d20 Creation's Edge Games Buck-A-Batch Magic Potions I.pdf

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Potions I
This product requires the use
of Dungeons & Dragons,
Third Edition rules
50 New Magic Items for
use with D20 Fantasy
This document is part of System 20:
A Do-It-Yourself supplement system available at
Welcome to Magic Potions I, part of
our Buck-A-Batch line of products.
The Buck-A-Batch product line is part
of System 20, a do-it-yourself supple-
ment system found on our website at
www.creationsedge.com .
System 20 allows you to create your
own supplements, featuring the content
of your choice, for a fraction of the cost
of traditional RPG supplements.
You’ll find over 1000 different magic
items, weapons, rings, and wear on our
site, as well as our Add-A-Rooms,
Adventures, and other role-playing aids.
Our Free 20 section also hosts
dozens of free creatures, items, and
weapons to incorporate into your D20
fantasy campaign.
This product requires the use of
Dungeons & Dragons® Third Edition
Potions I
50 New Magic Items
for use with D20
Fantasy Rules
Buck-A-Batch: Magic Potions I is available for download on the Creation Edge Games
website as part of the System 20 collection. Check out our website at creationsedge.com
for more System 20 resources and information on upcoming releases.
~Open Game Content~
The content of this document entitled “Buck-A-Batch: Magic Potions I” which describe game
mechanics are designated as Open Content. The remaining portions of this document are hereby added to
Open Game Content and if so used should bear the COPYRIGHT NOTICE “Buck-A-Batch: Magic Potions
I ©2006 Creation’s Edge Games” and optionally the web address “www.creationsedge.com”.
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Dungeons & Dragons® and Wizards of the Coast® are registered trademarks of Wizards of the
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D20 System is trademark by Wizards of the Coast and is used according to the terms of the d20 System
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Buck-A-Batch: Magic Potions I - for use with D20 rules - © 2006 Creation’s Edge Games.
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Acid Belch
% Roll
Name of potion
Acid Belch
Acidic Elixir
An alchemist stumbled upon this variation of
a protective potion by accident. After drink-
ing this potion the imbiber gains immunity to
acid damage. Unfortunately the potion's
ingredients cause a build up of gas in the
creature's stomach. One round after the
potion has been imbibed the creature may
release this gas in the form of a belch. This
belch causes a 10' cone of acid to spray
from the creature's mouth. The creature may
attempt to 'hold' this belch in. Holding the
belch in requires a Fortitude save (DC 5).
The DC for this save increases by 5 points
for each additional round an attempt to hold
in the belch is made. The acid spray deals
2d6 points acid damage to any creatures
within its area of effect. Targeted creatures
can attempt a Reflex save (DC 13) for half
damage. The drinker's acid damage immuni-
ty ends the moment the belch is 'released'.
Charisma Boost
Constitution Boost
Corpse Bomb
Damage Reduction (bludgeoning)
Damage Reduction (piercing)
Damage Reduction (slashing)
Dead Man's Tale
Dexterity Boost
Elemental Attribute (acid)
Elemental Attribute (cold)
Elemental Attribute (electricity)
Elemental Attribute (fire)
Elemental Attribute (sonic)
Flame Belch
Friend of the Trees
Frost Belch
Healing Cloud
Intelligence Boost
Invisibility (failed)
Lightning Belch
Luck (major)
Luck (minor)
Caster level: 5th / Prerequisites: Brew
Potion, spellcaster level 6th + / Market
Value: 900gp / Cost to Create: 450gp +
Mists of Chance
Monster in a Bottle (major)
Monster in a Bottle (minor)
Potion of Holy Might
Potion of Unholy Might
Selective Non-detection (aberrations)
Selective Non-detection (animals)
Acidic Elixir
Selective Non-detection (beasts)
Selective Non-detection (constructs)
This potion has two forms of use. A creature
may drink the potion to grant them resist-
ance to acid damage for a period of 3 hours
or until discharged. This functions as though
the creature was protected by a protection
from elements spell cast at 11th level, with
acid as the selected element. The potion's
alternate use is as a form of attack. A crea-
ture may toss it as though it were a
grenade-like weapon. Upon striking a target
it will shatter releasing a cloud of acidic
magic. This cloud functions similar to the
acid fog spell cast at 11th level.
Selective Non-detection (dragons)
Selective Non-detection (elementals)
Selective Non-detection (fey)
Selective Non-detection (giants)
Selective Non-detection (magical beasts)
Selective Non-detection (oozes)
Selective Non-detection (plants)
Selective Non-detection (shapechangers)
Selective Non-detection (undead)
Selective Non-detection (vermin)
Sonic Belch
Spell Bomb (sleep)
Spell Bomb (summon swarm)
Stench (major)
Stench (minor)
Caster level: 5th / Prerequisites: Brew
Potion, spellcaster level 11th + / Market
Strength Boost
Wisdom Boost
Value: 900gp / Cost to Create: 450gp +
attempt a reflex save (DC 12) to take half
damage. This explosive effect wears off if
the copse is not detonated within 24 hours
after the potion has been administered.
