d20 Dark Portal Games The Lands of Arekoz - Dead Fire.pdf

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The Forest
Eldolan’s Tower
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Tony Bounds and Darrin Drader
Editor: Patric Rogers
Creative Directors: Tony Bounds, Darrin Drader
Art Director: Michael Picagli
Cover Illustration: Mike Jackson
Interior Illustrations: Raphael Arrais, Mike Jackson, Juli Halbur-Herrera
Cartography: Tony Bounds
Layout/ Typography: Tony Bounds
Production Manager: Tony Bounds
Project Managers: Tony Bounds, Darrin Drader
Graphic Design: Michael Picagli
Play Testers: Bryan Culver, William Culver, Aaron Hamrick, Clint Krause, Michael Lentz
Special Thanks: Dan Eveland
Table of Contents
4th Floor
The Laboratory........................................................ 20
5th Floor
The Music Room..................................................... 21
Top Floor
The Observatory......................................................22
Concluding the Adventure................................. 22
Destroying the Flame Hive Queen.......................... 22
Returning to Foresthall............................................ 23
More Adventure....................................................... 23
Appendix: Statistics............................................24
I: Major NPCs......................................................... 24
Belar Anvilspliter’s Smithy....................................... 24
Laucimos’ Cracked Mug.......................................... 24
The Golden Hoof, Horse Breeder............................24
Sir Brandenburg’s Estate.........................................25
The School of Magic................................................25
The Swaying Merchant Tavern................................26
The Temple of Maransol..........................................26
The White Wood Inn................................................27
The Elven Scouts.................................................... 27
The Forest Hag........................................................27
II: Monsters............................................................ 28
Fire Zombie............................................................. 28
Fire Zombie Bat....................................................... 28
Flame Hive Queen...................................................29
Introduction........................................................... 2
Background............................................................... 2
Adapting the Adventure............................................. 3
Scaling the Adventure............................................... 4
Motivating the Players............................................... 4
Beginning the Adenture............................................. 4
The Lay of the Land...................................................5
The Law of the Land..................................................5
The Village of Foresthall.......................................5
Village Overview........................................................5
Village Commerce..................................................... 5
The Residents of Foresthall.......................................6
Village Rumors.......................................................... 6
Major Locales in Foresthall.................................... 7
Belar Anvilspliter’s Smithy......................................... 7
Laucimos’ Cracked Mug............................................ 8
The Golden Hoof, Horse Breeder..............................8
Sir Brandenburg’s Estate...........................................8
The School of Magic..................................................9
The Swaying Merchant Tavern................................10
Guilt and Mead........................................................ 11
The Temple of Maransol..........................................11
The White Wood Inn................................................12
The Forest............................................................12
Forest Random Encounters.....................................13
Forest Encounters: Zone 1................................... 13
The Elven Scouts.................................................... 13
Signs of a Struggle.................................................. 14
The Forest Hag........................................................14
Lake of the Wood.................................................... 16
Spotting the Tower.................................................. 16
Eldolan’s Tower...................................................16
A Warm Greeting.....................................................18
Ground Floor
Reception Chamber.................................................18
1st Floor
Supply Storage........................................................ 19
2nd Floor
Zombie Storage....................................................... 20
3rd Floor
Bedroom.................................................................. 20
Dining Room............................................................20
III: Magic................................................................. 30
Charm of the Woodland Fey....................................30
IV: Miscellaneous.................................................. 30
Leaves of Passage.................................................. 30
Players’ Handouts...............................................31
Players’ Handout 1.................................................. 31
Players’ Handout 2.................................................. 32
Players’ Handout 3.................................................. 33
1a: Village Rumors.................................................... 6
1b: Village Rumors.................................................... 7
1c: Village Rumors.................................................... 7
2: Forest Encounters.............................................. 13
Dark Portal Games, LLC 205 E. Dimond Blvd., Suite 459 Anchorage, AK 99515
The Lands of Arekoz and the Dark Portal logo are trademarks owned by Dark Portal Games, LLC.
All Dark Portal characters, character names and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks owned by Dark Portal Games, LLC.
