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Pulp Seeds III
Authors: Eric Baranda, Joseph Browning, Robert Hansen, Scott Moore, and Christian Read
Editors: Joseph Browning and Suzi Yee
Seed Art by Ian Armstrong
W hile exploring the Andes mountains of searching for a
fabled ruined city illed with gold and ancient scrolls the PCs, an
adventuring party of explorers, guides and other dwellers on the
edge of civilization seeking fame and fortune stumble
instead across a vast plateau, upon which clusters of
villages and crude townships. The PCs will soon
discover that these stone-age villages are inhabited
not by humans as normally understood, but by a
tribe of Neanderthal men, who on this isolated
highland plain have avoided the extinction that
befell the rest of their species. The Neanderthal
people are gentle creatures who have developed a
language that can be understood with time and effort,
and even a religion which forbids them from leaving the
plateau. Should the PCs attempt to depart they will be gently
but irmly prevented by the tribes due to their religion. Will the party
attempt to escape, and if so what proof will they take with them to
show the existence of these creatures? Will they attempt to educate
the peaceful natives, or perhaps convert them to Christianity? Or
will they decide to rise to dominance, ruling over these passive
proto-men as despots in crude but pampered luxury?
Welcome to Seeds and to this 27th product in the line by
Expeditious Retreat Press. Seeds are story ideas, plot ideas, creature
ideas, adventure hooks, anything that can grow into an
enjoyable gaming experience. Each seed is small (only a
paragraph or two at most) and each Seed product will
be small as well (only four to ive pages), but just
like their namesakes, they have great potential when
provided with the right environment.
We’re pleased to introduce Pulp Seeds III to
our line of Seeds products and are happy to announce
that we’re accepting submissions for additional pulp
seeds as well as seeds for other genres (post-apocalyptic,
horror, sci-i, and supers). Pulp III is four and a half pages
packed with adventure ideas suitable for pulp gaming. We received
this third bunch of pulp seeds through inquiry of former Seeds authors,
and we hope that you’ll be inclined to send us your seed ideas for perusal
and possible inclusion in future Seeds products. We’d love a continual
series of Seeds created by the very people who enjoy reading them the
So drop by the Expeditious Retreat website, checkout our
submission guidelines to ind out more about the process, and then
send us your seeds. Hopefully you’ll soon be reading the latest Seed
containing your successful seeds. Whew! Enough with the alliteration
already, on to the fun!
W hen the United States experimental new rocket plane is stolen
on the eve of its unveiling the PCs are brought in by the government
to retrieve it from the thieves. The PCs must irst identify the agency
behind the theft, the villainous Jing Wen crime syndicate. Once done
Joseph Browning & Suzi Yee
Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons, Third Edition Core Books, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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the PCs must iniltrate the local branch of the organization to identify the
shadowy igure in charge and discover the location of the stolen craft;
the Jing Wen’s secret fortress-monastery base set high in the mountains
of Tibet. Finally, they must ind a way into the fortress itself and bring
down the organization before the inal battle with the grand master of
the syndicate and his henchmen aboard the stolen rocket plane!
and rising star of the Nazi party the American government takes notice.
A curious team of scholars and adventurers is quickly thrown together
to locate other artifacts of a similar pattern, pieces of an indescribably
ancient suit of armor from Egypt of a design never before seen and
prevent their capture by the Nazis. The PCs must discover the import
of the armor and what will happen if all the pieces are assembled, and
prevent this from occurring by any means they can.
W hen young children go missing in the sleepy American town of
Rhodesville it’s up to their families, local law enforcement and public-
spirited citizens to band together to retrieve them. Following the trail of
clues the group of vigilantes will uncover the dark secret of the town,
built many years ago upon land hallowed by the local tribes; great wards
were set upon barrows in the region to imprison a dark spirit
known as Stalker In Silence, who can do naught but speak
dark promises into the dreams of those who take rest
above his prison. The mayor himself has succumbed
to the whispers and along with many corrupted
townsfolk has captured the children to sacriice in a
dark ritual to free the evil spirit. Can the PCs battle
their own corrupted neighbors to free their children
and keep the Stalker chained in his ancient prison?
T he eccentric multi-millionaire Nathaniel Edwards is holding the
greatest race ever seen, in which teams must circumnavigate the globe
by air, land and sea starting on foot with no more than the clothes they
stand up in in Paris and using whatever transport they can procure. The
PCs form one team, a hard-bitten crew with specialties that
should prove useful maintaining machinery, procuring
transport and communicating with the disparate peoples
they will encounter upon their way. But will they be
able to endure the hardships and challenges they will
face, particually when certain teams are willing to do
virtually anything to see that they triumph and not
the PCs.
A valuable artifact is stolen from a local museum by
professional thieves. No demands are made for the item’s return.
The item was stolen by a local crime boss who has developed a taste for
unusual art. He frequently throws large parties at his estate where some
of his more interesting pieces are typically on display. Among his many
other endeavors, the boss runs an importing and exporting company.
Rare treasures from other lands are frequently shipped in to the country
among vast collections of legitimate foreign products he imports into
the country.
