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Liber Sodalitas: Erzsaks Drake Riders
Liber Sodalitas
Erzsak s Drake Riders
Liber Sodalitas
Erzsak’s Drake Riders is a mercenary company
of warriors-for-hire featuring a small army of
foot soldiers and specialists, all acting as
support for the company’s shock troops,
the firedrake riders. Founded by a
discontented ex-soldier named
Ludvel Erzsak, the group
has evolved from a one-
time adventuring band
to a grand organization
with both might and
Ludvel Erzsak was an idealistic young man
who became a cavalry soldier with dreams of
making a difference in the world and
becoming an honest-to-good, real-life hero.
His fantasies were quickly shattered, though,
first by the great amount of time spent on
menial chores done simply for a sergeant’s
amusement, and later—and more tragically—
by the realities of war against a weaker
neighboring city. After ordered to obliterate
an enemy outnumbered five-to-one by
cavalry alone, let alone by infantry,
young Erzsak decided that
committing other people’s
crimes under the guise of orders
was not for him. A short time
later, he bid family and friends
goodbye, grabbed his horse and
deserted his post, escaping into the hills to live
in isolation.
Ludvel Erzsak and Fulminous
This product requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons,
Third Edition Core Books, published by Wizards of the Coast Inc.
This product utilizes updated material from the v3.5 revision.
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Liber Sodalitas: Erzsaks Drake Riders
Along his roving travels Erzsak performed
small jobs, his martial training often providing the
perfect source of work, from a post as a bouncer at
various rowdy inns, to being a peacekeeper at local
festivals, to impromptu vermin-hunter for groups
of terrified farmers. Catching on to the trend,
Erzsak decided that perhaps there was a living to
be made out of being muscle-for-hire. Slowly,
Erzsak gathered around himself a small group of
like-minded individuals, forming an adventuring
band known as Erzsak’s Swords; an uninspired
name for sure, but it did give the group a sense of
identity and communality. Before long the group
had made a name for themselves, traveling the
countryside and hiring out their services for a
moderate price. People soon began to flock to the
banner of the Swords, adventurers and young
warriors-to-be, all seeking to share in the
reputation of Erzsak and his group. From a motley
band, the group eventually expanded to the size of
a company. Leadership and ranks were established,
and specific units were put into place, from foot
soldiers to cavalry, from support to command, all
under Erzsak’s leadership. Then fate intervened,
and the fortune of the Swords changed forever.
having developed new combat techniques designed
to take advantage of the beastly mounts, and their
presence fearsome, routing enemy troops with
little more than a charge. Their reputation
established, Erzsak’s Drake Riders became one the
premier mercenary companies of the land.
Erzsak’s Drake Riders are ruled by a specific code
of law set down by Erzsak himself back in the days
of the Swords. In it, Erzsak delineates the duties
and responsibilities of each member of the
company, as well as the behavior expected out of
each soldier while on an assignment. Among the
most notable tenets, members are not allow to loot
or pillage, kill or take advantage of innocent
civilians, or use excessive force against an
obviously inferior opponent. Additionally, Erzsak
always reserves the right to refuse a contract if he
feels the cause goes against his personal beliefs,
which is why all assignments must be presented to
Erzsak for his approval. While he does fight for
money, the experience of his youth left an inedible
taste in his mouth against the excessive use of
On the run after a staggering loss in battle that
left the Swords at one-third its numbers, Erzsak
stumbled upon a narrow path leading into a hidden
valley nestled between mighty peaks. Irrigated by
warm springs, the valley was quite fertile
considering its altitude and location in the midst of
stony mountains. It was also home to a small
family of firedrakes, wingless dragons the size of
heavy warhorses with a nasty bite and even nastier
fire breath. With magical help the firedrakes were
easily controlled, and the company moved into the
hidden valley, making it their new home. The
company began training using the firedrakes as the
backbone of a mighty new cavalry; Erzsak was
determined never to lose so many of his soldiers
ever again.
Strange as it may be for a mercenary company
to have such an exacting set of rules, Erzsak has
always had a very clear idea of what is right and
wrong, an idea that not even gold has managed to
corrupt. All members take an oath to live by these
tenets while a member of the mercenary company,
and any individual found to have broken the code
faces punishment of fines, imprisonment and
expulsion, depending on the severity of the
transgression. In cases where the transgression has
affected a local community, the guilty party is then
turned over to local authorities to face local law.
Since the days of the Swords, Erzsak has only
had to deal with such cases a handful of times, a
fact for which he is grateful, though he would not
hesitate to dispense justice whenever needed.
Two years later, leaving behind their families,
the company reemerged from the valley as
Erzsak’s Drake Riders, ready to show the world the
might of their new cavalry. It did not take long for
Erzsak’s Drake Riders to debut on the battlefield as
elite mercenaries. Their training was unequaled,
Erzsak’s Drake Riders are numerous enough to
dispatch units to different assignments at the same
Liber Sodalitas: Erzsaks Drake Riders
time, complete with support staff. Erzsak and his
captains have worked out a few organizational
models for the company that make good use of the
available resources and allow the Drake Riders to
diversify and yet remain effective. Each unit has a
minimum amount of time that they must be con-
tracted for, and all payments are made half up
front, half upon completion, no exceptions. In
cases where the Drake Riders are not able to
perform the duty for which they were hired to their
employer’s satisfaction, they are free to end a con-
tract early for a kill-fee of half the remaining total.
