A Short Course in Canon EOS 40D Photography - 2007.pdf

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A S h o r t C o u r S e i n
C A n o n e o S 40D
P hotogrAPhy
D e n n i S P . C u r t i n
S hort C ourSeS P ubliShing C omPAny
S hort C ourSeS B ookS and W eB S ite
S hort Courses is the leading publisher of digital photography books,
All recent books are available in both black & white printed and full-color
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© Copyright 2007 by Dennis P. Curtin. All rights reserved. Printed in the
United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copy-
right Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distribut-
ed in any form o r by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system,
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This book is designed to work with the many of the free on-line book’s avail-
able at the author’s Web site at www.shortcourses.com. Of special interest
may be the books on displaying & sharing your digital photos, digital photog-
raphy worklow, image sensors and digital desktop lighting.
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coverage of camera bags, tripods, lighting equipment and much more. Click
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about using your camera’s controls to capture great photos. Click to visit
Displaying & Sharing Your Digital Photos discusses what digital photogra-
them on-screen, and moving beyond the still image into exciting new areas.
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ISBN 1-928873-80-4
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P reFACe
P refaCe
subject. But recognizing a great opportunity isn’t enough to capture
it; you also have to be prepared. A large part of being prepared in-
volves understanding your camera well enough to capture what you see. Get-
ting you prepared to see and capture great photographs is what this book is
all about. It doesn’t matter if you are taking pictures for business or pleasure,
there’s a lot here to help you get better results and more satisfaction from
your photography.
To get better, and possibly even great photographs, you need to understand
both concepts and procedures; the “whys” and “hows” of photography.
Concepts of photography are the underlying principles that apply regardless
of the camera you are using. They include such things as how sharpness and
exposure affect your images and the way they are perceived by viewers. Un-
derstanding concepts answers the “why” kinds of questions you might have
about photography.
The Canon EOS 40D is
a full-featured SLR with
interchangeable lenses.
Procedures are those things speciic to one kind of camera, and explain
step-by-step how you set your camera’s controls to capture an image just the
way you want to. Understanding procedures gives you the answers to the
“how” kinds of questions you might have.
The 40D can print
directly to a printer
without a computer.
This book is organized around the concepts of digital photography because
that’s how photographers think. We think about scenes and subjects, high-
lights and shadows, softness and sharpness, color and tone. The procedures
you use with the Canon EOS 40D camera are integrated throughout the con-
cepts, appearing in those places where they apply. This integrated approach
lets you irst understand the concepts of photography and then see step by
step how to use the 40D in all kinds of photographic situations.
To get more effective, interesting, and creative photographs, you only need
to understand how and when to use a few simple controls on your camera
such as focus, exposure controls, and lash. If you’ve previously avoided
understanding these controls and the profound impact they can have on your
images, you’ll be pleased to know that you can learn them on a weekend.
You can then spend the rest of your life marveling at how the ininite variety
of combinations they provide make it possible to convey your own personal
view of the world. You’ll be ready to keep everything in a scene sharp for
maximum detail or to blur some or all of it for an impressionistic portrayal.
You’ll be able to get dramatic close-ups, freeze fast action, create wonderful
panoramas, and capture the beauty and wonder of rainbows, sunsets, ire-
works, and nighttime scenes.
With the optional WFT-
E3A wireless transmitter
you can send pictures
directly to a computer
or network. It also
doubles as a vertical
As you explore your camera, be sure to have fun. There are no “rules” or
“best” way to make a picture. Great photographs come from using what you
know to experiment and try new approaches. Digital cameras make this espe-
cially easy because there are no ilm costs or delays. Every experiment is free
and you see the results immediately so you can learn step by step.
The 40D accepts the full
line of Canon EF and
EF-S lenses.
This book is about getting great pictures, not about connecting your camera
to your computer and using your software. That information is well presented
in the user guide that came with your camera. Be sure to visit our Web site at
www.shortcourses.com fo r even more digital photography information.
F or more on digitAl PhotogrAPhy , viSit httP :// www . ShortCourSeS . Com
A great photograph begins when you recognize a great scene or
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C ontentS
C ontentS
Short Courses Books and Web Site...ii
How To Sections Quick Lookup...vi
C hapter 4
C apturing l ight & C olor ...78
Where Does Color Come From?...79
White Balance and Color...80
Using White Balance Correction & Bracketing...83
Color and Time of Day...84
Sunsets and Sunrises...85
photographing at Night...89
The Direction of Light...91
The Quality of Light...93
C hapter 1
C amera C ontrols and C reativity ...7
The 40D Camera...8
Jump Start—Using Full Auto Mode...9
Good Things to Know...10
Using the Viewinder...12
Operating the Camera...13
Changing Settings with Buttons and Dials...15
Using Menus to Change Settings...16
playing Back & Managing Your images...19
Using the playback Menu...21
Selecting image Quality and Size...22
C hapter 5
u nderstanding l enses ...94
Canon Lenses...95
Focal Length...98
Zoom Lenses...99
Normal Lenses...100
Wide-Angle Lenses...101
Telephoto Lenses...103
Macro Lenses and Accessories...105
Tilt-Shift Lenses...107
Lens Accessories...108
perspective in a photograph...109
C hapter 2
C ontrolling e xposure ...27
Understanding Exposure...28
The Shutter Controls Light and Motion...29
The Aperture Controls Light and Depth of Field...31
Using Shutter Speed and Aperture Together...33
Retaining Highlight and Shadow Details ...36
Choosing Shooting Modes...37
Using image Zone Modes...38
Using program AE (p) & program Shift...39
Using Shutter-priority (Tv) Mode...40
Using Aperture-priority (Av) Mode...41
Using Manual (M) Mode...42
How Your Exposure System Works...43
When Automatic Exposure Works Well...46
When to Override Automatic Exposure...47
How Overriding Autoexposure Works...51
How to Override Automatic Exposure...52
Using Histograms...55
Using the RAW Format...59
C hapter 6
u sing F lash and s tudio l ighting ...110
How Flash Works...111
Using Autolash...112
portraits with Flash...114
Using Fill Flash...116
Using Slow Sync Flash...117
Using Available Light...118
Controlling Flash Exposures...119
Using an External Flash...122
Using Flash in Close-ups...124
Studio Lighting...125
portrait and product photography—introduction...128
The Main Light...129
The Fill Light...130
The Background Light...131
The Rim Light...132
C hapter 3
C ontrolling s harpness ...61
Getting Sharper pictures...62
Sharpness isn’t Everything...64
How to photograph Motion Sharply...65
Focus and Depth of Field...67
Focusing Techniques...69
Controlling Depth of Field...73
Using Deep Depth of Field...74
Using Shallow Depth of Field...76
Conveying the Feeling of Motion...77
C hapter 7
o ther F eatures and C ommands ...133
Continuous photography...134
Live View Shooting...135
Using picture Styles...138
Registering Your Own Settings...140
Using Custom Functions...141
Using My Menu...146
Changing Other Settings...147
Entering a print Order...152
Caring for Your Camera...153
F or more on digitAl PhotogrAPhy , viSit httP :// www . ShortCourSeS . Com
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