A stage magician dies onstage during a performance
gone horribly wrong. At irst it seems like a simple careless accident,
but it turns out the magician had several other more lucrative and less
legal sources of income. Could his death have actually been a murder?
W hen thieves conduct a break-in at the Smithsonian the slick way in
which they evade security and disable alarms makes clear that they are
consummate professionals, which raises the question of why the only
item taken was an ancient vambrace of little value excavated at a dig in
Egypt. But soon robberies at the British Museum and a small museum
in Cairo of a breastplate and a pair of greaves of similar style and
antiquity show a pattern emerging; when one of the thieves is identiied
as Hauptmann Schnider, captain of an elite squad of the German army
W hatever happens to all the distilling equipment seized when police
raid illegal gin mills during the prohibition period? Could it be that
some bad cops are reselling the equipment along with “protection”
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from the law so that some illegal distilleries can actually continue their
production unhampered? Maybe some bad cops have even decided to
throw in together and start their own illegal operation.
the rest of the party is pretty convinced it is merely some crazy local
superstition. However, the discovery of a plane wreck from over a
decade ago hidden half-buried in the jungle loor raises some interesting
questions. No bodies were discovered in the wreckage and the vehicle’s
remains seem to have been picked clean of important components by
someone who seemed to know what they were doing.
A feral child from the heart of the Dark Continent is captured and
brought to America and displayed as an attraction by a local circus.
Unfortunately for the circus, the child escapes. Authorities are
desperately searching for the child, while the circus complains about
getting its “star attraction” back. A child who spent years surviving on
his own in the dense jungle would have no problem inding places to
hide and scavenge in a big city. Could the recent reports of a “skyscraper
phantom” be the missing child? Or is there some other mysterious
creature at work here?
D r. Xonar’s modulation ray will put the U.S. light years ahead of
their enemies when it comes to defense…or at least that’s what high-
level government oficials were thinking until Dr. Xonar mysteriously
disappeared. Could agents from that powerful Asian power be behind
his kidnapping and disappearance? His journals seem to indicate
otherwise, however, as Dr. Xonar believed he was being spied
on by…aliens??? Maybe both forces are working together?
But what could our Asian opponents be offering the
aliens to gain their cooperation?
S everal high proile thefts, including a shipment
of radium, carbonized steel, engine parts, and
experimental superconducting material, have been
the work of a ifth columnist group. The group is
secretly harboring an axis scientist who is nearing
completion of his work on a deadly robot army he
plans to release against the country.
T he evil Oriental mastermind, Lee Fu Chang, has
discovered a lost valley in the Chinese Himalayas
where ancient creatures such as dinosaurs,
Neanderthals, and Giganthropithecus (abominable
snowmen) still thrive. He is already in the process
of building an army of simple-minded followers (the
Neanderthals and snowmen) and is planning on wrecking havoc in
several major inancial centers around the world (Berlin, London, New
York, Paris, Rome) by releasing captured dinosaurs into the streets of
each city. The dinosaurs are being transported to the different countries
via huge transport ships from Fu Chang’s base in the Paciic. Fu Chang
seeks to rule the world by collapsing the economies and governments of
the world’s wealthiest nations.
A n old, retired, lawman from the Wild West makes the
character’s acquaintance and dazzles them with stories of the great
adventures he used to have on the untamed frontier. Meanwhile, another
old gunighter, one who had been a successful train robber and never
managed to get caught, contemplates coming out of retirement for one
more big, spectacular robbery.
D uring an exploration of the Dark Continent, the party’s resident big
game hunter decides to hunt down a legendary “wild man” of the jungle
as his next trophy. Having also heard the rumors of this wild, man-
like creature that lives in the trees and befriends all types of animals,
A group of ifth columnists have a plan to explode zeppelins full of
a new Nazi-engineered nerve toxin simultaneously over several major
cities across the United States and Western Europe. The toxin has a
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relatively low mortality rate, but severely limits one’s Strength and
Constitution for an extended period, making the victimized cities unable
to defend themselves against a second wave of attacks, either by air or
invading ground forces.
and mad inventor seeks the midget with all his considerable resources.
LeFevre reaches out to the heroes to help, but they cannot keep him safe
from the Robot Celestials of Wax. A desperate race against time occurs,
before Wax can pillage the ancient sanctuary of Shangri-La.
A popular urban legend about an ancient sea creature that still
hides in a local body of water (such as Loch Ness’ “Nessie” or Lake
Champlain’s “Champ”), occasionally destroying ships and preying on
sailors and swimmers, becomes frighteningly prophetic, as an increase
in the number of unexplained deaths in these waters have recently been
on the increase. In actuality, the sea monster is an axis submarine. The
purpose behind the attacks is purely to strike terror within the enemy
B ootleggers make a deal with a Chinese sorceress. She will protect
them from discovery, and arm with ancient magic weapons, actually
sonic technology, in return for their aid against rival opium gangs.
The street of the city run ablaze as this unholy alliance threatens to
destabilize the entire underworld.
