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Third Edition Core Books, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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Greetings traveler and welcome to Critical Hits – a
series of electronic releases from Legion Publishing. Each
Critical Hit is a complete encounter that can be dropped
into any fantasy campaign with very little preparation
needed by the DM. The encounters are little gems of ideas
built around a single situation, person, location, creature
or object that the players stumble across in their travels.
Each Critical Hit provides the DM with everything neces-
sary to use the encounter and the players with some mem-
orable encounters that encourage creative role-playing.
V o l u m e 2 N o 4 - E n c o u n t e r L e v e l 4
Published by
All the Rage is set in any wooded terrain. As the PCs
are en route to whatever their destination may be, they
chance upon a bizarre scene. Some of the cutest charac-
ters ever to grace the pages of a Critical Hits encounter
are doing battle over a valuable crimson dye with myste-
rious properties! Can the players pick a side and settle the
dispute amicably, or will the whole glade be seeing red
before the day is out? As with the other Critical Hits, text
inside a border should be read aloud to the players.
First Published 2003
C R E D I T S &
Written by
Rob Clayton Jones
Robin Elliott & Simon Lucas
Cover Illustration
Matthew Harffy
Interior Illustration
Robin Elliott
Typesetting and graphic design by Wildstar Digital Arts
Contact - info@wildstardigitalarts.co.uk
Author courtesy of Snake Eyes Studio
Contact - info@snakeeyesstudio.co.uk
The substance the Elves call Syndathil (in the common
tongue ‘Rage’) is a natural red dye created from giant
mushrooms which grow on magical soil. Sprites regard a
field of these crimson-capped mushrooms as highly desir-
able accommodation. Not only do the Mushrooms provide
housing, but the red dye also gives forest dwellers a source
of heating as the strange substance gives off heat when
rubbed. As can be imagined, fields of these giant mush-
rooms are extremely rare, making the dye a very expen-
sive commodity across the realms.
Legion Publishing, Critical Hits, the Legion Publishing logo, Legionnaire,
and all related characters and elements are trademarks of Legion
Wildstar Digital Arts and its logo are trademarks of Wildstar Digital Arts.
Snake Eyes Studio and its logo are trademarks of Snake Eyes Studio.
The PCs start this encounter in a dark, wooded area.
'd20 System' and the 'd20 System' logo are trademarks of Wizards of
the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and are used according to
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Your keen ears alert the group to the sound of a deep
and woeful lament. Amid the sorrowful singing, you can
now hear sobbing through the trees ahead.
Further investigation reveals a glade with a huge oak
at the center. Surrounding it are many withered giant
mushrooms with tiny doors and windows cut into them.
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Legion Publishing - Critical Hits
Volume 2 No 4 - EL 4
Successful uses of detect magic or Spot check (DC16)
reveal a hiding community of Sprites. The tiny creatures
are alerted to the PCs presence and emerge sheepishly
from their 5’ tall withered houses.
The lead Sprite is named Fash. Provided the PCs are
not hostile towards his people, he comes forward and con-
verses with the good PCs. Those of evil alignment are
simply ignored.
Suddenly, as if from nowhere, there are twenty-one
pairs of tear-soaked eyes peering up at you, all in a
huddle. Appearing like tiny elves, with long pointy
ears; these folk are but 2’ tall and all have gossamer
wings. In dejected silence they hang their heads.
Fash explains the reason for their woes: an evil Dryad
named Loxi. He describes the mundane qualities of Rage
and how the wicked Dryad wants the dye for her own
vanity. Fash thinks she is using the dye to stain her own,
dreary green garments to match her reddish hair as
autumn sets in!
This sorry bunch of Sprites is enough to upset all but
the hardest of hearts. All good aligned PCs must make a
Fortitude check (DC15) from the shock of seeing a miser-
able Sprite! Failure results in the PC taking memory loss
(as per spell – forgetting all skills, languages and class
abilities) for 1d4 days.
Fash then tells the characters about the magical
quality that the substance Rage has, which is akin to
dominate animalwhen fed to a willing being. As a result,
every morning a group of giant flying insects called
Jeekers allied to Loxi fly in and extract more Rage from
the Sprites’ houses leaving them in their current shriv-
elled state. One more morning and the insects will finally
kill the mushrooms for good!
Any hostility towards the Sprites results in immediate
action. Firstly the fey folk utilize their natural invisibili-
ty and head for their cache at the top of the oak tree.
Here (about 30’ up) in the boughs are 30 arrows of
memory loss, (as per spell). Using these arrows, the Sprites
deal no damage save for permanent memory loss as
described above. Once the PCs have had their memories
erased, the Sprites’ leader tells them they were about to
offer the tiny folk their assistance. This forces the PCs
into the rest of the encouter.
Fash then proposes one of two alternate courses of
action (he entertains no other suggestions, insisting that
any other course of action is ‘suicide!’).
1. Firstly, The Sprites have a small amount of Rage
left and have fashioned ten ‘Rocket-Arrows’, making
small but harmless glaring red explosions. These
arrows will act as a diversion, attracting the Jeekers
for long enough so the PCs may shoot them down!
