d20 Troll Lord Games Hall of Many Panes.pdf

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(For six D20 player characters of levels 8+)
Gary Gygax
Jon Creffield
Designed for use with the D20 or
Lejendary Adventure Role-Playing Game systems.
© 2005 Trigee Enterprises Company. All rights reserved.
Cover Art: Rick Sardinha
Interior Art: Peter Bradley and Eric Wilson
Cartography: Jason Walton
Layout & Design: D ARLENE
Published by:
Post Office Box 251171 • Little Rock, AR 72225
This book is published and distributed by Troll Lord Games, LLC, and this edition is ©2005 Troll Lord Games, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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Troll Lord Games and the Troll Lord Games logo are Trademarks of Troll Lord Games, LL.C. All Rights Reserved.
Lejendary Adventure, the Lejendary Adventure logo, and The Hall of Many Panes are Trademarks of Trigee Enterprises Company. All Rights Reserved.
Players Handbook, Dungeons and Dragons and Wizards of the Coast are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the United States and other countries
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This book is published under the Open Game License version 1.0a, the d20 System Trademark
License version 6.0, and the d20 System Guide version 5.0 by permission of Wizards of the Coast.
Open Game Content herein originates from the revised SRD v 3.5, and is used by permission from
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Designation of Open Game Content: The following material is hereby desginated as Open
Game Content and may be used pursuant to the terms of the Open Game License: all creature,
character, item, spell, town, diety and trap “stat blocks,” including the stat blocks of such creatures,
characters, items, spells, towns, deities and traps original to this adventure module, except for the
names of the above which are specifically designated as Product Identity below; as well as all
attribute, skill, feat, spell, creature, item, trap and deity names, except for those specifically
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Designation of Product Identity: Product Identity is not Open Game Content. The following is
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personalities, teams, personas, likenesses, skills, feats, items, deities, and special abilities other
than those originating in the d20 System Reference Document, as well as places, locations,
settings, and environments and their descriptions and other accompanying text, though not their
stat blocks; (8) All contents and material appearing under the heading Appendix A: Glossary of
Lejendary Earth as located on pages 245-247, Appendix E: New Monsters for the LA Game,
Appendix F: New Castings for the LA Game, Appendix G: New Extraordinary Items for the LA
Game, Appendix H: Using this module with the Erde campaign and Appendix I: New Deities of
Lejendary Earth appearing on pages 258-264.
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of
the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.
1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have
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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice
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6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this
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11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using
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12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License
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13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms
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14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision
shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich
Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original
material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
The Hall of Many Panes Copyright 2004, Trigee Enterprises Company; Author E. Gary Gygax.
The Slayers Guide to Undead, Copyright Mongoose Publishing, 2003; Author E. Gary
Gygax and Jon Creffield
First Printing February, 2005. Printed in the United States of America. ISBN 1-931275-33-5.
To The Troll Lord,
for without him,
none of this would
have been possible...
Very Special Thanks Must Be Given To
for his steadfast and thorough work in reviewing and commenting
upon the D20 material herein. His suggestions have been invaluable and
his sharp eyes have corrected many errors that might otherwise have
marred the reader’s enjoyment of this module. Craig worked extremely
hard and we have no hesitation in recommending his services to any
D20 publisher desirous of an error free and rules compliant publication.
Likewise We Extend Our Thanks To
for proofreading the manuscript and clarifying many LA terms that
might otherwise have baffled D20 Game Masters.
As with Craig Peters, John’s knowledge of the D20 system has been
invaluable to the successful completion of this project.
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PLAYED BEFORE BECOMING INVOLVED IN THIS SAGA . All participants listed in alphabetical order.
murder. The Dwarf and his family knew that he was innocent of such a horrid
accusation. Because a person is guilty until proven innocent under the laws of the
Principality of Oleniss, Orkrist was unable to provide enough proof of his alleged
wrongdoings.The Dwarf had his parents as an alibis, but this was not acceptable
to the judges. As punishment, Orkrist was exiled from his homeland. Now the
Dwarf will not rest until he seeks vengeance upon the person who set him up for
the false murder charge, thus bringing shame to him, his family and clan too.
