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The Whispers of Death Companion
The Whispers of
Craft (Poison) Difficulty and
Raw Material Cost
Death Companion
Craft DC
Raw Cost
Small centipede poison
30 gp
Greenblood oil
33 gp
Welcome to the Whispers of Death Companion. This
product is designed to supplement Whispers of Death: A
Sourcebook for Assassin Characters. If you do not own
this book, a lot of the content in this supplement will be of
no use. Please go to www.sunderedblade.com to get your
copy of Whispers of Death.
This supplement contains a few things that were
left out of Whispers of Death, particularly new rules for
poisons. This supplement also contains an example
assassin encounter as well as a variant on the rules to
compensating assassin characters for jobs.
Medium -size spider venom
50 gp
33 gp
Purple worm poison
233 gp
Large scorpion venom
66 gp
Wyvern poison
1,000 gp
Blue whinnies
40 gp
Giant wasp poison
70 gp
Shadow essence
83 gp
Black adder venom
40 gp
600 gp
Malyss root paste
166 gp
216 gp
New Poison Rules
Dragon bile
500 gp
Sassone leaf residue
100 gp
Terinav root
250 gp
Carrion crawler brain juice
66 gp
Black lotus extract
833 gp
The following section is devoted to new rules for poisons.
You will find a variant use of the Craft skill for making
poisons, as well as the DCs for all poisons from the DMG,
new feats for poison use and crafting, and some magical
Oil of taggit
30 gp
Id moss
41 gp
Striped toadstool
60 gp
40 gp
Lich dust
83 gp
Dark reaver powder
100 gp
Craft (Poison) Skill
Ungol dust
333 gp
Burnt othur fumes
700 gp
Insanity mist
500 gp
You are trained in the craft of making poison.
Check: You must roll a Craft (Poison) check to
refine raw poison material into a usable poison. Refining
poison requires a Poison Making Kit, which has a cost of
25gp, and is illegal. Without this kit, all Craft (Poison)
checks are made at a –2 to the roll. Masterwork Poison
Making Kits exist, and cost 170gp, and add a +2 to all
Craft (Poison) checks.
Refining poison costs one third of the poison’s
cost in raw materials. You may reduce this cost by ½ if
you possess the unrefined components of the poison (such
as poison from a scorpion’s tail).
Follow all other rules for the Craft skill in the
Player’s Handbook.
Benefit: You may prepare a poison to be
delivered differently. You could, therefore, prepare a
Contact poison to be used as Injury poison. Doing so
requires raw materials equal to one tenth of the base price
for the poison, and a successful Craft (Poison) check equal
to half the DC for making the poison. This process takes
one hour per dose of poison.
Special: When crafting new poison, you can
create it using any delivery method at no additional cost.
Craft Empowered Poison (General)
You can craft poison that cause greater effects.
Prerequisite: Craft (Poison) 10 ranks, Craft
Improved Poison.
Benefit: You can create poison that has its effects
increased by one-half. Multiply any numeric effects (such
as ability damage) by 1.5 when dealing the effect of this
poison. Creating such poison costs raw materials equal to
double the price of standard poison.
Poison-Related Feats
Alternate Delivery Method (General)
You can deliver poisons with different delivery methods.
Prerequisites: The ability to apply poison to a
weapon without accidentally poisoning yourself, such as
the Assassin’s poison use ability, Craft (Poison) 10 ranks.
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The Whispers of Death Companion
Broken Might: The broken might poison is
designed to inflict massive damage to the target’s strength
score. Broken might is purple worm poison with an
enchantment of ray of enfeeblement cast upon it. When the
target is injured by broken might, he must make a
Fortitude save as normal for the purple work poison (DC
24). Immediately afterward, whether the save is
successful or not, the target must make another Fortitude
save to resist the ray of enfeeblement effect. The standard
DC for this extra Fortitude save is 11 and the effect lasts
for 6 minutes. ( Note: The DC for magical poisons may be
different depending on the creator. All DCs for magical
effects are the lowest possible to cast the spell.)
Caster Level: 6 th ; Prerequisites: Craft Magical
Poison, ray of enfeeblement ; Market Price: 1,000gp.
Cloud of Shattered Faith: Kept in a jar, the cloud
of shattered faith is a misty poison that must be inhaled by
its target. It is insanity mist poison enchanted with bestow
curse . Upon inhaling the mist, the target must first make
the standard poison initial Fortitude saving throw for
insanity mist (DC 15). Whether or not this save is
successful, the target must also make a Will save to resist
the effect of the bestow curse spell. The standard DC for
this Will save is 16, and the curse effectively lowers the
target’s wisdom by 6 points to a minimum of 1. ( Note:
The DC for magical poisons may be different depending
on the creator. All DCs for magical effects are the lowest
possible to cast the spell.)
