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War of the Burning Sky
The Festival of Dreams
An Adventure for 16th Level Characters
By Ryan Nock
Edited by Ryan Nock
Cover Art by Brandon Leach
Interior Art by Claudio Pozas
Cartography by Sean MacDonald
Layout by Eric Life-Putnam
Playtested by Theodore A. Brzinski III
Neil D’Cruze
Orinthol Jixiao
Laura Kertz
Tom Jones
Hamid Raoof
Campaign Director Ryan Nock
Special Thanks to the many people on the EN
boards who helped iron out a few of the encounters
and spells. You have them to thank if your PC gets
trapped underneath a house while fi ghting a dragon.
Also to Liz, Kennon, and Liz, who provided
inspiration for some of the trillith, Kevin “Piratecat”
Kulp for making me dig on creepy psionics, and Ayn
Rand for showing up in my dreams last night. The
mouth on that woman!
Note on Rules Content: is adventure
Everything in this book, other than the covers,
the title and contents page, the illustrations and
maps, “EN Publishing,” the EN Publishing logo,
character and place names, story elements,
and EN Publishing product titles,
is designated Open Game Content.
uses Open Game Content as well as
material that is in the System Reference
Document but is not in the core rulebooks.
All the information you need to use this
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material is presented in this adventure, but
if you are interested in learning more, search
for the System Reference Document online,
available through various sources.
e Festival of Dreams – Illustration by Brandon Leach
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Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................
Background .....................................................................
Adapting the Adventure ....................................
Adventure Overview ......................................................
Power Groups.................................................................
e Rebellion ...................................................................
Shahalesti .........................................................................
Ragesian Army.................................................................
The Burning Sky .....................................................
Doom and Peril..............................................................
Act One: Call to Arms ................................
Battle Plans.....................................................................
Communication ...............................................................
Foresight ...........................................................................
e Mission ....................................................................
Scale of the Battle ...............................................
Time to Slay the Dragon................................................
Best Laid Plans ................................................................
Rantle as Guide ......................................................
Rantle as Ally.........................................................
Rantle as Rival .......................................................
e Tower of the Dragon (EL ) ...............................
Rebel Headquarters.......................................................
Arrival ..............................................................................
A Small Gift ...................................................................
e Situation..................................................................
e Plan ..........................................................................
Act Two: The Battle of Gate Pass..........
Timeline of the Battle...................................................
e Gate March...........................................................
Massive Combat ....................................................
Skulking Wraiths (EL +) ...........................................
Leadership ......................................................................
Ragesian Column (EL +) .........................................
Archery Volleys....................................................
Reinforcements (EL !)................................................
Metamorphosis ..............................................................
Styx Squadron (EL ).................................................
Battle’s End .....................................................................
Metamorphosis – Changing the Battle......
Shaaladel’s Proposal ......................................................
Shahalesti Emissary (EL ) ........................................!
Kathor, Bound to Justice..................................!
e Shining Lord...........................................................
Negotiating with the Elves (EL ).............................
School of War ...............................................................
Without the Shahalesti...................................
School Grounds.............................................................
Main Tower – Level One (CR !) ..............................
Level Two (EL ) .........................................................
Level ree (EL ) ......................................................
Level Four.......................................................................
e Ragesian General ...................................................
Terms of Surrender (EL ).........................................
The Ragesian Camp ..............................................
Nightmare Trillith ............................................!
Act Three: The Time of Dreams ..............
Traditional Festival .......................................................
e Surrender................................................................
Different Outcomes ...........................................
e Trillith Masquerade .............................................
Reading of Dreams........................................................
Herald of Dreams (EL +) ........................................
Clash of Titans (EL ) ................................................
Using Metamorphosis.........................................!
Defeating the Colossus .................................................
Conclusion ..................................................
Choosing an Ending......................................................
Appendix One: Enemies and Allies.........
e Rebellion .................................................................
e Ragesians ...............................................................
e Shahalesti................................................................
e Trillith ....................................................................
