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A Formal Letter

A Formal Letter





24 King Street
London W1A 3LF

18 December, 2001



High Street

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing to enquire about holiday accommodation in the Exeter area.

I would be grateful if you could send me details of cheap hotels and bed and breakfast accommodation in or near Exeter, together with a map of the city centre.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Mike Richards <-- your signature (first name & surname)







rua Quintino Bocaiuva 47 apt 602
Floresta CEP 90000
Porto Alegra

18 December 2001



Mr James Kennedy
The Benson Institute
15, Kimberly Way
London W1P 4ST

Dear Mr Kennedy

The Principal at the college where I work suggested that I should write to you in order to find out more information about the Benson Scholarship for advanced students of English, as he feels I could be a suitable candidate for this particular scholarship.

I first visited England eight years ago when I was twenty-one years old, immediately after graduating in Chemistry at the University of Rio. In the beginning I could speak no English. Nevertheless I managed to find some work.

Unfortunately, I could only afford language classes twice a week, and consequently I had to rely on my own resources to acquire as much English as possible. In fact, to my surprise I managed to pass Cambridge First Certificate after only two years, and subsequently I took the Proficiency exam just before leaving England four years ago. On returning home, I was lucky enough to find a job teaching English at the Academy School. I have thoroughly enjoyed my involvement in the profession. However, I now feel the time has come for me to re-acquaint myself with an English-speaking environment in order to maintain the standard of my English. Furthermore, I would very much like to pursue my growing interest in English literature.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Manola Suarez <-- your signature (first name & surname)



1. In the right-hand corner write your address, but NOT your name.

2. Don't forget the date.

18th December, 2001
18 December, 2001
December 18, 2001 (AmE)

You can omit the comma.

3. On the left-hand side write the address of the person / company you're writing to.

4. Begin:

(if you don't know the name of the person you're writing to)
Dear Sir / Madam
Dear Sir or Madam
Dear Sirs

(if you know the name)
Dear Mr Roberts
Dear Mrs Williams
Dear Miss Thomas
Dear Ms Cooper

5. You can put a comma after "Dear..." or you can omit it. A colon is often found in American letters.

Dear Mr Jackson,
Dear Mr Jackson
Dear Mr Jackson: (AmE)

If you omit the comma, don't put it after "Yours...".

6. Use the block style, separating paragraphs with empty lines.

7. Do NOT use contractions:

I am, you are, did not, etc.

8. If you want to receive a reply, write as a final sentence:

I look forward to hearing from you.

9. Finish the letter with:

(if you began with "Dear Sir / Madam")
Yours faithfully
Yours truly (AmE)

(if you began with "Dear Mr Black")
Yours sincerely

10. Don't forget to sign your name.

11. Below the signature write your name, preferably in capital letters.

12. Typical first sentences:

I am writing to ___
___ ask for information about (your hotel).
___ ask about (an alarm clock I left in your hotel).
___ enquire about...
___ make a reservation (for a double room...)
___ complain about (the service I received...)
___ apply for (the job you advertised in English Today).

13. Typical last sentences:

I would be grateful if you could send me further information (about...)
Could you please send me an application form?
I enclose (my CV / a colour photograph.)





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