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Codex Paragons: Forest Dwellers
This product requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons, Third Edition Core Books, published by Wizards of the Coast Inc. This product utilizes updated material from the v3.5 revision.
Forest Dwellers
Paragon (noun) - an ideal instance; a perfect embodiment of a concept . 1
Racial paragons represent the epitome of their kind, excelling in everything their race excels,
yet vulnerable in all the ways their kin are vulnerable. Possessed of traits that elevate them well
above the ordinary, however, racial paragons represent a race's potential evolved to its utmost. Every
race, including its subraces and variations, features a paragon ideal that epitomizes it, and the
Codex Paragon catalogues them all, from the lowly kobold to the mighty ogre.
This chapter of the codex details the paragons of the forest dwellers, those races that make
their home among the thick and primeval woodlands. Hence are presented the mighty centaur,
powerful protector of his tribe; the bewitching dryad, a fae who animates the trees to do her
bidding; the feral wild elf , invincible in battle with his cooshee companion; the reclusive wood elf ,
master of stealth in the forest; the jovial forest gnome, companion to wildlife and enemy to
goblinkind; and the lusty satyr, master musician and bon vivant extraordinaire.
By Scott G. Carter and Mark Gedak
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Codex Paragons: Forest Dwellers
are fundamental to the centaur paragon's philosophy
and the way in which he interacts with the greater
Background: Centaur paragons train for many years
to develop their inherent skills. This is often done
under the guidance of another paragon who helps them
to full realize the impact they make on the environ-
ment. Through practice and careful study, the centaur
paragon learns to minimize the impact his movements
have on the natural world. All centaurs are trained to
use longswords and composite bows, though the centaur
paragon will often take to wielding oversized weapons at
the earliest opportunity to gain proficiency with them
as early as possible.
Races: Centaur paragons are most comfortable
among members of their tribe, or with other centaurs, as
a close second choice. When out of their tribal lands,
they get along better with members of other good races
of the forest ecology, such as elves and satyrs, with
whom they can share the goal of seeking benefit for the
forest community as a whole. They are natually distrust-
ing of other "civilized" races, such as humans and
dwarves, though the centaur paragon knows enough to
judge each individual by their own merits. Halflings and
gnomes hold a special fascination for the centaur
paragon, and they often become de facto protectors to
these small adventurers. Half-orcs, unfortunately, must
prove themselves twice as hard to be regarded with half
the respect due to their specific heritage.
Other Classes: Centaur paragons adventure best with
those who hold similar beliefs as they do. As such the
lawfulness of monks and paladins is often seen as too
restrictive and the selfishness and frivolity of the bard
class make them unlikely companions. Centaurs work
well with barbarians, rangers, fighters, clerics and
druids. They have been know to be companions of wiz-
ards and sorcerers as well as long as they do not wield
necromantic magic.
Centaur Paragon
Centaur paragons are intelligent and resourceful; they
have learned to live in harmony with their surroundings
and to leave little impact on the environment in which
they inhabit. More powerful that their typical brethren,
a centaur paragon is often seen as a champion of the
tribe and often serve as one of its war chiefs.
Adventures: Most centaur paragons do not adventure
for personal wealth or fame; instead they adventure to
enhance their own skills to better support and protect
the tribe. Most at home in the wilderness, centaur
paragons feel uncomfortable underground and are rarely
seen "dungeon crawling," as their physiology makes stairs
difficult and ladders next to impossible. Centaur
paragons who have lost their tribe often act as
guardians of the weak, offering succor to any who need
Characteristics: Centaur paragons are powerful war-
riors, able to move through the world with an almost
unnatural grace. The centaur paragon is, like the rest of
his race, normally reclusive, hiding from the rampant
consumption of the "civilized" world, yet extremely
skilled in war, should he be required to raise his bows or
draw his sword. Centaur paragons are able to obscure
their movements through the natural world without
even trying and are able to wield weapons larger than
what would seem possible with relative ease, making
them fearsome opponents to anyone foolish enough to
engage them.
Alignment: The vast majority of centaurs paragons
are good; this outlook is ingrained from the centaur's
youngest years because only through cooperation and
caring can the centaur tribe flourish in a forest filled
with many predators. Although centaurs paragons gener-
ally help anyone they find in need, they are very terri-
torial and will actively prevent others from finding
their tribe's village.
