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Legion Publishing - Critical Hits
Volume 8 No 4 - EL 8
L E G 1 0 3 2
Greetings traveler and welcome to Critical Hits – a
series of electronic publications from Legion Publishing.
Each Critical Hit is a complete encounter that can be
dropped into any fantasy campaign with very little prepa-
ration needed by the DM. The encounters are little gems
of ideas built around a single situation, person, location,
creature or object that the players stumble across in their
travels. Each Critical Hit provides all the DM needs to use
the encounter. Whether used as a disposable diversion or
the springboard for adventure, Critical Hits give the over-
worked DM a break and the players some memorable
encounters that encourage creative role-playing.
V o l u m e 8 N o 4 - E n c o u n t e r L e v e l 8
Published by
In War in Midwinter, the characters find themselves
embroiled in the climactic part of the struggle for the future of
the remote town of Midwinter. The party find themselves forced
to marshal the town’s scanty defenses against an almost over-
whelming force of bandits, who lust after the town’s riches.
If the party have played through the first part of the
story (Critical Hit #31 – Fear in Midwinter), there is
little required for the set-up of the adventure, otherwise
you will need to establish how the characters arrive at
the little town high in the snowy mountains. However
they find themselves in Midwinter, the weather in the
mountain town has closed in and the party, temporarily
fulfilling the duties of the sheriff is trapped in the town
until the weather clears and the sheriff and militia
return. The first part of the story saw the party appre-
hend four villainous spell casters who hoped to take
advantage of the wealthy townsfolk by masquerading as
fortunetellers and plaguing the town with their devilry.
Any of these miscreants still alive should be languishing in
the town jail (see map below). However, players being
what they are, it is quite possible that they slaughtered
the Red Talons in a bloody showdown in the gang’s cave
outside the town limits. If this is the case (or if you have
not played the first part of the story), the party has a
tough time ahead of them with none but the townsfolk to
aid in the defense of the isolated settlement. Perhaps
this harsh lesson will teach them to be merciful in
future… perhaps not! Text inside a border should be
read aloud to the players (unless you have modified the
setting, in which case you’re on your own!).
First Published December 2003
C R E D I T S &
Written by
Simon Lucas
Simon Lucas
Illustrations & Maps
Robin Elliott
Kirsty Crabb
Graphic design by Wildstar Digital Arts
Contact - info@wildstardigitalarts.co.uk
Author courtesy of Snake Eyes Studio
Contact - info@snakeeyesstudio.co.uk
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The characters are enjoying their status as the saviors
of the town and being treated as the heroes they no doubt
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Legion Publishing - Critical Hits
Volume 8 No 4 - EL 8
are. Things are thrown into crisis one morning when they
are awakened early by desperate voices at their door.
were put to the sword in the short but brutal assault.
The caravan was no match for the determination of the
brigands. They did not kill all at once, however. Some
were spared and taken to the bandit encampment,
where they suffered greatly at the hands of their
captors. The bandits tortured and questioned their
hapless captives for many days, learning all they could
about the caravans and the cargo they carried. Recalling
the brutality he suffered before his escape was too much
for the poor soul and he succumbed to his injuries before
we could discover the whereabouts of the camp.
Sudden pounding at your door drags you from your
peaceful sleep. The fire has died to embers in the
hearth, the sticky long-burning resin with which the
Midwinter townsfolk baste their logs has burnt away
and the cold morning air has chilled the room leaving
you reluctant to emerge from beneath the heavy furs
and blankets. Urgent voices from without leave you
with little option, however. “Come quickly sirs, there
is word of the militia. You must wake and come at
once, a survivor is here!” Thoughts of a long sleep ban-
ished from your head, you prepare to face the bright
white landscape and new trouble that you sense awaits
in the bitter cold.