Caster Level: 10 th ; Prerequisites: Craft Magical
Poison, bestow curse ; Market Price: 3,500gp.
Mage-Bane: This magically enchanted id moss is
enchanted with a feeblemind spell. When ingested, the
target must first make a Fortitude save to resist the initial
effect of the id moss (DC 14). Whether this save is made
or not, the target must also make a Will save to resist the
effects of the feeblemind spell. The standard DC for this
save is 17, and anyone ingested with Mage-Bane that is an
arcane spell caster suffers a –4 penalty to the Will save.
( Note: The DC for magical poisons may be different
depending on the creator. All DCs for magical effects are
the lowest possible to cast the spell.)
Caster Level: 12 th ; Prerequisites: Craft Magical
Poison, feeblemind ; Market Price: 3,125gp.
Repulsive Charm: This ungol dust poison is
enchanted with a bestow curse spell. Upon inhalation, the
target must first make the initial Fortitude saving throw
for the poison (DC 15). Whether this save is successful or
not, the target must immediately make a Will save to resist
the effects of the bestow curse spell. The standard DC for
this save is 16, and the curse effectively lowers the target’s
charisma by 6 points to a minimum of 1. ( Note: The DC
for magical poisons may be different depending on the
creator. All DCs for magical effects are the lowest possible
to cast the spell.)
Caster Level: 10 th ; Prerequisites: Craft Magical
Poison, bestow curse ; Market Price: 3,000gp.
Craft Improved Poison (General)
You can craft poison that is harder to resist.
Prerequisite: Craft (Poison) 8 ranks.
Benefit: You can create poison that has a higher
DC to resist. Add 2 to the DC of any poison created using
this feat. Improved poison requires raw materials
equaling 1.5 times the price of standard poison.
Craft Magical Poison (Item Creation)
You can imbue poison with magical effects.
Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 5 th +
Benefit: The character can create any magical
poison whose prerequisites the character meets. Crafting a
magical poison takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in its base
price. To craft a magical poison, the character must spend
1/25 of its base price in XP and use up raw materials
costing half of its base price.
Some magical poisons incur extra costs in
material components or XP as noted in their descriptions.
These costs are in addition to those derived from the
magical poison’s base price.
Craft Maximized Poison (General)
You can craft poison that delivers maximum effects.
Prerequisite: Craft (Poison) 12 ranks, Craft
Improve Poison.
Benefit: You can create poison that has all
variable, numeric effects of maximized. Maximized
poison deals the maximum amount of possible ability
damage. Creating maximized poison requires raw
materials equaling 3 times the price of standard poison.
Craft Quickened Poison (General)
You can craft poison that deals its secondary damage
Prerequisite: Craft (Poison) 15 ranks, Craft
Improved Poison.
Benefit: You can create poison that has its
secondary damage take effect one round after the initial
damage. Quickened poison requires raw materials
equaling 4 times the price of standard poison.
Normal: Poison deals its secondary damage one
minute after its initial damage.
Magical Poisons
The following poisons are standard poisons that have
been enchanted with magic. In addition to the standard
save for the poison, the poisoned character must also roll a
save to resist the effects of the spell. Unless otherwise
noted, the spell effect occurs after the initial effect of the
The Whispers of Death Companion
Sever Shadow: This giant wasp poison is
enchanted with a bestow curse spell. Upon injury, the
target must first make the initial Fortitude saving throw
for the poison (DC 18). Whether or not this save is
successful, the target must immediately make a Will save
to resist the effects of the bestow curse spell. The standard
DC for this Will save is 16, and the curse severs the
target’s connection with the shadow world. Until the
curse is removed, the target suffers a –6 to all Hide and
Move Silently skill checks. ( Note: The DC for magical
poisons may be different depending on the creator. All
DCs for magical effects are the lowest possible to cast the
With this situation, the assassin is getting paid depending
on the difficulty of the task, not just his skill alone.
The following encounter is designed as an example of the
material presented in Whispers of Death , but also serves as
a tough battle for an unprepared party of adventurers.
Fitting this encounter into any adventure is easy. It takes
place alongside any road in your campaign, and you can
easily work it into an adventure that the main villain has
hired these shadowblades to remove of the adventurers.
