings before
fleeing the spider’s wrath. Using the spells within, the Company of the Badger became
known for their mastery of wood lore and their speed in mapping uncharted wilderness
The company kept their possession of the book a secret for nearly a decade as their
fortunes grew, until it was finally stolen by an unknown thief who fled into the western
lands occupied by tribes of savage beast-men. Since then neither the Longstrider Journal
nor the thief have been heard of again, although rangers who patrol the western borders
report of beast-men who possess an uncanny ability at laying false trails and tribes that
seem to move over a dozen miles in the space of one night. Some scholars fear that the
Journal is now in the hands of a powerful beast-man shaman, and many merchants and
rulers have offered a small reward to anyone who can recover the book and deliver it to
their hands.
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The Longstrider’s Journal
Bardic Knowledge/Knowledge (arcana)
Characters with the Bardic Knowledge ability or Knowledge
(arcana) may be familiar with Thuran and his Journal. The first
time such a character hears about the Longstriders Journal or
Thuran Longstrider, have them make a check and consult the
following table.
DC 15: Thuran Longstrider was a magical dilettante,
crossing the boundary between many different types of magic. He
is best known for his love of traveling and his magic journal
filled with spells to assist those who spend their life on the road.
DC 20: The Longstrider’s Journal isn’t actually a spellbook,
but rather a magical tome that prevented its bearer from getting
lost. There are a few spells contained within, but studying them is
said to require patience and a thorough understanding of magical
DC 25: The Journal’s magic allows it to create a perfect map
of the surrounding area on command, giving the wearer a clear
sight of local landmarks and terrain when planning his travels.
The theory contained within the book is mixed with a host of
references to natural phenomena and wilderness areas, giving
those with an understanding of maps and geography an edge
when decoding Thuran’s scrawl.
DC 30: After Thuran’s death the book was recovered by a
company of gnomish adventurers who attempted to keep their
possession of the journal secret. After nearly a decade of relying
on the books magic, it was stolen and taken into the western
plains inhabited by tribes of savage beast-men.
The Longstrider’s Journal is a small book bound between
two leather covers. Only nine inches wide and twelve inches
long, it is filled with thin paper that leaves it flexible enough to
crush into a backpack and light enough to carry along with a
heavy load of supplies.
The cover of the book is embossed with a map of a
wilderness area, often the last one that the owner has commanded
the book to draw. Thuran Longstrider’s rune, a stylized walking
stuck held up to catch the sun, is marked on the books spine.
The first page of the book appears to be blank, but on
command it will fill with a perfectly detailed map of the area in a
three-mile radius around the user. The center of the page is
always the present location of the book. The other ninety-nine
pages of the book are filled with scattered notes and journal
entries, many of which are focused on the rough formulas for
spells and alchemical compounds.
Value: (gp for spells, +2500 gp for books mapmaking
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 2
Weight: 1 lb.
Special: The maps provided by the book give the user a +5
competence bonus to Survival checks when attempting to keep
from getting lost.
The Longstrider’s Journal contains notes on a dozen new
spells. Understanding and deciphering these notes in order to
learn the spell requires a Spellcraft check (DC 25 + spell level).
Characters with 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (geography) get a
+2 synergy bonus to their Spellcraft checks when attempting to
decipher these spells.
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The Longstrider’s Journal
New Spells
Range: 20 ft.
Target: 20 ft. radius centered on you.
Duration: 8 hours (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Illusion (Figment)
Level: Brd 0, Rgr 1, Sor/Wiz 0
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 30 ft.
Effect: 30 ft. radius centered on you
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: Will disbelieve (if interacted with)
Spell Resistance: No
You shape a slow, sleepy melody that makes those who hear
it think of hearth fires and warm meals. The magic of the song
brings peaceful sleep to all within 20 ft. of you, allowing them to
rest comfortably even if they are laying on rocky soil or sleep in
armor without suffering the effects of fatigue.
The sound of your song keeps those around you warm and
cozy regardless of the outside temperature, allowing them to
sleep in comfort in conditions between –50 and 140 degrees
Fahrenheit without having to make Fortitude saves. Subjects
targeted with spells that affect their dreams (such as the
Nightmare spell) gain a +1 bonus to their saving throws for every
three caster levels you possess.
Creatures sleeping while under the effects of a campfire song
immediately awaken if you stop playing. When the spell ends, the
caster is fatigued.
