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One of the advantages of designing games in
Washington state is the ready supply of rules-knowl-
edgeable gamers. During the design and development
of the Ghostwalk campaign, we spent a whole summer
playing through two of the adventures included in the
book. This weekly minicampaign allowed us to test not
only the adventures but also the game rules for the
setting. Playtester feedback helped shape the flavor of
Manifest and its environs, and the comments we
received often offered ideas and solved problems that
the designers had overlooked.
Unfortunately, not everything we wanted to include
would fit into the book. So without further ado, here
are some additional monster templates, feats, spells,
and magic items for the Ghostwalk campaign, plus an
adventure seed for you to develop and the full statistics
for the playtest characters. May all of these offerings
enhance your players’ experiences on the other side.
Design: Sean K Reynolds
Editing: Penny Williams
Typesetting: Nancy Walker
Design Manager: Ed Stark
Web Production: Julia Martin
Web Development: Mark A. Jindra
Graphic Design: Sean Glenn, Cynthia Fliege
Original Ghostwalk Playtesters: Jacob Bara-
Showronek, Brandi Domkowski, Steven Domkowski,
Fabian Guttge, Michelle Hudgens, Kevin Karty,
Jonathan Koppel, Ramus Pechuel, Daniel Pogoda, Scott
Quillin, Danyel Rohmann, Andreas Uhe, Andre Weber,
Chad Wilson, and Brad Wyble.
The RPGA Ghostwalk playtesters are not listed in the product, but we
want to thank them here for their valuable feedback.
Based on the original D UNGEONS & D RAGONS ® game by E.
Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and on the new edition of the
D UNGEONS & D RAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet,
Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, and Peter Adkison.
The following templates are new for the Ghostwalk
campaign. One is an acquired template that remains in
force only temporarily; the other is inherited.
A blood ghoul is a mortal creature temporarily altered
by the ingestion of a vampire’s blood. Though this act
compels the blood ghoul to serve the vampire that
provided it, many of these creatures actually enjoy their
roles and would willingly serve even without this
compulsion. Despite their connections with vampires,
blood ghouls are not themselves undead, nor are they
related in any way to the ghouls in the Monster Manual.
Blood ghouls cannot propagate their own kind; each is
created by a particular vampire. The transformation
usually lasts several days but may persist for weeks or
even months (see Spawning a Blood Ghoul, below).
Because they can move about freely in daylight,
blood ghouls serve as the eyes, hands, and guards of
their masters. In the Ghostwalk campaign, vampires
often dispatch blood ghouls to meet contacts and
arrange deals within the city, where undead are forbid-
den to go. Occasionally, vampires also use such servants
to protect their hidden lairs.
A blood ghoul looks the same as it did before its
transformation, except that its eyes tend to gleam with
an eerie red glow in low-light conditions. A typical
blood ghoul has a feral and sly demeanor and adopts a
posture that bespeaks stealth.
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The Temple of Redcliff is a short D&D adventure for four 10th-level characters. Consult
the Scaling the Adventure sidebar for ways to modify the scenario
for higher or lower levels of play.
This scenario can be incorporated into any style of campaign. Since the adventure
takes place in an abandoned temple and includes undead creatures, any party that
chooses to undertake the mission should include a cleric.
A blood ghoul understands whatever languages it
knew before its transformation.
Ghoul Rage (Ex): This ability works exactly like a
barbarian’s rage, except that the blood ghoul wolf ’s
Strength and Constitution scores each increase by only
+2, and the effect lasts for only 3 rounds. There is no
daily use limit for this ability, but each use of ghoul
rage subtracts one day from the template’s remaining
duration. The blood ghoul wolf can activate this ability
of its own free will, and it tends to do so whenever it
enters combat.
While a blood ghoul wolf rages, its mouth froths
with blood and its eyes become noticeably red in any
light. Its statistics change as follows: HD 2d8+8; hp 17;
AC 12, touch 10, flat-footed 10; Atk +4 melee (1d6+4,
bite); SV Fort +7, Will +3; Str 17, Con 19.
Turning Sensitivity: A blood ghoul wolf
cannot actually be turned, but if it is in the area of a
turning effect that is powerful enough to turn an
undead creature of 2 Hit Dice, it is dazed for 1 round. If
the turning effect would destroy an undead with 2 HD,
the blood ghoul wolf immediately loses the blood
ghoul template and is dazed for 1 round. All the normal
effects that occur when the template ends naturally
also apply to such a premature termination.
Scent (Ex): A blood ghoul wolf can detect
approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track
by sense of smell.
