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The Book of Hallowed Might, updated for v. 3.5
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A divine-magic sourcebook
By Monte Cook
Requires use of the Dungeons & Dragons® Core Books, Third Edition, published by Wizards of the Coast®, Inc.
This book utilizes updated material from the v. 3.5 revision.
Additional Credits
Editing and Production: Sue Weinlein Cook
v. 3.5 Updating Assistance: Mike Mearls
Cover Illustration: rk post
Interior Illustrations: Arne Swekel
Proofreading: Mark Ashton
Cover and Interior Page Design: Peter Whitley
Playtesters: Matthew Arieta, Jérôme Beaulieu, Michele Carter, Andy Collins, Sue Cook, Brenda Copping, Bruce Cordell,
Philippe Daigneault, Jesse Decker, Donovan Dufault, Mylène Dumais, Kelly Graham, Matt Locke, Marie-France Matte,
Erik Mona,Susan Patrick, Chris Perkins, Sean Reynolds, Del Shand, Nicolas Shand, and Keith Strohm
Special Thanks for Inspiration: Sue Cook, Stephen R. Donaldson, and the medieval Church
For supplemental material, visit Monte Cook’s Website: < >
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The Book of Hallowed Might
Table of Contents
Introduction: THE HAND OF THE GODS
Using This Book ...............................................3
Chapter Four: SPELLS
New Domain: Light ........................................34
Spell Lists .......................................................34
Spell Descriptions ........................................36
Aeonian Lantern...........................................................36
Angel’s Redoubt ............................................................37
Arathan’s Spiritual Soldier ........................................37
Armor Contingency .....................................................37
Audible Whisper ............................................................37
Bind With Plants...........................................................38
Blast of Castigation ....................................................38
Blazing Light.................................................................38
Blight Enemy .................................................................38
Burning Brand ..............................................................38
Carnivorous Defender ................................................39
Clarity of Mind .............................................................39
Confutation of the Demon ........................................39
Crystal Eruption ..........................................................40
Crystal of Reflection .................................................40
Crystal Shard ...............................................................40
Curse of Wounding .....................................................40
Divert Charge ...............................................................40
Ethereal Prison.............................................................41
Glory of the Beast .......................................................42
Grant Quarter (Bonds of Mercy) ..............................42
Halo of Glory ...............................................................42
Halo of Shelter ............................................................42
Heartglow .....................................................................43
Holy Shout.....................................................................43
Illuminated Weapon ....................................................43
Light of the Earth........................................................44
Pattern of Sibyllic Fate...............................................44
Peaceful Weapon ..........................................................45
Redemption From Evil Power......................................45
Redemptive Redress......................................................45
Resist Touch ..................................................................45
Return and Avenge .......................................................45
See No Evil .....................................................................46
Shield of Light .............................................................46
Sunfire Tomb .................................................................46
Touch No Evil................................................................46
Truth’s Wings ................................................................47
Unite Allies ...................................................................47
Vengeful Spell Resistance .........................................48
Watery Prison ...............................................................48
Waves of Light ..............................................................48
Wellspring of Soul’s Light.........................................48
Wild Stealth..................................................................49
Woodlands Prison .......................................................49
Divine versus Arcane ......................................4
Cleric Spells and Religion ...........................................4
Cleric Spells and Money ...............................................4
Clerics and Worldly Responsibilities ........................5
Sidebar: Religious Drift/Faithful Mistakes.................6
Competing Faiths, Same Alignment ............................6
Mythology and Doctrine ..............................................7
Sidebar: Raising the Dead Variants ...............................8
Uses for Consecrate/Desecrate ..................................8
Nonautomatic Remedies (Variant) ..............................8
Druids and Rangers ........................................9
Groves ..............................................................................9
Variant Ranger Class .....................................................9
Paladins ...........................................................12
Variant Paladin Class ...................................................13
Dedicated Paladins.......................................................16
Neutral Good Paladins................................................16
Chaotic Good Paladins................................................16
The Paladin’s Code ........................................................17
Alignment .......................................................18
Law ...................................................................................18
Chaos ..............................................................................18