The prices below reflect the average price for
contracting the services of Erzsak’s Drake
Riders, divided by unit. Individual prices
reflect extra troops that can be added to a unit
for the specified amount. Erzsak always
reserves the right to negotiate the final price of
a contract. All prices include payment for all
troops included in each unit.
The largest unit is the company itself, under
the sole and direct command of Ludvel Erzsak.
Erzsak's second-in-command, Captain Antonius
Julianus (Ftr9) oversees the general day-to-day
affairs of the company, as well as the coordination
of all branches. Under Erzsak and Julianus, at the
company level, there is a command group of five
Captains (Ftr8) who oversee all infantry and
cavalry lieutenants and sergeants; one
Quartermaster (Exp7) who oversees the entire
support branch; three chaplains (Clr5/Ftr1) who
oversee fifteen acolytes (Clr2); two War Sorcerer
(Sor5/Ftr1) who oversee six battlemages (Sor3); a
Master Scout (Rgr5) in charge of ten scouts (Rgr1);
and a Master Musician (Brd7) in charge ten other
musicians (Brd1). Except for the captains, all
members of the command group have the rank of
25 gp
Great Squadron
90 gp
250 gp
1500 gp
Drake Rider (single soldier)
3 gp
Drake Rider Unit (4 drake riders and
1 drake rider lieutenant)
15 gp
Infantry Unit (10 soldiers)
3 gp
Chaplain, Master Scout, War
Sorcerer or Master Musician
20 gp
Acolyte, Battlemage, Scout or
5 gp
20 gp
The troops are divided into combat and support
branches. The support branch includes all animal
and drake handlers, teamsters, smiths, artisans
(carpenters, leatherworkers, masons, etc.), cooks,
and laborers. These people are then divided as
needed among the various units, and go alongside
any dispatched unit, depending on the length of the
assignment. Support personnel are armed with at
least a club, though many elect to use personal
weapons and even armor, if available.
Ludvel Erzsak, Commander of the
Drake Riders, with Fulminous (plus
cohort and followers for each)
300 gp
weapon available. Infantry is divided into units of
ten soldiers, one of which is a sergeant (War3). All
infantry is equipped with leather armor, and either
a pole weapon, or a hand weapon and small
wooden shield. Sergeants may use personal
equipment as desired.
The combat branch includes all fighting
personnel, and has various subdivisions. Infantry
covers all foot soldiers (War1), which are then
grouped into hand-weapon soldiers (sword, mace,
axe) and pole-weapon soldiers (longspear, halberd,
glaive, etc.), tough all are trained to fight with any
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Liber Sodalitas: Erzsaks Drake Riders
Cavalry, the other combat branch division,
features the unique troops that give the company its
name, the drake riders (Ftr6). Drake riders operate
in units of three to five soldiers. A drake rider
lieutenant (Ftr7) is in charge of each unit, though
any drake rider can be designated as unit leader if
no ranking officer is present. Drake riders are
normally equipped with chain mail, a hand weapon
of choice, and a lance. Drake mounts are only fitted
with a military saddle; barding, due to the drake’s
anatomy, must be custom made and is expensive,
meaning only officers have it as standard
equipment, though some drake riders have saved
enough to purchase the armor for their mounts.
acolytes, two battlemages, two scouts, two
musicians, and extra support (five valets, four
teamsters and four wagons, two smiths, two cooks,
four artisans, ten animal tenders, and thirty
laborers). A Wing may only be contracted for a
minimum of two months (60 days).
Only the wealthiest patrons can afford to hire
the whole company at once, though it has happened
in the past for immense operations such as the Siege
of Castle Karrak, the liberation of the Duchy of
Zelkariss, and the invasion of the goblinoid realm
of Urdrukh-Grambog. The company is composed of
three Wings and three Squadrons, plus Ludvel
Erzsak and the Command Group, plus all remaining
acolytes, battlemages, scouts and musicians, plus
all remaining support personnel. The Company may
only be contracted for a minimum of three months
(90 days).
The smallest unit dispatched for basic
assignments (peacekeeping in a small town, hired
muscle for a local lord, guards for a small or
medium caravan, etc.) is the Squadron, consisting
of one drake rider lieutenant, three drake riders, ten
infantry (choice of weapons is up to the client), an
acolyte or battlemage, a scout or musician, and
accompanying support (two teamster and two
wagons, one smith, one cook, three animal tenders,
and five laborers). A Squadron may only be
contracted for a minimum of one month (30 days).
At any given time, there are as many as twenty
extra drake riders, one hundred infantry, one
acolyte, battlemage, scout and musician, plus all
related support personnel, stationed in the hidden
valley, all of whom can be called into service at the
company level if needed, or held back as reserves.