Skills: *A blood ghoul wolf receives a +4 racial
bonus on Wilderness Lore checks when tracking by
Sample Blood Ghoul
This example uses a wolf as the base creature.
Blood Ghoul Wolf
Medium-Size Animal
Hit Dice: 2d8+6 (15 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 50 ft.
AC: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 12
Attacks: Bite +3 melee
Damage: Bite 1d6+3
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Trip
Special Qualities: Empathic link, ghoul rage, low-
light vision, scent, turning sensitivity
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +1
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills: Hide +3, Listen +8, Move Silently +4, Spot +6,
Wilderness Lore +1*
Feats: Alertness B , Weapon Finesse (bite) B
Climate/Terrain: Any forest, hill, plains, and
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (7-16)
Challenge Rating: 2
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 3-5 HD (Large)
A blood ghoul wolf typically serves as a guard for its
master. It neither enjoys nor dislikes the service.
The eyes of a blood ghoul wolf gleam red in the
fading sun, and it appears leaner and hungrier than an
ordinary wolf.
Creating a Blood Ghoul
“Blood ghoul” is an acquired template that can be added
to any Medium-size or smaller corporeal animal or
humanoid (referred to hereafter as the base creature).
A blood ghoul has all the base creature’s statistics
and special abilities except as noted here. The transfor-
mation is temporary, lasting up to 1 week per Hit Die of
the vampire who provided the blood (see Spawning a
Blood Ghoul, below). The creature returns to its former
state when the duration expires, losing all effects of the
Size and Type: The base creature’s size and type
are unchanged.
Special Qualities: A blood ghoul retains the all
the base creature’s special qualities and gains those
described below.
Empathic Link (Su): A blood ghoul is treated as if
under the effect of the vampire’s domination ability,
though only basic commands (as noted in the dominate
person spell description) can be conveyed. If the vampire
is killed, the blood ghoul becomes confused (see the
D UNGEON M ASTER ’s Guide, page 84) until the duration of
A blood ghoul wolf makes effective use of its trip
attacks in conjunction with biting.
Trip (Ex): A blood ghoul wolf that hits with a bite
attack can attempt to trip the opponent as a free action
without making a touch attack or provoking an attack
of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent
cannot react to trip the blood ghoul wolf.
Empathic Link (Su): A blood ghoul wolf is
treated as if under the effect of its vampire master’s
domination ability, though only basic commands (as
noted in the dominate person spell description) can be
conveyed. If the vampire is killed, the blood ghoul
wolf becomes confused (see the D UNGEON M ASTER ’s
Guide, page 84) until the duration of the template
the template expires. This ability functions in the same
way for humanoid and animal blood ghouls.
Ghoul Rage (Ex): By drawing upon the corrupt power
within its body, a blood ghoul can choose to enter a
limited sort of rage. When this ability is activated, the
creature’s mouth froths with blood, and its eyes turn
red from increased blood flow. This ability works
exactly like a barbarian’s rage, except that the creature’s
Strength and Constitution scores each increase by only
+2, and the effect lasts for only 3 rounds, regardless of
the blood ghoul’s Constitution modifier. There is no
daily use limit for this ability, but each use of ghoul
rage subtracts one day from the template’s remaining
duration. Even animals with this template can activate
this ability of their own free will, and they tend to do so
whenever they enter combat.
Turning Sensitivity: Though a blood ghoul is not
undead, the vampiric blood within it recoils from the
positive energy used to turn or destroy undead. A blood
ghoul cannot actually be turned, but if it is in the area
of a turning effect that is powerful enough to turn an
undead creature of its Hit Dice, it is dazed for 1 round.
If the turning effect would destroy an undead with the
blood ghoul’s HD, the creature immediately loses the
blood ghoul template and is dazed for 1 round. All the
normal effects that occur when the template ends natu-
rally (see below) also apply to such a premature
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as
follows: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution.
Feats: A blood ghoul gains Alertness as a bonus
feat for the duration of the template.
To create a blood ghoul, a vampire must get the
target creature to ingest some of his undead blood.
Creating a blood ghoul does not harm or weaken a
vampire in any way.