This product requires the use of the Dungeons and Dragons® Player’s Handbook, Core Rulebook II and Core Rulebook III, published by Wizards of the Coast®
The d20 system logo is a trademark owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America.
Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Dark Portal Games, LLC.
This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental.
© 2001–2002 Dark Portal Games, LLC. Made in the U.S.A.
Visit our web site at www.darkportalgames.com
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Dead Fire is a challenging adventure for characters levels
1-3 with a total average party level of no more than 12 and
serves as an excellent introduction to the 3rd edition rules.
The party should consist of 4-6 characters and it would be
a good idea, but not absolutely necessary to include a
wizard and a ranger in the group. Most of the adventure
takes place in the wilderness surrounding the small village
of Foresthall, where an unnatural forest fire grows larger
by the minute. The blaze threatens the survival of both
Foresthall and Valmirindi, a nearby elven community.
Keep in mind that this adventure is written mainly for
first or second level characters, but it is designed to be a
challenge. It is very likely that a party of four or five 1st
level adventurers will advance in level over the course of
the adventure.
looked to be excellent candidates for acquisition of the
materials he sought, several very old yet exceedingly
healthy oak trees. Casting lightning bolt spells at the great
oaks he sundered them and extracted his prizes. Sensing
the wanton destruction, the dryads swiftly returned to their
grove to confront whoever or whatever was attacking their
trees. The battle was short and brutal: to defend himself,
Eldolan cast flesh to stone (a spell he was entirely too fond
of) and turned each of the dryads into a lifeless statue.
Struck by the frozen beauty of the dryads, Eldolan
summoned one of his golem servants to carry them back to
his tower as trophies. He arranged them neatly in the
gardens, integrating them into the landscaping surrounding
his tower. Over the years, Darkbough became so deeply
involved in his studies that he ceased tending to the
upkeep of the area around his tower and focused his
attentions completely on his magical research.
Many years later, Ardruar Desmid, an apprentice
from Foresthall’s small school of wizardry, having heard
rumors of a mysterious ‘abandoned’ tower in the forbidden
woods, entered the forest and sought out and found the
A bit apprehensive about entering, he first explored
the area around the tower. Buried beneath a thick
overgrowth of moss and foliage, Ardruar stumbled upon
one of the ‘dryad statues’ and immediately became
enraptured by its phenomenal beauty. Fascinated with and
greatly desiring the exquisite sculpture, with youthful
abandon Ardruar impulsively conceived to make it his
own. Putting forth only a half-hearted effort, not
surprisingly he failed to attract the attention of any
occupant that might be in the tower. Happily, this allowed
him to conclude the tower was empty, satisfying his
conscience for the moment. Expending great effort he
managed to load and transport the statue upon his mule,
journeyed back to the village and dragged it to his
quarters. It took quite a bit of convincing to get the
schoolmasters to accept his dubiously contrived story of
discovering the statue buried in a farmer’s field, but
eventually he prevailed and was allowed to place it an out
of the way corner of his room.
Whether due to intuition or deduction it will never be
known, but Ardruar suspected the statue was somehow
special and that there might be more to it than first met the
eye. Over the course of several years, Ardruar’s
knowledge in the arcane arts grew, as did the trust his
mentors placed in him. As many young men at his age are
wont Ardruar grew to ardently desire female company.
Filled with romantic notions and an unabated obsession
with the statue, his desires led him to conceive of a mad
plan to acquire a mate in a most unconventional way; a
companion he hoped to make flesh from the statue itself.
Knowing of certain forbidden manuscripts of magical
power kept under lock and key in the school library,
through some sleight of hand and trickery he managed to
abscond with a stone to flesh scroll.
Later that night, in the privacy of his room, half-
doubtful the scheme would work, his voice quavering in
anticipation, Ardruar cast the spell written in the scroll
upon the statue.
The following events
caught the young wizard
completely off guard.
Upon completion of the
incantation, the ‘statue’
transformed into a
breathtakingly beautiful
living, breathing young
Dark Portal Games strives to bring you high quality,
entertaining and useful products. Dead Fire is our first free
offering and the copy you have now is the second edit. We
have added some more artwork, tightened up the plot and
writing and added a little more content to this version. We
certainly hope you find it useful for your gaming.