When first exiled thus, the deity Amadan Mors appeared to Orkrist, offered him a
chance to gain renown and possibly restore his reputation by accepting an adven-
turing quest. That offer was accepted, so now the Dwarf is part of the band seek-
ing to find and free the hero bard MacGregtim.
MIKE JOHNSTON: Chahlor, the mighty Prince of the Iron Invoker clan of dwarfs.
He is a great mystical warrior, who left the Maledicted Plateau in the heart of the Banir
Wastes for a most noble quest. At the request of the academicians of Arajeray, he
has traveled far—to Ludnum, then on to Cimbernia, and from there all the way to
Varan’s North to help a great band of heroes in their hunt for the lost Daneen demigod
MacGregtim. He will need all of his prowess in battle as well as the magical arts to
help solve the mystery of what greater forces are responsible for that deity’s disap-
pearance. Chahlor is widely renowned in the Key of Sand area, and even beyond.
Repute on commencement of play in this module: 9.
DAVID PODESTA: Artimus, a swift and talented young rogue who hails from
the southern coasts of Hazgar. As the oldest son of the famed escape artist,
Magnus Ferratus, he learned his father’s art at an early age. He spent three years
in the King’s army as a soldier, where he honed his skills in combat. Once his duty
to the crown was fulfilled, Artimus traveled the continent offering his unique skills
(inanimate or otherwise), to whomever would pay. He now joins this band of
adventurers to seek fame and fortune—and wherever that may lead him...
JOHN SEIBEL: Deogolf, an Enchanter Order avatar formerly of Gothendland,
who had tired of cramped spaces, dusty tomes and scrolls, the smell of burning wax
while doing research and menial tasks for his superiors so had come to seek adven-
ture in Ludnum, decided to join a band of fine heroes to help the beautiful Lady
Rowina in the her quest for the lost demigod MacGregtim. He now wonders if this
was good idea after all…
PETER TROIA: Cephas Lengota, an Ecclesiastic Order Avatar hailing from the
island of Oaken, trusted his faith of Lodur above all else when joining the band of
heroes on their adventures. Cephas had always found solace in the paths that his
faith had steered him in. After experiencing but a few dangers down this path, he
knew he was being tested by Lodur. Cephas knew it would take all the willpower
and determination in his being to survive the dangers of “the Pipe.”
BILL WAGNER: Harold MacEwan, a member of the Rogue Order so an expert
impostor. While escaping a mob of angry villagers Harold fell into a sinkhole
leading to a hidden cave. He awoke to the pleading of a beautiful woman, “Find
my beloved MacGregtim, please.” In agreeing, he found himself joining a group of
adventuring heroes on this adventure.
KRISTY WAGNER: Rebecca, a minstrel formerly of Randsland Island, who
performed on her pan pipes all over the island, yet wanted more. So an older
gentleman told her to try to master his pipe. Now she has joined up with a band of
heroes in their search for the demigod MacGregtim. Perhaps she should have
listened to her mother after all....
BRAD BURKLOW: Tayvin MacDonough was born on a small island off the coast
of Hynall to a poor farming family. Tayvin’s future seemed quite simple, until a passing
Elementalist named Honrek the White journeyed through his village. Noticing Tayvin’s
slender build and curiosity for study, something that none of the other farmer’s sons
seemed to have, Honrek decided to take Tayvin with him to Barbacus’ School of
Elemental Education, a reputable college for aspiring Elementalists. Tayvin fit right in
when it came to studies and lectures; but, in order to graduate, the headmaster (the
ancient Barbacus himself) told him that he must first complete a journey of explora-
tion, into an unknown place, joining strange companions and complete a noble quest.
Tayvin, being young and more than a bit naive in regards the real world, accepted
these terms brashly and was sent forth into a strange dimension. Now he is lost in a
world that is full of danger and magic far beyond his wildest comprehension, battling
the odds in a constant struggle for survival he only dreams of returning successful to
Master Barbacus, proving that he has what it takes to be a true Geourge...
