d20 E.N. Publishing War of the Burning Sky - Under the Eye of the Tempest.pdf

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Under the Eye of
the Tempest
An Adventure for 18th- to
20th-Level Characters
by Wil Upchurch
Cover Art
Claudio Pozas
Interior Art
Claudio Pozas
Hunter McFalls
Leo Lingas
Sean Macdonald
Eric Life-Putnam
Note on Rules Content:
This adventure uses Open Game
Content as well as material
that is in the System Reference
Document but is not in the core
rulebooks. All the information
you need to use this material is
presented in this adventure, but if
you are interested in learning more,
search for the System Reference
Document online, available
through various sources.
Everything in this book, other than the covers, the title and
contents pages, the illustrations and maps, “EN Publishing,” the
EN Publishing logo, character and place names, story elements, and
EN Publishing product titles, is designated Open Game Content.
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EN Publishing is an imprint of EN World.
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Under the Eye of the Tempest – Illustration by Claudio Pozas
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Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................
Background .....................................................................
Adapting the Adventure ....................................
Adapting the Adventure, continued .............
Adventure Overview ......................................................
The Burning Sky .....................................................
Act One: My Brother’s Keeper..................
Looking to the Sky..........................................................
Don’t the Heroes Know All This? ...................
You and What Army? ...................................................
What Is Longinus Up To? .....................................
Get On Your Horse and Ride! (Optional Encounter).
Seaquen: Home Away From Home..............................
Sunken Prison..................................................................
e Pyromancer’s Tomb .................................................
Who is Hedrenatherax?.....................................
Act Two: He that Dies Pays All Debts .
e Battle of Battles ......................................................
Attacking the Tempest Alone .........................
On Board, Chaos! ........................................................
In the Belly of the Beast ................................................
Where’s the Challenge?.....................................
Digestive System............................................................
Respiratory System .......................................................!
Heart Chambers ............................................................
Conclusion ..................................................
Appendix One: Combat Stats ...................
Act One ..........................................................................
Act Two ..........................................................................
Appendix Two: The Tempest .....................
e Flying Ship ............................................................
External Description....................................................
Internal Description......................................................
Pilus and the Tempest .................................................
Attacking the Tempest ................................................
Approaching on the Ethereal Plane .............................!
Attacking From Above ..................................................!
Attacking From Below...................................................
Defeating the Tempest .................................................
Appendix Three: New Spells ....................
Open Game License Version . a ............
Under the Eye of the Tempest
e end of the War of the Burning Sky draws
near, and the fate of Ragesia and the surrounding
lands rests in the hands of heroes forged in the war’s
intrigues and battles. After recovering a lost artifact,
uniting armies in defense of cities and nations, and
uncovering an alien conspiracy that threatens the
survival of all those who make war, the heroes still
have work yet to do. e liberation of Gate Pass was
a great victory for the Resistance, but it revealed a
trio of threats greater than even the Ragesian armies
that still ravage the land.
e fi rst of these threats is represented by the
dream creatures known as the trillith. ey seek to
extinguish a powerful artifact, the Aquiline Heart,
without the protection of which all reality will bend
into a living nightmare. Second is Empress Leska, the
heir apparent to the throne of Ragesia, whose hubris
threatens to keep the lands in turmoil indefi nitely.
e heroes may have already confronted one or
both of these threats before turning their attentions
to Pilus, the sorcerer-monk whose biomantic
laboratory has created a weapon so fearsome that no
nation could hope to stand against it without the
Torch of the Burning Sky. It is this threat to which
the heroes now turn their attention.
e heroes have already glimpsed Pilus’s weapon,
the living airship known as the Te m p e s t , but its true
power is only now being brought to bear. Unknown
to any but Pilus and his allies, the Te m p e s t brings
with it the same destructive power that nearly laid
Seaquen low months ago: it is a mobile platform of
destructive storm magic. e mile-long monstrosity
also carries an invading army that could spell doom
for the Resistance if it is allowed to occupy the city.
Under the Eye of the Tempest assumes that the
characters have decided that Empress Leska is the
greatest threat to peace, and that it is the middle
adventure in the trilogy of endings. In this case, the
characters will have already activated the Torch of
the Burning Sky by invading the dreamlands and
destroying or freeing Trilla, and will be attacking
Pilus and his ship as the fi rst step toward stopping
his ally, Leska. If this is not the case, see the Adapting
Under the Eye of the Tempest can be adapted
for use as a stand-alone adventure, but it’s going
to take some planning and adjustments on the
part of the DM. First, the PCs will need access to
a loyal army. Second, you have to make sure they
have a way to control the planar portal, as well as
to teleport an entire army across a continent and
then onto and off of the living airship. It would
be good if they had at least heard of the airship
before, but if they haven’t then you’ll need to
fi nd a way to get them some lore on the ship so
they’ll be able to plan their assault.