Charisma Boost
Caster level: 3rd / Prerequisites: Brew
Potion, spellcaster level 4th + / Market
Value: 300gp / Cost to Create: 150gp +
This potion increases the imbiber's charisma
by 1d4 points for one 24 hour period.
Unfortunately it also lowers another random
attribute by 1 point for 24 hours. Roll 1d10:
1-2 = constitution, 3-4 = dexterity, 5-6 =
intelligence, 7-8 = strength, 9-10 = wisdom.
Damage Reduction
Caster level: 3rd / Prerequisites: Brew
Potion, spellcaster level 5th + / Market
Value: 300gp / Cost to Create: 150gp +
Drinking this potion grants a creature dam-
age reduction 5 verses bludgeoning attacks.
This protection lasts for 1 hour.
Caster level: 3rd / Prerequisites: Brew
Potion, spellcaster level 5th + / Market
Value: 600gp / Cost to Create: 300gp +
Constitution Boost
This potion increases the imbiber's constitu-
tion by 1d4 points for one 24 hour period.
Unfortunately it also lowers another random
attribute by 1 point for 24 hours. Roll 1d10:
1-2 = charisma, 3-4 = dexterity, 5-6 = intelli-
gence, 7-8 = strength, 9-10 = wisdom.
Damage Reduction (piercing)
Drinking this potion grants a creature dam-
age reduction 5 verses piercing attacks. This
protection lasts for 1 hour.
Caster level: 3rd / Prerequisites: Brew
Potion, spellcaster level 5th + / Market
Value: 300gp / Cost to Create: 150gp +
Caster level: 3rd / Prerequisites: Brew
Potion, spellcaster level 5th + / Market
Value: 600gp / Cost to Create: 300gp +
Corpse Bomb
Developed during some long forgotten war
this grisly potion still finds some use in cur-
rent day. When poured into the throat of a
recently deceased medium or large creature
the potion's ingredients react with the corpse
in a volatile way. The slightest jostle of the
corpse one round after the potion has been
administered will cause the corpse to
explode dealing 3d6 points of damage to all
creatures within 20 feet of it. Creatures may
Damage Reduction (slashing)
Drinking this potion grants a creature dam-
age reduction 5 verses slashing attacks.
This protection lasts for 1 hour.
Caster level: 3rd / Prerequisites: Brew
Potion, spellcaster level 5th + / Market
Value: 600gp / Cost to Create: 300gp +
Dead Man's Tale
the selected element. Furthermore the cast-
er need only make a successful melee touch
attack to deal 2d4 points acid damage to a
target. Both abilities remain active for 1 hour
after the potion has been consumed, howev-
er the protection from elements may be dis-
charged by reaching it's damage absorption
limit before the potion's duration has
If poured down the throat of a recently
deceased creature this potion will allow that
creature to speak a single sentence. This
sentence reflects what was most important
to the creature at the time of their death,
usually the identity of their killer, but some-
times it may contain important information,
such as the location of a treasured item, or
the passing on of a secret of some sort. The
potion must be administered no more than
three hours after the creature's demise. This
potion sees a lot of use among the spy and
assassin networks of powerful thieves
Caster level: 5th / Prerequisites: Brew
Potion, spellcaster level 6th + / Market
Value: 900gp / Cost to Create: 450gp +
Elemental Attribute (cold)
Caster level: 3rd / Prerequisites: Brew
Potion, spellcaster level 4th + / Market
Value: 300gp / Cost to Create: 150gp +
The creature that drinks this potion is grant-
ed an elemental attribute. The creature is
protected as though targeted by a protection
from elements spell (as described in the
Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s Handbook,
Third Edition ) cast at 6th level with cold as
the selected element. Furthermore the cast-
er need only make a successful melee touch
attack to deal 2d4 points cold damage to a
target. Both abilities remain active for 1 hour
after the potion has been consumed, howev-
er the protection from elements may be dis-
charged by reaching it's damage absorption
limit before the potion's duration has
Dexterity Boost
This potion increases the imbiber's dexterity
by 1d4 points for one 24 hour period.
Unfortunately it also lowers another random
attribute by 1 point for 24 hours. Roll 1d10:
1-2 = charisma, 3-4 = constitution, 5-6 =
intelligence, 7-8 = strength, 9-10 = wisdom.
Caster level: 3rd / Prerequisites: Brew
Potion, spellcaster level 5th + / Market
Value: 300gp / Cost to Create: 150gp +
Caster level: 5th / Prerequisites: Brew
Potion, spellcaster level 6th + / Market
Value: 900gp / Cost to Create: 450gp +
Elemental Attribute (acid)
Elemental Attribute (electricity)
The creature that drinks this potion is grant-
ed an elemental attribute. The creature is
protected as though targeted by a protection
from elements spell (as described in the
Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s Handbook,
Third Edition ) cast at 6th level with acid as
The creature that drinks this potion is grant-
ed an elemental attribute. The creature is
protected as though targeted by a protection
from elements spell (as described in the
Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s Handbook,
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