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War of the Burning Sky
Tears of the Burning Sky
An Adventure for 11th-Level Characters
By Ken Marable and Ryan Nock
Edited by Ryan Nock
Cover Art by Brandon Leach
Interior Art by Daniel Chavez
Rick Hershey
Luis Nuñez de Castro
Claudio Pozas
Cartography by Sean MacDonald
Layout by Eric Life-Putnam
Playtested by Theodore A. Brzinski III
Neil D’Cruze
Michael Gallogly
Tom Jones
Campaign Director Ryan Nock
Everything in this book, other than the covers,
the title and contents page, the illustrations and
maps, “EN Publishing,” the EN Publishing logo,
character and place names, story elements,
and EN Publishing product titles,
is designated Open Game Content.
Note on Rules Content: is adventure
uses Open Game Content as well as
material that is in the System Reference
Document but is not in the core rulebooks.
All the information you need to use this
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material is presented in this adventure, but
if you are interested in learning more, search
for the System Reference Document online,
available through various sources.
EN Publishing is an imprint of EN World.
Please visit http://www.enworld.org
Tears of the Burning Sky – Illustration by Brandon Leach
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Table of Contents
Background .....................................................................
Adapting the Adventure.............................
Assassinating an Immortal Man ..............
Adventure Overview ......................................................
Allies and Enemies within Korstull...............................
Clan Millorn and Deception ..................................
Psionics in the Adventure .........................
Lore of Korstull ............................................
Army Remnants.......................................................
Sindaire Forces ........................................................
Devils ........................................................................
Inquisitor Griiat ......................................................
General Magdus and Shalosha of Shahahlesti ....
The Burning Sky .............................................
Deception ................................................................
Rescue Mission ...............................................
Act One: The Firestorm....................................
Aid of the Two Winds....................................................
e Road.........................................................................
Approaching the Firestorm ............................................
Gathin Garrison (EL )..............................................
Without the Monastery .............................
Effects of the Firestorm ............................
Crossing the Battlefi eld..................................................
e Canyon ...................................................................
Burning Warriors (EL ) ..........................................
Friendly Rivals .............................................................
Weakly-Enhanced Death and Fire
Magic .................................................................
Getting Into the Castle.................................................
Archery Bunkers (EL +) .................................
Bulette Tunnels (EL ) ......................................
Main Entrance ......................................................
Act Two: The Castle ........................................
Getting Upstairs ...........................................................
Castle Traits .................................................................
Defenders ......................................................................
Overwhelming Odds? .................................
Patrols (EL +) ...................................................!
Assault (EL +) ...................................................!
Assassination (EL ) ...........................................!
Progress of Clan Millorn .............................................
Keyed Castle Encounter Areas.....................................
Ground Floor........................................................
Second Floor.........................................................
Pilmat the Imp ...............................................!
Foyer Stairs Tracking Results ..............
Ambush .................................................................
In Case of Firestorm… .................................................
Time is Short (EL ) ............................................
e Ascent (EL ) ..............................................
Precise Timeline...........................................
Act Three: The Dark Pyre .............................
e Planar Rift..............................................................
Defenders of the Dark Pyre ..........................................
Welcoming Party (EL ).....................................!
Second Wave (EL ) ...........................................!
Dance Before the Dark Pyre (EL )..................!
e Fall of the Emperor ...............................................
Solving the Mystery......................................................
Getting Out ...................................................................
Pressure (EL !)....................................................
Deception Revealed (EL ) ................................
Staying and Talking....................................
e Flight (EL ).................................................
Appendix One: Combat Stats .........................
Clan Millorn ................................................................
Castle Foes ....................................................................
Deception’s Boon .........................................
Ragesian Forces .............................................................
New Item: Inviso-Lance ............................
New Item: Ragesian Dragonbomb ..........
New Item: Hurling Bracers......................
Appendix Two: New Feats ...............................
Appendix Three: New Magic ..........................
Open Game License Version .a ..................
Tears of the Burning Sky
Welcome to the sixth adventure in the War of the
Burning Sky campaign saga. In previous adventures
the heroes have battled the great Ragesian Empire,
smuggling military secrets out of the besieged
city of Gate Pass, thwarting a conspiracy to use
a magical hurricane to destroy the seat of the
rebellion in Seaquen, and holding back one of
Ragesia’s mighty armies from the lands of Dassen.
eir slowly-growing force of allies was recently
joined by the Monastery of Two Winds, whose
wind-worshipping monks have pledged their aid to
the heroes after being rescued from the magic of a
strange dreamborn creature, and from the blades of
a Ragesian garrison.
Now, with the wind at their backs, the heroes
set out for Castle Korstull, a canyon fortress in the
where Emperor Drakus Coaltongue was slain, and
where it is believed the Torch of the Burning Sky
may lie. An endless fi restorm wracks the surrounding
lands, animating as undead all who die to its falling
fl ames, including all those who defended the castle
that was to be the emperor’s fi nal conquest. e
castle holds the clue to the fate of the emperor and
the Torch, but the heroes will have to contend with
demons, rival treasure hunters, and the survivors of
Coaltongue’s army to learn it.
Tears of the Burning Sky works easily as
a stand-alone adventure, where the focus
can be on recovering any precious item that
several groups would pursue. A break in the
fi restorm, which divinations show will only
last a few days, calls other treasure hunters
and even a small army to the perilous castle.