Appendix Two: New Feats .........................
Appendix Three: New Magic ....................
New Spells ....................................................................
New Items.....................................................................
e Song of Forms.........................................................
Appendix Four: Contingency...................
Shadowdrinker (EL )...............................................
Who Is Aurana? .....................................................
Open Game License Version .a ............
e Festival of Dreams
Welcome to e Festival of Dreams , the ninth
adventure of EN Publishing’s War of the Burning
Sky campaign saga.
is war was provoked when the Ragesian
emperor Drakus Coaltongue was assassinated.
e new empress, Leska, sent her armies against
three enemy nations, claiming she would fi nd the
emperor’s assassins and avenge his death. But then
she devoted an entire army to one city, Gate Pass. At
the war’s start, the heroes fl ed before the approach
of the Ragesian army, taking with them refugees and
a plea for aid. Behind them, Gate Pass was besieged,
assaulted, and magically bombarded, but even today
it remains a battleground as the local rebellion
continues the fi ght against the conquerors.
Now, with allies gained from many adventures,
the heroes fi nally have the strength to liberate Gate
Pass. ey must rally the local populace, defeat key
elements of the Ragesian military, and make sure
that the opportunistic Shahalesti elves do not betray
them when they are weak, all while protecting
a dream-born entity that holds the key to the
metaphorical gate for which the city is named.
Nightmares lurk below Gate Pass, and they
will celebrate their victory in the coming Festival
of Dreams.
If you plan to run The Festival of Dreams
as a standalone adventure, Gate Pass can
be any embattled city caught between two
opposing forces. You can simplify things
with the trillith, making them into nightmare
monsters summoned by the Ragesians, with
no ulterior motive.
If you run the adventure in your own
campaign, we encourage you to replace NPCs
in the resistance with ones your players will
be familiar with.
the last Trilla saw of the surface, in her nightmares
the city became a barrier that could not be passed. For
the trillith, metaphors and symbolism are as powerful
as reality, so they too were trapped, unable to escape
into the land they call the Great Above.
At fi rst, some of these trillith were able to cross
the barrier during the Festival of Dreams, when the
power of the holiday’s metaphor made it easy for
the dreams to bond with human hosts. Eventually,
though, Leska discovered the trillith and traced them
back to the city. She made an alliance with some
of the trillith, pulling them through to the surface
and using them as agents in her war, and then she
bound their leaders with powerful compulsions and
unbreakable oaths. Foolishly, Leska assumed she
had controlled them.
e leaders of the trillith have one secret goal:
to turn the corporeal world into dream-stuff . ey
believe that when their mother Trilla dies – as
eventually she must – they will cease to exist unless
the whole world is incorporeal, like them. While they
have pledged their lesser kin to serve Leska, once they
are free the elders will seek a way to sunder the world.
is will be one element of the fi nal adventure of
the campaign saga, e Beating of the Aquiline Heart ,
but for now what matters most is that the trillith are
reinforcements for the Ragesians.
However, one of the trillith, Vigilance, defends
Gate Pass. Loyal to Trilla, his power is strong
Dreams have always been a part of the history
of Gate Pass, with the annual Festival of Dreams
celebrating the spirit of a city that managed to live
together despite its divided nature. Diff erent races,
nations, and religions came together in the festival
to celebrate the new year and give good wishes
toward each other, and this cosmopolitan spirit
helped Gate Pass prosper.
en a hundred years ago, during Coaltongue’s
rise to power, fl eeing elves took the young gold dragon
Trilla deep underground through tunnels beneath
Gate Pass. Trilla, cursed with a power that caused
her dreams to come to life, would eventually give rise
to the trillith, strange creatures that have vexed the
heroes throughout the campaign. Since Gate Pass was
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e Festival of Dreams Introduction
Adventure Overview
Warnings reach the heroes regarding a Ragesian
plot in Gate Pass, which comes at the same time
that the local rebellion is preparing a daring mission.