While it is unnecessary to access T HE L ANDS OF
A REKOZ web site prior to running this adventure, you may
find doing so very helpful in establishing the world as a
living, breathing place. Because this information is
provided by Dark Portal Games online free, every effort
is made throughout the adventure to include only the most
relevant details of the campaign setting throughout the
adventure. You may find it useful to read through the
information provided to add side adventures and further
tie-ins with the rest of the world. Any information that is
web-enhanced is underlined to indicate it is a link to our
web site. While viewing this PDF on your computer and if
connected to the internet you may click the links to launch
your browser and access the associated web
enhancement(s). For obvious reasons this feature is only
available in the screen version of the adventure.
Twenty years ago the young but powerful wizard Eldolan
Darkbough, interested in immersing himself in magical
research, sought to establish a residence and laboratory
near the village of Foresthall. In search of a secluded place
from which to work, he settled into an abandoned tower in
the woods outside the village, not far from another
settlement, a community of elves.
Eldolan’s research, indeed even his presence, went
largely unnoticed for several years, until one fateful spring
afternoon. A small group of dryads also called the woods
near the wizard’s tower their home. Following a
particularly violent spring thunderstorm, the dryads had
left their grove to tend animals that had been injured. As
fate would have it that same morning Eldolan ventured
into the forest seeking
wood from the heart of an
ancient oak, a necessary
ingredient he needed for
his spell casting.
Unknowingly entering the
dryad’s grove, Eldolan
immediately spotted what
For New Game Masters
This adventure uses the d20 system and the open gaming license
that is graciously made available by Wizards of the Coast . It
requires the use of the 3rd edition Core Rulebooks I, II and III
published by Wizards of the Coast . You should take the time to
read through the adventure in its entirety at least once before
attempting to run it. If you are a new GM, take the time not only to
read the adventure, but also to familiarize yourself with the rules
that refer to running an adventure in Core Rulebook II .
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woman, the dryad Niederial. Ardruar was dumbstruck by
the dramatic results of the spell. This was more than he
had hoped for. Unbelievably, he had done it, he had
brought to life a being achingly lovely beyond description;
a companion he imagined would be his very own.
Ardruars adolescent ecstasy was to be short lived however.
With a horrid chilling screech his prospective consort
bowled the young wizard over and fled the school leaving
Ardruar frightened and stunned in her wake.
The entire college was awakened by the commotion
and rushed to the young wizards aid. After Ardruar
regained his composure he contrived the story that he had
suffered a nightmare and had called out in his sleep. As his
grumpy schoolmates sleepily returned to their quarters the
foolish young apprentice, guild ridden and fearful of his
masters’ punishments, made a personal vow to never
reveal what he had done. It is this unfortunate vow which
adds to his tortures to this day.
Once free, Niederial used the nearest tree to
dimension door back to her grove. What she discovered
upon her arrival profoundly wounded the dryad’s
overwrought sensibilities. The grove’s ancient oaks had
become badly diseased and rotted. Worse still, there was
little evidence that her grove-sisters still lived, yet there
was much evidence to the contrary. So far, unbeknown to
her the oak’s scars became her scars, her beauty replaced
in a sympathetic replication of its wretched state.
Niederial became enraged, filled with vengeance and
hatred towards the wizard who had caused the horrible
tragedy. The decay of her personal oak had not affected
Niederial when she had been stone, but now the fires of
hatred and desire for revenge overcame her pure nature
allowing the seeds of insanity to be sown. Overcome with
grief the dryad wandered the woodland, eventually
pursuing solace in a familiar glade she and her sisters had
made the occasion to frequent in the past. Peering into a
pool of water she was mortified to see the loathsome
creature she had become reflected within. Her appearance
had rapidly transformed into a twisted and distorted
corruption of her former beauty, mirroring the horribly
marred state of her oak tree. In her weakened and mentally
unstable condition this final unbearable shock sent her
over sanity’s edge plunging her into utter dementia.
