d20 Creation's Edge Games Buck-A-Batch Modern Magic Items II.pdf

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Items II
This product requires the
use of the d20 Modern
Core Rulebook
50 New Magic Items
for use with
d20 Modern Rules
This document is part of System 20:
A Do-It-Yourself supplement system available at
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Welcome to Modern Magic Items II,
part of our Buck-A-Batch line of prod-
The Buck-A-Batch product line is part
of System 20, a do-it-yourself supple-
ment system found on our website at
www.creationsedge.com .
System 20 allows you to create your
own supplements, featuring the content
of your choice, for a fraction of the cost
of traditional RPG supplements.
You’ll find over 400 different magic
items, weapons, rings, and wear on our
site, as well as our Add-A-Rooms,
Adventures, and other roleplaying aids.
Our Free 20 section also hosts
dozens of free creatures, items, and
weapons to incorporate into your D20
fantasy campaign.
This product requires the use of the
d20 Modern Core Rulebook.
Items II
50 New Magic Items
for use with
D20 Modern Rules
Buck-A-Batch: Modern Magic Items II is available for download on the Creation Edge
Games website as part of the System 20 collection. Check out our website at cre-
ationsedge.com for more System 20 resources and information on upcoming releases.
~Open Game Content~
The content of this document entitled “Buck-A-Batch: Modern Magic Items II” which describe game
mechanics are designated as Open Content. The remaining portions of this document are hereby added to
Open Game Content and if so used should bear the COPYRIGHT NOTICE “Buck-A-Batch: Modern Magic
Items II ©2005 Creation’s Edge Games” and optionally the web address “www.creationsedge.com”.
The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the
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d20 Modern Core Rulebook® and Wizards of the Coast® are registered trademarks of Wizards of
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D20 System is trademark by Wizards of the Coast and is used according to the terms of the d20 System
License version 1.0. A copy of this License can be found at www.wizards.com.
Buck-A-Batch: Modern Magic Items II - for use with D20 rules - © 2005 Creation’s Edge Games.
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Bardsong Music CD
(Animate Dead)
% Roll
Name of Item
Bardsong Music CD (animate dead)
Bardsong Music CD (dispel magic)
Bardsong Music CD (raise dead)
Bardsong Music CD (remove curse)
A popular new age musician stumbled across
a book of ancient ritual music. She incorpo-
rated some of the melodies into her own
songs. As a result each of her music CDs
generate a different magic effect when
played. Dead creatures within 20 feet of the
device playing the CD become animated as
though targeted by an animate dead spell (as
described in the d20 Modern, Core
Rulebook ) cast at 8th level. The CD will not
reanimate the same creature twice. This
effect lasts for as long as the CD is playing. A
typical Bardsong CD has a playing time of 30
minutes. The device used to play the CD
must remain stationary for the magic to work.
Moving the device will disrupt the effect and
the CD will have to be started over.
Bardsong Music CD (restoration)
Bardsong Music CD (tongues)
Doormat of Warding
Energy Bar (acid)
Energy Bar (cold)
Energy Bar (electricity)
Energy Bar (fire)
Energy Bar (sonic/concussion)
Flask of Healing
Jewelry Box of Dancing
Jewelry Box of Masking
Letter Opener
Lucky Game Dice (eight-sided)
Lucky Game Dice (six-sided)
Lucky Game Dice (ten-sided)
Lucky Game Dice (twenty-sided)
Mage-light Light Bulb (daze)
Mage-light Light Bulb (detect magic aura)
Mage-light Light Bulb (searing light)
Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level:
8th; Purchase DC: 34; Weight: -
Mage-light Light Bulb (see invisibility)
Magic Aquarium
Magic CD Case
Mana Monsters Summon Card (common)
Bardsong Music CD
(Dispel Magic)
Mana Monsters Summon Card (rare)
Mana Monsters Summon Card (ultra rare)
Mana Monsters Summon Card (uncommon)
Message Pen
A popular new age musician stumbled across
a book of ancient ritual music. She incorpo-
rated some of the melodies into her own
songs. As a result each of her music CDs
generate a different magic effect when
played. This CD creates an aura of magic
dispelling. Magic items or spell effects within
20 feet of the device playing the CD are
affected as though targeted by a dispel magic
spell (as described in the d20 Modern, Core
Rulebook ) cast at 10th level. An item that
successfully saves against the dispel cannot
be targeted a second time by the CD. This
effect lasts for as long as the CD is playing. A
typical Bardsong CD has a playing time of 30
minutes. The device used to play the CD
must remain stationary for the magic to work.
Moving the device will disrupt the effect and
Plastic Army Men (mine sweeper)
Plastic Army Men (rifleman)
Plastic Army Men (sniper)
Plastic Army Men (spotter)
Plastic Army Tank
Poison Bookmark
Poster (angel)
Poster (demon)
Psychic Bookmark
Sonic Blast Whoopee Cushion
Ultimate Joy Buzzer
Universal Gift Card
Un-welcome Mat
Watchdog's Collar
Wind Chimes of Warning
Wizard's Gum (blur)
Wizard's Gum (displacement)
Wizard's Gum (haste)
Wizard's Gum (protection, arrows / bullets)
the CD will have to be started over.
for the spell to have an effect. The CD's
magic will not work twice on the same crea-
ture. A typical Bardsong CD has a playing
time of 30 minutes. The device used to play
the CD must remain stationary for the magic
to work. Moving the device will disrupt the
effect and the CD will have to be started over.
Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level:
10th; Purchase DC: 36; Weight: -
Bardsong Music CD
(Raise Dead)
Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level:
10th; Purchase DC: 36; Weight: -
A popular new age musician stumbled across
a book of ancient ritual music. She incorpo-
rated some of the melodies into her own
songs. As a result each of her music CDs
generate a different magic effect when
played. A single dead creature within 20 feet
of the device playing the CD is affected as
though targeted by a raise dead spell (as
described in the d20 Modern, Core
Rulebook ). This spell acts as though cast at
10th level. The CD must be played in its
entirety for the spell to have an effect. The
CD's magic will not work twice on the same
creature. A typical Bardsong CD has a play-
ing time of 30 minutes. The device used to
play the CD must remain stationary for the
magic to work. Moving the device will disrupt
the effect and the CD will have to be started
Bardsong Music CD
A popular new age musician stumbled across
a book of ancient ritual music. She incorpo-
rated some of the melodies into her own
songs. As a result each of her music CDs
generate a different magic effect when
played. Creatures within 20 feet of the device
playing the CD are affected as though target-
ed by a restoration spell (as described in the
d20 Modern, Core Rulebook ) cast at 10th
level. The CD must be played in its entirety
for the spell to have an effect. The CD's
magic will not work twice on the same crea-
ture. A typical Bardsong CD has a playing
time of 30 minutes. The device used to play
the CD must remain stationary for the magic
to work. Moving the device will disrupt the
effect and the CD will have to be started over.
Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level:
10th; Purchase DC: 36; Weight: -
Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level:
10th; Purchase DC: 36; Weight: -
Bardsong Music CD
(Remove Curse)
Bardsong Music CD
A popular new age musician stumbled across
a book of ancient ritual music. She incorpo-
rated some of the melodies into her own
songs. As a result each of her music CDs
generate a different magic effect when
played. Creatures within 20 feet of the device
playing the CD are affected as though target-
ed by a remove curse spell (as described in
the d20 Modern, Core Rulebook ) cast at 10th
level. The CD must be played in its entirety
A popular new age musician stumbled across
a book of ancient ritual music. She incorpo-
rated some of the melodies into her own
songs. As a result each of her music CDs
generate a different magic effect when
played. This CD creates an aura of transla-
tion. Creatures within 20 feet of the device
playing the CD are affected as though target-
ed by a tongues spell (as described in the
d20 Modern, Core Rulebook ) cast at 8th
level. This effect lasts for as long as the CD is
playing. A typical Bardsong CD has a playing
time of 30 minutes. The device used to play
the CD must remain stationary for the magic
to work. Moving the device will disrupt the
effect and the CD will have to be started over.
level with acid as the selected energy form.
Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level:
5th; Purchase DC: 30; Weight: -
Energy Bar
Masquerading as a standard sports energy
bar, this energy bar actually protects the
creature who eats it from the specified form
of energy attacks. After eating this bar a crea-
ture becomes protected as though they were
targeted by a resist energy spell cast at 5th
level with cold as the selected energy form.
Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level:
8th; Purchase DC: 34; Weight: -
Doormat of Warding
A glyph of warding is stored within this simple
doormat. The doormat can be traversed safe-
ly by anyone in contact with it when it is
placed on the ground in front of the portal it is
to protect. Anyone else that steps on, passes
over, or otherwise tampers with the mat will
trigger the glyph. The owner can choose from
two different settings when the mat is placed-
blast glyph or spell glyph. Both function the
same as a standard glyph spell (as described
in the d20 Modern, Core Rulebook ) cast at
6th level. The mat can be retrieved safely by
anyone who was in contact with it at the time
it was set. A doormat of warding can be trig-
gered 3 times per day.
Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level:
5th; Purchase DC: 30; Weight: -
Energy Bar
Masquerading as a standard sports energy
bar, this energy bar actually protects the
creature who eats it from the specified form
of energy attacks. After eating this bar a crea-
ture becomes protected as though they were
targeted by a resist energy cast at 5th level
with electricity as the selected energy form.
Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level:
6th; Purchase DC: 33; Weight: 3lb.
Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level:
5th; Purchase DC: 30; Weight: -
Energy Bar
Energy Bar
Masquerading as a standard sports energy
bar, this energy bar actually protects the
creature who eats it from the specified form
of energy attacks. After eating this bar a crea-
ture becomes protected as though they were
targeted by a resist energy spell cast at 5th
Masquerading as a standard sports energy
bar, this energy bar actually protects the
creature who eats it from the specified form
of energy attacks. After eating this bar a crea-
ture becomes protected as though they were
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