With the aid of the rebels the heroes are able to
enter Gate Pass, avoiding the Ragesian defenses
warding the city. ey head to a bell tower in the
central district, where after defeating its draconic
guardian Vorax-Hûl they sound the bells to call the
waiting freedom fi ghters across the city to action. By
dawn the next day, nearly the entire city is coming
out to fi ght the Ragesians, the citizens dressing
in costumes originally intended for the Festival of
Dreams, which was interrupted by the invasion’s
start many months ago. Before the day’s end the
Seaquen-based Resistance forces will join the battle,
and the Shahalesti will be on the way, trapping the
Ragesians in a pincer.
While the battle rages, the heroes have to
lend their might to winning control of the city for
the rebellion. ey are called upon to break the
initial advance of the Ragesian army, holding back
hundreds of soldiers, mercenaries, and wyvern-
mounted knights, and then after that grueling battle
they have a chance to negotiate with the ruler of
the Shahalesti elves, securing an alliance for the
liberation of the city.
Meanwhile, the trillith Metamorphosis contacts
the heroes, asking their help in fi nding and freeing
her master, Vigilance, who will soon be executed
by the Ragesians. e search for Vigilance leads to
the ruined School of War, once run by the famed
warmage Gabal. Here the heroes run into a trap set
by the Ragesians, but if they survive they can rescue
many allies for the rebellion, and can defend Vigilance
from the imminent arrival of hostile trillith.
By the end of a day of battle, the leader of the
Ragesian forces seeks out the heroes in order to
surrender, but Leska’s representative, Legate Kolvus,
tries to stop him and assassinate Vigilance. With his
defeat, the Ragesians are free to obey their general,
and will stand down.
e next day, a massive crowd gathers in the
grand square of Summer’s Bluff , at the foot of a
towering statue of the late Emperor Coaltongue, to
enough that any foray could only occur during the
Festival, and would last only as long as the holiday.
e Ragesians have managed to capture Vigilance,
and hold him captive until the trillith can come to
slay him, which will open the gates for them to enter
the surface world. Leska believes that with their
power at her command, she will be able to quell any
opposition to her.
Vigilance will be familiar with the heroes, for he
was once Indomitability, the trillith who kept the fi re
forest of Innenotdar from dying (see adventure two,
e Indomitable Fire Forest of Innenotdar ). He, and all
other trillith the heroes encounter in this adventure,
are corporeal, given solid fl esh by the ambient power
of the coming festival.
Meanwhile, a more traditional war is still going
on. e Second Ragesian Army, under the command
of General Ashok Danava, succeeded in o$ cially
defeating the defenders of Gate Pass around the
time the heroes completed the third adventure,
Shelter from the Storm (which should be about four
to seven months ago), but since then the townsfolk
have not given in. Members of a local rebellion
have assassinated Ragesian commanders, destroyed
the invaders’ supplies, and continued to keep the
Ragesians from sleeping peacefully, all while evading
capture themselves. General Danava is an honorable
warrior, and so he has refused to punish civilians for
the actions of the resistance. Angered at what she
perceives as his weakness, Leska has sent a toadying
noble, Legate Kolvus, to ensure Danava does what is
necessary to get things under control.
Meanwhile, the elves of Shahalesti have
occasionally lent their aid to the resistance, since they
fear that the Ragesians seek to march on through
to Shahalesti lands. e elves’ leader, Shaaladel, is
coming himself to reinforce his warriors in the city.
Shaaladel wants to come out of this war on top, and
is ready to ally with or betray the heroes, as needed.
Shaaladel suspects Leska has some plan for the city,
but does not know what.
Finally there is the Gate Pass rebellion, who
despite the bravery of its members, is close to defeat.
e people of Gate Pass are about ready to give up,
and they need a sign that their fi ght is not in vain.
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