Neutrality ......................................................................19
Examples .........................................................................19
Alignment Requirements (Variant) ...........................19
Alignment-Based Effects (Variant) ...........................19
Objects and Alignment................................................19
Blessed Prelate .............................................20
Hallowed Mage..............................................22
Sample NPC: Nactrina Onarsh, Blessed of Thalander .24
Knight of the Pale ........................................26
Chapter Three: FEATS
General Feats.................................................28
Accolade ........................................................................28
Adoubement ..................................................................29
Favored Enemy Critical Strike...................................29
Favored Enemy Strike ..................................................29
Redeem ...........................................................................29
Reform ...........................................................................29
Tempt ..............................................................................29
Blessed Feats .................................................30
Call Down Divine Wrath .............................................30
Devout Faith .................................................................30
Redeeming Grace .........................................................30
Vow of Chastity ............................................................30
Vow of Fidelity ..............................................................31
Vow of Obedience .........................................................31
Sidebar: Taking Vows .......................................................31
Vow of Poverty ..............................................................32
Vow of Silence ..............................................................32
Vow of Stability ............................................................32
Oath Feats .......................................................32
Oath of Combat.............................................................32
Oath of Fealty ...............................................................33
Oath of Magic ...............................................................33
Swear an Oath ...............................................................33
Sidebar: Oaths Without Feats .......................................33
Chapter Five: MAGIC ITEMS
Armor and Shield Special Abilities ...........50
Specific Shield................................................51
Weapon Special Abilities...............................51
Specific Weapons............................................51
Sidebar: Items With Other Alignments ......................52
Rings ................................................................52
Wondrous Items ............................................53
Chapter Six: CREATURES
Angels of the Elements ..............................54
Blessed Children...........................................57
Legal Appendix
Open Game License .......................................60
Introduction 3
The Hand of the Gods
The Book of Eldritch Might deals with the arcane. But the divine is just as potent a force. It is literally the might
of the gods manifest in a mortal realm—an immortal expression of intervention in a world where lesser beings
barely comprehend their own motives and existence, let alone those of deities.
simple spellcasters—they are the representatives of
the gods on earth. They not only have to worry
about the mechanics of spellcasting, but about what the
gods want them to do and how to best represent those
desires. They concern themselves with other worshippers
in their faith, and with maintaining and defending places
holy to their chosen patron(s). In many ways, it is more
challenging to be a practitioner of divine magic than of
From the DM’s point of view, having divine spellcasters
in a game is more work as well. More than other classes,
these individuals are tied directly to the campaign and the
details you have created involving cosmology, mythology,
and society. Still, it is worth the work. The player of the
divine spellcaster is the DM’s friend—he helps define the
world around the group of player characters (PCs). He rep-
resents the campaign’s bigger picture, even when the PCs
are simply exploring a dungeon or fighting off a tribe of
Despite this important role, divine casters sometimes
get short shrift in supplements devoted to new magic.
That’s why this book is specifically for them. In addition,
much of the content applies to the champions of good,
enhancing their power for the fight against vile evils. The
Book of Hallowed Might covers these topics:
Divine Spellcasters in Campaigns: Offers notes on
running clerics, variant ranger and paladin classes,
and a new optional alignment system
Prestige Classes: Presents three new prestige class-
es: the blessed prelate, hallowed mage, and Knight
of the Pale
Feats: Contains 20 new feats for divine spellcasters
and others, including two new types: the blessed feat
and the oath feat
Spells: Includes almost four dozen new spells plus a
description of the new Light domain
Magic Items: New armor, shields, weapons, rings,
and wondrous items
Creatures: Details the angels of the elements and
blessed children
Using This Book
This book is a new edition of the previously published
version of The Book of Hallowed Might. In this edition, we
have updated the material to conform to the v. 3.5 revi-
sion of the core rules, corrected a few typos, included
some material from Monte Cook’s website, and added a
new appendix with tips for using these feats, classes,
spells, items, and creatures with Monte Cook’s Arcana
Unearthed. Everything else in the book has stayed the
same—if you already have the previous edition of The
Book of Hallowed Might, this update does not invalidate
your version.
The material in this sourcebook is suitable for charac-
ters of all levels.
The Book of Hallowed Might was designed to be a com-
panion volume to The Book of Eldritch Might arcane magic
series from Malhavoc Press. Throughout this sourcebook,
the spells, items, feats, etc. introduced in this book are
marked with a single dagger (†). Otherwise, all references
to spells, feats, and other rules not otherwise marked are
from the v. 3.5 revision of the three Core Rulebooks: the
Player’s Handbook ,DMG, and MM.