“We continued for almost a week and found further
evidence of the cruel raiders. Several abandoned sites
confirmed to us that they moved camp regularly to
avoid discovery. We found many burned and looted
homesteads and the devastation they left hardened
our resolve to hunt them to their deaths. But it was we
who were hunted. We did not know it but the bandits
dogged our tracks ad sprung an ambush one night,
stealing from us many of our supplies and taking the
two guards prisoner. Throughout the night, we heard
their screams, but we could not find them in the dark-
ness. When morning came, we discovered the corpses. I
cannot relate what had been done to them.
Outside, many townsfolk have gathered on the edge of
the town square, beyond the many stalls of the market-
place and the throng is eagerly busying around a prone
As you approach the crowd parts allowing you to pass,
so you can make your way to the middle. At the center
of the mass of people, lying on a heap of furs and
badly wounded is a young man with a thick beard, his
face lined with weariness and pain.
“We turned to our task with renewed determination
and pursued the scum single-mindedly for the next two
days, gaining ground on our quarry. Then it became
apparent where the evil band were heading. They had
turned toward Midwinter. They must have learned of
the value of the starwood and the wealth of the town;
our homes and families were under threat. We had one
hope to cut off the enemy’s path. Knowing the reputa-
tion of the forest of Remin, the bandits skirted it to
the north. The sheriff chose to brave the forest,
getting ahead of the evil horde and blocking their
route east. Well-founded is that place’s evil reputa-
tion, for our time in the dark groves of Remin haunts
me still and I would never venture into that place
again. Our numbers were depleted in that evil forest
so that, as we emerged we were poorly prepared to
meet our foe. Four others and I were sent to warn the
town, that some defense may be marshaled. I stole a
last glance at the militia as I left. The sheriff stood at
the fore, silhouetted against the darkening sky, and
stirring the men with a rousing speech. They stood in
good order preparing to meet the bandits as I lost
sight of them. The sound of battle reached me soon
after and I hurried on my way. We messengers split up,
traveling by different paths in the hope that one may
succeed. I know now that I am the first and so I dis-
charge my duty. The bandits are coming! Make ready
the defense of the town.”
The man is Bartein Ramloc, a sergeant in the town
militia and one of the few survivors of the party that set
out from Midwinter all that time ago. Though badly
wounded, he is alive and, with care, will live. He can
recount the tragedy that befell the party and the sheriff
who led it.
As soon as he is aware that the PCs are in charge,
Bartein demands to speak to them. His tale is lengthy and
every now and then, he is overcome with pain or fatigue
and lapses into gasping. Read the tale aloud (or hand it
to one of the players and have them read it to the rest of
the group).
“Barely three days from here we came across the
remains of one of our caravans. Two survivors left for
dead, lost and dying of the cold. We were unable to do
anything for them, but to make their passing less bitter.
Before the end, one told us what had happened. The
caravan was ambushed between the Tura pass and the
ford at Benriven. The attack was well planned and coor-
dinated with magic, archers and fearsome beasts killing
many of the guards before the bandits attacked in con-
solidated force. They fell upon the wagons and many
© 2003 Legion Publishing
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Legion Publishing - Critical Hits
Volume 8 No 4 - EL 8
In their original attack the bandits were surprised to
find the caravan so laden with riches and tortured the
survivors brutally to discover what it had been carrying
and where it was bound. Learning that the wealthy town
routinely had large sums of gold stored in the guild house,
the bandits resolved to pay the place a visit. When they
came across the militia unit and took prisoners the fiends
were delighted when, under the agony of torture, the
captives revealed the militia band were from Midwinter
and constituted the only real military in the place.
the year, the town is all but cut off. Rules for the
extreme inclement weather are presented at the end of
this encounter. Despite its remoteness and modest size,
the little town is very prosperous, standing as it does on
the edge of one of the great starwood forests. This
extremely hard wood is prized as a building material and
the beautiful glittering speckled pattern of the grain
that gives the timber its name. As a result, starwood is
the material of choice for hardwearing decorative furni-
ture and commands a high price. The fact that it only
grows high in the snowy uplands makes it an even rarer
commodity and so a more expensive luxury.