JEFF BURKLOW: Otto von Grunwald a huntsman of some renown for his skill with
weapons and sharp wit. Otto has wandered far from the deep wood that was his
home. Having left the forest as yeoman to his noble liege’s son, Rothgar, during
Rothgar’s adventures in countryside and the City of Ludnum, Otto has realized there
is more to life than the chasing of game and wandering dim forest trails. The game he
now seeks is wisdom and enlightenment in the course of finding and freeing the hero
bard deity MacGregtim. Years of experience shine out from behind his dark eyes
which are set in his well-tanned face framed by shoulder-length black hair. Compas-
sionate, thoughtful, and fiercely loyal to his companions, Otto wields his magical staff
swiftly and crossbow with deadly accuracy if the situation calls for weapon play. Re-
pute on commencement of play in this module: 5.
ERIC CLAPSADDLE: Vendar, a stout soldier who grew up in the hamlet of Burrflint,
which is little more than a wide spot near the intersection of two major roads. He
worked in his parents’ tavern serving customer and stabling horses. He yearned for
adventure and travel and would listen to all of the stories, no matter how outrageous,
that the travelers told when they were enjoying a mug of his father’s fine ale. When he
was 15 years old he ran away from his parents and enlisted in a free company of
mercenaries. Finding that much routine duty and little excitement was to be had in a
mercenary band, Vendar left to find more exciting employment as a soldier of fortune,
came across a strange fellow who offered him the adventure of a lifetime, and in
accepting the challenge found himself in a closed mini-cosmos with a party of would-
be heroes seeking to find and free a captive demi-god.
ALEX GYGAX: Xagnar, a roguish hero indeed, who with others gained the highest
of all renown in the Banir Wastes and atop the mysterious Maledicted Plateau therein,
also went from the Town of Arajeray at the behest of the Adepts there to serve as a
hero in the band that is aiding the Lady Rowina in discovering where the hero-bard,
now a member of the Tuatha da Danaan, might be imprisoned. Having dealt with
demons, devils, and drakes, he believes this new mission is suited to his vast capac-
ity for overcoming foes. Repute on commencement of play in this module: 10.
LUKE GYGAX: Sir Hrolfgar von Grosschweinkopfstein, a tall and powerfully built
young knight from the lands of the Teonoric Knights in Varan, hero of the many
actions in the area of the Village of Taen, and other places in the Waldgraf Siegfried’s
lands, is in the forefront of the party. Hrolfgar disdains missile weapons and will only
engage his foes in hand-to-hand combat. For these contests he prefers a large falchion
or his two-handed sword. Hrolfgar has earned much renown by defeating a savage
cephalahorn giant, countless bestials and like subterranean monsters, and the dreaded
bandits that infested the waldgraf’s lands. Sir Hrolfgar is the third son of a minor noble
and was forced to seek his own fortune in life. After cleansing the caves near Taen of
the evil beasts that lurked there; Hrolfgar is financially well off. But he is driven to find
the answer to the mystery of the magical artifacts found in the caves. To that end he is
currently assisting the Lady Rowina to rescue the bard made a demigod, MacGregtim.
Repute on commencement of play in this module: 7.
BILL JOHNSON: Orkrist was a member of the Kilkarak Castle Guard where he
spent many seasons as a regular soldier. Being a good trooper, he was asked to
join the marshal’s private bodyguard, and thereafter Orcrist spent many more sea-
sons under the scrutinizing eye of that royal officer. One day thereafter when re-
turning from leave a when he visited his aged parents, Orkrist was accused of
...and with…
BERKA “LOVIE” TAMROC, a surprisingly attractive (one of her Knacks, Sex
Appeal) Veshoge female is accompanying the team. She is a native of Apphir,
came upon the team in the city of Ludnum where she was a successful broker for
various “used” goods. She has a winning personality and friendly manner that
somehow makes Lovie a favorite with most people she meets and wishes to im-
press. She decided to accompany the heroic band when it was clear that they
needed advice in regards commerce and management of assets. Her aim (Quirk,
Humanophilia) is to become wealthy, return to her home in the Apphirian shores of
the Middle Seas with a handsome human as her husband. Repute on commence-
ment of play in this module: 1. (Gary Gygax filling in with a sort of NAC)
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