A n ally is revealed as El Chameleon, the Master of Disguise!
Close to the PCs for months, El Chameleon knows their
tactics, their weaknesses, and how to use their own skills
and talents and weapons against them. A diabolical
game of cat and mouse ensues.
A travelling circus comes to town at the same time
as a rash of disappearances rock the city. The circus is
actually the hunting ground of Candomble-priest and
white-slaver, Papa Lazaris, who abducts beautiful
girls during various parts of the show. Papa has been
doing this for a long time and has connections with
some of the most dangerous men on earth.
A terrible threat to world peace is made by
Professor Elliot Farnsworth. He has invented a ray-
beam capable of destroying explosives and gunpowder
as easily as shining an electric torch. Now, the device has
fallen into the hands of communists and peaceniks, who want
to destroy all weapons forever.
T he irst ever rocket from New York to London is about to
be launched. Early test models have been successful. However, Reich
saboteurs have booby-trapped the device so that German aerospace
technology will remain successful. If their sinister plan is successful,
the rocket will explode, killing thousands. The PCs, aware of German
iniltration, must hold off a small horde of determined agents without
letting the public be aware what danger the rocket, the city, and they, are
in or risk mass panic.
W hile exploring an archaeological dig site within the desserts of
Africa, the players come across a strange room. The architecture of
the room does not appear to resemble the rest of the structure and
tests indicate that the room may even predate the dig site by hundreds
of years. Within the room are strange tombs made of an unknown
stone. The players are left with the decision to open the tombs, keep
this knowledge to themselves, or to seek help in discovering more
information regarding the strange tombs.
A treasure map tattooed on LeFevre a blind, albino midget leads to
the mythical city of Shangri-La. The terrible Doctor Wax, conqueror
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T he Helldorardo is the fastest car ever made. When it is stolen and
converted into a vehicle it for battle, audacious robberies of auction
houses, museums and galleries follow quickly. The heroes must stop
a threat impervious to modern weaponry and faster than anything on
The Tanguska Project
The 1908 Tanguska incident was not the result of an icy
comet shattering upon contact with Earth’s atmosphere as some have
suggested, but the result of an alien spacecraft which crashed to Earth.
The wreckage from the craft was quickly gathered by the Russian
government, declared Top Secret, and handed over to a team of scientists
whose purpose was to reverse engineer the secrets from the remaining
scraps of advanced technology.
When the Russian Revolution came, the research, as well as
the alien artifacts, remained in hands loyal to the Tsar. The enclave of
scientists responsible for the research being done then smuggled the
material to Europe where they could continue their research, away
from the political turmoil of Russia. What they hadn’t planned
on, however, was The Great War. In the span of a few short
years, several of the scientists had died, while others
found themselves with opposing views on who to
support in the new world order. Two of the scientists
secretly head off to England with some of their notes
and part of the original Tanguska equipment in tow,
while others present their research to the new German
Reich. England and its ally, the US, are now looking
to obtain the research and artifacts still in the possession
of the Russo-German scientiic team. As for the scientists
themselves, they must be kept out of German hands by any
means necessary. Although English and US governments would
prefer them to be captured alive, they realize this may not be possible.
As far as potential future campaign seeds based off this premise,
the US success at developing atomic weaponry by the end of World War
II is dependant on them getting access to as much Tanguska technology
as possible. In fact, shortly after the US enters World War II, the Top
Secret US Project Tanguska is oficially closed and rolled over into a
new Top Secret program: the Manhattan Project. Exactly 39 years to the
day after the Tanguska incident, a second, similar spacecraft begins to
show up on US military radar units in White Plains and Roswell, New
Mexico. Having witnessed the unmistakable energy signatures of their
own technology a few years back at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the aliens
have decided to return to Earth and seek its source.
The Drums of Madness and Suggestion
This year, the Art Society is hosting a large and unusual collection
of primitive art from around the world. Over one thousand objects from
Africa, South America, Siberia, Indonesia, and Micronesia are gathered
together for a two month long exhibit. The crowning achievement of the
collection is the large number of Yoruba talking drums.
Each drum is a masterwork of precision and
craftsmanship that can send messages in a secret language
for miles when in the hands of a skilled Yoruba
drummer called an onigangan. The Art Society has
hired such a skilled onigangan to demonstrate each
of the drums on different nights. Unbeknownst to the
upper crust, the largest drum, the Ogungbedundun
is the fabled Drum of Madness. This is not unknown
to the onigangan who plans to drive insane the ruling
elite in one mind-destroying performance. And then, he
will control them with the tiny Emesegangan, the Drum of
Great Disappearing Act
A young woman is attempting to hire a private detective to
investigate the murder of her boyfriend, a well-known stage magician.
The main problem is there is no evidence he is dead. There is no sign
of any struggle at his residence, and no body has been discovered even
though he has been missing for days. The girlfriend can only say that
she “feels” something terrible has happened and that she has been trying
to “get through to him” since his disappearance. The young woman
explains further that she is an amateur spiritualist, who is currently
learning how to make contact with the spiritual world.
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