When the sheriff cut off their path to Midwinter, he
felt the full savagery of the bandit raiders’ attack. His
brave stand bought time enough for the messengers to
reach the town, but he and those brave souls that stood
with him were all killed. Those that turned and fled were,
for the most part overtaken and killed by the advancing
bandits. Now, their heads full of greedy visions of a
defenseless town heaving with gold, the war band
marches on Midwinter, intent on laying waste to the town
and pillaging its finery.
The town is trading and logging outpost and is not
built for defense. The wall encircling the town is little
over three feet high and is built to prevent snowdrifts
sweeping through the town rather than to keep out
intruders. In addition, there are no gates for the
1 – Market Square
The large market square is normally the bustling
heart of the town but, with the recent news of approach-
ing disaster spreading like wildfire through Midwinter,
the frightened townsfolk have closed the stalls and
packed up their wares, retreating to their homes to wait
for instructions from the PCs or impending disaster.
Later that same day, the party receives further news
as, one after another, five survivors from the militia
struggle in from the cold. All are suffering badly from
their wounds and exposure to the elements and all are
near death. They can add a little to the party’s under-
standing of events and the danger the town faces.
2 – The Twisted Gable
The most sumptuous inn in the town is the Gable, a
well-furnished inn, where the PCs are likely to be
staying. The clientele at the Gable tend to be traders and
merchants rather than loggers. The rougher patrons tend
to frequent the Buckled Strumpet (location 7), where the
atmosphere is somewhat more colorful.
“They weren’t all human, the bandits. Some half-orcs
and the leader – a brute, half-orc, maybe orc. They
had magic and archers to soften us up first then great
dogs, or wolves – or some hideous half-breed of the
two attacked our flanks at nightfall. They hit and
then melted away. After two or three hours of this,
sorcery began and we were hit by a great and over-
whelming dread. The sheriff held firm and we rallied
to him. When the attack started it was nearing dawn
and we fought bitterly as the red sunrise presaged the
blood that was to be spilt. The heat of the battle
thawed the snow, and rivers of red streamed from the
battlefield. As the day fully broke, so did our nerve
and many of us fled. I am ashamed to say that I was
one of the first to flee. The sheriff tried valiantly to
avert the rout, but the enemy was too strong and my
fear too great. I left that brave man on the field of
battle and my honor with him.” He bows his head and
sobs wrack his frail, wounded body.
3 – Loggers’ Guild
This grand tall building is one of the few structures in
town to feature an upper floor, the whole of which is
given over to a grand function room. The lower floor com-
prises offices and the strongroom, in which the immense
wealth of the town is stored. It is this building that the
bandits are intent on reaching and they know much about
the layout of the town, the whereabouts of this building,
and even details of the strongroom. This information was
extracted with nauseating violence from the captive mer-
chants and militia the bandits tortured.
4 – Midwinter Jail
The weather in Midwinter fluctuates from cold and
snowy to freezing and icy, meaning that, at some times of
The only stone building in Midwinter, the jail is a
sturdy place to make the headquarters for marshaling the
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Legion Publishing - Critical Hits
Volume 8 No 4 - EL 8
defense of the town. Unless the Red Talons are incarcer-
ated here, the jail has little practical value except as a
last retreat for the PCs if things go wrong.
This may be better than nothing, however as the townsfolk
themselves do not carry weapons and the best they can
muster is a motley assortment of farm implements, which
are treated as shortspears for the purposes of this battle.
5 – Peter Black – Smithy
6 – Temple of Haloon
The smithy is the industrial center of the town and
Peter Black the burly smith keeps the forges raging to
produce the rudimentary weapons the players may
request. He is no weaponsmith, however, and any weapons
he crafts at short notice suffer a –2 the their attack rolls.
The temple, like most of the buildings in the town is a
simple low wooden building and is dedicated to the worship
of the nature spirit Haloon. Allias Franburn is the senior
priest in the temple, which, as with most rural communities
© 2003 Legion Publishing
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