End of the Campaign
If this is being used as a stand-alone ending
to the campaign, then you may want to fi nd a
way to rid the PCs of the Torch of the Burning
Sky. The easiest way is to have it fall dormant
once the heroes teleport their armies to safety
at the conclusion of the adventure. The artifact
has done its job and it can now rest.
Leska is still out there, however, and several
nations still have momentum for war. Shaaladel
takes his army of elves to where Leska has holed
up and lays siege to the valley. The elves warn
off all others that this is their fi ght and help
is not appreciated. With the war contained in
Ragesia, and the two armies at a stalemate, the
rest of the continent can begin rebuilding and
planning their defenses for the next war.
continued on next page
the Adventure sidebar for suggested changes to fi t it
into the fl ow of your campaign.
It seems that threats in this war are like the
many heads of a hydra: destroy one and three more
grow in its place. So it is for our heroes, who have
recently journeyed back to Gate Pass in order to
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Under the Eye of the Tempest Introduction
save it, only to learn that while they were distracted
their enemies were on the move. e fi rst order of
business was to stop the nightmarish trillith in their
quest to destroy the Aquiline Heart, and in so doing
reignite the Torch of the Burning Sky. at task
complete, the heroes can now focus on their ultimate
objective: the destruction of Empress Leska and her
allies. One such ally is an old “friend” of the heroes,
the sorcerer-monk Pilus.
It has been several months since an expedition
into the mountains of Ostalin introduced the
heroes to Pilus and his laboratory full of physical
aberrations. While trust was a rare commodity in
the Monastery of Two Winds, Pilus did not stand
in the way of the heroes and their quest to retrieve
the Torch. Since that time, however, Pilus has been
working tirelessly to fulfi ll his ambitions – desires at
odds with the heroes’ quest.
After the disruption at his biomantic lab and
chaos left in the wake of the heroes’ journey through
Ostalin, Pilus abandoned the pretenses under which
his brother, Longinus, was able to overlook the
consequences of his work. He and Longinus argued
over the role of the monastery in the war, and the
two chose to separate rather than deepen the rift
between them. Pilus disappeared into the Valley of
Storms to continue his strange arcane experiments,
while Longinus meditated on the war’s long-term
consequences and the potential for wisdom
in his brother’s plans.
e heroes’ deeds convinced
Pilus that the Resistance was just as
dangerous to peace as a fractured
Ragesian Empire. He secretly
contacted Empress Leska and once
more proposed an alliance, this time
dangling the power of his mighty
airship as a lure. e Supreme Inquisitor
is no fool, however, and she had her
suspicions about Pilus’s ulterior
motives. Still, the two were
able to reach an agreement
about their next course of
action: Pilus would test
his airship’s capabilities
First Adventure in the Ending Trilogy
You don’t need to change much, other
than the assumption that the PCs have already
been to the dreamworld and back. In this case,
defeating the Colossus was such a heroic feat
that the Torch of the Burning Sky repaired itself
in the wake of the action. Leska remains a target
for the heroes, and they must still take the Torch
to the dreamworld in order to stop the trillith
once and for all.
A more detailed summary of this plot
thread can be found in adventure nine, Festival
of Dreams .
Final Adventure in the Ending Trilogy
Same as above, except that the heroes have
already dealt with both the Aquiline Heart and
Trilla. The only thing left to ensure peace is to
stop Pilus and his doomsday weapon.
A more detailed summary of this plot
thread can be found in adventure nine, Festival
of Dreams .
on the weakened town of Seaquen, a familiar target,
and then use its threat to force the allied nations to
submit to Leska’s will. Meanwhile, Ragesia would
begin withdrawing from Ostalin, a move that would
win an alliance with Khagan Onamdammin, the
lord of Ostalin, and focus its eff orts in the east,
where the Resistance was gathering for a fi nal
push against the Ragesian invasion.
Pilus, for his part, was content to play
along with Leska long enough to further his
ultimate goal: to steal the power of the Aquiline
Heart. After learning of the relic’s existence,
he became convinced that he was the
reincarnation of the ancient eagle
spirit known as the Stormchaser,
and that gaining the heart was
the fi nal step in the process
of his rebirth, a process he
unknowingly began when
he linked himself to the
Pilus Contemplates – Illustration by Claudio Pozas
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