Many wilderness ambushes have gone wrong when the
attackers were given away by the absence of birdcalls or the
sound of creatures fleeing through the undergrowth. Birdcry was
invented by the tribal shaman of jungle-dwelling halflings and
was passed on to Thuran when he lived among them and aided
them in their hunts.
Birdcry fills the air around you with a series of natural
animal sounds, usually focused on birdcalls or the sound of small
creatures in the trees. It serves to mask many of the noises that
give away those attempting stealth in a wilderness environment,
granting a +2 circumstance bonus to Hide and Move Silently
checks in forests, jungles and similar terrain.
Material Component: A small bird whistle.
Campfire Song
Level: Brd 4
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 round
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The Longstrider’s Journal
Your step becomes feather-light and almost weightless,
allowing you to walk on nearly any physical surface as though it
was firm ground. You can walk on liquids such as mud, oil, lava
or quicksand easily, and can even move with perfect balance
along thin wires and spider webs without breaking them. You can
move at your normal speed, but cannot run along infirm surfaces
without sinking or breaking through.
This spell doesn’t grant any resistance to secondary physical
traits related to those surfaces, so you may still become entangled
in particularly sticky webs or take heat damage when walking
over lava.
Your light step leaves only very slight impressions in the ground,
inflicting a –10 penalty on the Survival check of any creature
attempting to follow your tracks.
Material Component: A feather wrapped in a spider’s web.
Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
Effect: 10 ft. wide cloud bridge with a length of 10 ft./level
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You cause a flat, horizontal bridge of dark clouds to spring
into being. The wall must be anchored between two solid objects,
creating a 10 foot wide bridge that spans the distance between
two points. The cloudbridge feels disturbingly insubstantial to
those walking on it, but the magic is capable of supporting
creatures of Large size or less with ease. Attacking the
cloudbridge only succeeds in creating eddies in the mist, and
creatures of Huge size or larger fall through the misty surface.
Material Component: A small, flat twig that has been left in
the morning mist.
Lonely Road
Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
Effect: Extradimensional road, up to five miles long/level
Duration: 2 hours/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Feather Step
Level: Brd 4, Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell creates a ghostly, extradimensional road that can
be used to travel long distances. The extradimensional road
stretches out in a single direction nominated by the caster,
providing a featureless path that can be walked without
obstruction, fear of attack or concern for prevailing weather
conditions. The extradimensional nature of the road allows it to
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The Longstrider’s Journal
bypass natural environments or objects that would ordinarily
obstruct or slow a traveler, cutting through lakes or mountains as
though they were not there.
The road is accessed through an entry point that resembles a
faint shimmering in the air ten feet wide and fifteen feet feet
high. Only those you designate may enter the lonely road , and the
portal is shut behind you once all designated creatures have
passed through.
Once the entry portal is closed, you can create an exit point
anywhere along the lonely road at will. Creatures on the lonely
road must travel to the exit point normally, using any movement
available to them. This exit point has the same dimensions as the
entry point, but shows a distorted image of the real world on the
other side. You are automatically aware if you chosen exit point
would deposit you in a space occupied by a solid body.
The road stretches out in a single path approximately fifty
feet wide, leading in a direction of your choosing when the spell
is cast. The cobblestones are solid and perfect for traveling, but
the rest of the plane is a featureless void the color of twilight. The
lonely road never twists or deviates, the exit opening onto a point
in the real world exactly equal to the distance traveled in the
chosen direction.
Focus: A miniature portal carved from onyx, a small sliver
of gilded flagstone, and a scrap of fine boot leather (each item
worth 10 gp)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
You call a greeting to a nearby stranger, magically
transforming your voice so that it sounds familiar to them. You
may make an immediate Diplomacy check to try and influence
the target's starting attitude as a free action.
This spell has no effect on creatures you have already met,
nor those you have already started a conversation with.
Phantom Firelight
Illusion (Phantasm)
Level: Rgr 3, Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal and touch
Target: You and touched willing creatures
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
This spell creates a phantasmal flame that hovers over your
head, shedding light that can only be seen by you and up to 1
additional creature touched per three caster levels. The phantom
firelight glows light like a torch, shedding bright light in a 20-
foot radius centered on you (and dim light for an additional 20
feet). The phantom firelight moves with you.
The light from the phantom firelight can be seen by creatures
that can see invisible objects, but otherwise the firelight and the
light it sheds is entirely invisible to those not affected by the
Material Component: A paste made of firefly wings and
phosphorescent moss that is applied to the target’s eyes.
Neighbor’s Greeting
Enchantment (Charm)
Level: Brd 0, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
Target: 1 creature
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