Sprites (small fey) HD 1D6; 3 hp; Initiative +4 (Dex),
speed 20ft, fly 60ft (good) AC 16 (+1 Size, +4 Dex,
+1 natural), Attacks dagger +5 melee; or composite
short bow +6 ranged, Damage sting 1D4-2, 1D6. Face/
reach 5’ by 5’/5ft’. Special: spell-like abilities, 1/day-
confusion (by touch), dancing lights, detect chaos, detect
good, detect evil, detect law, detect thoughts, dispel
magic, entangle, permanent image (visual and auditory
elements only). Polymorph self. These abilities are as
8th-level sorcerer, (save DC13 + spell level). Special
qualities: SR 16, natural invisibility. Saves
fort+0,ref+6,will +4, Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, Con 11,
Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 16. Skills and feats: Bluff +7, Con
+4, Craft (any one) +7, Escape Artist +8, Heal +6,
Hide +12, Listen +8, Move Silently +8, Ride +8,
Search +9, Sense Motive +6, Spot+8.
Dodge, Point blank shot, Rapid shot weapon finesse
(dagger), Weapon focus (short bow).
CR 4, AL neutral good. TR 50% goods, 50% items.
2. Alternatively, the PCs loose the Rage from the
arrows into a pit not far west from the village (50
yards). Within the pit lies a Greeba. Dominated by the
Rage and obeying the PCs commands the slimy crea-
ture should eat any Jeekers flying in after the Rage!
A cover for the pit could be crafted out of wood and
leaves to disguise the pit from the flying fiends.
Fash then puts the two proposed options to a vote,
granting each PC a vote in this important council
meeting. Exactly 10 (50%) of the Sprites vote for each of
the two proposals (Fash is neutral). The PCs therefore
must decide on the course of action to be taken, using
their own votes. (PCs with over 2 skill ranks in Diplomacy
have an extra vote).
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Legion Publishing - Critical Hits
Volume 2 No 4 - EL 4
After the votes have been cast, Fash announces the
result of the council.
The Jeekers have only one purpose: to collect all the
Rage. The successful use of the rockets acts as surprise in
combat, allowing the PCs to take the initiative. After
this, any hostile action towards the Jeekers, causes them
to attack the PCs. They do not flee and, if they are
defeated, five more arrive within 1d4 hours from the Red
Tree (see below).
Fash the elder Sprite nods and agrees with your deci-
sion. “We are grateful for your help sirs, but our com-
munity is out of sorts and only I can offer my services
in these sorrowful times.”
With that, the Sprites fly up into the air singing your
praises as they vanish to safety.
A note about Rage
The substance is potent when inhaled, acting as the
3rd level enchantment dominate animal. Its potency
extends its range to 600 yards (rather than 100’+10’
per level as in the spell), and allows up to 10 creatures of
HD 3 or below to be enchanted!
This defensive strategy acts as a diversion from the
mushroom glade, keeping the flying insects in the air long
enough for them to be picked off by the PCs. Rage releas-
es heat when rubbed and, in order to get the rockets to
explode, the arrows must be rubbed before firing. The sac
containing the rare substance is attached to the shaft of
the arrow and starts to pulsate as the Rage begins to
agitate. The particles rub against each other getting
hotter and hotter until the sac bursts in a brilliant explo-
sion. Lots of heat and light results as the sizzling Rage
showers out of the burst.
Any creatures affected get a saving throw (Will
negates) as per the spell, however enchanted creatures are
under the influence of the first person to issue a command
and remain so until the controller loses consciousness, the
subject goes out of range or the effect is dispelled by
magic. If the PCs are exposed to the substance, treat as
dominate person 5th level spell with the same alterations
as described above. Each fresh exposure to the substance
triggers a new bout of domination, when an order is given
(this means that the PCs can control the Jeekers if they
give them orders after a Rage rockets bursts).
The Sprites use the rockets for celebrations rather
than defense but desperate times call for desperate
measures and they are hoping that, now the heroes are
here, distracting the Jeekers with the last of their Rage
will buy enough time for the PCs to kill all the creatures.
In order to get the Rage to burst, a Dexterity check
(DC10) is required. Success means the PC has rubbed the
sac just right to get the Rage ready to fire. Failure
results in the sac bursting in the character being show-
ered with Rage and suffering the effects of the potent
powder. For the rocket diversion to be successful, the PCs
must ‘hit’ the AC of the Jeekers with at least half of the
rockets. When the rockets have all been released the PCs
must watch and wait.
5 Jeekers (Medium sized vermin) HD 3d8; 13 hp;
Initiative +2 ( dex,), speed 20ft, fly 80ft (good), AC 14
(+2 Dex, +2 natural), Attacks sting+2 melee,
Damage sting 1d4 and poison, Face/reach 5’ by 5’ by 5’,
Special; poison DC13 initial damage 1d6 con, secondary
damage 1d6 con, vermin, saves fort+3,ref+3,will +2,
Abilities Str 11, Dex 14, Con 11, Int -, Wis 12, Cha 9,
Skills and feats Intuit direction +6, Spot +7, CR ½ .