The vampire can impose the template for a
total number of weeks equal to his Hit Dice, allo-
cating that time as desired among his blood ghoul
servants in increments of 1 week. For example, a
5-HD vampire could create up to five blood
ghouls, each lasting for 1 week. Alternatively, he
could create three blood ghouls that last 1 week
each plus a fourth that lasts 2 weeks, or one blood
ghoul that lasts 5 weeks, or any combination that
adds up to 5 weeks of time. He need not create all
his blood ghouls at once, but he must have at
least 1 week of duration available at the time he
creates a new blood ghoul; otherwise the attempt
fails. Each time 1 week of a blood ghoul’s template
duration passes, the vampire regains a week’s
worth of potential duration. Thus, when the first
week of a blood ghoul’s 2-week duration has
elapsed, the vampire regains 1 week of potential
A vampire may extend the length of a blood
ghoul’s service at any time by feeding her more of
his blood. Each such feeding extends the service by
one week, assuming that the vampire has a week’s
worth of duration available. If he has more than 1
week available, he may add as many weeks as
desired to one blood ghoul’s template through
multiple feedings, or he may divide the available
duration up among several blood ghouls (mini
mum extension 1 week), or he may use it to create
new blood ghouls.
Feeding a prospective or existing blood ghoul
takes 1 minute. Once the target is fed, she is nause-
ated for 1 minute while the undead blood works its
changes in her body. After this process is complete,
she gains the blood ghoul template and becomes a
willing servant of the vampire for 1 week. Normally,
this transformation is applied to already willing tar-
gets, or to charmed or helpless ones. If the target is
unwilling and able to resist, the vampire must pin
her during a grapple. Once she is pinned, the vam-
pire can use his next attack to force her (with a suc-
cessful grapple check) to ingest his blood. Upon
tasting vampire blood, the target must succeed at a
Will saving throw (DC equals the save DC of the
vampire’s other special abilities) or consume his
blood for the next minute. A successful saving throw
means the vampire must try again the next round
with another grapple check. This compulsion to
drink blood is a mind-affecting, compulsion effect.
When a blood ghoul loses this template by any
means (either through expiration or via turning sen-
sitivity; see above), she becomes fatigued. This con-
dition persists until she gets 8 hours of complete,
uninterrupted rest. If she was serving the vampire
against her will (in other words, if ingestion of the
vampire’s blood was the only thing compelling her
service), she is immediately freed from his control.
Losing the template does not, however, remove any
other control the vampire may exert over the former
blood ghoul (such as his natural domination ability
or a charm effect from a spell).
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1.
Climate/Terrain: Temperate forest
Organization: Solitary, pair, or grace (3–6)
Challenge Rating: 2
Alignment: Chaotic good
Advancement: 4–8 HD (Large)
Valicorns are the offspring of unicorns and horses or
other horselike creatures. They are rare except in
forests where the unicorn population has dwindled
below the level at which it can sustain itself. In the
Ghostwalk campaign, repeated attacks by undead and
yuan-ti over the centuries have winnowed the Spirit
Wood unicorns down to but a handful of individuals, so
those remaining have begun to take horses as mates.
Valicorns are normally foaled by awakened horses, but
in desperate times even a normal horse may bear or sire
a valicorn.
A valicorn resembles its horse parent, except that its
eyes are the color of the unicorn parent’s, and it has
slightly cloven hooves and a hard plate on its forehead
made of the same material as a unicorn’s horn. Valicorns
breed true with their own kind or with unicorns.
A valicorn’s attitude is much like that of a true
unicorn, though it is more likely to run for help than to
charge into battle with a powerful enemy. Valicorns
refuse to be tamed, although they make lasting friend-
ships with those of pure heart, just as unicorns do.
The hornplate from a valicorn’s forehead is worth up
to 100 gp in some markets, and it is used for the same
purposes that unicorn horns are. Those who trade in
such trophies are normally shunned by good creatures.
Valicorns understand Sylvan and Common, though
they cannot actually speak. Most are adept at respond-
ing through head gestures when they need to commu-
nicate with speaking creatures.
Swiftmanes are the offspring of unicorns and wild
horses. They often travel the Spirit Wood in pairs or
graces. Swiftmanes sometimes serve as mounts for
other protectors of the woodland.
A swiftmane usually attacks with its hornplate and
follows up with hoof attacks.
Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day— detect evil; 1/day—
cure light wounds , dimension door . Caster level 5th.
Immunities (Ex): Swiftmanes are immune to all
poisons and to charm and hold effects.
Protection from Evil (Su): This ability dupli-
cates the effects of the spell of the same name. It func-
tions continuously, and the swiftmane cannot suppress
the effect.
Scent (Ex): A swiftmane can detect approaching
enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of
Creating a Valicorn
“Valicorn” is an inherited template that can be added to
any equine animal of Small to Large size (hereafter
referred to as the base creature). Awakened creatures of
these kinds may also acquire the template. Normally,
the valicorn template is added only to ponies, light
horses (war or riding), or heavy horses (war or riding),
since unicorns find the idea of mating with anything
less horselike than these creatures repugnant.
A valicorn has all the base creature’s statistics and
special abilities except as noted here.
Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to
magical beast. Its size is unchanged.
AC: The base creature’s natural armor bonus
increases by +1.
Attacks: A valicorn gains an attack with its horn-
plate (a kind of head-butt) in addition to the base crea-
ture’s attacks. The hornplate becomes the creature’s
primary attack, and all other natural attacks except bite
become secondary. The valicorn cannot use the horn-
plate attack if it also bites in the same round. The
valicorn’s hornplate is treated as a +1 magic weapon,
though its power fades if it is removed from the valicorn.
Damage: The valicorn’s hornplate attack deals 1d4
points of bludgeoning damage plus the valicorn’s strength
bonus and the hornplate’s +1 enhancement bonus.
Sample Valicorn
This example uses a light horse as the base creature.
Swiftmane (Valicorn Light Horse)
Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 3d8+9 (22 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 60 ft.
AC: 15 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-
footed 13
Attacks: Hornplate +3 melee and 2 hooves -3 melee
Damage: Hornplate 1d4+2, hoof 1d4
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Immunities, low-light vision,
protection from evil, scent
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +3
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Skills: Listen +9, Spot +9
Feats: Alertness B
Special Attacks: A valicorn retains all the base
creature’s special attacks and gains those described
Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day— detect evil . 1/day— cure
light wounds , dimension door . Caster level 5th.
Special Qualities: A valicorn retains all the base
creature’s special qualities and gains those described
Immunities (Ex): Valicorns are immune to all poisons
and to charm and hold effects.
Protection from Evil (Su): This ability duplicates the
effects of the spell of the same name. It functions
continuously, and the valicorn cannot suppress the
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as
follows: +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, +2
Charisma. A valicorn has Intelligence 3d6 whether its
horse parent was normal or awakened.
Feats: A valicorn gains Alertness as a bonus feat.
Climate/Terrain: Temperate forest.
Organization: Solitary, pair, or grace (3-6).
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1.
Alignment: Always chaotic good.
Advancement: Up to 8 HD (same size as base
turning check. He rolls a 15 on the d20 and adds +0 for
his Charisma modifier and +4 for the extra use of turn-
ing, giving a total of 19. According to Table 8–16:
Turning Undead in the Player ’s Handbook, he can turn an
undead with Hit Dice less than or equal to 3 + his cleric
level, or 4 in this case. Success! He rolls his turning
damage on 2d6 and gets a 3, to which he adds +1 for his
level, +0 for his Charisma modifier, and +4 for the extra
turning use spent. His total is 8, which is just enough to
affect both ghouls. They ghouls retreat on their turn,
and on his next turn the cleric runs away to safety.
There is no limit to the number of uses of turn (or
rebuke) you can spend to improve a single roll; the
bonuses stack. The additional turning uses spent must
always be of the same type as the one to be improved.
For example, turn undead attempts cannot be spent to
improve one’s ability to turn fire creatures (granted by
the Water domain).
You can also spend uses of your own turn ability to
aid another’s turning attempt. In that case, you grant
the recipient a +4 bonus on his turning check for every
daily use of your turning ability that you spend in this
manner. To aid another’s turning attempt, you must use
a ready action. Uses of turn cannot be combined with
rebuke attempts, and vice versa.
The following additional feats are available to charac-
ters in the Ghostwalk campaign.
The traits from your elven ancestry are particularly
Prerequisites: Half-elf (nondrow).
Benefit: Your racial bonus on Listen, Search, and
Spot checks increases to +2. You gain an elf ’s ability to
notice secret doors just by passing them. Wizard is
always a favored class for you, as is your highest-level
You can combine multiple turn or rebuke attempts into
a single, more powerful attempt.
Prerequisites: Able to turn or rebuke undead
more than once per day.
Benefit: If you have more than one use of your
turn (or rebuke) ability remaining for the day, you can
spend additional uses of that ability to improve your
chances of success on a single attempt. You decide
whether or not to combine uses of your turning ability
in this way and how many uses you want to spend
before the turning check is rolled. For each additional
use of the ability that you spend in this manner, you
gain a +4 bonus on both your turning check and your
turning damage roll.
For example, suppose a 1st-level cleric with a
Charisma score of 10 has this feat. Confronted on a solo
adventure by two ghouls (each 2 HD with +2 turn
resistance), he decides to spend one additional use of
turning to improve his chances against these foes. He
marks off two turn attempts for the day and makes a
The following new spells are available to spellcasters in
the Ghostwalk campaign.
Evocation [Light]
Level: Brd 0, Clr 0, Drd 0, Sor/Wiz 0
Components: V, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: Object touched
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
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