Sidebars in most chapters offer special information and
guidelines for the DM.
Bonus source material and ideas to augment the infor-
mation in The Book of Hallowed Might appear on Monte
Cook’s website. Find the links to these free web enhance-
ments at the book’s product page online at the following
address: <>.
This sourcebook is protected content except for items
specifically called out as Open Game Content on the title
page. For full details, please turn to page 63. Open content
is not otherwise marked in the text of this book.
Those who can call down power channeled from the gods
command the very forces of creation. Let The Book of
Hallowed Might supercharge your divine spellcasters!
T hose who wield divine power are often more than
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Chapter One
Divine Spellcasters in Campaigns
Because divine spellcasters’ very nature requires them to have some source of power beyond themselves, they are more inher-
ently tied to the world created by the DM than other characters.
classes: cleric, ranger, druid, and paladin. It covers the
roles these divine casters play and offers some modifi-
cations that DMs can make to tailor them to a particular set-
ting (and vice versa).
Divine Versus Arcane
Arcane and divine magic have a variety of differences. Of
these, the source of power is the most obvious. While arcane
magic comes from manipulating the world and the forces
around the caster, divine spells come from a source beyond
the mortal practitioner.
Divine spellcasters manipulate positive and negative ener-
gy in ways that arcanists cannot. They use power to heal and
restore, to remove ailments and rid others of impurities and
poisons. While arcane magic can make a person stronger or
run faster, such manipulations are almost always temporary.
A divine spellcaster can repair a wound permanently, or
regrow a severed limb. From a certain point of view, although
divine and arcane magic can accomplish many of the same
things, one could say that arcane casters use their power to
change the laws of nature (usually temporarily), while divine
casters use those natural laws to their full advantage. For
example, both can give a creature greater endurance, but
while the arcanist accomplishes this by filling the creature
with unnatural energies, the divine spellcaster simply aug-
ments the physiology the creature already possesses.
Because their powers and methods are so different, cast-
ers suffer a –5 penalty to Spellcraft checks to identify spells
of the opposite type; characters who do not cast spells but
have ranks in Spellcraft should specify whether their knowl-
edge pertains more to the divine or the arcane. This is true
whether the character is observing spellcasting or using the
skill to identify magical writing (like a scroll). Multiclass
casters of both arcane and divine spells suffer no penalty.
More than other divine spellcasters, clerics affect the world
they live in—as much as or more than the world affects
them. The presence of a cleric in a setting changes how
people look at disease, injuries, poison, and even death.
Cleric Spells and Religion
Clerics get their spells from their faith and the power of their
deity. Thus, they fill their lives with the trappings, rituals,
and dogma of their respective religions. They are not just
wizards with different spells.
To reflect this fact, a DM is completely justified in adding
on house rules that ground cleric spells—particularly high-
level cleric spells—with the tenets of the cleric’s religion.
Examples include the following:
Alignment: If a cleric is to cure or raise a creature
whose alignment differs from or even opposes the
alignment of her deity, she must burn a special
incense of atonement and forgiveness, which costs
10 gp multiplied by twice the spell’s level.
Holy Days: A cleric can cast certain spells, such as true
resurrection , only on specific days sacred to his god. Only
on these days does the deity grant her greatest gifts.
Holy Ground: Certain spells can be cast only on
ground consecrated in the god’s name. Normally, this
means a functioning church or temple, but a cleric
can consecrate any area in a pinch.
Church Politics: Clerics, particularly mid- to high-level
clerics, hold a great deal of power in their hands. It may
not always be politically advantageous to the goals of
the church hierarchy to raise or cure certain individu-
als. Or, alternatively, they will do so only if certain con-
ditions are met. Even a lawful good church has to look
out for its own interests—a lawful good cleric does not
have to raise a well-known rabble rouser or trouble-
maker if he does not want to. And, of course, the
church decides who is and is not a “troublemaker.”
Cleric Spells and Money
Clerics have a monopoly on the resurrection of the dead, and
a virtual monopoly on curative magic and restorative magic
that undoes some of the terrible things that can befall a per-
son: disease, blindness, and so on.
It’s possible, if not likely, that clerics may choose a few
really important spells—like raise dead, resurrection , and,
perhaps most importantly, true resurrection —and demand a
greater amount of sacrifice to their god in the form of money
T his chapter discusses the various divine spellcaster
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