This encounter involves two assassins from the
Order of the Shadowblade. One assassin, Sarren, is an
elite assassin who is prepared to take on any task.
Krennar, Sarren’s assistant, is here to sneak attack the
adventurers from the nearby forest.
This encounter is designed for characters of
levels 10-12. You could increase the difficulty by adding
another sniper in the forest to back up Sarren’s tactical
assault, or remove the sniper altogether to lessen the
difficulty. Another way to scale the difficulty of this
encounter is to give the assassins access to poison.
Caster Level: 10 th ; Prerequisites: Craft Magical
Poison, bestow curse ; Market Price: 3,000gp.
The Compensation table in Whispers of Death is very
similar to the table for awarding experience. As the
assassin attains higher level, he gets paid less for lower CR
kills, while a lower level assassin would get paid more for
the same kill. This can be a little strange depending on the
case. To make up for the strangeness, consider the
following alternate table for compensating your assassin
This table is designed with the freelance assassin
in mind. He would charge more as he goes up in level,
even if it is a lower CR assassination. The original table
from Whispers of De ath is good for compensating the
career assassin, who gets paid directly from his guild.
Area 1: The Campfire
Depending on how you want the PCs to encounter the
assassins, you can have them come across the campfire
during a journey, or it can be the party’s resting place.
Regardless of the situation, the campfire is the area that
the PCs are going to encounter Sarren, and the place that
all the action is going to happen.
If you choose to have the PCs come across the
campfire during a journey, Sarren will begin his attack
once the party has reached the crossroads and perhaps
Compensation for Assassin Characters (In GP)
CR 1-2
CR 3-4
CR 5-6
CR 7-8
CR 9-10
CR 11-12
CR 13-14 CR 15-16 CR 17-18
CR 19-20
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The Whispers of Death Companion
stopped to rest at the campsite.
If you choose to have the campfire be the resting
place of the PCs, Sarren will most likely make his attack at
night. This situation also serves as a method of increasing
the difficulty. Not only are the PCs surprised, but also
they are also completely unprepared to engage in combat.
In this situation, Sarren will instead attack whoever is on
watch first.
Sarren’s combat tactics are detailed below, and
Krennar will follow Sarren’s lead at all times.
Area 2: The Forest
Whichever way Sarren decides to attack the PCs, Krennar
has his bow ready up in the nearby trees. Krennar should
get sneak attacks every round until someone has located
him, though you may wish to award Krennar a bonus to
his Hide check due to the immense amount of time he has
had to prepare.
Sarren, Shadowblade
Sarren is an experienced assassin, and will use any tactics
necessary to complete his tasks. When dealing with larger
groups of adventurers, Sarren will remove of the largest
threats first. He will utilize his magical abilities before
moving in to attack with a weapon.
The PC spell caster is likely to be Sarren’s first
target. Sarren will use his blindness/deafness spell to
attempt to disrupt the caster’s spells. The next threat to
Sarren is any fighters, paladins, or rangers in the party.
He will pick out which one he feels to the most powerful,
and utilize his hold person spell to keep that PC out of the
action. Sarren’s last priority is a PC rogue or assassin, as
his uncanny dodge ability negates the PC’s sneak attacks.
Sarren’s last spell will be black edge , which will give his
longsword the edge it needs to slice through the party’s
While casting these spells upon the PCs, Krennar
will be launching an attack with his bow to confuse the
party. Once the party has moved closer to the forest,
Sarren will utilize his ability to hide in plain sight and
sneak attack the next most powerful warrior in the party.
Depending on the time allotted between casting his spells
and the PCs engaging the situation, this attack may be a
death attack as well. From then on, Sarren will utilize his
ability to hide in plain sight, as well as his shadow meld
ability, to keep out of the reach of the PCs while
simultaneously whittling down their hit points.
If at any time Sarren doesn’t have control of the
battle, he will make no hesitation to escape. In this case,
Sarren is prepared with many spells, including expeditious
retreat , which is perfect for escaping monk PCs, and
darkness. He will also use his shadow meld to disappear
from existence for just enough time to slip away and leave
the PCs confused. Sarren has little regard for the life of
Krennar, and will escape even if i t means Krennar will be
killed. If Krennar is captured and held for questioning,
Class/Level : Rogue 6/Shadowblade 6
Sex/Race: Male elf
Height/Weight: 5 ft. 3 in./107 lbs.