AL neutral.
If the council decided on this option, the PCs must
goad the Jeekers into a pit trap containing a Greeba, an
amphibian that greatly resembles a giant toad. The
Sprites tricked it into the (30’ deep) pit just days earlier.
Any PC with a Craft skill in any kind of weaving or trap
making may be able to make a light but secure lattice
cover for the pit (can be handled by 2 PCs) with a suc-
cessful Craft check (DC15) to hide the pit from the
Loosing off the rockets you see the sky above you turn
crimson in a shower of fireworks and through their
warm glow come the Jeekers, giant winged insects
humming a warning tone. They jink and weave through
the bursts of Rage in a frenzy, attempting to collect
the substance on their legs by whirling and diving
through the cloud bursts.
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Legion Publishing - Critical Hits
Volume 2 No 4 - EL 4
Pointing to the west, Fash tells the PCs that he can
lead them to the tree after they have dealt with the
Jeekers and the village is safe. When the PCs agree, he
leads them through the woods 500 yards west of the
The key in this plan is for the PCs to remain con-
cealed. The pit is in a small clearing 50 yards to the west
of the mushroom glade. In order not to be spotted by the
Jeekers as they fly overhead, the PCs must make success-
ful Hide checks (DC15).
For the plan to work, the PCs must then fire the
rockets at the pit ‘hit’ the pit (AC 14) with at least half
of the rockets. The Rage in the rockets must first be agi-
tated as above.
Merrily hovering before you, Fash gleefully points
through the thicket towards a giant red oak. Even the
bark is unnaturally reddish. Flying on ahead you try
to warn him but it is too late, Fash disappears into the
crimson canopy and you hear his muffled scream fol-
lowed by an ominous silence.
The shimmering red glow of the Rage fills the pit and
you watch the Jeekers divert from their determined
course above the treetops, down, diving straight
towards the hole.
Approaching the tree with caution is wise. Any PC
stepping within 10’ of the tree’s base is subject to entan-
glement from the now-enchanted grasses surrounding it
(treat as the 1st level spell entangle, Reflex saving throw
negates). The grass holds unwary PCs like tightly bound
laces, immobilizing their feet and legs only (unless they
are on all-fours!). An entangled PC suffers –2 to attacks,
-4 to dexterity and must make a concentration check
(DC15) or loses any spells she attempts to cast. Using a
full-round action to make a strength check or Escape
Artist (DC20) frees the PC. Any PC entering the 10’ grassy
perimeter around the tree automatically alerts the Dryad
If the PCs were off target, the insects attack them. If
the PCs were successful with their shots into the pit, the
Jeekers do not deviate from their course and head
straight into the Greeba’s hole.
Entering the pit clearing at this time gives a 10%
chance of inhaling the air containing wayward Rage (see
above for effects).
Assuming all goes to plan (a major assumption); the
PCs can watch the battle unfold between the giant crea-
tures. Taking potshots down into the pit at the trapped
Jeekers is allowed though hardly sporting!
Emerging as, if from nowhere, is a beautiful woman.
Her elf-like features are flushed in the autumnal air
and her leafy gown is red and brilliant.
Greeba HD 4d8; 18 hp; Initiative +3 (Dex), speed 30ft, AC
14 (-1 size, +1 Dex), Attacks bite+4 melee, Damage bite
1d6 and sticky tongue, Face/reach 5’ by 5’ by 5’, Special;
sticky tongue (Improved grab, constrict) Escape
artist/strength DC15 initial damage 1d4, secondary damage
squeeze 1d4, saves fort+4,ref+2,will +3, Abilities Str
11, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 1, Wis 14, Cha 4, Skills and feats,
hide +5, listen +5, spot +5, CR 2 AL neutral.
Soaking it in Rage has enhanced Loxi’s gown. Keeping
a readily available supply of this marvelous dye without
polluting the atmosphere requires the storage methods of
genius. By persuading the Jeekers to inject the Rage into
her tree, the Oak’s sap acts as a solvent, thus allowing
her to ‘bleed’ the tree at any time, without harming it.
Loxi is quite mad. Her once chaotic good alignment
has now been hijacked by insanity (as described by the
7th-level enchantment spell) that may only be cured by
the following spells: greater restoration, limited wish,
miracle or wish. She is tragically unaware that her quest
for fashion sense has decimated the entire community of
Sprites! If approached, she does not see reason and
attempts to charm the most powerful member of the
group (she may use this ability three times per day as a
4th level sorcerer. The target must succeed a Will saving
throw (DC15) or be charmed for 4 hours).
The role of Fash in all this is simple. He aids the PCs
whenever they require it although he will not do any-
thing intrinsically evil or cruel. Fash always tries to
confuse the Jeekers if they attack him, and then flees to
the boughs of the nearest tree.
Make sure Fash does not get killed in these initial
If Fash is asked by the PCs as to the whereabouts of
the Dryad and her lair then the little Sprite laughs and
says ”It’s easy, find the red tree!”
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