The Great Squadron, normally used for larger
assignments that are still on a manageable scale
(peace enforcement for a large town, extra muscle
for a small army, guards for a large caravan, etc.),
consists of two Squadrons plus one captain, one
lieutenant (either a Master Scout, Master Musician,
War Sorcerer or Chaplain), three more drake riders,
ten more infantry, an acolyte, a battlemage, a scout,
a musician, and extra support (two valets, two
teamsters and two wagons, two smith, two cook,
two artisans, five animal tenders, and ten laborers).
A Great Squadron may only be contracted for a
minimum of one month (30 days).
In addition to the units, patrons are able to hire
extra troops to enhance contracted units, all of
which come with their necessary support personnel.
Ranked officers may only be hired depending on
the unit contracted: drake rider lieutenants beyond
those in an unit can only be hired alongside four
more drake riders, forming an unit; regular
lieutenants (Master Scout, Master Musician, War
Sorcerer or Chaplain) can only be hired at the Great
Squadron level; Captains and Ludvel Erzsak may
only be hired at the Wing level.
Erzsak always reserves the right to allow
smaller units than a Squadron to be hired, and to
approve or deny extra hired troops, especially when
it concerns his ranked officers or his own services.
For truly large assignments (hired guards for a
city, specialized troops for an army, etc.), a Wing is
called into service. A Wing consists of five
Squadrons plus three captains (one of whom is
named Wing Captain), two lieutenants (either a
Master Scout, Master Musician, War Sorcerer or
Chaplain), one extra drake rider lieutenant, five
extra drake riders, twenty extra infantry, two
Becoming a Member
The life of a mercenary company is a hard one, and
new recruits are always needed. Regardless of
assignment, all members are expected to always be
Liber Sodalitas: Erzsaks Drake Riders
tested in mock mounted combat against an
experienced drake rider (use the Drake Rider
Soldier NPC below). Mounted on a heavy
warhorse, the petitioner must endure at least fifteen
minutes of combat against the drake rider,
demonstrate proficiency in mounted combat and
tactics, and manage to inflict at least 50 points of
damage on the drake rider or the firedrake mount.
All damage dealt during the mock combat is
nonlethal, and magical healing is available upon
completion. After the test, if Erzsak and his
captains feel the petitioner has what it takes, the
petitioner is signed, made to take the oath, and,
blindfolded, taken to the hidden valley, there to
train as a drake rider. Training to become a
full-fledged drake rider takes a year, after which
the new drake rider joins the regular company.
Alignment: Any non-evil
Support: Craft or Profession skill 4 ranks
Infantry: Base Attack Bonus +1, Martial
Weapon Proficiency (any sword, any spear),
Light Armor Proficiency.
Drake Rider: Base Attack Bonus +6, Base
Will Save +2, Handle Animal skill 4 ranks,
Ride skill 4 ranks, Mounted Combat.
on their best behavior. Only outright evil people
are turned away from the company. Beyond that,
there is room for the general alignment spectrum,
as long as members remain on their best behavior,
do not openly break the company’s oath or any law
of the land, or manage to hide their activities
extremely well. Members are informed upon
joining, however, that there are secret informers
among all the stations and ranks, ever vigilant of
everything around them and reporting to Ludvel
Erzsak himself.
Ludvel Erzsak
Now in his middle years, Erzsak still maintains the
vigor of youth, tempered with the wisdom of
experience. Secretly still weighed down by guilt
over various vicious loses on the battlefield, he
cares deeply about everyone under his command.
Erzsak is the consummate commander, forever
worrying about his troops’ wellbeing.
Support staff (teamsters, cooks, handlers,
smiths, artisans, etc.) is always in demand and are
hired constantly depending on their expertise.
Support staff, however, rarely makes the transition
to the fighting arm, what most petitioners are
interested about.
Erzsak is an imposing figure, standing just
over six feet tall and with the lean, muscled body
of an experienced fighter. While perhaps not as
nimble as he was a two decades back, he is
certainly just as strong, practicing daily to keep his
martial skills in top shape. His once black hair is
now cropped short and peppered with white, and
his signature long mustache, a throwback to the
custom of his grandfather’s time as a knight, is now
fully snow white. A lifetime as a traveler and
mercenary under the harsh sun has tanned Erzsak’s
skin, giving it the appearance of cured leather.
Erzsak normally wears his enchanted breastplate
over some well-worn clothes, magical flaming
longsword at his side. Erzsak's mount, Fulminous,
is the alpha male of all the firedrakes of the hidden
valley. It took Erzsak a long time to train the
firedrake, and even longer to gain its trust, but after
Those petitioning to join the infantry must
demonstrate an aptitude for combat. Infantry
sergeants oversee the petitioners, putting them
through various tests, and choosing only the top ten
percent to join the company. New recruits are
sworn in with the oath, signed for a two-year tour
of duty, and assigned to a unit. After their initial
tour of duty a soldier has the option of joining
permanently or going his way.
Those skilled in mounted combat that wish to
become a drake rider must first meet with Erzsak
and his captains for a demanding interview that
includes magical scrying. Once the interview is
completed, if the petitioner proved worthy, they are
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