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SAS 9.1 SQL Procedure: User's Guide
SAS ® 9.1 SQL Procedure
User’s Guide
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The correct bibliographic citation for this manual is as follows: SAS Institute Inc., 2004.
SAS ® 9.1 SQL Procedure User’s Guide . Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc.
SAS ® 9.1 SQL Procedure User’s Guide
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA.
ISBN 1-59047-334-5
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1st printing, January 2004
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Chapter 1 Introduction to the SQL Procedure 1
What Is SQL? 1
What Is the SQL Procedure? 1
Terminology 2
Comparing PROC SQL with the SAS DATA Step 3
Notes about the Example Tables 4
Chapter 2 Retrieving Data from a Single Table 11
Overview of the SELECT Statement 12
Selecting Columns in a Table 14
Creating New Columns 18
Sorting Data 25
Retrieving Rows That Satisfy a Condition 30
Summarizing Data 39
Grouping Data 45
Filtering Grouped Data 50
Validating a Query 52
Chapter 3 Retrieving Data from Multiple Tables 55
Introduction 56
Selecting Data from More Than One Table by Using Joins 56
Using Subqueries to Select Data 74
When to Use Joins and Subqueries 80
Combining Queries with Set Operators 81
Chapter 4 Creating and Updating Tables and Views 89
Introduction 90
Creating Tables 90
Inserting Rows into Tables 93
Updating Data Values in a Table 96
Deleting Rows 98
Altering Columns 99
Creating an Index 102
Deleting a Table 103
Using SQL Procedure Tables in SAS Software 103
Creating and Using Integrity Constraints in a Table 103
Creating and Using PROC SQL Views 105
Chapter 5 Programming with the SQL Procedure 111
Introduction 111
Using PROC SQL Options to Create and Debug Queries 112
Improving Query Performance 115
Accessing SAS System Information Using DICTIONARY Tables 117
Using PROC SQL with the SAS Macro Facility 120
Formatting PROC SQL Output Using the REPORT Procedure 127
Accessing a DBMS with SAS/ACCESS Software 128
Using the Output Delivery System (ODS) with PROC SQL 132
Chapter 6 Practical Problem-Solving with PROC SQL 133
Overview 134
Computing a Weighted Average 134
Comparing Tables 136
Overlaying Missing Data Values 138
Computing Percentages within Subtotals 140
Counting Duplicate Rows in a Table 141
Expanding Hierarchical Data in a Table 143
Summarizing Data in Multiple Columns 144
Creating a Summary Report 146
Creating a Customized Sort Order 148
Conditionally Updating a Table 150
Updating a Table with Values from Another Table 153
Creating and Using Macro Variables 154
Using PROC SQL Tables in Other SAS Procedures 157
Appendix 1 Recommended Reading 161
Recommended Reading 161
Glossary 163
Index 167
Introduction to the SQL
What Is SQL? 1
What Is the SQL Procedure? 1
Terminology 2
Tables 2
Queries 2
Views 2
Null Values 3
Comparing PROC SQL with the SAS DATA Step 3
Notes about the Example Tables 4
What Is SQL?
Structured Query Language (SQL) is a standardized, widely used language that
retrieves and updates data in relational tables and databases.
A relation is a mathematical concept that is similar to the mathematical concept of a
set. Relations are represented physically as two-dimensional tables that are arranged
in rows and columns. Relational theory was developed by E. F. Codd, an IBM
researcher, and rst implemented at IBM in a prototype called System R. This
prototype evolved into commercial IBM products based on SQL. The Structured Query
Language is now in the public domain and is part of many vendors’ products.
What Is the SQL Procedure?
The SQL procedure is SAS’ implementation of Structured Query Language. PROC
SQL is part of Base SAS software, and you can use it with any SAS data set (table).
Often, PROC SQL can be an alternative to other SAS procedures or the DATA step. You
can use SAS language elements such as global statements, data set options, functions,
informats, and formats with PROC SQL just as you can with other SAS procedures.
generate reports
generate summary statistics
retrieve data from tables or views
combine data from tables or views
create tables, views, and indexes
update the data values in PROC SQL tables
update and retrieve data from database management system (DBMS) tables
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