Religion: The centaur community is dominated by a
reverence for nature and sanctity of community. These
two aspects, if not worship in actual religious ceremony,
Centaur paragons have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Strength is the most important ability for a
Codex Paragons: Forest Dwellers
centaur paragon to possess as they are often needed to
defend the tribe against outside threats. Both intelli-
gence and wisdom are also important as they allow the
centaur paragon to learn the skills to provide for the
tribe and to notice threats before they reach the village.
Alignment: Usually neutral good.
Hit Die: d8.
(such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas and simi-
lar terrain) at his normal speed and without taking
damage or suffering any other impairment. Thorns, bri-
ars, and overgrown areas magically manipulated to
impede movement still affect him normally.
Oversized Weapon (Ex): At 2nd level, the centaur
paragon may wield a Huge longsword or Huge composite
longbow without penalty.
Ability Boost (Ex): At 3rd level, the centau paragon's
Strength score increases by 2 points.
Class Skills
The centaur paragon's class skills (and the key ability
for each skill) are Craft (Int), Hide (Dex), Knowledge
(nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Search
(Int), Spot (Wis) and Survival (Wis)
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int Modifier.
Dryad Paragon
Wild and mysterious, the dryad is, more so than perhaps
any other race, a being of the deep wood. Seemingly
solitary beings, dryads rarely congregate as other races
do, though that does not mean they are unconnected.
Dryads use other creatures they befriend or charm to
send messages to one another, to warn of incursion and
danger in the wood or simply to pass on things that
their fey minds find interesting. Networks of informa-
tion develop this way, webs that can spread for miles,
connecting one dryad to another. At the centers of
these webs are often dryad paragons, beings usually tied
to the oldest trees in the deepest parts of the wood.
These dryad paragons grow in their connection to the
wood and to their home trees more so than any of their
kin, and when needed, can transform from their comely
fey visage into a raging force of nature.
Adventures: Dryads paragons, much like dryads in
general, as a rule do not adventure; their dependence on
their home tree prevents them from venturing further
than 300 yards from it for more than a few hours.
Instead they act through surrogates, typically wild crea-
tures that the dryad paragon befriends or creatures that
she has charmed to act in her stead. Rarely, and only in
dire need, will a dryad paragon risk travel.
Characteristics: Mostly, dryad paragons think like
trees; they are slow to act, and do not speak if they do
not have to do so, preferring to observe and make plans,
dealing with threats indirectly whenever possible. This
Table 1: The Centaur Paragon
Leave No Trace,
Woodland Stride
Oversized Weapon
Ability Boost (Str +2)
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the centaur
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Centaurs paragons
are proficient with all simple weapons, martial weapons
and light barding.
Leave No Trace (Ex): At 1st level, the centaur
paragon becomes mindful of his movements, lest a single
misstep bring tragedy to their village. A centaur
paragon is always considered to be a Medium creature
and hiding its trail for the purposes of being tracked,
regardless of the speed at which the centaur paragon
Woodland Stride (Ex): At 1st level, the centaur
paragon may move through any sort of undergrowth
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Codex Paragons: Forest Dwellers
does not mean that they cannot or will not act when
needed. Being fey, however, dryad paragons are creatures
of contradictions. While typically aloof, distant and
tree-like, a dryad paragon can take a fancy to human or
elven males and attempt to charm or seduce them,
enjoying the attention. Similarly a dryad paragon can
quickly become jealous or angry at human or elven
females, especially those in the company of comely
males. While this seemingly shallow and superficial
behavior might drive a dryad paragon's behavior for a
time, nothing will cause her to risk the health and well
being of her woods and especially her tree. When mani-
festing for a mortal creature the dryad paragon rarely
does so near her home tree. Rather, if she sense she must
do so, she appears as far from her tree as possible to
ascertain the intent of her visitors before risking herself
or her tree.
Alignment: Dryad paragons are almost always chaot-
ic good, and as with other forest races, their outlook on
life is defined by nature and not external laws. Their
innate concern for the well being of their tree and the
creatures of their wood means that dryad paragons are,
almost without exception, good aligned creatures. Rarely,
and most often due to the influence of corruptive
magic, will a dryad paragon turn evil.