Mad thoughts of vengeance and murder consumed
Niederial and her twisted diseased mind quickly conceived
of a plan to exact her revenge upon Eldolan. Returning to
the ruined remains of her tree, she feverishly dug beneath
its roots recovering one of the most powerful magic-items
she had secreted there, a magical amulet which the dryads
occasionally used to charm those who were normally
resistant to their natural abilities. Next, desiring aid from
someone she thought to be her ally, Niederial sought out
one of the dryad’s elf friends, Ancarohir Hyaryandil, a
powerful elven wizard.
Ancarohir caught off guard and alarmed by the
bizarre creature that now stood before him screeching of
blood and vengeance, was taken aback by the grotesque
creature’s incomprehensible demands. Becoming
impatient and sensing the wizard would not help her,
Niederial turned the amulets magic upon Ancarohir and
successfully bent him to her will. Questioning him she
discovered Ancarohir had
no information
concerning the fate of her
grove-sisters. She grew
more enraged, believing
the gold elves had done
nothing to protect the
grove and her sisters from Eldolan. With the charmed elf
at her side, the crazed dryad then moved to destroy the
hated wizard Eldolan and the gold elves of the Nowyn
Through her dimension door ability, Niederial
transported Ancarohir to a point near Eldolan’s tower.
Once there she directed the wizard to summon the
mightiest creature it was within his power to command
and send it to destroy Eldolan. Sensing something was
amiss, from his tower Eldolan watched in horror as an elf
he did not recognize summoned a fantastic creature of fire,
a flame hive queen and sent it to assault his keep.
Believing the elf had attacked without reason, the
wizard summoned all manner of creatures to battle the
monster which now railed with flame and fury against the
stone walls of the tower. After a long desperate battle his
summoned minions were defeated, the flame hive queen
eventually overcame Eldolan’s remaining defenses and
attempted to raze all within the tower. Eldolan weakened
by the poisonous smoke and the flames that licked at his
robes was killed when the burning roof of his tower
collapsed on him. Some of the wizard’s experimental
retinue of zombies and other creations, horribly burned,
survived and absorbed some of the magical blaze, taking
on new and unusual characteristics.
Her insane vengeful passion unquenched by
Eldolan’s defeat, Niederial next turned against the elves
vowing to destroy by fire their beloved forest home and
inflict upon them the agony which tore at her mind and
soul. To this purpose, the wrathful dryad commanded
Ancarohir to loose the beast of flame he had summoned
and allow it to wantonly wreck destruction throughout the
forest. Thereafter Niederial imprisoned Ancarohir and
keeps him alive still to make sure the flame hive queen
remains until the elven woods are utterly destroyed.
Recovering eventually from his charmed state and
powerless to escape, Ancarohir watches in horror as a path
of fiery death and destruction races towards his home.
This adventure is designed to introduce the players to a
small corner of Arekoz, as well as to familiarize them with
the 3rd edition rules. As with all products by Dark Portal
Games , you may modify this adventure to fit within any
campaign setting. While it is not required that you use T HE
L ANDS OF A REKOZ as the backdrop for this adventure,
using it aids in tying this adventure into forthcoming
products. Also, certain elements presented are unique to
Arekoz and may require some modification to adapt them
to another campaign setting.
The adventure begins in the village of Foresthall in
the city-state of Gateway which lies in a neutral territory
between the kingdom of Calrendia and the Empire of
Mhul. The Mhulnish Empire recently won a long-fought
bloody war against Calrendia and the citizens have been
subjugated. Almost as soon as the war ended, fighting
resumed as the people of Calrendia organized to overthrow
the invaders. There is a rumor that a previously unknown
warlord, whose tactics
have been taking their toll
on the Mhulnish
occupation forces, heads
this new effort. It is
possible for the PCs to
become involved in the
Prelude to More Adventure
Dead Fire is the prelude to a series of adventures titled White
Robes, Black Hearts , each of which can be played independently,
or in order from beginning to end. The adventures deal more
directly with the conflict between the Kingdom of Calrendia and
the Empire of Mhul and the struggle for freedom Calrendia is
engaged in.
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