Challenge Rating: 12
Hit Dice: 12d6+12
Hit Points: 72
Initiative: +4 (+4 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 22 (+4 Dex, +3 Int, +2 bracers, +1 ring, +1
Attacks: +14/+9 melee (Longsword +1)
Damage: 1d8+2 melee (Longsword +1)
Special Attacks: Death attack (DC 19), Shadowblade (Dex
bonus to attack), Sneak attack +6d6
Special Qualities: Evasion, hide in plain sight,
shadowblade (Int bonus to AC), shadow meld 2/day,
uncanny dodge (Dex bonus to AC ), uncanny dodge (can’t
be flanked)
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +16, Will +6
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 11, Chr 16
Skills: Disable Device +19, Hide +22, Listen +19, Move
Silent +20, Open Lock +22, Spot +19, Tumble +20
Feats: Alertness, Dodge, Mobility, Skill Focus (Hide),
Weapon Focus (Longsword)
Possessions: Amulet of natural armor +1, bracers of armor
+2, cloak of resistance +2, longsword +1, ring of protection
Shadowblade Spells Known (cast per day: 2/2/2):
1 st Expeditious retreat, hold portal.
2 nd Blindness/deafness, darkness, invisibility.
3 rd Black edge, hold person, invisibility sphere.
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The Whispers of Death Companion
Sarren will enlist the aid of other shadowblades to either
assassinate Krennar before he can slip any information, or
to finish off the PCs.
Krennar, Sniper
The Whispers of Death
By Steven Gilman
Class/Level : Rogue 7/Sniper 3
Sex/Race: Male elf
Height/Weight: 5 ft./ 96 lbs.
Challenge Rating: 70
Hit Dice: 10d6+10
Hit Points: 47
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 13 (+3 Dex)
Attacks: +8/+3 melee (shortsword) and +11/+6 ranged
(longbow +1)
Damage: 1d6+1 melee (shortsword) and 1d8+1 (longbow
Special Attacks: Death attack (DC 15), ranged death
attack 10’, ranged sneak attack 45’, sneak attack +6d6
Special Qualities: Evasion, uncanny dodge (Dex bonus to
AC), uncanny dodge (can’t be flanked)
Alignment: Neutral evil
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +11, Will +3
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 10, Chr 8
Skills: Disable Device +17, Hide +16, Listen +15, Move
Silent +16, Open Lock +18, Spot +15, Tumble +16
Feats: Far Shot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot
Possessions: Longbow +1, shortsword.
Visit us on the web at www.sunderedblade.com for
additional products and supplemental material.
Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons®
Player's Handbook, Third Edition, published by
Wizards of the Coast®.
'd20 System' and the 'd20 System' logo are Trademarks
owned by Wizards of the Coast and are used
according to the terms of the d20 System License
version 1.0. A copy of this License can be found at
www.wizards.com. Dungeons & Dragons(R) and
Wizards of the Coast(R) are Registered Trademarks of
Wizards of the Coast, and are used with Permission.
All content is Copyright © 2002 Sundered Blade
Games and Steven S. Gilman. All rights reserved.
Sundered Blade Games, the Sundered Blade Games
logo, Whispers of Death, and Legends of Chaos are
trademarks owned by Sundered Blade Games and
Steven S. Gilman. All rights reserved. Reference to
any company or product is not a challenge to the
trademark or copyright concerned.
Krennar is Sarren’s assistant. Despite his high level, he is
an initiate in the Order of the Shadowblade, and once
worked on his own as a sniper. Krennar is nowhere near
being a natural leader, and has resorted to following
orders from Sarren in order to get money.
Krennar is hidden in a nearby tree. Due to the
amount of time Krennar has had to prepare his hiding
place, you should give him a +5 bonus to his Hide check
and/or allow him to take a 20 on his Hide check.
Krennar will begin his first attack whenever
Sarren begins to cast spells on the PCs. This first attack is
either a ranged sneak attack, ranged death attack, or
standard attacks depending on how far away the PCs are.
Krennar will continue to make ranged attacks on
the party until he is found. Krennar will then attempt to
relocate himself to another area, or defend himself if any
PC gets close enough to attack. Krennar will not attempt
to escape unless Sarren gives him the order to do so.
This edition of the Whispers of Death Companion is
designed under version 1.0a of the Open Game
License, the d20 System Trademark Logo guide, and
the System Reference Document. Please see the
license at the end of this book as well as the Open
Game Content and Product Identity Guide. The
original purchaser may print this material for personal
use only.
This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to
real people, organizations, events, or places is purely
If you do not have a copy of Whispers of Death: A
Sourcebook for Assassin Characters, you should go to
www.sunderedblade.com to get yourself a copy.
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