Religion: A dryad paragon is more likely to be an
object of worship and devotion than a practitioner, as
they are occasionally taken for avatars of nature or
nature gods by some races. Since druids and rangers are
among the few sentient beings they normally deal with,
they do share some of their philosophy. Dryad paragons
are likely to interact pleasantly with followers of nature
deities, but simultaneously may perceive those deities as
no more exalted than any other aspect of the natural
Background: The origins of dryads in general are
obscure at best. The best elven and druidic scholars
believe that dryads are a manifestation of the interac-
tion of the elemental plane of nature with the material
world. This interaction somehow gives birth to a dryad,
typically in an oak tree, tough it can manifest in other
kinds of long-lived plants as well. Dryad paragons typi-
cally develop from ordinary dryads who have had unusu-
ally long lives; the average dryad paragon is likely cen-
turies old and equally unlikely to know anything of the
outside world, save that which she has learned from
other creatures. Again, being fey, there are contradic-
tions. Occasionally druids report seeing dryad paragons
that appear as very young women or even girls attached
to trees that are no more than a few years old. These
druids believe that these dryad paragons develop because
their home trees are somehow representative of the
quintessential nature of their species, mystically attuned
to the ideal trees of the plane of nature.
Races: Dryad paragons get along best with elves of
all the mortal races, although seem fond of humans,
particularly men, for some reason. This apparently sexu-
al instinct is odd in a creature that does not reproduce
through sexual means. Aside from this fascination,
dryad paragons have little interest in most races beyond
seeing that they cause no harm and leave the woods as
expediently as possible. The exception seems to be with
dwarves. Perhaps due to the fact that dwarves are rare in
areas where a dryad paragon may live, dryad paragons
have been known to demonstrate an unusual curiosity
for the race, typically to the dwarf's discomfort.
Other Classes: Druids, rangers, forest dwelling bar-
barians, and other classes that frequent the wild are the
only ones that the dryad paragon interacts with regular-
ly. Bards and sorcerers, with their innate charisma, often
attract the attention of dryads, for better or worse.
Fighters, paladins, and other classes that carry large
weapons are typically distrusted by the dryad paragon as
they are too similar to axes and other cutting tools used
on trees. Similarly, classes like the wizard, that may
employ fire magic, are also distrusted. The meditative
nature of the monk gives the dryad paragon a point of
familiarity, and their tendency to not use weapons fur-
ther strengthens a possible bond. The rogue, and other
classes more at home in the city, are simply not encoun-
tered frequently enough for the dryad to care.
Codex Paragons: Forest Dwellers
Dryad paragons have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Dryad Paragons are often very Charismatic.
Due to their frenzy ability, they are more likely to
have a good Dexterity score, rather than Strenght,
although a decent Constitution score helps augment
her average Hit Die and poor Fortitude saves. Both
Wisdom and Intelligence help her class skills, though
Wisdom is essential if the Dryad Paragon follows the
logical inclination for druidic magic.
Alignment: Usually chaotic good.
Hit Die: d6.
Lifespeak (Ex): At 1st level, a dryad paragon learns
how to speak freely with all plants and animals, as if
they shared a common language. This does not give her
any power over these creatures or grant them height-
ened intellects.
Skill Bonus (Ex): At 1st level, a dryad paragon's
racial bonus on wild empathy increases to +6.
Suggestion (Sp): At 2nd level, a dryad paragon can
use her suggestion spell-like ability three times per day.
Tree Warrior (Sp): At 2nd level, a dryad paragon
can animate a young tree within 120 ft. as a standard
action to act as a messenger or guardian. It takes a
standard action for the tree warrior to animate. Once
animated, the dryad paragon may take other actions,
and she may end the effect at will. A tree warrior
counts as a familiar or companion for the purpose of
meeting requisites for feats, spells, etc. The dryad
paragon may only have one animated tree warrior at
any one time.
Ability Boost (Ex): At 3rd level, the dryad
paragon's Charisma score increases by 2 points.
Class Skills
The dryad paragon's class skills (and the key ability for
each skill) are Escape Artist (Dex), Handle Animal
(Cha), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen
(Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Ride (Dex), Spot (Wis),
Survival (Wis) and Use Rope (Dex)
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int.
Tree Warrior
CR 2
Table 2: The Dryad Paragon
N Medium plant
Init -2; Senses low-light vision; Listen +4, Spot +4
AC 14, touch 8, flat-footed 14
hp 29 (4 HD); DR 5/slashing
Fort +6, Dex -1, Will +3
Weakness fire
Lifespeak, Skill Bonus
Suggestion , Tree Warrior
Ability Boost (Cha +2)
Speed 20 ft. (2 squares)
Melee 2 slams +6 (1d8+3)
Base Atk +3, Grp +6
Atk Options double damage to objects
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the dryad
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Dryad paragons
are proficient with all simple weapons, shortbows and
longbows. Dryad paragons are not proficient in any
type of armor or shields.
Abilities Str 17, Dex 7, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8
Feats Iron Will, Toughness
Skills Intimidate +5, Listen +4, Spot +4
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