The trillith Deception could simply be a unique
doppelganger working as an agent for some
nefarious group, and the rift could have been
created by some sort of magical catastrophe.
e Old Dragon’s foes assumed his only
strength was in martial warfare, but in truth he was
also cunning: he decreed that every noble family
would off er up a son or daughter to serve in the
armies of Ragesia’s heartland, far from the safety of
Sindaire. e loyal noble families readily complied,
whereas many among the rebellion hesitated or
balked. Confi dent he had weeded out enough of his
opponents, the emperor ordered his garrisons to
arrest the rebels. Some tried to fi ght, and they fl ed in
force to the highly defensible Castle Korstull in the
badlands of central Sindaire, which had itself once
served as a Ragesian fortress when Coaltongue fi rst
attacked Sindaire sixty years ago, before the nation
pledged fealty to Ragesia.
On a morning in late fall, Emperor Coaltongue
called together his loyal First Army and mustered
the ten thousand men and their many beasts of war
on a broad fi eld outside the Ragesian capital. With
him he had brought the son of one of the Sindairese
rebels, shackled and held fast in the clawed grip of
two skull-masked inquisitors. Holding aloft the
Torch of the Burning Sky, the emperor roared to
his men that they would put down this challenge to
their authority, this insult to their invincible might.
e tip of the Torch began to fl icker with fi re, and
then, with a strike that caved in the skull of the
rebel son, the fl ames fl ared to blinding brilliance.
For years, wealthy noble families throughout the
region, especially in Sindaire, suff ered under Emperor
Coaltongue’s rule. In the summer of the last year, Lord
Pietr Gorquith organized this disapproval into an
outright rebellion. e rebellious nobles were smart
enough to realize, however, that Coaltongue’s military
might surpassed anything they could fi eld, so instead
of warring outright, they fought with subterfuge and
politics. Shipments were delayed or rerouted from
military garrisons to disgruntled peasants, threats
were made to Coaltongue’s supporters, and pledges
were made to stand together when the time came;
soon even the Exarch – the national leader installed
by Coaltongue’s orders – feared that he could no
longer tell whom he could trust.
Tears of the Burning Sky Introduction
e sky roared, and an inferno descended upon the
army, engulfi ng them and carrying them through the
burning sky to the gates of Castle Korstull.
Emperor Coaltongue dined that evening in the
castle’s throne room.
at evening, however, as the emperor slept
soundly with the satisfaction of his victory, a trio
of assassins struck. Avoiding or striking down
every guard, defeating every magical and mundane
defense that protected Coaltongue, the assassins
managed to reach the emperor’s bedchambers,
located behind the throne room. Vile poison struck
down Darius, one of his inquisitor bodyguards, but
not before Darius sounded an alarm. e assassins
slew the emperor before he woke, and then, bearing
the emperor’s body and the Torch, they battled their
way to within sight of the open sky and activated the
Torch, teleporting away.
But somehow the assassins sabotaged the
Torch’s power: when they vanished, they left behind
a rift in the fabric of reality, crossing the Astral Plane,
the Plane of Elemental Fire and the Negative Energy
Plane. Within moments the castle and miles around
it were engulfed in fl ames, and all those slain by the
blaze were infused with necromantic energy, soon
to rise as undead. Only Darius survived, protected
by the wards on Coaltongue’s throne room, but
the assassins’ poison seared his mind as the rift
incinerated his comrades, and he lay in a nightmare-
wracked fever for days. Now he survives in the
emperor’s chambers, barely aware of who he is, or
that he alone holds the secret to the Torch’s fate.
Now, the fi restorm created by the rift drifts for
miles in every direction, raining liquid fl ame upon
the land, turning anything it slays into undead. In the
months since Coaltongue’s defeat, many have tried to
reach the heart of the fi restorm, where a burning pillar
ascends into the heavens, but none have emerged.
Meanwhile, within the castle, a strange heirarchy
has emerged. ough most of the undead retain
only the faintest sliver of a mind, they still obey the
commands of those creatures whose spirits were
strong enough to survive their deaths. Now the
castle is commanded by Inquisitor Griiat, once one
of Coaltongue’s bodyguards. Since his death he has
Rumors have said for decades that Drakus
Coaltongue is immortal, invulnerable to wounds
and to the ravages of age, for in his nearly
hundred years of life he has survived hundreds
of battles. As the heroes will discover in this
adventure, these rumors are true. Decades ago,
a young servant of the Ragesian Empire, a priest
and mage named Leska Merideus, discovered the
location of the Aquiline Heart, a relic of a god-
like elemental entity, the blood of which grants
immortality to those who drink it. Leska shared
this discovery with her emperor, and the two of
them became immortal.
Coaltongue, then, is not truly dead. The
assassins slew him, impaling his heart and slicing
off his head, but they had to bring his body with
them to ensure he did not simply regenerate and
track them down. In the next adventure, The Trial
of Echoed Souls , the heroes will follow clues to
track down the assassins and recover both the
emperor and the Torch.
Who Were the Assassins?
In case the heroes use divinations to learn
about the identities of the assassins or ask Darius
questions about them, they were, in brief:
• Quillathe Nailo – A dark elf woman with
red-violet hair who wields a bladed whip
and a rapier. She struck down Darius with a
poisoned kiss.
• Yvonnel Machuel – A white-haired dark elf
woman who wielded a two-bladed sword.
She carried off Coaltongue’s body.
• Rhuarc Knightsbane – A swarthy half-elf
man who could vanish into shadows, and
whose charcoal-black scimitar beheaded the
These assassins had their own motives to kill the
emperor – vengeance and a desire to topple a
tyrant – but they were given the necessary magic
to complete the act by a third party unknown to
them. We leave it deliberately uncertain who was
behind the assassination so you can choose, but
in general it can be assumed that Leska was the
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